City of Heroes Vade Mecum "Unofficial Guide"




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Hmm... is it sad that a search for "City of Heroes Vade Mecum" doesn't get you the official site until the 8th result, the 4th result is THIS THREAD, and most of the rest of the results are torrents of it?
Not sad for the people who will be saved from buying it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I wonder if Titan Network could get away with printing compilations of the wiki and selling them? At least it would be a better investment than this thing
It would be something that I would peruse and browse actually. I guess that shows my age.



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
I notice that all of you guys responding are long-time CoH veterans. I certainly respect your knowledge of the game, but I wonder if you really grasp my perspective on the game.

As I mentioned, though I've been playing for a few years (since March 2007, off and on)...
You've been around longer than I have and I don't consider myself a "log-time CoH veteran."

I would consider throwing any money towards a 3rd party guide to CoX a waste. Especially when I can find it for myself in ParagonWiki, find it in the forums, or ask my fellow forumites if those two don't provide what I am looking for. The knowledge of the players is amazing, the gall of someone attempting to sucker people into paying for something that is readily available for free is equally amazing.



At the risk of getting stepped on by Smurphy, who does indeed play fast and hard:

If I were to ask for something specific it might be an update to the Inv/SS Superman Tank build that was posted on the forum a couple of years ago. It was designed to be soloable (at the time), though nerfs to Invulnerability had already affected the concept by the time the 4.0 template was concocted. I got that toon to level 20 and still enjoy playing it (perhaps entirely because of the concept), but the way things are now he's not very capable -- solo or otherwise. A bit frustrating. I was planning to try outfitting him with extra-nice enhancements to get over the hump...
20 is tough. 21 is worse. 22 is when All The Problems Start To Go Away. I am against powerlevelling, EXCEPT for people who are level 21. My friends and I call it "Level Suck."

Here's what I'd build- keeping in mind that the last time I touched Inv/SS was when my wife built Lady Vanguard, two or three years ago. I remember it as a slow starter- the good news is, you're past almost all the misery.

GOAL 1: Getting to 22 for under 10 million inf. If you get a big fast team, it will go really fast, but if not, it is worth kicking, scratching and fighting for. I'm building for smash/lethal resist, some soloability, and the ability to slap around Warriors, Freaks and BanPan.

Level 20 build.
L1- Jab [mandatory], Temp Invuln
L2- Haymaker
L3- 2 slots in Haymaker
L4- Dull Pain
L5- 2 slots in Jab
L6- Air Superiority
L7- 2 slots in AS
(we now have the skeleton of an attack chain. Jab isn't great but you're stuck with it for now. It's at least recharged all the time. AS/Haymaker should keep people down and shut them up.)
L8- Unyielding.
L9- two slots in Temp Invuln.
L10- Swift. (I prefer it to Hurdle.)
L11- two slots in Haymaker.
L13- one slot in Temp Invuln, one slot in Air Sup.
L14- Flight
L15- two slots in Dull Pain.
L16- Health
L17- two slots in Unyielding
L19- one slot Unyielding, one slot Temp Invuln OR two slots Tough
L20- Stamina. Three, count em three, toggles. You need this even more than you need a second big hitter attack.
L21- Stamina slots.
L22- KO Blow. SO's. Songs of angels etc.

Note about level 12 and 18: you want to pick either (boxing and tough) or (rpd and invincibility.) I'd pick boxing and tough, for reasons I will explain:

With Tough your basic smash/lethal is 50%. With RPD it's 45%.
Slotted all the way up (as they will be at 22) that's 80% vs. 72%. Which means for every 100 points of incoming you take 20 vs 28. That's 30% less damage. Almost everything you fight will be smash/lethal at this point. Invincibility will come, yes, but not yet. (You also eventually want Resist Physical, so you can totally, totally ignore smash/lethal. )

So now, what do you PUT in those slots? Level 20 generics, mostly. This is either time consuming (if you wait for cheap stuff) or expensive (if you buy ingredients and build 'em yourself) but they work much better than DO's and they do not go yellow at level 21, when everything sucks ANYWAY.

Haymaker is your big attack before KO Blow. You want end reduction, you want recharge, you want acc and damage. I 5-slotted it. I recommend Bruising Blow (all three)- or some other combo that gets you acc/dam, dam/end and dam/rech- and Smashing Haymaker (Acc/Dam and Dam/End/Rech). Whatever's cheap and available. If you get those at level 20 exactly, and I would get whatever you can find in the 18-22 range, you'll have 76% damage, 29% recharge, 29% end reduction and 32% to hit. Don't stress too much , you're going to slot over them at 22 anyway.

