Super Booster V - Mutant Theme Costume Sets: Bug Report




The Mutant theme costume sets unlock all-new heads, armor, sleeves, shoulders, gloves, tails, wings, pants and boots.

  • Organic Armor
  • Bioluminescent

Both costume sets include tintable costume pieces, a new feature that allows you to create unique glows for individual costume pieces.


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Critter Type:
Costume Set or Piece:
Bug Description:
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The winds on the organic armor wings don't realy blend well with the female version organic armor. They just seem to jut out of things. This is all well and good with a flat surface but with the bumps and protuberances it looks odd. Adding shadow to the base would be a quick fix.



The Organic Armor Wings do not appear as a wing option until The Costume Sets are used.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Upper body> Jackets> Gloves> Monstrous
There are 3 listings under that name and the second is missions something. The right hand. Left appears to be the bio lum.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Upper body> Jackets> Gloves> Monstrous
There are 3 listings under that name and the second is missions something. The right hand. Left appears to be the bio lum.
I got this too. My existing costume was monstrous gloves, and could not find a new texture option for them. I switch to plain/smooth and made some adjustment. I opened the options again and had three monstrous listings. I selected one, the left hand was visible - monstrous with bioluminate texture. The right hand was missing.

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No organic thorny armor for feet when choosing monstrous legs.

Be well, people of CoH.



Cannot use any secondary face pattern with the 2 new faces.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



The "Detail 1" costume piece OganicArmor is not utilizing the color picks properly on Female characters. Currently only the secondary color choice is tinting the horns. The primary color has no effect.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Okay, the costumes do look cool.

My only real gripe is a grip I have with pre-existing costumes too.

The head-neck, and midsection joins.

Many of them (including the new sets) have very OBVIOUS demarcations (essentially a line that highlights the differences of the textures on upper body and lower body quite badly).

Same thing with the head-neck join. Except it's even more obvious. And, in some cases, you can actually see daylight (or whatever's behind you) through the line.

Don't get me wrong. I love the stuff. It's just that I want my toons to have a nice, uniform CONTIGUOUS look. Not like it's a head on a barbie doll that can be popped off and stuck on another body.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Logged on a level 36 character and went to the Tailor to check out the costume pieces. I went under auras and found the Alpha / Omega auras from GR are showing. Unsure if it was an intentional leak to give a sneak peek, but if it wasn't...



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Logged on a level 36 character and went to the Tailor to check out the costume pieces. I went under auras and found the Alpha / Omega auras from GR are showing. Unsure if it was an intentional leak to give a sneak peek, but if it wasn't...
They're not there for everyone. For some toons they're unlocked on Test, for others, they're not. No one knows why.

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Dimension Shift costume change emote not working.

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): 7
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: Training Room
Zone: Founders Fallls
Character name: Energizing Ion
Time: 9:25 AM EST
Location: Tailor store/outside it in FF
Archetype: Defender
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 50
Costume Set or Piece: Dimension Shift costume change emote

Bug Description: When looking at my costume slots for EI (have all 5 unlocked) and select "Dimension Shift" as my costume change emote and then click on another costume slot...there is no new animation....after about 5-8 seconds it just changes my costume to the one I clicked on. All other costume change emotes seem to be working fine.

Link to Forum Discussions: N/A

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Dimension Shift costume change emote not working.

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): 7
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: Training Room
Zone: Founders Fallls
Character name: Energizing Ion
Time: 9:25 AM EST
Location: Tailor store/outside it in FF
Archetype: Defender
Critter Type: N/A
Level: 50
Costume Set or Piece: Dimension Shift costume change emote

Bug Description: When looking at my costume slots for EI (have all 5 unlocked) and select "Dimension Shift" as my costume change emote and then click on another costume slot...there is no new animation....after about 5-8 seconds it just changes my costume to the one I clicked on. All other costume change emotes seem to be working fine.

Link to Forum Discussions: N/A
Just looked at this myself. On my willpower tank if I have any toggles running I get the audio of powers reactivating and then after a few seconds the costume changes without playing the emote. With the toggles off Dimension Shift animates normally.

Evil is a maze of deceit and the cheese it hides is never worth the running.



Organic Armor Wings disappeared when going back from power color to costume. Still selected but simply not displayed.
Face and body colors should be matchable for organic armor. Full Mask could let face color be chosen from body color for this purpose (and that should work everywhere, frankly).
Must disable 'match colors' to make head armor match body armor for organic armor, why is this the default again?

