Recluse's Victory Saved My Evening
Most pvp sg's don't do zones that organized. You can usually get on a team in RV.
In what took over an hour and a half, was one the best experiences I have ever had since I first started playing. A 6-8 person (with legitmately only 2 of our teammates where PvPer or had a good PvP build) go into RV and take out the Freedom Phalanx. Bothered by hero players, having to reclaim Pillboxes from each other, getting the badges, and then doing some actual PvPing afterwards, WHAT A BLAST... and what great, yet unorthodox team. |
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There would be a lot more organized Zone PvP if they didn't have the lame limitations on Heal Degay and Travel Suppression... Anyone who has been here for awhile knows the game was better without it.
I'm sorry for not posting more concisely and detailed, with more thought put into that first post.
After giving it a lot of thought, I my main idea was to suggest to the Devs, to consider making Recluse's Victory geared more towards a team PvP style zone. Making combat more than just defeating each other, and adding an objective in order to acheive victory. Something resembling "capture the Flag", or perhaps to use an video game analogy...Gold Rush in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. An idea to bring some variety to PvP.
I'm not saying it's current use is wrong or anything but the last night was the rarest of times where Recluse's Victory was used for it's other intended use, brought on only because of the event last night, resulting in large server population. I really wish other players got to do what my team and I accomplished last night, because each of team had a lot of fun. Honestly, when was the last time any of you say Heroes and Villians actually fighting over pillboxes in RV. I mean for 30-40 minutes, back and forth, capturing and recapturing pillboxes. I don't see that often. I think that is something PvP NEEDS. Devs please looking into making a Recluse's Victory or even a new PvP zone more team based and objective based PvP.
Well coh is a joke in its entirety
But specifically zones r pretty retarded
And pillboxes r a waste of time
I understand what you mean OP. What ur trying to say is that the devs should make PvP more meaningful, entertaining, and fun. As it is now, the meaningfulness and fun part comes from player made content (like the PvPEC events) and getting the occasional PvP IO. Since player driven content (aside from mindless killing of other players in zones) is what keeps PvP going in this game, we see a lot of egotistical players who seek a lot of attention and recognition and have a strong sense of aversion for 'nooby' players. Although PvPEC tries hard to get new players to join the PvP community, the '1337' players and those who think they are '1337' tend to condescend new pvpers and help hault the growth of PvP in CoH. People are people and can't be changed, but if the devs gave PvP all kinds of new meaningful goal oriented content with appropriate rewards, many more players in other servers other than Freedom will start to pvp and enjoy it. The news is most '1337' PvPers have moved to freedom or quit the game; this means that if devs introduce good pvp content casual pvpers like youself will have many more enjoyable times like you did in RV while the '1337' players can play peacefully amongst themselves away from 'nooby' content (such as base raiding). Also to be fair, content for high end pvp should be introduced as well. The botom line is we need more PvP content, if not, than a server with world PvP (which i don't think will happen but I am hoping that praetoria will have it since there is no war wall).
I understand what you mean OP. What ur trying to say is that the devs should make PvP more meaningful, entertaining, and fun. As it is now, the meaningfulness and fun part comes from player made content (like the PvPEC events) and getting the occasional PvP IO. Since player driven content (aside from mindless killing of other players in zones) is what keeps PvP going in this game, we see a lot of egotistical players who seek a lot of attention and recognition and have a strong sense of aversion for 'nooby' players. Although PvPEC tries hard to get new players to join the PvP community, the '1337' players and those who think they are '1337' tend to condescend new pvpers and help hault the growth of PvP in CoH. People are people and can't be changed, but if the devs gave PvP all kinds of new meaningful goal oriented content with appropriate rewards, many more players in other servers other than Freedom will start to pvp and enjoy it. The news is most '1337' PvPers have moved to freedom or quit the game; this means that if devs introduce good pvp content casual pvpers like youself will have many more enjoyable times like you did in RV while the '1337' players can play peacefully amongst themselves away from 'nooby' content (such as base raiding). Also to be fair, content for high end pvp should be introduced as well. The botom line is we need more PvP content, if not, than a server with world PvP (which i don't think will happen but I am hoping that praetoria will have it since there is no war wall).
there was pvp everywhere until i13.. wat r u even saying
wtf is a l337 god ppl r so dumb
this doesnt even make any sense..
there was pvp everywhere until i13.. wat r u even saying wtf is a l337 god ppl r so dumb |
For example, R U actually comes from the english words "are" and "you". Put them together and you have the beginnings of a question. For example "ARE YOU really going to be a virgin your whole life?" or "ARE YOU sure mom will say yes when you ask her to prom?"
He was typing english? I know they probably dont teach that in your grade yet. But keep graduating and eventually youll learn something valuable.
For example, R U actually comes from the english words "are" and "you". Put them together and you have the beginnings of a question. For example "ARE YOU really going to be a virgin your whole life?" or "ARE YOU sure mom will say yes when you ask her to prom?" |

@Intro lolPvP
hit with the roast hammer boss...
