Post your Mutation Pack pictures!




I really hope there is more they have not shown, or this has somehow been misinterpreted as the Mutant Pack.

I'll buy it regardless, which I guess is self defeating because if there aren't some new heads, arms, and/or legs that look more... mutated, I am going to be very disappointed. Probably more than I was that the Natural Pack didn't include back packs, quivers and scabbards.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I really hope there is more they have not shown, or this has somehow been misinterpreted as the Mutant Pack.

I'll buy it regardless, which I guess is self defeating because if there aren't some new heads, arms, and/or legs that look more... mutated, I am going to be very disappointed. Probably more than I was that the Natural Pack didn't include back packs, quivers and scabbards.

I'd say what we see is what we get. These packs have not generally included anything more than what's been shown and discussed in the announcement and on test.

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Ok, i am SO buying it ( i was anyway, but this just made me damn sure).

Kinda miffed EU doesn't get to test it :|



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Kinda miffed EU doesn't get to test it :|

I think that's a side effect of the beta testing - they don't have an extra server there, I'm guessing, to have both the beta and the test servers.

I just wish that the beta and test could somehow be combined. It would be cool, but I'm sure that's problematic at best.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
The Mutation Pack currently on the Training Room!

Succubus Kali:
Thats the first thing that popped into my mind, organic armor really makes for a good "I'm just visiting from the abyss - care to sell your soul to the Blood War cutter" demony kinda set.

The costume change emotes are prety cool as well. Especially IMO the energy one. It would be neat if you could swap out some of the costume change emotes for the teleportation animation (the dimensional shift, smoke bomb, anf lightning strike come to mind).

My not so reformed demonic MM from hell is so gonna get the organic armor as a secondary costume set.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



No new tails?



Oh gods.

City of Even More Demons!! Just when the last lot had died down a bit.

The wings would actually suit my Plant/Emp but I'll stick to the Burning ones I think for the mo.*



Bah! Of course they took the online store down.



After having looked at it myself, I really think they need to rename it the Demonic Pack. I just don't get "mutant" from it at all. Even the Bioluminescent costume looks more like "filleted corpse" than "merman" to me. Honestly, I don't get how anyone can look at that and see a fishy character -- those slits aren't gills and they don't really glow enough to be some sort of deepwater creature. Even with Ultra Mode on and playing with the colors, I didn't really see much glowing about them, so I have no idea how Bass managed that look. Perhaps it's a bug, but I'm running Ultra Mode at max.

While the costume emotes are very cool, I rarely use them, so I'd more than likely forget they were there.

I like the characters and uses you guys have put these new pieces to, but overall it's not for me.

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Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Thats the first thing that popped into my mind, organic armor really makes for a good "I'm just visiting from the abyss - care to sell your soul to the Blood War cutter" demony kinda set.
I was thinking about it, but then I saw the Lady of Pain headed my way, and ran like Hell.

Here's the default Bioluminescent costume on Huge:

The Fury claws work pretty good with it, and he (it?) has that look of, "I'm going to kill you.".

And here's the default Organic Armor:

Now THAT looks GREAT with the Fury claws!! Finally, there's a costume they work with!!

I mean, just look at them:

Sadly, the use of the Organic Armor face to get glowing eyes doesn't work for my Claws/Elec Brute, because I use the Skull Mask. Oh well. ACCAHUD for now, and glowing eyes after 30.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
After having looked at it myself, I really think they need to rename it the Demonic Pack. I just don't get "mutant" from it at all. Even the Bioluminescent costume looks more like "filleted corpse" than "merman" to me. Honestly, I don't get how anyone can look at that and see a fishy character -- those slits aren't gills and they don't really glow enough to be some sort of deepwater creature. Even with Ultra Mode on and playing with the colors, I didn't really see much glowing about them, so I have no idea how Bass managed that look. Perhaps it's a bug, but I'm running Ultra Mode at max.
I'm running UM at maybe just under moderate settings, and I saw bAss in the D last night with that costume. It looks exactly the same in the screen as it did "in person". And my first thought was mer-/fish-creature.

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Got more time to mess around with costumes... I had pompeii in mind, making this one:



Bill keeps gettin sexier every year. I'll have to go with the third pic because he needs his hooves. And yes, fury claws all the way.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
That looks really nice, Bill, although it does underscore the demonic aspect of this set for me.

I'm not knocking the set (well, not much), I just don't see "mutant." They really should rename it, I think.
As I posted elsewhere, I don't see it as distinctly 'demonic.' I also don't see it as distinctly 'organic.' (that is that it's living in some way.) It just looks distinctly...pointy, or sharp. Reiterating what I said elsewhere, I feel 'Shard armor' might be more accurate to the look of it.



Not going to please everyone with any of the booster packs. Heck, each only had 1 or 2 things in them that I'm interested in at all... But this set, from what I see from pics (not on test server at all) is totally worth it to me just for the wings.

As for whether it's mutant enough or not... Meh, mutant is just as vague a description as normal. It can encompass pretty much anything. Person A may want animal mutant, person B demon mutant, person C general disfigurement mutant and person D a conjoined twin costume set set with 6 toes and withered limbs as options in a mutant set.

The complaints this set is too demony, to me, is just like the complaints of the last being too ninja-y. Completely valid to one extent but then again there is just no way everyone is going to be completely satisfied with any single booster pack. Hell, people aren't completely satisfied with the game itself so *shrug*



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Every year Bill, you come closer to looking like a Daedric Lord from the Elder Scrolls games.
pfft. They have no sex appeal. I'm dead gorram sexy.

/side note, I did enjoy hacking those rat-bastiches to bits.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Not going to please everyone with any of the booster packs. Heck, each only had 1 or 2 things in them that I'm interested in at all... But this set, from what I see from pics (not on test server at all) is totally worth it to me just for the wings.
I know, right? Those wings are damn sexy!

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
As for whether it's mutant enough or not... Meh, mutant is just as vague a description as normal. It can encompass pretty much anything. Person A may want animal mutant, person B demon mutant, person C general disfigurement mutant and person D a conjoined twin costume set set with 6 toes and withered limbs as options in a mutant set.
A little bit of A and most of B for me.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
The complaints this set is too demony, to me, is just like the complaints of the last being too ninja-y. Completely valid to one extent but then again there is just no way everyone is going to be completely satisfied with any single booster pack. Hell, people aren't completely satisfied with the game itself so *shrug*
Ah yes, I remember people wanted firemen outfits, backpacks, and the sort with the "Natural" booster pack.

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The set is somewhat disappointing, though I imagine that first pic of Kali probably sold it to a lot of people instantly.

(I also think Secondary Mutation is a bit too good... those costume change emotes are nice, though!)



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
pfft. They have no sex appeal. I'm dead gorram sexy.

/side note, I did enjoy hacking those rat-bastiches to bits.
/side insult, "YOU N'WAH!"

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