All Things Digitigrade Legs




A preface for the uninitiated: A digitigrade is an animal that walks on the toes of its feet, rather than on the whole feet. Real examples include things like cats, dogs, cows and ostriches, while fantastic examples include things like werewolves, minotaurs, were-cats and, um... Chocobos... When I say "digitigrade legs," I'm talking about the hind legs or quadrupeds, as they are what's classically seen as the so-called "backwards knee legs."

The reason I'm making this thread is because I want to see if you guys can help me paint a clearer picture of what a bipedal humanoid with digitigrade legs would look like. There have been many designs over the years, and I myself have posted pictures and screenshots of many of them. The digitigrade legs we have (the Moster legs) are... Really not something I'd consider to look natural, or indeed look good, but if not that, then what? That's the primary question I'm looking to answer here.

I don't want to look to nature for rules already stated for a couple of reasons. First of all, the few bipedal digitigrades that exist are almost all birds and as such have bodies that are pretty far from looking humanoid and, even then, their leg bones are too dissimilar from human to really apply. Secondly, while digitigrade stilts do very much exist for actual humans to wear, there are multiple problems with these. For one, we're build to walk upright with our knees locked, so we instinctively try to walk as close to that as we can in these stilts.

For another, human muscles are built for a relatively short foot, so digitigrade stilts tend to cheat, either by extending the walking surface back from the toes, by shortening the stilt by moving the shoe position down or by using bungee cords to hold the stilt extended. And even when humans do walk in these stilts, the problem is that they lengthen the overall leg size significantly beyond what looks humanoid, making them look like they're 10 feet tall with 8 feet of legs.

Personally, I'd like to concentrate on fictional designs, such as the legs we already have, the legs on the various Fantasy demons (such as those on the Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Succubus), or even those on giant robots (like Metal Gear Rex). So, with that in mind, what do you believe digitigrade legs should look like? How do you believe a person with them should stand? What would be the correlation of lengths between the thigh, shin and foot?

Counting the hip joint, the human leg has four joints - hip, knee, ankle, toes (counted as one joint). As City of Heroes handles it, the hip joint and thigh size are very much identical to those of ordinary legs, with the "digitigrade" part of the Monster legs consisting of an extension replacing the lower part of the leg. I'd call it a boot extension, but boots only extend below the knee, whereas these legs actually extend from the knee itself, which is held bent backwards at all times. This looks really awkward to me both because it's not a natural stance for someone with legs like these, and because it actually cuts down on the length of the shin in comparison to the thigh. Even in the few bipedal digitigrades (say, the ostrich), it is the thigh which is incredibly short and stocky, with most of the leg being shin and foot. The "backwards knees" themselves are actually ankles, not knees at all.

Personally, I would assume a creature like this would stand with its feet held much more vertically, putting less stress on the ankle joint in holding the body up, as well as less stress on the toes. I'd also expect to see the knee held up much farther forward, with hip joint actually bent forward. I'd also expect the thigh to be much shorter, at most comparable to the length of the shin and the foot. Being that I suck at artwork, I can't really draw what I mean, but I'd say the Succubus I linked to before has the right idea.

Now, I understand why the digitigrade legs we have here in City of Heroes are done as they are. With only the lower legs being basically a boot swap, the digitigrade legs can use the same animations as the more proper legs. And I will admit that it's true - I can't actually think of a single other game which features a digitigrade protagonist with this kind of depth and breadth of animation diversity. What City of Heroes does is the equivalent to the the Prince of Persia if the Prince were a Satyr.

This is kind of where this whole thread came about. Since it's foolish to suggest adding a brand new lower legs skeleton to be animated completely over again, I got to thinking if it isn't possible to come up with a mathematical model for transforming regular-leg positions into digitigrade leg positions completely automatically. But then it occurred to me that I don't really know what the corresponding positions to real-leg stances would be, which brings us back to the question: What do you believe a bipedal humanoid digitigrade would look like?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You need to add a [/url] to the end of each of your links.





Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



That mecha looks more like it was based on a dog's hindquarters than trying to make humanoid digitigrade legs. The succubus is better.

As for a transformation from normal to digitigrade legs, the only thing I could think of that looks halfway decent would be something along these lines:

  1. Have an animator move the digitigrade legs to something at least close to what they want for each keyframe in an animation. (That's assuming these are keyframed animations, which I'm not sure of. It also needs to be done manually.)
  2. Create a transform between the normal leg's keyframe and the digitigrade keyframe. (This is actually fairly simple: simply map 3 points on the regular leg to 3 points on the digitigrade leg, and press your magical 'calculate' button. I would recommend knee, ankle, toe as the points.)
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all keyframes in the animation. Manual modifications to the transform or new keyframes may be needed if a digitigrade animation does something bizarre like flip a foot upwards throgh the shin.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for every animation.
As you can see, it's not exactly automatic. The other issue that might come up is that I'm not certain the ankle joint really does anything currently. That may or may not cause problems.

The end result is that you simply apply a transformation matrix to the bones if you're dealing with digitigrade legs, but I can't think of any means to automatically calculate those transforms.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ok, norton sent me 4 warnings for those links. just saying.
Really? They're just jpegs.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ok, norton sent me 4 warnings for those links. just saying.
Norton is tired of holding hands and wants to get to second base.

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Okay, I officially love this thread. Digitrade legs are really cool and I love the idea of them.. and this is tons of both information and things to ponder on!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ok, norton sent me 4 warnings for those links. just saying.
But... Those are links from my Photobucket account and from Wikipedia. I did grab the Succubus pic and the Metal Gear Rex pic from a Google image search, true, but they're just JPG files. They shouldn't be able to contain any viruses.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
The end result is that you simply apply a transformation matrix to the bones if you're dealing with digitigrade legs, but I can't think of any means to automatically calculate those transforms.
Well, my thinking was more along the lines of a general transformation. If you have a regular leg rig with static bone lengths and you know the angles of each of the joints, then you should be able to transform that into another leg rig with different static bone lengths and calculate the angles of the joints from there. The problem is having one static rule as to the transformation. I'm not sure if it's possible to formulate one singular rule that would work in all situations, but that's kind of what I want to find out - how would digitigrade legs look in the various poses humans are supposed to assume and if there's a good way to get a general correlation that would work.

Again, this is less animations (a field I have no expertise in) and more straight-up mathematics (analytical geometry, in fact, which I actually studied). Getting a transformation model is, if not simple, then at least doable. That's not the question. The question is whether I can find such a model that looks reasonable.

To that effect, can we see if we can't examine a few of the more important leg stances to see what we can come up with? What would those actually be? Off the top of my head, I'd look at:

1. Standing up
2. Squatting
3. Kneeling
4. Down on one knee
5. Some kind of wide-leg combat stance
6. One of those martial arts stances with the feet FAR apart and the body shifted to one side.

I'm not convinced digitigrade legs can even assume all of those, as some of them depend on the action of the human foot, and beyond that, I'm not sure it's feasible to have only one transformation for all of them, but I guess that's something to think about.


I just want to restate something: While I AM interested in a formula to calculate the difference between regular legs and digitigrade legs, that's not my ONLY concern. Getting a better understanding of how digitigrade legs would function on a theoretical fantastic humaniod being and what would look best is just as important. As I've noticed before, when artists draw digitigrade legs, a lot of the time they'll struggle to make them look good, and not because of a lack of talent but simply because digitigrade legs on humans don't make sense practically. Our own awkward "chicken legs" are proof of just that.

Yes, I don't like the digitigrade legs we have now. I am very greatful that we actually HAVE them, but the rig they use is... Just bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know the aliens in The Arrival (with Charlie Sheen) had legs with reverted knees and I believe they ran on their toes. The didn't know a ton of them moving around like that, but the locomotion looked a lot like an ostrich to me.

