Day Job Badges (21 Days)




Hello kind community.
This may be a dumb question, but when it says these badges are achieved after being logged out for 21 days, it doesn't mean they have to be 21 consecutive days does it?

I'm assuming it's cumulative from all the times that that character has been logged out at that particular day job location, but I couldn't find a definitive answer.

I just wanted to make sure before I logged back into one of my alts and reset the timer or something hehe.

I hope that makes sense.



Makes perfect sense.

Yes, you get "credit" for all the time you are logged out at a location, so you could log out for a day, log in and play for a little while and log out back at the same location and will get the badge after 20 days (well, 20 days plus your cumulative play time)

In short, you are fine logging them in and playing them, badgewise.

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Well thank you Ullikummis.

LOL Kheldarn, I would give Ulli my cookies if I had any :/



BTW, Positron advised that the logged out time is tracked in SECONDS. You can check your exact percent progress, log out a few minutes, then log back in to confirm progress. You need to log out for about 3 minutes to progress by .01% - the smallest increment the display will show.

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FYI: with the Vanguard day job badge, after they removed the level restrictions from the hazard zones, you can earn time on it as a lowbie. However, you won't get the badge until your character turns 35.

I didn't notice this fact on one of my lowbies alts that is semi-retired except to play the Market. Everytime I log it in, I'd think "oh, just a bit more" and continue to the Market. After what must have been over a month, I started to wonder if there might be a bug. I was just about to write up a petition until I re-read the badge info. So, keep it in mind for your lowbies.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Ulli is correct. Of course, you now owe him all of your cookies.

Minus 1, as he said 20 days instead of 21.
He said 20 because it started "log out for a day", so you'd have to log out for 20 more days after that to earn the badge.



I'm assuming it doesn't have to be 21 consecutive days of one particular day job without logging out in any of the others.

Also. Idle question. Does it count only time when you're logged out, or is time when you're logged in but just sitting there count?



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'm assuming it doesn't have to be 21 consecutive days of one particular day job without logging out in any of the others.
Yep, you can change location every day, hour or minute if you really, really want to and it's all cumulative.

Also. Idle question. Does it count only time when you're logged out, or is time when you're logged in but just sitting there count?
Only logged out time, not idle or afk time.

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Just a word of warning...

If there is an event going on in the zone you are logging out in (Rikti Invasion, Zombie Apocolypse, or Banners), you will not get credit for the day job and all that logged out time is wasted.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Just a word of warning...

If there is an event going on in the zone you are logging out in (Rikti Invasion, Zombie Apocolypse, or Banners), you will not get credit for the day job and all that logged out time is wasted.
It doesn't matter what is going on when you log out. It only checks for progress when you log in. It checks for a day job badge location temp power, and then it checks how long it's been since your last logout. It then adds that to your badge credit.

If you log in to an event that removes day job badge location temp powers, *then* you don't get credit. But if you log in with the day job badge location temp power, you get credit regardless of what's going on.

This can also be evidenced by the fact if you zone into your base from the base portal and then log out, you get credit. But if you use a base teleport power from the middle of nowhere, zone into your base, then log out, you won't get credit when you log back in because it puts you back in the middle of nowhere where you were before going to your base. It doesn't matter how/where you log out. Only where you log in.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It doesn't matter what is going on when you log out. It only checks for progress when you log in. ... If you log in to an event that removes day job badge location temp powers, *then* you don't get credit.
So if I have a toon that's been idle for a year and happen to log in during a zone event, that whole year of credit goes poof?

That's ... stinky. :P



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
So if I have a toon that's been idle for a year and happen to log in during a zone event, that whole year of credit goes poof?

That's ... stinky. :P
Pretty much. Aggelakis is correct.



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
So if I have a toon that's been idle for a year and happen to log in during a zone event, that whole year of credit goes poof?

That's ... stinky. :P
Most, if not all, day job rewards have an upper limit at least per logout anyways. Think after a month long logout, you stop accumulating credit on the power.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Most, if not all, day job rewards have an upper limit at least per logout anyways. Think after a month long logout, you stop accumulating credit on the power.
Before getting the badge, the most you can accumulate is 21 days. This grants you the badge when you log in, even if you were logged out for 222221 days.

After getting the badge, the most you can accumulate (for day job power charges/durations) is ten days. This grants you the max charges/duration when you log in, even if you were logged out for 2222221 days.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.