why cant u use super speed to walk on water or on walls




Is there really a newbie at the bottom of this dogpile anymore?

Hi. Welcome to City of Heroes. I agree that wallwalking would be cool (maybe even for more than the first 15 minutes.) It was really cool the VERY FIRST TIME I played this game when I jumped over a bus stop, lengthwise, without touching it. It "put a smile on a geek's face." I don't notice it so much six years later, but I remember.

But I don't want people to have to reprogram every vertical surface in the game. We've got a really good physics setup in this game- we almost never get guys stuck in/behind the walls and floor anymore- and I don't want to mess with this particular good thing. It took years of hard programming work to get there. I was the guy with Teleport Foe, joining teams to pull that one last guy out of the wall and then go back to my own stuff. I don't want to go there two hundred times more with Recall Friend when some superspeeder gets stuck in the groin of some vault in Oranbega somewhere. Again.

There are things I never thought I'd see that are, in fact, now in the game. Animated tails. Colored powers. But those things make a REALLY BIG difference to a WHOLE LOT of players, or they're relatively easy [sic] to implement.

What you're asking for is, I'm given to understand, a lot of work. It's 15 minutes of fun for almost everyone, and then they go do a mission.

In other words: What they said.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
why cant u use fire cages to shoot ice cubes out your butt, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to shoot ice cubes with fire cages pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time
I wantz NAOZ!



Originally Posted by test100 View Post
why cant u use super speed to walk on water or on walls, i think we should be able to go to our options and set if u would like to walk up walls/water with super speed pls reply soon this has been bugging me for a long time
I'm not physics genius but with super speed toggled on you are only running about 70-100 mph and that is not fast enough to run on water or up walls.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Skipping over the fact that the game engine simply doesn't support water-running or wall-running. (Really, that's pretty much the only answer that needs to be given, but...)

If you really look at it, characters in the CoX world SHOULD NOT be able to run across water or run up the sides of buildings just via super-speed.

The top speed cap for running is 92.5 mph.

Now, I don't know how fast you'd actually have to be going to completely defy gravity and run up the side of a building, but I do know that it's a heck of a lot faster than 92.5 mph.

I can get my car up to the mid 90's if I want to and I really don't see it skipping it's way across the ocean or up the sides of buildings anytime soon .......

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post
considering all the improvements this game needs, not to mention new power sets, story arcs etc.....i guarantee running up the walls of a building...which provides basically no use other than to put a smile on a geek's face...is near the end of most people's "want" list.

it actually isn't on my list at all.

seriously, what would this accomplish?

nerd A: hey guys, watch this!

---nerd A runs up the side of a building---

nerd B: whoa, that was cool!

nerd C: ok guys, you've been taking turns running up buildings for like 15 mins now...you wanna do some missions?
Sounds like what happens when someone is on the Frostfire map for the first time.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
Sounds like what happens when someone is on the Frostfire map for the first time.
Except thanks to AE half the CoH population no longer knows what Frostfire is

Seriously I went on a walkabout with a new charecter the other day in a few new teams, asking if anyone wanted to do frostfire in hollows, I got 3 tells asking what the hollows was and almost too many to count asking who frostfire was and if it was an AE arc :/



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
Sounds like what happens when someone is on the Frostfire map for the first time.
yeah. I remember my first time getting to the ice ramps... wasted a lot of time in there I did...



Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
Skipping over the fact that the game engine simply doesn't support water-running or wall-running. (Really, that's pretty much the only answer that needs to be given, but...)

*runs up a wall and away*