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Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That mecha looks more like it was based on a dog's hindquarters than trying to make humanoid digitigrade legs. The succubus is better.
Actually, the succubus' thighs look too long to me.

Pumpkinhead always seemed to me to be a good example of digitigrade, if only because the size of it allows for a proper length of the metatarsals to offset the length of the human actor thigh and shin.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Again, this is less animations (a field I have no expertise in) and more straight-up mathematics (analytical geometry, in fact, which I actually studied). Getting a transformation model is, if not simple, then at least doable. That's not the question. The question is whether I can find such a model that looks reasonable.
I agree, but I believe you'll never find a single transform for all the animations that looks reasonable, nor a transform for a category of animations. I believe you'd have to make a transform for each part of each animation to get it to work and look good at the same time.

Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Actually, the succubus' thighs look too long to me.
I didn't say perfect, I said better than the mech.



Originally Posted by Dark Ether View Post
I know the aliens in The Arrival (with Charlie Sheen) had legs with reverted knees and I believe they ran on their toes. The didn't know a ton of them moving around like that, but the locomotion looked a lot like an ostrich to me.
Ah, so THAT'S what that movie was called Cool movie, to be sure, but it had what I'd describe as the worst backwards knees I've seen in contemporary fiction. Those aliens weren't even digitigrade. They had what were basically human legs with reverese knees. Ugh!

And you know what? Part of the reason I dislike the current Monster legs we have here is because they look like that

Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Actually, the succubus' thighs look too long to me.
Well... She's a woman. Artists usually draw them with unusually long legs

More seriously, though, I think she's my favourite depiction of digitigrade legs. She's not realistic, obviously, but her relatively longer thighs are balanced by relatively shorter shins, giving her a stance that's very reminiscent of regular legs, but with what is clearly digitigrade legs.

There's also the other point of contention, which is the general sense of aesthetic when it comes to proportionate leg length. Some people look at City of Heroes and cry out that the only way to make a decent human is to make them as short as possible, and even then they're still too long. I look at my own characters, and nearly ALL of them that don't have an excuse are using as legs about as long as the editor will permit me. Outside of kids, stocky characters and... Well, actual digitigrade characters for whom anything over minimum leg length looks absurd, I use close to maximum legs just because that's what looks good to me.

Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Pumpkinhead always seemed to me to be a good example of digitigrade, if only because the size of it allows for a proper length of the metatarsals to offset the length of the human actor thigh and shin.
Ah, Pumpkinhead. He always seems to come up in threads like this, and with good reason. Yes, I agree completely. Pumpkinhead, especially in this pic, looks like a VERY good representation of a digitigrade humanoid. I shudder to think how the operator could so much as STAND with his feet practically vertical, but I'm sure the suit hides some clever trick to give him a more stable footing. Because if there really ARE human legs inside that suit, then the rest of the suit must be HUGE! The guy's head is probably somewhere in the the thing's chest.

Gawking aside, notice what that thing is actually telling us - its feet are almost straight down vertical, with the toes at almost right angles. It's the REST of the leg that is bent at the knee, with the thigh coming down at an angle and the shin coming down at an angle, in turn. In fact, if you'll notice, the feet are in-line with the pelvis, almost like the shins would be on a human. Which makes sense - the guy's basically squatting inside that suit, and he actually reminds me of Spider-Man "sitting" on a vertical wall.

That makes sense, by the way, and it reveals something interesting about OUR game, in turn: The current Monster legs are basically a lower leg swap. Well, suppose we got another set of monster legs that were an UPPER LEG SWAP? Just think about it from a technical standpoint - you get a rig that's no less ridiculous than the one we have now, with an upper leg which has the knee jutting forward with the thigh coming down at an angle, the shin coming back at an angle and meeting the "old shin" at a level a little below where the knee is on the old legs. Then you can just reuse the old ankle joint as a toe joint and you have a leg which should still be able to use the old animations on a level similar to what the current Monster Legs do. Huh...