I understand what you mean OP. What ur trying to say is that the devs should make PvP more meaningful, entertaining, and fun. As it is now, the meaningfulness and fun part comes from player made content (like the PvPEC events) and getting the occasional PvP IO. Since player driven content (aside from mindless killing of other players in zones) is what keeps PvP going in this game, we see a lot of egotistical players who seek a lot of attention and recognition and have a strong sense of aversion for 'nooby' players. Although PvPEC tries hard to get new players to join the PvP community, the '1337' players and those who think they are '1337' tend to condescend new pvpers and help hault the growth of PvP in CoH. People are people and can't be changed, but if the devs gave PvP all kinds of new meaningful goal oriented content with appropriate rewards, many more players in other servers other than Freedom will start to pvp and enjoy it. The news is most '1337' PvPers have moved to freedom or quit the game; this means that if devs introduce good pvp content casual pvpers like youself will have many more enjoyable times like you did in RV while the '1337' players can play peacefully amongst themselves away from 'nooby' content (such as base raiding). Also to be fair, content for high end pvp should be introduced as well. The botom line is we need more PvP content, if not, than a server with world PvP (which i don't think will happen but I am hoping that praetoria will have it since there is no war wall).
He was typing english? I know they probably dont teach that in your grade yet. But keep graduating and eventually youll learn something valuable.
For example, R U actually comes from the english words "are" and "you". Put them together and you have the beginnings of a question. For example "ARE YOU really going to be a virgin your whole life?" or "ARE YOU sure mom will say yes when you ask her to prom?" |
I understand what you mean OP. What ur trying to say is that the devs should make PvP more meaningful, entertaining, and fun. As it is now, the meaningfulness and fun part comes from player made content (like the PvPEC events) and getting the occasional PvP IO. Since player driven content (aside from mindless killing of other players in zones) is what keeps PvP going in this game, we see a lot of egotistical players who seek a lot of attention and recognition and have a strong sense of aversion for 'nooby' players. Although PvPEC tries hard to get new players to join the PvP community, the '1337' players and those who think they are '1337' tend to condescend new pvpers and help hault the growth of PvP in CoH. People are people and can't be changed, but if the devs gave PvP all kinds of new meaningful goal oriented content with appropriate rewards, many more players in other servers other than Freedom will start to pvp and enjoy it. The news is most '1337' PvPers have moved to freedom or quit the game; this means that if devs introduce good pvp content casual pvpers like youself will have many more enjoyable times like you did in RV while the '1337' players can play peacefully amongst themselves away from 'nooby' content (such as base raiding). Also to be fair, content for high end pvp should be introduced as well. The botom line is we need more PvP content, if not, than a server with world PvP (which i don't think will happen but I am hoping that praetoria will have it since there is no war wall).
"Lol - took 6 of you to kill me finally"
"Gank more plz"
"Don't kill me im here to watch...OMGWTFBBQ wTH did you kill me?!?!?!?!?1"
"You're only good because you play FoTM's"
"Tru warriors don't pop pills"
I could go on and on and on.
The point is, you can either take your beatings, say gg, and try to get better OR, you can make excuses as to why you we're beat and why PvPers are jerks.
Problem with CoH PvP is there is a very large amount of scrub mentality.
LR;DR - Don't talk **** unless you want to have Jerk PvPers hardcore **** you in both skill and trash talking
He was typing english? I know they probably dont teach that in your grade yet. But keep graduating and eventually youll learn something valuable.
For example, R U actually comes from the english words "are" and "you". Put them together and you have the beginnings of a question. For example "ARE YOU really going to be a virgin your whole life?" or "ARE YOU sure mom will say yes when you ask her to prom?" |
this doesnt even make any sense..
there was pvp everywhere until i13.. wat r u even saying |
That's how much of a monumental failure I13 was. To take something already bad and make it five times worse....they don't teach that in game developer school.
GJ today in RV lol there was like 60 heroes in zone pillboxing killing AVs. Funny thing is they can take down Captain Mako in like 12 sec but couldn't kill a stalker or brute lol. GJ PvEers i can never accomplish ur feets of uber PvE fast killing.
This night was the 6th Anniversary of CoH/CoV. And while I am looking forward to i17 and Going Rogue. This evening's event appear at first to be a lost night. I managed to find a team that was willing to hunt the Arachnos Flyer just as I joined and just as it came up in Grandville. I had mentioned to my team that I had not gotten the Hero defeats in Recluse's Victory which obviously I could get this evening in normal zones. So, I suggest we go into RV and actually hunt them ourselves. No ridiculous lag and no wait, while everyone stumbles around in what I felt was a really really poor event.
In what took over an hour and a half, was one the best experiences I have ever had since I first started playing. A 6-8 person (with legitmately only 2 of our teammates where PvPer or had a good PvP build) go into RV and take out the Freedom Phalanx. Bothered by hero players, having to reclaim Pillboxes from each other, getting the badges, and then doing some actual PvPing afterwards, WHAT A BLAST... and what great, yet unorthodox team.
I think this is what NCSoft, or the Devs, need to look into. Group oriented PvP. Much like Halo, Modern Warfare, Battlefield: Bad Company, etc. And Recluse's Victory is a perfect... um example of what could make PvP, more interesting to casual players like me. On my own, yes I suck.
Now, I know that there are SG's out there I don't know which though, that have SG's that PvP a lot. But do think a PvP SG is going to want a Necro/Dark MM? Hmm? If the Dev's had a system in place that setup scheduled group PvP events that anyone could jump into... (again like Halo, MW, Battlefield) it be a boon to the PvP Community.
I think they could improve upon group PvP in Recluse's Victory. It is in a way like capture the flag. There could be a set number of rounds and after a few rounds, a team wins, gets a reward like, well Reward Merits perhaps.
I know I'm rambling, and it's late, but I need to get these thoughts down before I'd lost them. These last 2-3 hours were absolutely epic and I think that PvP that is more geared to group play would be a big benefit to CoX and it's something I hope the Devs really consider. I hope I made sense, if need be I'll try to reorganize these thought tommorrow or the next day.