I18: Fiery Aura and your interest in the set.




I haven't played a fire character since my fire tank way before ED. I wasn't too impressed in closed beta with FA on a tank, even after the buffs. I plan on making an MA/Fire scrapper as my praetorian on Tuesday, just to see if the set's damage on a scrapper makes up for the lack of defensive mitigation. Having access to Shadow Meld will be very good for FA on a scrapper, and will help to allow me to get my damage on for the first few seconds of the fight before I start getting torn into. It will be a long road up to that point though.



Shadow Meld would be excellent, but for my build I'd have to get rid of Blazing Aura and Physical Perfection. Something I am not prepared to do anytime soon.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Shadow Meld would be excellent, but for my build I'd have to get rid of Blazing Aura and Physical Perfection. Something I am not prepared to do anytime soon.
You would have a problem getting rid of Physical Perfection? Why? Consume and Healing Flames pretty much make Physical Perfection completely redundant. I can see problems getting rid of Blazing Aura (though I'm not entirely sure why that's even close to being on the chopping block), but Physical Perfection is pretty easy to get rid of when you're using a set that already brings massive damage recovery and endurance assistance to bear.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
You would have a problem getting rid of Physical Perfection? Why? Consume and Healing Flames pretty much make Physical Perfection completely redundant. I can see problems getting rid of Blazing Aura (though I'm not entirely sure why that's even close to being on the chopping block), but Physical Perfection is pretty easy to get rid of when you're using a set that already brings massive damage recovery and endurance assistance to bear.
I really don't think Consume alone could help cover for Blazing Aura. Physical Perfection is essentially what enables my build to use Blazing Aura and with the IO set that I want in it. To date, I've never grabbed Physical Perfection for its Regeneration component either, so I'm not worried about that. See the build link I've posted earlier for further details.

Without any hint of sarcasm, go ahead and prove me wrong about Consume.

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Anyone know how often burn checks to hit a target: i.e. would a proc function better in burn or firey aura?

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



These changes still dont make the set remotely playable. Like Umbral was saying, Shields still simply outperforms it.

Besides Im a scrapper, my Primary deals the damage, my secondary keeps me alive. Fiery Auras jack of all trades and lack of KB protection on top of it makes it as bad as it was before. (Yes I know about IOs and I disagree with being forced into IOs to fix the weakness of a set thats still going to underperform compared to all the other sets)



Looking at builds in Mids and Excel, will probably make a Fiery Aura character as my first I18 alt, although I'm still confused at what Fiery Embrace actually does.

Is Shield better ? Yes. Would that answer also be "yes" comparing Shield against any other secondary ? You bet it would. So I don't really care about that.



The new Fiery Embrace adds 45% Fire damage straight to the attack, like a proc. If your attack deals 100 Damage, itll suddenly deal an extra 45 Fire Damage when you trigger it.

And Shields does have analogs in the game, Fiery Aura is just not one of them.



Well, you're wrong about Shield, so I'm crossing my fingers about you being wrong about FE too.

If it's like a proc, +45% unenhanceable damage would be pretty meh. I'm not so often at the damage cap to make it worth it. I hoped it'd be +45% base fire damage, enhanceable by +damage ; admittedly that might be borderline OPed.

Edit : I guess it wouldn't be so meh if it lasts 20 or 30s. Does it ?



I agree Shields still majorly outperforms FA. I agree the KB hole is ridiculous. I actually started a thread about it in the closed beta section. From a min/max standpoint there is no reason at all to play fire over shields. I'm still making a FA scrapper anyway. I have crazy karate guy with fire stuff idea, and I don't care if he sucks

In all reality, I do hope FA gets looked at again in the near future. It needs a little more to be on par with other sets.



Eh, I finally rolled a FM/FA Brute just because I like the effects of fire powers and there's something just purely evil about burning mobs. >

I've been play an SS/FA for a few weeks and now that I've got Foot Stomp slotted up, it's fun. Getting Burn (with the I18) changes is going to rock hard.



