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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by test100 View Post
    u all have very good points and i appreciate them all, accept for Postagulous comment. but i have been serching for other new online games and came across a game called dc online witch enables u to run up walls,but if u stand still, u will fall
    ya dcu online looks like it might break down some barriers in terms of travel...
  2. for all of those that argued that a PLer hinders others because their either farming and reducing them player pool for teams, or because they dont know how to lpay they're level 50 properly...


    What about the players that log in for hours and RP in a corner in Atlas without ever firing off a power, doest that take away from the game??

    and besides if you're PLing you still have to play a character. Who says that because you reach 50 faster you cant play?

    You think this is the first and only toon the person has?


    if you say the Devs dont want it fine, but dont tell me it takes away from others cause i'mm say the same for ppl who sit around PLing taking up spots on the server.
  3. i dont even understand why ppl are so against PL.
    i pay the same amount as you if i want to level faster i have the right.
    What difference does it make how fast i level? am i removing content from other players or obstructing other players from playing by doing so? No...

    Why should i not be allowed to play the game the way i want to when it's not hindering anyone....why cause PL is unethical???
    it's a freaking VG FFS....my monthly fee is just as important as yours

    whatever keep making it harder and harder for ppl to play the game the way they want. They have no competition right now, lets see how that changes in a few months