Why do SG's make their teleporters hard to find?




Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
but being level 5 and accidentally hitting Boomtown instead of Atlas is a real pain.

Is there a Cimerora TP?

On a a side note, is there a out of game base editor to use as practice?
No Cimerora TP. Access is only thru the midnighter club because travel is supposed to be thru time.



Originally Posted by marc100 View Post
I'd say probably the last 10 sg's I joined, their teleporters were impossible to find. I would have to run around the base literally 4 minutes to find them.

Is there a reason for this like people dont use teleporters that much? thats kind of the only reason I use SG's and stay in SG mode is to use the teleporters
Because they want there sg to look fancy and to make things look different, Hell if ever need a Sg on freedom give @Super Ratz a call and i show you that my TP aren't hard to find. I like to keep them close to the base Entrance and to the Med Bay. I kind of don't want to move them or change them to point where you can't find them, things look better When thing are simply, that how i feel and not by stacking $#$% up on top of each other.

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Our base designer was smart. Entrance is in the center, with the med bay, teleporter bay, and salvage bays off the entrance and clearly visible.


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I've got a similar functional design like most have already said. My Entrance, Med, and TP rooms are all right next to each other. After that it spreads out to whatever. Most bases I go into for Silver Mantis SF or other reasons, I can find the TP room pretty easy. Have run across a couple where I get lost

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Plenty of reasons.

People adding rooms as they earn enough prestige for them, and not wanting/knowing how to move existing rooms.

People who can't design a base to save their lives.

People trying to squeeze as many rooms as possible into a smaller plot, resulting in a need to play room Tetris.

People who value form over function.

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Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
Is there a Cimerora TP?
If you have a Pillar of Ice and Flame in your base, you can use it as a ghetto port to Midnighter's Club if you're level 30+ or to Cimerora at level 50. Simply start up a flashback from Mercedes Sheldon or Daedalus, click the Pillar again and select Teleport to contact. Then you can quit the flashback once there.

Of course, this works best if solo.

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The basic build strategy I have for each of my bases for my SGs/VGs has always been "keep the med, auto doc, teleporters, inspiration storage, and portal close to each other".

When you're dead in a mish, and the team is in imminent wipe, wasting time to find these three things after you rez in the base is counter-productive to your SG/VG mates. With what is currently available for base use, you need to maximize and simplify your SG/VG utilization for your SG/VG mates.

When base raiding becomes an issue again, I'll place multiple locations for med/auto doc/teleporters as required, but for now, I make them as simpistically functional for the group. And yes, I do decorate the bases, stack many things, and create themed rooms and styles, but again, not at the expense of my SG/VG mates needs.

Some base builders go hog wild with 'drop any room here and decorate with fluff and stacking' mentality, and to each their own; standard members who have need of a functional base won't stick around long though with that type of base build unless they don't care about base functionality. I don't dislike bases like this, since I'm usually impressed with the creativity of many of our builders, but, to put it simply, you don't build an aircraft carrier to be a fashion runway.

One of the best comments I continually get in all my SG/VG bases is, "Damn! Everything is so easy to find and access" (or along those lines). The base should be an asset for the GROUP not YOU (as the base builder). If you feel like going into 'awesome stacking and decorating' mode, again, go to town, but have the base designed to be 'useful' first.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Plenty of reasons.

People adding rooms as they earn enough prestige for them, and not wanting/knowing how to move existing rooms.

People who can't design a base to save their lives.

People trying to squeeze as many rooms as possible into a smaller plot, resulting in a need to play room Tetris.

People who value form over function.

Let's not forget about the base designers priorities. A person who rarely uses teleporters isn't going to care about putting them in an easily accessible location. He or she is going to build the base according to his/her idea of what's important.

Your needs aren't going to be the same as mine and we both may not agree with someone building a base for a huge group.



One base, though it was beautifully designed, had the exit portal floating at ceiling level in mid-air. There was no way someone without fly or such could get out without jumping and trying to click in on it mid-jump.

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Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Bah! My SG members are smart! We know general zone levels and everything!!

Ours are generally in level order, but I always like to do the hazard zones using the arcane TPers and beacons, and the city zones in tech so they're easy to tell.

Each to their own...
Hmmm... My cities are Arcane... and the Hazard are Tech!

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Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



I am the Archetect/Engineer for three SGs and I always place the Teleporters and Infirmary close to the Secret Entrance. I try to keep the Workshops close too so players can get at the IO crafting table. IO Vault and Enhancement bins in a short amount of time and a second hold the Inspiration collectors . Energy, Control and ROLE Playing room can go as far away as possible.. LOL Sadly not everyone in every SG agrees with that assessment.

