Time Travelers
That's hard, if at all possible, I'd like to see what the Earth would've looked like in its "childhood" , see what existed and how different it was from now. To see a span from Early stages of life to when we started keeping track of time.
"BEARTHDATE" - -B C D sometime
Pure Curiosity
I'd go back to the year 1938 and buy all the Action Comics #1 I could find. Plus, any other comic around. Then I'd come back to the present time and sell one singular copy to the highest bidder.
Ancient Rome, to check out what it was like.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I suppose it depends on the mechanism. I have often fantasized about going back in time to my childhood, essentially replacing myself with all of my current knowledge. I could change a lot of things in my life. If I cannot replace myself, I would probably choose to travel to the future and see whats going on a few hundred years from now.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
This is a tricky question. Part of me would go back and make sure I never survived. Part of me would go back and act as my Guardian. Part of me would use all of teh advantages I could to make my life better.
However, in the end, if it hadn't been for all of the pain, suffering, and hard times I've endured, I would hate to see what kind of person I would have become.
I am that I am.
I'd also like to go back to several sporting events and experience them. The Flyers back to back Stanley Cup victories in the 70's, The Phillies 1980 World Series, Mike Schmidt's 500th career home run, Dr J's rock the baby slam dunk ...
I would reply, but all the things I could go back in time to correct in my life are too painful to think about...
I would go back in time with a bunch of people, take over the world with the power of guns and bombs. *Makes sures the bring a power station and a current day house with me so my food would never get me sick, but if it did, I would make sure to bring a medic with me as one of the gunmen, and brings a million dollars worth of different medicines with me. I would never have to pay the bank back cause bacially, I never got ou the money yet.*
If I was a historian I'd time travel to observe events or eras I was interested in, then return to the present and write the most accurate books ever. It'd be cool to see actual dinosaurs for instance, but I may end up as dino-meal.
Going back in time to change anything is largely pointless. If I understand the many-worlds theory, all you would accomplish is to create a branching timeline. I suppose if you could live in the new alternate timeline and not return to your old one, it may be worthwhile.
So my best option would be to travel to the future, say about a thousand years, to see how our timeline turns out. If it's bad, returning to the present would stilll leave the chance to fix things or maybe prevent a catastrophe.
When: Sat. Jun 29 2010. 08:00 hours.
Where: Florida/Georgia/Alabama State lines
Why: To play the winning lottery numbers of course, in all three states.
Take that astronomical improbability!
Then there are those who would use time travel to go back to the Circle K and tell themselves exactly when the Mongols ruled, and to remember to wind the watch.
It helps to be so dumb that you don't realize (a la the Warner Bros toons that can walk on air as long as they don't look down) that meeting with yourselves in a singular temporal plane would rend the fabric of space and time itself.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
Then there are those who would use time travel to go back to the Circle K and tell themselves exactly when the Mongols ruled, and to remember to wind the watch.
It helps to be so dumb that you don't realize (a la the Warner Bros toons that can walk on air as long as they don't look down) that meeting with yourselves in a singular temporal plane would rend the fabric of space and time itself. |
I'd also have to go back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome and just try to take in the cultures of those civilations as much as I could.
I'd go to 1st of August.
What is the significance of August 1st?
GR will definately be out.
Hmm...you may want to change the date you go forward to.
I would shoot hitler tbh.
Or maybe save him. And see what happens
Then there are those who would use time travel to go back to the Circle K and tell themselves exactly when the Mongols ruled, and to remember to wind the watch.
It helps to be so dumb that you don't realize (a la the Warner Bros toons that can walk on air as long as they don't look down) that meeting with yourselves in a singular temporal plane would rend the fabric of space and time itself. |
So would you really be the same you 7 years ago?
As for travel I go to Ancient Greece and hear the account of Atlantis first hand then go back farther to see if it really was. Then for the heck of it return to now and lead an expedition to discover it! This method leaves no Plot holes I bring nothing back to our time so Carbon dating would be correct and I get all the fame and reward of discovering the truth of one of the worlds most well known Myth.
Myself, I think i'd travel somewhere not too ancient as human rights tended to be spat on back then.
About the only thing i'd do with time travel would be travel back in time and give myself a couple of warnings to avoid bad things from my life.
"The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open"
"Sometimes we risk taking things too far to see how far we can really go."
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I'd do the same as Stormpsych
Presented with the opportunities: I would definitely travel back in time to play winning lottery numbers. Won't have to travel too far back, can bring the money back with me or just stay put, and hey - wouldn't have to worry about my past self cause I would know where past self was! OK so my future self in the past would, if I indeed intended on staying in the past, move somewhere that I knew my past self would never wind up at. Because I would just happen to know where I was going at the time.
Now that I have the secret of time-travel unravelled, I'd frequent ages long past, observe, take pictures and video ... come back to the present and accumulate all this newly acquired info about our history and the planet's history into a secret location. I'd travel to the future to see if we've finally achieved anything comparable to faster-than-light travel, 'cause that's the only to travel through space, you know? Can't just go about using the same ol' prehistoric vehicles for that, and impulse engines won't get you very far either. If I travel to the future and find out people can teleport all over the place - you bet your sweet patootie I'm gettin a hold of that tech and bringing it back. Down with traffic and fossil-fueled engines!
Yes, I really wouldn't be too concerned with any timeline too much.
Kyzock, those are BRILLIANT ideas..but you'd have to make sure (when travelling to the past) not to be feared then killed as being a warlock or demon because of tech items.

If you could travel through time, where, when, and why would you go?