For 3-slotted resist powers, go two Res/End and one Res (35% and 35%, roughly, with level 20 enhancements)- for 4-slotted add another resist to get to 50%.

At level 22 you will put SO's in everything. Maybe if you plan ahead you can get some level 25 or 26 end/res pieces (use two from different sets per power) and acc/dam pieces (again, two from different sets per power.)

While you're stressing about your damage and such, I recommend going to the Temp Power Store and grabbing Medpacks, Recovery Serums and, like, a baseball bat and pistol or something.

GOAL 2: the 20's and such. This is a much quicker sketch of Your Future. At some point you're going to want to respec or switch builds, because I did some short-term things with slotting up there.

I'd devote the 20's and 30's to (mostly) defense and capping smash/lethal. You're going to slowly, slowly develop serious damage (KO Blow and Footstomp are two of the most brutal powers in the game.) When you get to 30-ish you can think about full frankenslotting and when you get to the 40s you can think about Your Build At Level 50.

Quick suggestion-
24- Invincibility
26- Resist Physical
28- Rage
30- Tough Hide
32- Unstoppable
35- Weave
38- Foot Stomp

... I left out Taunt. It's true. I'm a scrapper at heart.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



(name removed)... is an IT professional during the week and a fantasy football fanatic on the weekends, with all free time devoted to his wife and son.
When does he have time to play if he is so devoted?



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Are you here to PLAY, or have people play FOR you?

Exactly what is your hurry to get to 50? This is not one of the games where you rush to max level so you can do end-game raids, be useful to your guild, whatever. Once they hit 50, most people either start a new character or continue doing the same stuff they did on the way to 50.
This is my thought exactly. It sounds to me like the only kind of person who would be interested in this book is the kind who wants to engage in some extreme shortcuts to getting to the end of the game. (Which, by the way, is rather pointless, since as almost any City of Heroes player will tell you, the fun is in the journey to 50. Once you actually hit level 50, most players get quite bored with those characters.)

The problem is, the demographic that this guide is targeted at would be much better served by asking questions here, glancing at some of the archetype forums, and reading a few articles on the wiki. It would be significantly faster than reading this guide, and the information would be orders of magnitude more current and relevant. As a bonus, you don't waste $30.

I've always felt that in the age of the Internet, having these paid guides are silly. I really just don't get why one guy thinks he's smarter than over a hundred thousand players, many of which are willing to freely share their hard-won knowledge and information. But hey, whatever, if he can convince people to pay $30 for his guide and make some money at it, more power to him I guess. Still, as a player, I just can't imagine exactly what it is he thinks he has to offer over the resources already mentioned several times. I'd trust pretty much anyone who has posted in this thread--veterans of the game who have been here for over six years and who have proven their mettle repeatedly--over some guy I've never heard of who wants me to pay him $30. Sounds like snake oil to me.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



TonyV wants to know:

I really just don't get why one guy thinks he's smarter than over a hundred thousand players, many of which are willing to freely share their hard-won knowledge and information.
Why, because he's "the world's foremost expert in the Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrappers"!

Seriously, isn't he breaking some kind of truth in advertising laws with this nonsense?

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Why, because he's "the world's foremost expert in the Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrappers"!

Seriously, isn't he breaking some kind of truth in advertising laws with this nonsense?
Can you prove he isn't? j/k

I am the foremost expert on the best way for me to enjoy playing City of Heroes though. There can be none who deny that.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



If you really want outdated info, you can buy the prima guide from i7 on Amazon for 10 cents. Page count is pretty similiar to the guide in question.
Gamespot also has a guide
Artphobia (

Teaming for the content in the Hollows, Faultline, Croatoa, Striga and the rikti war zone will get you leveled pretty quick. Also do the ITF a bunch after 35. Look up the accolade requirements for those that give you a power. Do the big 7 TF's. Team for radio missions. Don't try and set the difficulty way up high.

Look at the market, crafted and uncrafted for items you get and check the prices.

Post builds you are going to do into the appropriate AT board, ,ask for help if you don't know where to start. Feedback will be infinitely more valuable than reading something out of date. You can't make a power set combo that will be unable to play the game, sure there are things better than others. Look at what people are saying about certain combos.

Sell your enhancements at the appropriate origin store. (hard to keep a straight face saying this any more).

And as an edit, you could be worse off following an outdated guide than you would be just playing the game blindly. No longer are spawn super xp.



