Post your Mutation Pack pictures!




At what level of graphics do the 'glow' effects start to show? Because so far, I'm not seeing them, and without the glow, the Bioluminescent pieces are underwhelming.

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Originally Posted by bass_ackwards View Post
the mutation pack currently on the training room!

Succubus kali:

edit: I can see why people would think it's a demonic type pack, but that's not the Devs fault, as much as it is the user who made the costume which is ******* awesome regardless. Also, that one costume set has Captain Mako written all over it.



So is this just for the us test?



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Damm any thoughts on when it will be released for buying??



End of this week? Next week? There's stuff in the pack that we have not got yet, such as the weapon and tails.

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Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post

edit: I can see why people would think it's a demonic type pack, but that's not the Devs fault, as much as it is the user who made the costume which is ******* awesome regardless. Also, that one costume set has Captain Mako written all over it.
Another one seduced by the Succubus. She has it easy around here, heh.

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I had to give these options a go, and see how the Luminescent skin would affect the lurid heroine, "Bang Galore". But it was overkill, so I took it out. On the other hand the wings are probably a keeper.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Another one seduced by the Succubus. She has it easy around here, heh.
as long as I like the costume bits, I'll get it (only booster I haven't bought was Super Science )



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
At what level of graphics do the 'glow' effects start to show? Because so far, I'm not seeing them, and without the glow, the Bioluminescent pieces are underwhelming.
I think there must be a bug, since I have Ultra Mode fully enabled and I don't get that glow, either. (Yes, I'm using a light color, yadda yadda -- it's simply not working for me.)

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think there must be a bug, since I have Ultra Mode fully enabled and I don't get that glow, either. (Yes, I'm using a light color, yadda yadda -- it's simply not working for me.)

Might it be that you have closefx suppressed? I know I do that on some of my characters with powers that obscure things too much for me, and it suppresses everything unless I zoom out far enough.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think there must be a bug, since I have Ultra Mode fully enabled and I don't get that glow, either. (Yes, I'm using a light color, yadda yadda -- it's simply not working for me.)
Are you folks who aren't seeing the glows... not in a dark area?

Pretty please post your graphics settings (and possibly graphics card + driver version) in the costume bugs thread so people can compare settings and find out which, if any, of these settings is causing the issue.

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Yeah the "in a dark area" is what got me at first ... when I found a dark corner it was all good for me (but I had picked a bad color at the time ... at least now I know for when it goes live)

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I think the problem stems from the fact that people were expecting glows with particle effects, such as the unlockable Auras at level 30. This set features no such thing, but rather a texture glow. See the PPD Shell outfit at night for very early use of this tech.

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Yeah... not quite.

It seems I need to be at least on 'Recommended' graphics before I can actually notice the effect, even in dark areas. That said, it never really stands out in the costume generator, even after darkening the screen - which seems like a bad move to me.

Another thing (that probably has been mentioned before) why do we get two color choices for the Bioluminescent pieces if only the primary color matters? I wanted to have the stripes be yellow and the 'skin' tinted blue, yet only the primary made any difference. Is two colors really beyond the abilities of these costume pieces? And, if so, why even give a secondary color choice?

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If your colors are not linked it will only give a single choice.



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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Are you folks who aren't seeing the glows... not in a dark area?
I took my character to the lake at the bottom of the Steel Canyon tailor at night. Other than Dark Astoria, that's about as dark as the game gets. Nada.

Recently in the costume re-design thread I posted a screenshot that clearly showed I wasn't getting the same kind of reflections from Ultra Mode that others were while in the character creator screen, Once I rebooted and took the toon into the game world, the reflections were fine, and they were then fine in the character creator. After the recent patch they went back to being dull again. I changed no settings in the meantime. I'm not surprised there might be a glitch. After all, I suffered from the Accuracy Bug for years, where using powers like Aim and Build Up actually decreased my accuracy rather than increased it. Computers do funny things sometimes.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Yeah but the light is from above so with UM the bottom is in the shadows ... but yeah it isn't that hard to see if you picked a bright color for the glowie parts (the 4th column from the right in the color pallet, if I remember correctly ) so if you are having more trouble than that, there might be a problem with your video card or settings.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
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Please folks, if you are not getting the glows as you should - make the post in the costume bugs thread and give as much info as you can so the bug can be squashed.

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Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
If your colors are not linked it will only give a single choice.
Yeah... sometimes I can be an idiot. ^^;;

Still, a point remains. Why can't we use more than one color for these? Is there really an issue making the luminescent stripes a different color than the skin highlights?

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Yea, it seems we're stuck with 1 choice for the glowy parts and then general skin tone. It may be locked as they're using a layer trick to give us a glow.
This is as different as I get it.

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Man, this pack is absolutely perfect for my upcoming cosmic horror eldritch abomination, who will be named either Tempophage or Chronovore*, I haven't decided which yet:

*If I've gotten the Greek and Latin mixed up, please tell me, because if it'd be more correct to call him Tempovore or Chronophage I would rather call him that!