Issue 17 - Patch Notes 1800.201006040036.5Tr




Why is it at 8:17 am Thursday, 7/1/2010, more than 48 hours since the upload was loaded the patch notes have still not been posted to the patch notes page of the website?

When I start up the client and find it updating, the first thing I do is click the link to the patch notes to see what is part of the update. It is never there. It seems to me, as an experienced developer, that the updating of the patch notes page on the website should be a step in the update process and be completed prior to releasing the client updates to the world. Notice of Server side only updates would be nice too, but since we have no way of knowing if server side only updates were loaded during any given downtime the posting of these updates could only be needed if they changed a portion of game play that is noticeable to the players.



I'm guessing that the people who write the patch notes are not the same people who are programming the patch. Therefore, delays can occur, and sometimes the notes are not complete. This happens. While I understand people being frustrasted about not knowing what was in a patch for various reasons, I think that some of the level of expressed aggravation has been just a tad over the top.

Back when I first started playing this game (I7 or so?), it might be days before you saw patch notes - or you might not get them at all. I'm not saying that means it is ok to go back to that, just that, well, 10 hours is really not a long time to wait for notes. It may even be that they DID have to wait for an "approved" version - maybe there was something in there that was sensitive enough that there had to be discussion as to whether or not to include it.

Remember, patience is a virtue (no, not THAT Virtue!)...


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



I understand that delays can happen in the updates, but they were published in the discussing forum 10 hours after the update was loaded and yet they still are not on the patch notes page on the website. It is not a matter of approval or completion of the information, just someone not doing their job to maintain the site where the company intends for us to look for the information.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Are we that bored that a slight delay in posting patch notes causes this much grief?

Does your game still play after the patch? If the answer is yes, what's been changed isn't a big deal. If you can no longer play, that's the time for griping about the notes.

Perspective and priorities, folks. Time for some of both, perhaps.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
A friend of mine can play again; before, there was a twenty minute time period before her laptop crashed. Now, it's just very very laggy, graphically.

So there's more in this patch than has been posted. Possibly a lot more.
I had a similar problem. I was doing a trial run last weekend and when playing i couldn't see my character in the creator(or in game for my brief amounts of time) and when I booted up the game it was horribly laggy on the recommended settings. Last night when I logged in everything was perfectly fine and it was running just like it did in the good ole days.



Originally Posted by MadisonDan View Post
I understand that delays can happen in the updates, but they were published in the discussing forum 10 hours after the update was loaded and yet they still are not on the patch notes page on the website. It is not a matter of approval or completion of the information, just someone not doing their job to maintain the site where the company intends for us to look for the information.
I guess I look at it this way: NCSoft and Paragon Studios have no legal obligation to tell us anything about what it is they fixed or changed ... patch notes are a courtesy, and if they don't show up until later than "expected" I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch about it. I'm glad they share what they do share with us, and I'll be patient until they put it wherever they decide to put it. <shrug> Your mileage may vary ...


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



Why is it titled Issue 17 and not with the date? Issue 17 was 2 months ago.

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Because the more obscure the title, the less likely anyone is to realize that they aren't the overdue, most recent patch notes.

And which date would they use? The date the patch went live or the date the patch notes were posted.

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Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
I guess I look at it this way: NCSoft and Paragon Studios have no legal obligation to tell us anything about what it is they fixed or changed ... patch notes are a courtesy, and if they don't show up until later than "expected" I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch about it. I'm glad they share what they do share with us, and I'll be patient until they put it wherever they decide to put it. <shrug> Your mileage may vary ...

true, except its more of a back handed courtesy when they A) are put up sometimes days after the patch and B) aren't all inclusive. I wouldn't mind them taking 10+ hours if they did include everything.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



For everyone who either hasn't been around long enough to know or hasn't cared enough to remember, patch notes in CoX are generated when whichever dev checked in a fix writes the thing while checking in said fix. They always refused to post exploit fix descriptions on the Test server and sometimes people forget to type up (or mistype) a description of a fix when they check it in. Those typed up notes included in their fixes are then compiled and reviewed and then posted.

For the record, I'm not seeing any graphical changes when I'm in game. Doesn't mean they're not there, but running at the level I've been running at hasn't shown any changes to me.

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Originally Posted by Kung Ru View Post
For everyone who either hasn't been around long enough to know or hasn't cared enough to remember, patch notes in CoX are generated when whichever dev checked in a fix writes the thing while checking in said fix. They always refused to post exploit fix descriptions on the Test server and sometimes people forget to type up (or mistype) a description of a fix when they check it in. Those typed up notes included in their fixes are then compiled and reviewed and then posted.

For the record, I'm not seeing any graphical changes when I'm in game. Doesn't mean they're not there, but running at the level I've been running at hasn't shown any changes to me.
I haven't been around long enough Sir, but I can't agree with your reasoning. I actually found a "red name" (I think it was Back Alley Brawler, but I'm not positive now) post last night though that admitted they were not doing right by the players in getting the patch notes out so slowly and were trying to do better about it.

Also, to quote GMan3 earlier in this thread "It is MY computer that is being updated, I would like to know in a basic way what is happening. I don't find that unreasonable and neither should you if you think a little more about it . . ." His reasoning is pretty good, it may be their game, but it is my computer.

I really don't think anyone cares about the exploit fixes being listed on the test server, but most of the rest of the fixes should be. After all, it really shouldn't be too hard since they are working off a "list" of problems to begin with. A little cut and paste, then clean it up and post it.



CoH is the only game were I install a patch without knowing what's in it. It annoys the heck out of me. I like to know what exactly changed up front so I know if it has any effect on my characters, I also like to check out any changes as soon as I log in, to see if they're working as intended.

Huge issue? No.
Annoying as heck? Yes.

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Before-hand you're unlikely to get. There's too many times they've tried to implement something and it fails and goes "back in the box" for more work. And that's not even counting the times they've had to actually delete patches after a few hours on Live.

Dec out.



Don't know when this was fixed, but my thug pets are zoning correctly while I'm teamed (they weren't the last time I played the character a couple of weeks ago). If this is truly a fix and not my imagination, thank you. It was quite an annoying bug.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Don't know when this was fixed, but my thug pets are zoning correctly while I'm teamed (they weren't the last time I played the character a couple of weeks ago). If this is truly a fix and not my imagination, thank you. It was quite an annoying bug.
I am not sure when they got this "mostly" fixed, but it still happens to me rarely. I can't seem to pinpoint any particular times it always happens so I haven't reported it yet.