Man, I don't get the "if you need IOs the set sucks" people. I'm a latecomer to the world of defense base sets - I played mostly resistance and regen sets - and defense sets (like shields) BLOW until you've spent tons of money on IO sets. God help you if your primary doesn't have a heal (IE, you're not dark melee).

I find it less onerous to slot a -KB IO or two into FA than slotting dozens of expensive IOs into all sorts of powers I HAVE to six slot (even if I didn't want to!).

FA is a lot more functional at the SO level, IMO, than SR/Shield/etc. Resistance-based sets are easier to "gauge" incoming damage than defense sets. YMMV.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Armored ATs, in general, have too much status protection, much more than was intended and much more than is probably good for balance. Back when toggles dropped, that made sense, since mez was often a death sentence, especially on a tanker. Now that they fixed that, it would probably be much cooler if armored ATs status protection were less complete across the board.

I am not advocating for that change and I do not believe that change would ever occur. However, I would also not fight that change.
Personal opinion here - there's not been many things over the years I have felt they could do that would make me stop playing other than this.

When this game came out, I gravitated to melee ATs because they had status protection. I have always despised the wholly binary nature of being mezzed in this game. The fact that now toggles suppress doesn't change the binary nature I'm talking about - I'm referring to the fact that when my character is mezzed, I'm not playing the game. If mezzes were vastly less common, I might be able to accept it, but in general being mezzed without recourse is a death sentence, and one that happens far too often. There's a line between challenge and tedious annoyance factor, and for me, mezzes have always been well over that line on the annoyance side.

Now, squishies don't have mez protection, right? I do play squishies, but I make a habit of only playing squishies with tools that let them avoid frequent mezzing, usually through mezzes of their own and/or or heavy duty debuffs. Then I try to layer defense on top. If I can't do that, I tend not to play them for long, and being mezzed is the top of the list for why.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Well, you're wrong about Shield, so I'm crossing my fingers about you being wrong about FE too.

If it's like a proc, +45% unenhanceable damage would be pretty meh. I'm not so often at the damage cap to make it worth it. I hoped it'd be +45% base fire damage, enhanceable by +damage ; admittedly that might be borderline OPed.

Edit : I guess it wouldn't be so meh if it lasts 20 or 30s. Does it ?
It's enhanceable and affected by damage buffs.

Edit: That means that, if you have a 100 damage attack enhanced up to 195 damage, Fiery Embrace will add 87.75 damage instead of 45. It's 45% of the enhanced damage.

And, yes, it does last 20 seconds.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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Originally Posted by sprintstnyc View Post
Man, I don't get the "if you need IOs the set sucks" people. I'm a latecomer to the world of defense base sets - I played mostly resistance and regen sets - and defense sets (like shields) BLOW until you've spent tons of money on IO sets. God help you if your primary doesn't have a heal (IE, you're not dark melee).

I find it less onerous to slot a -KB IO or two into FA than slotting dozens of expensive IOs into all sorts of powers I HAVE to six slot (even if I didn't want to!).

FA is a lot more functional at the SO level, IMO, than SR/Shield/etc. Resistance-based sets are easier to "gauge" incoming damage than defense sets. YMMV.
If your Shields or SR character 'Blows' before IOs then youre just not doing it right. I gravitate to defense sets because I cant stand how crappy everything else is anymore. Except on the ITF, but layered mitigation ftw.

