why cant u use super speed to walk on water or on walls
Walking on water would truly be a visual thing (all of the water in the game is waist-high), and it simply was never added, nor is it a high priority. Also worth noting is that the maximum run speed in this game is not fast enough for a human to run on water, so if you want to bring in real-world physics, there's that.
Walking on walls is a large endeavor in modifying the game's physics, as well as making significant changes to the geometry of the world. There's also the fact that the travel powers are balanced against each other to some extent by their mobility. Super Speed is mostly limited to flat ground, so it's faster than Super Jump or Fly to compensate.
Walking on water would truly be a visual thing (all of the water in the game is waist-high), and it simply was never added, nor is it a high priority. Also worth noting is that the maximum run speed in this game is not fast enough for a human to run on water, so if you want to bring in real-world physics, there's that. Walking on walls is a large endeavor in modifying the game's physics, as well as making significant changes to the geometry of the world. There's also the fact that the travel powers are balanced against each other to some extent by their mobility. Super Speed is mostly limited to flat ground, so it's faster than Super Jump or Fly to compensate. |
I could be making up crazy stories again, though.
all true but they could make it so if they stand still they sink or fall off the wall
when flash in the dc comics runs up a building or some how runs on water dont u ever marvel at that and say that is really amazing, dont u think that would be cool to be able to do that in city of heroes/villains i know that all my friends and i always say i that it would be awesome
Well of course we think it would be cool. It is not, however, programmable. At least not within a manageable time frame that would deem it more important than 'whatever else' the devs have decided is more important.
all true but they could make it so if they stand still they sink or fall off the wall
Not so much...that's just one of those things that happens when you're asked to vet an idea on the spot. I thought about the problem purely in terms of making a player avatar appear to run on the surface of the water, rather than swim...but didn't think about all of the things that also happen in the water outside of swimming around. Powers/Attacks, hit reactions, even jumping out of the water...all of those things rely on the player standing on a surface below that water's surface. I also haven't yet thought about all of the things that I haven't thought about needing to think about. __________________ |
Now, this does not mean that water walking and wall jumping won't ever be in the game. It does mean that the game engine would need serious modifications to make these powers happen, which brings up another problem. One of the development goals the devs are trying to adhere to is the goal to not increase the minimum system requirements. While we do "know" that Praetoria will be bringing new textures and new models to really make Ultra Mode shine, Praetoria will also work within the existing graphics engine, and players with existing computers that can play CoH should still be able to play Going Rogue.
The big question is whether or not these engine-changing features would require engine changes that would raise the performance profile. In the case of Water-walking, I doubt it.
In the case of wall-walking... oh yeah. That's going to blow the performance budget out of the water. Every single surface in the game would need to be treated as an attach point or an anchor point for a travel power. There's a reason why wall-walking in most games is only done in select areas, and there's pretty much nothing "else" going on in the game while wall-walking. This was why the Playstation 2 / GCN / Xbox Spiderman games, and for that matter the N64 Zelda games, were such big development deals. They were among the first games to merge "wall movement" with other actions. More recently Bayonetta and Dead Space were breakthrough(s) in the "wall walking" gameplay factor. If you want to stretch the definition of a good game a bit, Serious Sam also had a bit of fun with movable geometry, but it showed off more why wall walking and directional changes weren't really popular. Prey, another title that also featured wall walking, went with a dedicated route build, in order to simply letting players know where they could walk, and what the limitations of travel were.
The point is, almost all of these games either had strict limitations on where, or how, you could wall walk... or for those, like Dead Space and Bayonneta, that let you wall-walk without such limitations, had massive system requirements. Ergo, the logical conclusion is, wall-walking isn't going to be entered into this game, ever.
Well, wall-walking "simply" (and by simply, I mean not happening to this game any time soon) requires an engine that's flexible with its gravity. As gravity is completely engine based, that's probably not too hard (if designed for from the beginning).
The hard part, however, is level design in a free-gravity space. It's a lot more complex than it would first seem, and simply wouldn't make sense in this game.
In short: it's easy to design an engine that supports wall-running and such if all you're going to run around is an empty box. Trying to design levels that make sense both with and without said feature and is fair for all and is bug-free? Not easy at all. Especially in terms of the amount of content an MMO needs to stay viable.
why cant u use fire cages to shoot ice cubes out your butt, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to shoot ice cubes with fire cages pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time
In the comic books, when Speedsters ran up walls, they never stopped. If they did, they would just fall.
This game needs to take into account players would would do stupid thinks like stop half way up a building.
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This game needs to take into account players would would do stupid thinks like stop half way up a building.
(Not that I ever did that lots and lots of times)

u all have very good points and i appreciate them all, accept for Postagulous comment. but i have been serching for other new online games and came across a game called dc online witch enables u to run up walls,but if u stand still, u will fall
Caveman Etc: Inv/Stone Tank, Hyperdrive Etc: Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Terra-Storm Etc: Earth/Storm Controller, Cpt. Thunderstrike: Energy/Electric Blaster, Psicada: Sonic/Energy Blaster, Neon Ranger: Archery/Electric Blaster, Devlin Hellshot: Dark/Dual Pistols Defender
u all have very good points and i appreciate them all, accept for Postagulous comment. but i have been serching for other new online games and came across a game called dc online witch enables u to run up walls,but if u stand still, u will fall
Given that the Playstation 3 leverages OpenGL 2.0 ES for it's native rendering API (although it's Geforce 8800 derived chip is capable of OpenGL 3.x calls), we can be pretty sure that the x86 windows client of DCUO will also leverage OpenGL 2.0 ES.
Keep in mind, these types of system requirements place DCUO's base performance envelope at somewhere between 3x to 5x the base computing power needed to execute the City of Heroes run-time executable. With such a performance envelope difference, it's no big surprise that DCUO can add in features such as Wall-sticking and wall-running.
why cant u use fire cages to shoot ice cubes out your butt, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to shoot ice cubes with fire cages pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time