"the world's foremost expert in the Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrappers"!
ummm, just cause he solo'd 3 dark scrappers DOES not make him an expert in all the powerset combos, so i doubt his "guide" has a lot of useful info. Honestly if you've got a question ask us on the forums, yeah you might get 1 or 2 trolls but most of us are happy enough to lend our help when its needed/wanted. I'd rather see a nice post asking for suggestions/help then some of the more recent posts like "i want to be thanked for sb every time i use it on you".

Also from sounds of things this guide really has no useful info for the current state of play, if hes spending time with his family he won't be playing on CoX now would he?

Save your cash, ask us in the forums, join your servers main chat channels, but ultimately HAVE FUN on your preferred toon. Yes getting to 50 can be a grind but its not about that, its about the journey and not how quick you can make 50 (i have a lvl 15 that's been that way for over 10 months cause i have altitus lol)

*walks away mumbling about making a new concept toon*

Short Story I did:

DevArt Page:



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Note about level 12 and 18: you want to pick either (boxing and tough) or (rpd and invincibility.) I'd pick boxing and tough, for reasons I will explain:

With Tough your basic smash/lethal is 50%. With RPD it's 45%.
Slotted all the way up (as they will be at 22) that's 80% vs. 72%. Which means for every 100 points of incoming you take 20 vs 28. That's 30% less damage. Almost everything you fight will be smash/lethal at this point. Invincibility will come, yes, but not yet. (You also eventually want Resist Physical, so you can totally, totally ignore smash/lethal. )
Fulmens, as you probably know, many, if not most veteran Invul tanks would disagree with your recommendation to take Tough pre-20 and delay Invincibility. Not only does Invinc provide as much (or more, depending on circumstances) damage mitigation as Tough, it covers more damage types than S/L. Invinc also has a significantly lower endurance cost than Tough, which is particularly relevant in those last few pre-Stamina levels.

But getting back to the OP's request, IMO his desire to upgrade his Invul tank points up the weakness of relying on a guidebook for such information. For one thing, if it's as out-of-date as it seems to be, any info on Invulnerability is unlikely to include information on the buffs the set received some time ago.

And it's even more unlikely that the guidebook will have the kind of up-to-date, detailed, and nuanced information you could get on how to build a Invul tank by simply asking the denizens of the Tanker forum. I spend a lot of time in the Tanker forum, and people ask for, and get, build assistance literally every day. I'm sure it works the same way in the other AT forums.

My Characters

Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



Depends on what you're trying to do, too. For me, Invincibility at 18 is when you really start feeling like a classic tanker so I always take it there.

I save RPD for 50, myself but I'm no "expert".

Dec out.




My take: I don't fault someone for writing a book on their knowledge of CoH or for someone that wants to spend money buying one. Even I like reading books about things I already know about just to get the author's perspective. In fact, some of my favorite books are books that I knew more than 90% of the actual factual content of the book, but nevertheless enjoyed the author's presentation and personal perspective on those facts.

And as long as the expectations are reasonable, someone who wants a streamlined version of the facts isn't an idiot for wanting such. Sure, you can read paragonwiki's version of the tohit mechanics, but why would you want to if you can read my entire guide to defense? Oh wait: most people probably would rather read the wiki version, and I don't blame them. Same principle here.

However, anything claiming to know the "hidden mechanics of the game" but is still referencing "Brawl Indexes" - something I personally did my part to make obsolete long before Real Numbers came out - is showing a seriously outdated perspective. Unless the book is really old, in which case its not the author's fault the book eventually became dated, I would assume anyone wanting to write a guide would at least spend a few days checking up on the state of the art of game mechanics discussion.

But again: without knowing all of the circumstances here, I wouldn't immediately jump to conclusions about the material or the author. Its easy to make fun, but I would need a little more evidence of malfeasance or incompetence before I would jump in myself.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Brawl Indexes were fine.... at the time they came out. I _still_ think in Brawl Indexes sometimes. (And yes, I still do arithmetic with a pen and paper sometimes. Before you ask.)

They're archaic, but they still work.
Although Brawl Indexes were a perfectly acceptable stepping stone to figuring out how the powers actually worked, among its many faults is that its a pain in the neck to do pencil and paper calculations with them. Power Bolt is a scale 1.0 attack. Life is good. Its a 2.7778 Brawl Index attack. That sucks. All those repeating decimals in the Brawl Index were due to the fact that Brawl is a scale 0.36 attack, which meant in effect almost all attack powers were having their damage divided by some multiple of 9 when converted to Brawl numbers.

This was so obvious that the actual maintainers (at least, some of them to my recollection) of the Brawl Indexes realized - or rather assumed - that the devs were clearly either in love with setting powers to a multiple of 100/36, or it was Brawl itself that was set to some multiple of 36/100. The scale system then made it obvious which was which.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)