I also meant it activated like a proc in the sense that it triggered orange numbers along side your current orange numbers, not as in its unenhanceable and whatnot.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
If it's like a proc, +45% unenhanceable damage would be pretty meh. I'm not so often at the damage cap to make it worth it. I hoped it'd be +45% base fire damage, enhanceable by +damage ; admittedly that might be borderline OPed.
It's enhanceable via +damage. That's one of the whole points of the change. Operating at high buffs shoots the new FE's performance well, well, past the old one. This also makes it very nice for Brutes.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My Fire/Fire tanks says thanks for making me close to what I was originally. My Spines?Fire Scrapper laughs and says you dont realize what you have done.. muahahahahahahaha

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by sprintstnyc View Post
Man, I don't get the "if you need IOs the set sucks" people. I'm a latecomer to the world of defense base sets - I played mostly resistance and regen sets - and defense sets (like shields) BLOW until you've spent tons of money on IO sets. God help you if your primary doesn't have a heal (IE, you're not dark melee).

I find it less onerous to slot a -KB IO or two into FA than slotting dozens of expensive IOs into all sorts of powers I HAVE to six slot (even if I didn't want to!).

FA is a lot more functional at the SO level, IMO, than SR/Shield/etc. Resistance-based sets are easier to "gauge" incoming damage than defense sets. YMMV.
You are most definitely welcome to your opinion.

I believe shields is good without IOs. Against all odds and shield charge don't require capped defenses to destroys entire spawns before they even get a chance to hit you. Shields also has a lot more going for it than just damage and defense. It has a decent smashing/lethal resist in a toggle you always have on anyway for defense, it has good mez protection, it has a very good +HP passive ability and a T9 that isn't based around you being dead, although I'm not really a fan of any T9 "uber powers" with a crash anyway.

You also say that slotting a KB proc or two is cheaper than slotting expensive sets to get defense capped. I'll agree with you there, KB IOs are not very expensive. But comparing a /fire scrapper with a couple KB IOs to a defense capped /shield scrapper is a little ridiculous, which I'm sure you understand. The way you worded it was just a little awkward for me. Sure the /shield costs a lot, but you get what you pay for. Honestly my planned MA/Fire scrapper is going to cost twice as much as my defense capped Elec/Shield, and it still won't perform equally. I'm going into this fully understanding that. But there's just something appealing about ninja kicking dudes in the face while setting them on fire that is just too hard for me to resist.

An SOed out /shields MAY be only a little more powerful than an SOed out /FA depending on the situation, but the sad truth is that IOs are a large part of this game. Ignoring that fact is a little ridiculous at this point in the game. I play with quite a few people who won't even start a character without an IO build in mind. I have a fire tank from back in the day I can't even touch anymore, because there's really no reason to play him over my shield scrapper. He kills this faster and is more survivable. I'm hoping the changes to fire will be more noticeable on a scrapper.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I really don't think Consume alone could help cover for Blazing Aura. Physical Perfection is essentially what enables my build to use Blazing Aura and with the IO set that I want in it. To date, I've never grabbed Physical Perfection for its Regeneration component either, so I'm not worried about that. See the build link I've posted earlier for further details.

Without any hint of sarcasm, go ahead and prove me wrong about Consume.
Consume is now +5% recovery per foe hit for 30 seconds, enhanced by slotting, on top of the 20 +end fer foe. PP is 12.5% recovery, flat. How those balance out are going to depend on how you slot them (including PS procs, if any), how often you use Consume, and how many foes you hit on average.

On a build I have that's not very tweaked for recharge (not where I want it to be, certainly) I have Consume on a 75s recharge not counting Hasten.

Honestly, I don't use Consume often at all on that character, and that's a Stone/FA Brute. The only time I can run that Brute out of end is when I get drained or stand toe-to-toe with hard targets and spam my attacks non-stop. Some how I do that is having four sets of Impervium Armor slotted, but I'm considering turning some of those into Gladiator's Armor (for slot "free" KB protection) and letting the new Consume pick up the slack in EPS recovery. (Edit: That change only loses EPS through reduction in max end - GA actually has the same +recovery.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



It's enhanceable and affected by damage buffs.

Edit: That means that, if you have a 100 damage attack enhanced up to 195 damage, Fiery Embrace will add 87.75 damage instead of 45. It's 45% of the enhanced damage.

