Discussion: Upcoming Forum Changes



This is the discussion thread for the announcement found here.




I can live with those changes.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."




Now how will I get my daily dose o' gettin' trolled?


"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



No more neg rep from Sister Psyche? Shame.



Gonna miss Reputation a little bit, but oh well.

Otherwise, I like the board merges. Is PvP going to be moved to a different sub-category then since it'll be one board instead of a group of boards now?



I think it's a bad idea to stop non-CoH game discussion in the CaH/V Culture forum. That was tried once before and went over very badly.

Other than that, the changes are fine.



Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
I think it's a bad idea to stop non-CoH game discussion in the CaH/V Culture forum. That was tried once before and went over very badly.

Other than that, the changes are fine.
This too. I can understand not wanting Political/Religious threads, but if the community is interested in also discussing other games, even if they are the competition's, I think it's only fair to let them. CaH/V Culture is essentially the off-topic forum, afterall.



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
This too. I can understand not wanting Political/Religious threads, but if the community is interested in also discussing other games, even if they are the competition's, I think it's only fair to let them. CaH/V Culture is essentially the off-topic forum, afterall.
I don't wanna be the one to have to tell Marcian Tobay that Glee threads might not be allowed anymore...



That CoH Culture section rule does seem kinda strange - does that mean that only comic books and comic books movies will be allowed to be discussed there?

EDIT: I see sci-fi and fantasy stuff is still ok.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'll miss tags, they are oftentimes the best thing about a thread.

I disabled rep after it was made completely pointless, nice to see it finally getting put out of its misery.

The impending forum combinations make more sense than pitching the IO forum into the cage of the market forum.

Not sure how restricting what people can talk about in the culture forum will result in less work for mods than wrangling threads that go sour, but whatever. Maybe it'll cut down on the volume of thread spam Lord of Time generates.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Though most of the changes are fine, I would also like to voice my disappointment in the changes to the CaH/VC forum. That forum is the primary reason I keep coming to these boards even when I'm not doing a lot of playing.

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I don't like it personally, but I understand why the devs would want the City of Heroes forums to be focused on... Well, City of Heroes. As it stands, very few people really use this forum, and a lot of people playing the game are clueless about quite a number of things as a result.

I will miss the character of the forum personally, but it's not like I'm not used to moving on at this point, and I'm probably feeling a tinge over-dramatic. Warkupo's do not like change; we are sticks in the mud.



Works for me!



Boo: Comic/Culture changes.

Yay: Rest of it.

Perhaps just change Comic/Culture to 'Off Topic'?

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Seriously the Comic/Culture idea is a bad one. Tighten up on getting the so called offensive stuff off but let us have the rest.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
Boo: Comic/Culture changes.

Yay: Rest of it.

Perhaps just change Comic/Culture to 'Off Topic'?
^^^^This. Please reconsider the changes to CaH/V Culture. Something similar was tried two years ago and luckily was (mostly) retracted.

I can see Westley's Paragon Unleashed getting a boost in membership if these changes are allowed to go through as they're stated.