26 -
Sunday and Monday I added my 11th and 12th level 50 to my stable of heroes.
They are Dark Forest a Dark/Dark/Dark Corruptor and Canon Fodder a Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes Brute.
They join the following
XYZZY (Empathy/Psychic Blast Defender)
Blue Rhino (Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker)
69 (Energy/Devices Blaster)
Swirling Star (Broadsword/Super Reflexes Scrapper)
Luddite Wizard (Illusion/Empathy Controller)
Atomic Dryad (Plant Control/Radiation Emission Controller)
Dark Daniel (Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrapper)
Agent 014 (Dual Pistols/Devices Blaster)
Freiheit (Shield Defense/Electric Melee Tanker)
Sokmonkey Messiah (Storm Summoning/Assault Rifle Defender)
Many thanks to all my friends and former teammates who helped me achieve this milestone. -
I have never put much stock in player guides, but after reading this, I inspired to take this teaching to heart and use it constantly as I play.
round 1 was incredible a 430% ROI
1. @Sirken
2. @Mr. Ultimate
3. @Symar 100m
4. Anonymous
5. @XYZZY - 100mil +
6. -
Please get well soon so we can play together
I will not be available this afternoon to play due to a Doctor's Appointment
Please get well.
Come back when you can.
Speedy Delivery -
I was there at 1 and once again found myself alone. I think Sokkeroo is still on vacation.
I like the idea of the team. With the departure of Capa from it could we change the schedule to play Monday evenings instead of the afternoon
Speedy Delivery -
I will not be able to make it due to doctor appointment.
Speedy Delivery
P.s, Sokkerroo is on vacation so he will not be present either -
Reminder that the team starts at 2 pm Eastern/ 1 pm Central. Several of us cannot make it before that time.
Speedy Delivery -
Sorry I was not present yesterday. My cable TV and internet access stopped working between 7:30 am and 10:30 am on Monday and did not come back until 12:15 pm Tuesday. I am still waiting for the repair people to show up for their appointment.
I am sorry I missed the TF. I will try to get it done this week.
Speedy Delivery aka @XYZZY aka MadisonDan -
We had a very small turn out today, only 3. We miss the rest of you. As far as I know this is the current team roster. Today we did our costume and cape missions.
Sarind2 - @fireldy - 20
Jenny Ace - @Morr Gan
Penny Sillin - @Shutter2 - 21
Sokkeroo - @Cap'n Sokmonkey - 20
Speedy Delivery - @XYZZY - 20
P'thaqein - @Capa Devans - 22
Atomic Burp
Sheathed Justice
Sith'ari - @Shirken
Please come next Monday, August 30, 2010 at 1 pm CDT -
Due to Extended maintenance we have decided to cancel this weeks team meeting see you on the 23rd
Speedy Delivery -
Today's team went very well, we had 5 people show up (4 for the entire time, and 1 who left early, and 1 who arrived late). Most of us made at least level 20 today.
We finished the Jim Temblor and Penelope Yin story arcs in Faultline, We did the Skyway Safeguard mission and will be picking up with Doc Delilah next week.
We would like to see the rest of the team come back as soon as they can.
Speedy Delivery -
Sokeroo and I made level 15, we finished my contacts in the Hallows and I did not get the COT trial contact, we finished flux for Sokerroo and a Windicot for Capa.
I think we are all about the same level as the rest of you, since we were leveling slower due to leveling compact.
I understand the need to deal with Real Life, and it was very nice of you to post us a warning you might be late or a no show.
It would be nice if other 4 players would have let us know what was happening. -
The group was partially successful, sokerroo and I played for about 2 hours before he logged cause of map server issues. Capa joined us late and had to leave early.
The rest were no shows and with the exception of morrgan without any warning.
Speedy Delivery -
I asked, it is new toons
Speedy Delivery -
I rolled my character - His name is Speedy Delivery and is a Kin/Archery and is in Outbreak.
I hope we are all starting there to get the Isolator Badge.
Also, I think it might be a good idea to setup leveling packs in the group so that in case one or more of use cannot make it during the scheduled time we will be able to keep up.
Speedy Delivery
I understand that delays can happen in the updates, but they were published in the discussing forum 10 hours after the update was loaded and yet they still are not on the patch notes page on the website. It is not a matter of approval or completion of the information, just someone not doing their job to maintain the site where the company intends for us to look for the information.
Why is it at 8:17 am Thursday, 7/1/2010, more than 48 hours since the upload was loaded the patch notes have still not been posted to the patch notes page of the website?
When I start up the client and find it updating, the first thing I do is click the link to the patch notes to see what is part of the update. It is never there. It seems to me, as an experienced developer, that the updating of the patch notes page on the website should be a step in the update process and be completed prior to releasing the client updates to the world. Notice of Server side only updates would be nice too, but since we have no way of knowing if server side only updates were loaded during any given downtime the posting of these updates could only be needed if they changed a portion of game play that is noticeable to the players. -
The Luddite Wizard would be interested in joining.
Don;t remember where I was zoning from, it occurred the day the update was sent providing dual pistols to the production servers. I assumed it was part of that, since it said to post it on the beta bug forum, and I was on production system, I put it here cause I did not have access to the beta forums.