By the way, why is that thing called Pumpkinhead? It doesn't look like it has a pumpkin for a head.

Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I agree, but I believe you'll never find a single transform for all the animations that looks reasonable, nor a transform for a category of animations. I believe you'd have to make a transform for each part of each animation to get it to work and look good at the same time.
Actually, I think I'm going to go forward with the last idea. Rather than trying to recalculate everything, what if we went with just a thigh swap? Look at the Pumpkinhead pic and notice how he could just as well have a thigh going from his pelvis to his ankles and he'd look like an actual human with correct legs. If we can keep digitigrade legs doing this, we should be able to get a completely different take on them and, best of all, AS AN OPTION. No need to trash the old ones.

You want "backwards knees?" The old ones provide. You want a stilts look? The new ones should do. I actually think that'd put my fears to rest.


Actually, here's a request to you guys: If anyone's good at drawing and modelling, can you have a look if swapping the upper legs of a humanoid character with digitigrade legs would look at least passable? I'd like to have some proof of concept, but I just can't draw to save my life to make it.

Just to show how little artistic talent I have, here's a depiction of what I mean. This shows four different figures which are supposed to look like people. They don't, but that's besides the point. The first one is regular. The second one is a lower leg swap, the third one is an upper leg swap and the fourth one is a whole leg swap. All of those are done to the best of my ability, which isn't a lot, so yes, they all look very ugly. It comes with the territory.

If someone who can actually draw would like to take up the challenge, I'd be ecstatic, because there are a lot of things that I simply can't account for.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



By the way, why is that thing called Pumpkinhead? It doesn't look like it has a pumpkin for a head.
Having literally JUST watched the movie (wow...first movie...actually not bad!) the reason he's called Pumpkin head is because his demonic corpse is buried out in an old graveyard that's now overgrown with pumpkins. It has nothing to do with the shape of his head.



Are Zentradi Mechs Digitigrade? I allows thought those wear the coolest. Palladium let you play as an earth aligned Zentradi officer in one of the later Robotech RPGs and they had similar mechs but they had arm cannons with these wee little hands.

Found a pic here



Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you're tired of living,
His enemies are mostly dead,
He's mean and unforgiving,
Laugh at him and you're undone,
But in some dreadful fashion,
Vengeance, he considers fun,
And plans it with a passion,
Time will not erase or blot,
A plot that he has brewing,
It's when you think that he's forgot,
He'll conjure your undoing,
Bolted doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs prowling in the yard,
Won't protect you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead.

The second film, though poorly received explained that an old backwoods witch had a deformed son who was often tormented by the local boys and they called him, wait for it... "Pumpkinhead". They teased him, he died, she buried him in an old pumpkin patch (a la 'Pet Cemetery",) cast a spell, and summoned him as a vengeance demon.

EDIT: And as for how the actor stayed upright? A crane (depending on the scene.)




I don't think it would be possible to have the thigh and calf be a replacement for the thigh, and the foot be a replacement for the calf. The problem is that the ankle is then doing the full duty of the knee, and it simply doesn't have the range of motion to make that look good. Imagine what happens if such a rig were to kneel: the ankle would hyperextend backwards until the foot was resting against the buttocks. That would be bad.

Incidentally, the current rig looks poor when standing straight, but as soon as you get into the combat-ready stance with the knees slightly bent, it looks a lot better. It could just be a matter of getting the character to carry itself appropriately. If the idle stances were adjusted for digitigrade legs, that might get us most of the way there.

Also, I want that succubus's legs, but more than that, I want her gloves. An option for large organic hands in addition to the large robotic hands we have now would be wonderful. But that's for another thread.