And, yes, it does last 20 seconds.
Awesome, thanks !

KM/Fire it is then.



Calamity I have seen several posts by you lately hovering around the same topic of discussion. Fire does have some holes. Those holes however are by design because Fire Armor was always designed with them to offset the fact that it is a far more offensive set than all the other defensive melee primaries. Shield is a late comer to the game as far as offensive powers go and that power is getting reduced tomorrow aka " nerfed " although I think its more balanced than anything.

Fire Armor has more energy resistance that other sets, it obviously has the best resistance to fire. It doesnt have the resists to smashing lethal that other sets have making tough more of a requirement and it has no defense.

However it does have a massive heal which can literally heal you for half your hit point about every 15-20 seconds with a half decent recharge build. Burn now that it is closer to the original power with help fire melee toons defeat foes faster and dead foes are the ultimate mitigation. Fiery Embrace allows you to effective have TWO build up type powers in a build which you can alternate for a consistent buff to your damage and NOW it works across Primary, Secondary and APP powers as well.

The KB hole really is such a small issue now and it is so easily fixed its not even funny. You CAN spend a few million for an IO. You can also get the same IO for FREE from drops, from AE ticket rolls and MERITS. So the devs have made several ways to fill that holes relatively EASILY.

I would be FAR more concerned about the lower resistance to Smashing and Lethal than anything else in Fire Armor.

And we havent even talked about IO's yet. My Fire/Fire who is expensive has 35% melee defense, some resistance to Psi and defense to Psi and with all the Numina and Miracles and other stuff in his build actually dropped Consume to pick up Conserve Power and Physical Perfection.

Sure there are tanks that can tank things EASIER and are far less squishy.. But my Fire/Fire can get the job done with the best of them and can defeat foes FAR faster than all of them.

Personally I think you are a guy who may just like defense based sets more than resistance based sets and there is NOTHING wrong with that !!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I Im pretty positive Fire has the Same Energy/Neg Res as S/L, it caps to Fire and loses out to Cold Res as its weakness.

However the KB hole in exchange for damage doesnt really balance out regardless. We know that Fiery Aura loses some mitigation in exchange for damage, in the end though Mitigation is required to deal damage, and without the base mitigation there, the set just underperforms.

And yes, you CAN IO to fix the KB Hole, but its never as good as having 10000% KB Resistance on top of it to shut down *all* incoming KB. Not having the KB res doesnt matter for 90% of the game because its not common to encounter much KB above mag 4, but the instances where it does happen is where it matters most: Like the STF or other AV situations.

The middle line of performance that everyone achieves is for the most part acceptable. Its when you get into extremes that you see sets absolutely surpassing others. Why would I logically IO a Fire over a Shields? The difference in high end capability is what most people strive to bring into line anymore, cause hardly any armor sets underperform in general PvE.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Consume is now +5% recovery per foe hit for 30 seconds, enhanced by slotting, on top of the 20 +end fer foe.
Is the duration on the recovery buff really 30 seconds? It was only 15 seconds the last time I played with it (and I am pretty sure the blaster version was 15 seconds as of Saturday the 14th).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Is the duration on the recovery buff really 30 seconds? It was only 15 seconds the last time I played with it (and I am pretty sure the blaster version was 15 seconds as of Saturday the 14th).
Hm, if the updated Mids is to be trusted (all I can check currently) you're correct. I'm not sure where I got 30 seconds from.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Civility View Post
Not having the KB res doesnt matter for 90% of the game because its not common to encounter much KB above mag 4, but the instances where it does happen is where it matters most: Like the STF or other AV situations.
I just ran a STF with my Kat/FA scrapper. Getting sent flying occasionally was the least of my concerns and that is despite the fact that our team left the blue tower up while we killed Recluse. I got knocked back, I ran back at Recluse. No big problem.

The fact that I had a blinky red health bar was much more disconcerting.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.