All ears except for human clip badly with Organic Armor.
Still no way to make human ears disappear. Full Mask should at least offer this as an option.
Organic Armor option on head on details 1 but not on details 2.
Shading mismatch on leg->foot for Organic Armor makes a glaringly visible seam.
I observe that Organic Armor has a belly button. I would expect some kind of armor, perhaps as a chest detail, but there is no chest detail.
(Then again the REPTILE body has a navel too. Things that hatch from eggs, and plants, don't have navels as a rule. But this is a nitpick.)

Organic Armor lacks a belt. Something could be done there.
There is no tail for organic armor.

No way to use "monstrous" for organic-armor gloves. Fingernail/claws would look great for this, but cannot.

Once again, monstrous-leg feet get no love; no organic armor parts for them, so they don't look right at all. Further, the shiny texture doesn't match any of the leg textures. Why bother even making organic armor monstrous-legs if you cannot match the feet?

Bioluminate face is just kinda ugly. Alternatives would be nice, or a bioluminate mask over other faces. As is, I have to put a ninja mask on it to hide that nasty thing, and wasp eyes for the eyes.
Bioluminate chest and neck match up poorly in front giving a visible seam.
No bioluminate wings! Sad!
No bioluminate belt means there's a LOT of bland there in the middle.
No bioluminate chest detail.
Bioluminate with black and dark stuff in the usually-bright parts REALLY looks nice for chest. Not so nice for monstrous legs, and again, no love for the monstrous feet again, so why bother?
Bioluminate color does not separate texture for skin part from texture for luminous bands, which means one cannot adjust it for contrast. Since skin is already there, and second color is available, why not use second color for the not-lit parts?
Once again, on a skin that would look better without human ears, there's no way to hide the human ears while still showing the rest of the head, and none of the ear overlays looks any better in this one, and I'm already using the wasp eyes to hide the eyes, so I can't hide them with any of the ear-covering options from details 1.

No bioluminescent wings, but it would look fantastic with the insect wings.
There is no tail for bioluminescent.



Starting with the Org armor makes the trench coat option disappear.
Edit: It seams to be that Trench coats and wings in general don't mix.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Starting with the Org armor makes the trench coat option disappear.
Edit: It seams to be that Trench coats and wings in general don't mix.
Hasn't that always been the case?



Feature Name or Description

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista

User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC

Server: Test

Zone: Mercy Island

Character name: Earthgrind


Location: Near fort hunting

Archetype: Earth/Stone Dom

Critter Type:

Level: 1

Costume Set or Piece: Organic Armor with wings done in a red primary and light blue

Bug Description: When Domanition power comes on to be activated the whole toon gose into the build up animation, in a loop. When power is activated and runs full course and then drops, it is fine tell next loop begins. I can get this to reproduce everytime.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
Just looked at this myself. On my willpower tank if I have any toggles running I get the audio of powers reactivating and then after a few seconds the costume changes without playing the emote. With the toggles off Dimension Shift animates normally.

Ah that is most likely it. When I was on with EI, I had Acrobatics, Tactics, Assault and Mind over Body toggled on. I heard the sound effects but didn't see any graphics/animation.

However on the other char I did see the graphics/animations on was when I didn't have any toggles on.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



the only thing missing that I saw was the Organic Tail / Swords

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: PTS
Character name: US Legacy
Archetype: Scrapper
Critter Type:
Level: 48
Costume Set or Piece: Mutant Swords, Tails
Bug Description: they're not showing up in the tailor and etc.
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The lack of the following could be by design or a bug:

The bioluminate set is on Monstrous which is great and spiked and finned glove sets but it's not on finned boots. Makes it mismatched for those who wanted to have finned gloves and boots with this option.

In general I think bioluminate would be great on all the types (finned, large, banded, etc.) not just for the hands but for the feet. After all bio-organic does.

Of course the same goes with organic armor.

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Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Glowing costume pieces do no work without ultramode.

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Debian 5.0, 2.6.26-1-amd64, wine-1.1.29
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): Linux
Server: N/A
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: N/A
Location: N/A
Archetype: N/A
Critter Type: N/A
Level: N/A
Costume Set or Piece: Bioluminate set and other glowing pieces.
Bug Description: The glow from Bioluminate and other glowing costume pieces is not visible without ultra-mode enabled (shader quality set low or lowest).Either the non-ultra-mode renderer needs to be fixed to add this feature, or the patch/feature notes need to be revised to document this limit.
Link to Forum Discussions: N/A



Organic Armor gloves clips with most shields

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): N/A
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): N/A
Server: N/A
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: N/A
Location: N/A
Archetype: N/A
Critter Type: N/A
Level: N/A
Costume Set or Piece: Organic Armor gloves
Bug Description: The Organic Armor gloves clips with all shields for the Male and Huge body types and Cavalier, Elemental, Heater, Kite and Round shields for the Female body type.
Link to Forum Discussions: N/A