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A preface for the uninitiated: A digitigrade is an animal that walks on the toes of its feet, rather than on the whole feet
And a young ebon3, man my dad used to whip my *** if I made to much noise walking down the hall. People wonder why my calves were so damn big. It was a survival adaptation 'cause I had to walk on my tip toes all the damn time >:[

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
How about anyone in high heels?
Given that Monster Legs give you only hooves, cloven paws and robotic claws, I don't think this is an issue, at least no more so than it already is.

Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Also, I want that succubus's legs, but more than that, I want her gloves. An option for large organic hands in addition to the large robotic hands we have now would be wonderful. But that's for another thread.
Oh, man, tell me about it I've always been a fan of unorthodox costume pieces like this. Large hands on what is an otherwise slender body just in and of themselves look odd, but this design REALLY pulls it off, and that's thanks to its additional designs. It's a big glove with a bony arm guard and two large horns that give it a cool, ornate shape.

I honestly feel we're about due for a different design of large glove and large boot. The current large gloves make the hand only slightly larger and the forearm much larger, but it leaves the wrist tiny by comparison. Similarly, the large boots make the foot a bit bigger and the calves a lot bigger, but still gives us a tiny ankle. The Enforcer boots are a good idea in this regard, but the Enforcer gloves are really bad because they restrict hand motion... Or would if the hand didn't clip through them anyway. Basically, that Succubus is an example of how you should make big gloves

Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I don't think it would be possible to have the thigh and calf be a replacement for the thigh, and the foot be a replacement for the calf. The problem is that the ankle is then doing the full duty of the knee, and it simply doesn't have the range of motion to make that look good. Imagine what happens if such a rig were to kneel: the ankle would hyperextend backwards until the foot was resting against the buttocks. That would be bad.
Huh... Good point, I'm not sure that joint could do all of the functions we have now without bending the knee, which wouldn't bend if it followed the current Monster legs. Let me think about this... OK, if we have the knee bent as I've drawn it, that would give it around 45-60 degrees between the idle bend and fully extended, and a human knee can go beyond 90 degrees, normally. In fact, judging by mine, it's only really limited by thigh and calf size, because I'm sure mine can go around to at least 120-150 degrees or so.

OK, I can kind of see why they went with the design they go with - even if it looks bad, they still have a knee on the knee joint, so they have the same motion... Kind of. See, the problem with the current digitigrade legs is that the shin is already at around a 45 degree angle back, which, (without animating the fake ankle, which they don't), limits the movement freedom of the knee down to around 90-120 degrees. Considering characters already bend their knees more than that, such as when kneeling (Rest, /em kneel, etc.), this already looks kind of bad.

But I agree, swapping the knee joint for an ankle joint which pivots the other way is hugely problematic, not least of all because a digitigrade character will still want to use his knees more so than his calves, requiring the much-feared brand new animations. And we're not just unlikely to get that, we are GUARANTEED to not get that unless SantaChrist comes down to my house and start taking notes.


Well, that still leaves the alternate purpose of the thread - figuring out what WOULD make a good digitigrade character. I think we can all agree that the way it's done here is iffy. Yes, it looks passable in the combat stance, but try and think about WHY it does - because in that stance, you have the upper legs displaced off vertical centre and it actually looks much more like the succubus I posted.

So, how would a Digitigrade humanoid stand? Regular stance with legs side by side? Perpetual one-leg-forward Stance? Sort of crouched down a bit? And how would the legs be held in their idle stance? I'm still in favour of a zig-zag pattern with the knees in front of the centre of mass and the calves behind. I'm also starting to think that somewhat shortening the shin bone as the cost for extending the foot significantly is the right way to go, as it retains the feel of recognisable legs while still making them clearly unusual. I should look into Heroes of Might and Magic 5 some more. That game had the right idea with digitigrade legs. I'll try to get a few in-game shots.