Memphis Bill makes a good point too.. It doesn't take that LONG to take a quick tour of the new SG you just joined and scout out where things are. Sort of makes sense when you think about it. Move to a new neighborhood and I bet you take some time to ask your neighbors or just drive around a bit to find the Grocery Store, Gas Station, etc. I guess if you join an SG in the middle of a task force your team mates night take exception to you wondering around a 24 X 24 plot looking at every single room but unless the base Designer is just cruel and inhuman most bases place the Tpers and other GOOD stuff close to the entrance.. Take a few minutes to look around and find them. As mentioned unless you have a base that someone is redesigning contstantly it should only take a few trips inside before you have everything memorized

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Yeah no offense intended, but this kinda thing is what drives me NUTS in SG bases.

Why do so FEW designers put their TPs in ALPHABETICAL ORDER by Zone?

It seems to be all the rage these days, to put them in order by Level - which is somewhat arbitrary and assumes all members of the SG (even newbs) actually KNOW what zones correlate to which level.

While EVERYONE knows the alphabet! Without having to stop and think "So would Steel be BEFORE Bricks? What about Hollows? Is RWZ near the Cimerora TP?

C'mon everyone, say it with me!


So easy!

How about because 1) People add things to a new base as they can afford them and as they need them. If a brand new SG can only afford 1 teleporter and everyone in the SG is between level 5 and level 20 do we really need teleport to Croatoa before we need say Kings Row or Steel Canyon? 2) Even later on when we have the prestige and the room to support teleport to 22 zones (HERO SIDE OF COURSE) using the level based design still makes sense.. Lower levels = Yellow Line zones Higher levels = Green line zones (with of course Steel and Skyway present on both). So unless no one in your particular SG has ever ridden a train why don't they have a decent idea of what zone correspond to waht levels? and 3) I think you are selling a lot of players short. Hey you arrive in either Atlas park or Galaxy City (getting those options on creation or when you leave outbreak) so they are quite obviously the lowest level zones in game. Depending on how you play, using the sewers or contacts, at some point after level 5 someone is going to FORCE you to go see Dave Wincott in the Hollows and at level 7 They will TRY to make you battle COT in Perez Park. At level 10 people start giving you contacts that are found in Steel Canyon and Skyway (including Montaque for the Midnighter's club arc and the Dean oif the University as soon as you step off the train in Steel). At around level 12, depending on if your doing Radios or running missions from contacts, some contact will TRY to get you to defeat 10 Clockwork in Boomtown and after level 15 someone will probably ask you to go See Jim in Faultline. The game offers up constant little HINTS that show players what the level range is for each zone. and 4) It just sort of became the "standard" way most SGs did things and when other players broke off from old SGs to form their own they followed the same pattern.

LOL someone else mentioned something like this but if I am trying to get to Perez park at level 10 do i really want to accidentally, cause I am trying to move to fast, click the wrong selection and end up in Peregrine?

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I keep my teleport pads in a series of color-coded rooms, ranging from green to purple.

Alphabetical sounds nice too. Hard to come up with an intuitive marking scheme for that, though.



A little trick I do when setting up a new base is that the first two heroside TP locations I set up are to King's Row and Steel Canyon. King's Row's exit point is near the Yellow Line station and Steel Canyon's exit point is the closest of those zones that the Green Line station serves. And generally, I keep those two locations on the same teleport pad even after setting up more pads later.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post

Memphis Bill makes a good point too.. It doesn't take that LONG to take a quick tour of the new SG you just joined and scout out where things are. Sort of makes sense when you think about it. ...
I agree to this, but what I find confusing sometimes is on TF/SF runs where your using the leaders base to get from zone to zone. That's when its nice to have a TP room close to the entrance since you usually don't have time to take a tour

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Probably because most SGs strive to have MONSTER bases as big as city zones. The base of my SG is built so that you won't have trouble finding anything . In fact, you can see the teleporter room right from the entrance. I believe in convenience



Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
I agree to this, but what I find confusing sometimes is on TF/SF runs where your using the leaders base to get from zone to zone. That's when its nice to have a TP room close to the entrance since you usually don't have time to take a tour
My TP room is right next to the entrance and yet people still always go the wrong way and complain they can't find it.

What we really need is the ability to make signs for our base. Or have useful items marked on the minimap.

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Maybe some SG's teleporters are hard to find, because the bases are still set up for Raids

Which have been discontinued and its too expensive, time consuming to change the base layout.