Post your Mutation Pack pictures!




Ok so my Plant/rad Aussie Fauna went from this:

to this....

not big changes but I do like the new look!



Are the glowey eyes attached to a specific face, or can we put them on any face we want?
What are they under?

(Will buy Mutant Pak just for proper glowey eyes... unless I gotta used a busted up face to use them...)



Originally Posted by Bru_Tal View Post
Are the glowey eyes attached to a specific face, or can we put them on any face we want?
What are they under?

(Will buy Mutant Pak just for proper glowey eyes... unless I gotta used a busted up face to use them...)
Organic Armor is the face you're looking for.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

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Another character:

Miss BeeHavin'

Stingers are the ready!

Don't call her "honey"... or else!

Flies like a butterfly, stings like a... bee.

Attack me, I dare ya!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Curse this stupid mutant pack. I thought that this pack didn't even seem like a mutant pack till I remembered my only mutant origin character the Malvolent Xenomorphic Azahoth could use it.

Original Design

To this



Now that's what we call a badass transformation. That is an excellent new look for him!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Yeah thats what I thought supposedly in the next update they will be adding the tails and weapons (which I hope include claws) and hopefully for the love of things unholy monsterous feet.



I find it amusing that the Mutant pack is more versatile for magical or mythological creatures than for actual mutants.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
I find it amusing that the Mutant pack is more versatile for magical or mythological creatures than for actual mutants.
You are not the only one... But they do look very good.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I'm interested to hear why they consider this a Mutation Pack rather than a Demon Pack. Surely there must be some sort of theme underlying it.
It's only seeming to be a demon pack cause it's mostly characters who ALREADY WERE DEMONS adding glow to themselves. Again, bAss has shown many times over how diverse and mutative these pieces can be. Also Dave has already said what the art team was thinking behind the creation of this and it makes perfect sense that this is one take on mutations.

Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
But basically, mutation's all about biological change, and we wanted to give players two distinct flavors of that and to make the parts as broadly usable as possible.

Bioluminescent represents the change-from-within concept of posthumanity: with these parts, your hero or villain is clearly changing at a genetic level and doing so in style--with tintable glows that really pop in dark environments.

Organic Armor represents change-from-without. With these parts, you can acheive a carapace/exoskeleton look, as if your character is growing a new skin or shell or perhaps being taken over by a symbiotic entity. And for added visual punch, you get the tintable glows here too.

As a set, the Mutant pack gives you the abilty to make new heroes or villains to fit a fairly wide range of aestheic types: alien-corrupted, hell-spawn, genetic freak--all of that's doable with this set. And with 2 tails, wings, and sword, there's a cherry on top.



Sword? What sword?

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Originally Posted by [B
David Nakayama[/B]]But basically, mutation's all about biological change, and we wanted to give players two distinct flavors of that and to make the parts as broadly usable as possible.

Bioluminescent represents the change-from-within concept of posthumanity: with these parts, your hero or villain is clearly changing at a genetic level and doing so in style--with tintable glows that really pop in dark environments.

Organic Armor represents change-from-without. With these parts, you can acheive a carapace/exoskeleton look, as if your character is growing a new skin or shell or perhaps being taken over by a symbiotic entity. And for added visual punch, you get the tintable glows here too.

As a set, the Mutant pack gives you the abilty to make new heroes or villains to fit a fairly wide range of aestheic types: alien-corrupted, hell-spawn, genetic freak--all of that's doable with this set. And with 2 tails, wings, and sword, there's a cherry on top.
Okay, I can see this point, and say this is a mutant pack. They just decided to go with a non-iconic mutant look. I can see the glow in the dark look being an aspect of a mutant, as some life forms have done this, adapting to a dark environment. However you could clearly lable this a demon pack and it would work as well, that is my only problem with it.



The real question is how do you define a mutant at its most basic level? Not using examples, but breaking it down to what makes a mutant a mutant. And then using that definition, try to exclude these costume sets from your definition. I don't think you can without specifically trying to exclude these pieces with your definition.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The real question is how do you define a mutant at its most basic level? Not using examples, but breaking it down to what makes a mutant a mutant. And then using that definition, try to exclude these costume sets from your definition. I don't think you can without specifically trying to exclude these pieces with your definition.
I disagree. The real question is what is the most iconic, as this game is basically a super hero emulator. Yeah the parts are mutant but they are not iconic (for mutants).

This is why the wolverine claws were the claw set's original weapon till we got new ones. These claws were the most iconic for the power set.

P.S. To catch the most new and current players they need to stick to appeasing the most amount of people they can, to do this you need to play to the icons. So until I hear of a major mutant icon that matches this that I didn't know about, I am going to continue to say this is not iconic, and not following their current business mode for game features, which is risky, and this explains why people are saying this isn't a mutant pack.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The real question is how do you define a mutant at its most basic level? Not using examples, but breaking it down to what makes a mutant a mutant. And then using that definition, try to exclude these costume sets from your definition. I don't think you can without specifically trying to exclude these pieces with your definition.
In Marvel and CoH, a "mutant" is someone who had their abilities written into their genes from conception. With that broad a definition, then this set can clearly be defined as such. The problem is with the iconography. That's what's causing the most hang-ups, I think, since a lot of these pieces resemble the extant demonic costume parts. The fact that so many people have had the exact same "these look like demon parts" reaction is a pretty big indicator that however one defines "Mutant," piggybacking on the demon-style sets wasn't what a lot of people were looking for.

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So I installed test. Had to see what one of my mutants looked like with some new mutations.

This is my sonic/rad corruptor, Toxic Nocturnus, a mutated bat. First is my original look:

And now this is his advanced mutation:



If only we had more variation for undead costume parts. Your screenshots just gave me an awesome idea for an undead dragon.

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Originally Posted by bass_ackwards View Post
if only we had more variation for undead costume parts.



I like the new look Mal!



Here's my plant/rad troller from Omega Lambda 93-4, otherwise known as Hive World, where telepathic mutants appeared two million years earlier in human evolution, and where the entire ecosystem has been subverted into a "hive" of massive proportion.

She's finally getting her coral armor and bacterial endosymbiotes to go with her pheromonally controlled bees.



Originally Posted by TheSummerEvening View Post
(snip!) bees.
"Or what? You'll release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you?"

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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