Incidentally, the current rig looks poor when standing straight, but as soon as you get into the combat-ready stance with the knees slightly bent, it looks a lot better. It could just be a matter of getting the character to carry itself appropriately. If the idle stances were adjusted for digitigrade legs, that might get us most of the way there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Something like kneeling would be done differently, where they wouldn't been on their knees at all but resting back on their heels and possibly leaning forward down between their knees.
Well, yes, but mind that we're talking about directly copying animations designed for non-digitigrade legs to a digitigrade rig. The current rig basically fixes the digitigrade ankle joint firm and has the knee and toe joints do the work of the knee and ankle joints in the non-digitigrade rig. What Sam proposed was to fix the knee joint instead and have the ankle do the work of the non-digitigrade knee - which wouldn't work with the current animations for the reason I described.

Given infinite time and budget, the ideal thing to do would be to make both knee and ankle joint functional and re-animate all poses using that rig, but in the absence of that, the current solution of locking the ankle is probably the least weird-looking compromise available.

Also, I think Zombie Man was trying to point out that if digitigrades are anything walking on the balls of their feet, then anyone wearing high heels qualifies. Of course, as anyone who wears high heels for any significant length of time can tell you, the human leg is not adapted for digitigrade locomotion. Note that the distinguishing feature of a high heel is the high heel, basically a prop to keep the heel up...

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Given infinite time and budget, the ideal thing to do would be to make both knee and ankle joint functional and re-animate all poses using that rig, but in the absence of that, the current solution of locking the ankle is probably the least weird-looking compromise available.
I guess then we're back to trying to figure out what digitigrade legs would look good as and leaving it as an exercise for the reader to try and determine how such a transition would actually take place. More specifically, it brings us back to questions such as how a bipedal humanoid digitigrade would do things like sitting down, kneeling, crouching and so forth. Would they actually sit down like cats and dogs?

Also, I think Zombie Man was trying to point out that if digitigrades are anything walking on the balls of their feet, then anyone wearing high heels qualifies. Of course, as anyone who wears high heels for any significant length of time can tell you, the human leg is not adapted for digitigrade locomotion. Note that the distinguishing feature of a high heel is the high heel, basically a prop to keep the heel up...
Heh, yeah, I didn't even think of that one But yes, a digitigrade is a creature which has evolved feet designed to walk on their toes, not simply any animal who just chooses to walk on its toes some of the time. Human feet are designed to stand on an equilibrium between the toes and the heel, and high heels are no different. You CAN walk in them just on your toes, but that requires some serious calves. Most of the time, people walking in high heels are indeed walking on the actual high heel

Incidentally, humans can also walk on their hands, but we don't really classify our species by it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Incidentally, humans can also walk on their hands, but we don't really classify our species by it
We can brachiate too, but only well enough to make apes point and laugh. :P

As to how a humanoid bipedal digitigrade would move, well. District 9 did a pretty good job of it, given that the "prawns" were CGI-rendered on top of human actors. In terms of crouching, digitigrade ankles tend to have a greater forward swing and a lesser rearward swing than human ankles. So where humans kneel by tucking their feet under their buttocks, a digitigrade would instead fold their feet forward to lie under their shins. This also has the advantage of allowing you to pop straight up into standing.

In fact, a lot of the variations humans have on sitting are essentially workarounds to the fact that we can't just comfortably fold up our feet directly under our legs, because our thighs and shins are freakishly long compared to our metatarsals, and our hips are twisted in order to put our thighs vertical. The entire human body shows evidence of having been pulled from a more bendy arrangement into a vertical alignment, because of course this is precisely what happened.

So the question may not be how a digitigrade would sit, crouch, and so on, because it simply wouldn't do those things. The hard question is how a digitigrade would stand straight - because, generally speaking, it wouldn't. Digitigrades tend to fall into two categories: quadrupeds, and creatures with a horizontal posture, either bending forward their thighs to place their shins and metatarsals underneath their center of mass, or possessing a hefty tail to counterbalance their torsos. Basically, it'd be hard to make a bipedal, erect-posture digitigrade not look somewhat bizarre.

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