Technically speaking wall running isn't terribly different than hill running if you plan for it from the start, but very difficult to implement after the fact. I think in this game the maximum angle we're able to run up is around 70 degrees, maybe more or less. When you hit a surface greater than that you'll notice your momentum wear off but you maintain whatever inertia you had when you hit it without gaining new traction. Wall running is essentially increasing the value to 90 degrees, but it has the added problem of requiring a hinge point to reverse the player's gravity. Realistically speaking, if you roll a golf ball up a curved ramp at sufficient speed it could clear an obstacle, but if you shoot it out of a cannon directly into a wall it will just smack into it.
There are some other significant challenges to wall running though. One of them is figuring out where to place the camera when a player is half a foot from the ground and facing upward. I am not sure how other games get around this challenge.
I have to say though that in the age of jet packs and Ninja Run Super Speed has such a lead on the other 3 travel powers that I consider them mostly costume fodder these days. Super Speed is the only travel power I'd consider on an optimized character.
considering all the improvements this game needs, not to mention new power sets, story arcs etc.....i guarantee running up the walls of a building...which provides basically no use other than to put a smile on a geek's face...is near the end of most people's "want" list.
it actually isn't on my list at all.
seriously, what would this accomplish?
nerd A: hey guys, watch this!
---nerd A runs up the side of a building---
nerd B: whoa, that was cool!
nerd C: ok guys, you've been taking turns running up buildings for like 15 mins now...you wanna do some missions?
Somewhat off topic, but long ago before all the jet packs and ninja run, I remember being in King's Row and jumping on the small window ledges so I could scale a building, hoping that there were CoT on top so that I could complete THAT MISSION.
And anyone who has done what I have done knows what mission THAT MISSION is.
Somewhat off topic, but long ago before all the jet packs and ninja run, I remember being in King's Row and jumping on the small window ledges so I could scale a building, hoping that there were CoT on top so that I could complete THAT MISSION.
And anyone who has done what I have done knows what mission THAT MISSION is. |
Caveman Etc: Inv/Stone Tank, Hyperdrive Etc: Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Terra-Storm Etc: Earth/Storm Controller, Cpt. Thunderstrike: Energy/Electric Blaster, Psicada: Sonic/Energy Blaster, Neon Ranger: Archery/Electric Blaster, Devlin Hellshot: Dark/Dual Pistols Defender
why cant u use super speed to walk on water or on walls, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to walk up walls/water with super speed pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time
- Because you would sink, especially if you slow down, or stop.
- Because you would either fall, or bounce away from the wall when you take a step.
- Because you are not playing a game where breaking these physics is considered important.
Maybe you want to look around for one that does.
considering all the improvements this game needs, not to mention new power sets, story arcs etc.....i guarantee running up the walls of a building...which provides basically no use other than to put a smile on a geek's face...is near the end of most people's "want" list.
Somewhat off topic, but long ago before all the jet packs and ninja run, I remember being in King's Row and jumping on the small window ledges so I could scale a building, hoping that there were CoT on top so that I could complete THAT MISSION.
And anyone who has done what I have done knows what mission THAT MISSION is. |

You know, if all you want to do is run on the walls, we can Already do that!
Combat Jumping, or Ninja Running will allow you to climb along any non-vertical surface, Like the War Walls. Of course, you take damage when you fall off, eventually, as if you had fallen from the highest point you scaled to.
Then there's all of the bridge abutments and reinforcements on tall walls, which allow you to engage in 'CoH Parkour'. Heck, that's half the fun of being a lowbie - learning that you CAN get there from here, if you're clever enough to learn how. All of the Exploration Badges in Galaxy City can be gotten, using nothing more than Sprint and some clever piloting. All of the ones in Atlas Park, as well, except for the one on top of the globe and the one on the capital dome, although Bird Watcher is tricky. Kings Row is relatively Easy, except for the one on the Power Tower.
The reason why Wall Walking and Water Walking are not in this game is that it would require completely reprogramming every object in the game with data that is of no use to anyone - except the Super Speed, or 'Wall Walking' power user. Super Jumping, Teleportation, and Fly need not apply. So, it's a waste of resources.
Be Well!
Somewhat off topic, but long ago before all the jet packs and ninja run, I remember being in King's Row and jumping on the small window ledges so I could scale a building, hoping that there were CoT on top so that I could complete THAT MISSION.
And anyone who has done what I have done knows what mission THAT MISSION is. |
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
why cant u use super speed to walk on water or on walls, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to walk up walls/water with super speed pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time