The joke that got me kicked from VU2010




Originally Posted by Khellendrosiic View Post
You, sir or madam, deserve a round of applause.
Madam. Though thank you kindly, g.



I was reading Virtue TFs 2010 the other day when a gentleman berated another for initiating a social conversation. He said, "This is a channel for TF's only. You want to chat, go somewhere else." Initially, I thought, "Well ****, that's rude." but realized.. yeah, look, when we join a group, we're joining a social network with moderators and rules - their rules.

VU2010, formerly VU2009 - VU2008 - VirtueUnited, is a fairly popular global channel. It caps at 2,500 globals nearly every Fall and has maybe a dozen moderators? Moderators aren't paid NCsoft employees, they're players giving up their free time to help run a social network smoothly for all those who wish to join. I know I sure as hell wouldn't have time to interrogate, public poll, and try someone for an offense that is clearly seen from the surface. I'd rather do what's right for the group and lose one person than ten.

Ball's in your court now, Makai. Accept that fact, ask a VU mod if you can rejoin, join a different channel, or make your own.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
blah blah blah
If I see an accident, I stop to help. Basically, that's what I was taught to do. I don't feel that I am better than anyone but I do feel it's a civic duty to look out for others.

Don't glance past the point of this thread. Someone was kicked from a chat for making light of sexual assault. Someone else was banned for posting a link to a porn website, to make light of the topic of sexual assault.

If you're all for forcing materials or subject matter like this down the throats of minors, that's your business. But VU has always had rules, set up by the OPs, that said these subjects were not allowed. Yet people want to push, and push, and push the limits till someone gets their "rights" taken away. Then the bad guys are the OPs for enforcing the rules they made.

Everyone on the internet is an anonymous saint and sinner. Sadly, when you're using a pay service and you give your personal information to the "man" you are no longer anonymous. And if reporting people is my way of helping out, or in your words "thinking I'm better than everyone else," well, so be it.

We live in a sick world. We live in a world where cyber bullying can push people over the edge, even to the point of suicide. To you, these people many be nothing more than a bunch of text. To me, I know there is someone on the other end of your taunting and berating. You can laugh about sexual assault, you can make the jokes, but since all you see is text, you think that your little "rants" are more important than the people you step on? You think that blind comments like "grow thicker skin" are going to sit well with people have been sexually assaulted?

To me, if you can joke about an issue like this, then you are no better than the people committing the acts. Why? Because you are forcing people to relive these experiences. And you have NO right to mentally hold someone hostage of the fears, pain, and torture suffered from the actual event.

Grow thicker skin? How about grow a soul?

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Grow thicker skin? How about grow a soul?
So heart-breaking...and hilarious!

You have managed to completely and utterly blow the issue way, way, WAY out of proportion, just to prove your stance as some sort of a..."law abiding citizen" of this virtual community?

The report tool is given for a reason; and that is to take away your self-righteousness and let the people who designed the EULA decide on things. So use it and stop trying to "fix" this oh-so-sick world in which puppies die and baby seals cry.

Come down from that high throne sometime. The weather's nice down here too!



Sorry Commander, I was really trying to see your side to this whole thing. I mean, I am all for free speech, but the fact of the matter is NO moderated channel is a public forum. The moderators have every right to decide what is and is not appropriate for discussion in that channel, just as any newspaper publisher has every right to decide what will and will not be published in that paper, and just as NC Soft has every right to decide what can and can not be discussed on these forums. They own them. It's they who set the rules.

My problem is with your own postings in this thread. First, in this post, you accuse the original poster of posting a porn link in the VU Channel, and you indicate that the link was the real reason for the ban...

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
What about the link to the porn site?

Stop trying to play the innocent card. There are players in VU that are under the age of consent. Publishing a link in a public forum, it is giving minors an ability to access something not intended for them as well as putting yourself in a situation that crosses legal boundaries.

Had I been there for the entire conversation, I would have reported it directly to customer support.

CoH/V = Teen rated game. 13+

As Kegan said: Smarten up.

Then, you apparently checked into things further and learned that the OP is not the one posted the link, so in this post you say...

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Don't glance past the point of this thread. Someone was kicked from a chat for making light of sexual assault. Someone else was banned for posting a link to a porn website, to make light of the topic of sexual assault.
Which indicates that the OP was banned for the single comment and not the the link as you originally implied.

The mature and responsible thing to do would have been to admit your mistake publicly, just as you publicly accused the OP, wrongly, of posting the link.

Even if you feel the comment, in and of itself was enough, you should at least be man enough to apologize for the MULTIPLE times that you and other channel mods have accused the OP of posting the link through out this thread.

The fact that you are blind to this fact and, by all appearances, oblivious to the logic of why it should make any difference leads me to believe that you lack any significant understanding of the true meaning of leadership--and while channel mods are not "leaders", it does take good leadership SKILLS to be an effective channel mod. If you are indicative of the other channel mods, and those that have made their presence known in this thread would certainly make it appear that way, I am not sure I even WANT to be on the VU channels anymore.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Sorry Commander, I was really trying to see your side to this whole thing. I mean, I am all for free speech, but the fact of the matter is NO moderated channel is a public forum. The moderators have every right to decide what is and is not appropriate for discussion in that channel, just as any newspaper publisher has every right to decide what will and will not be published in that paper, and just as NC Soft has every right to decide what can and can not be discussed on these forums. They own them. It's they who set the rules.
See, that would be completely valid if something like a public channel had pre-determined rules and regulations, and moderators were only there to enforce these rules. Now I'm not a member of VU, but I doubt there is a "DA RULZ" book for the channel, and for that, kicking someone would be purely based on moderator discretion.

And just because someone is a moderator, it doesn't make them "right"; especially in such a large, popular channel. I don't remember VU ever being created by a small group of like-minded people for a specific goal with a set of rules and regulations.

It is a public channel to bring people in Virtue together. Much like Broadcast. You can't declare moderators as representatives of "law" in such a scenario... precisely because there IS no law.

So, in the absence of any "law", the next best thing is "warning". Something the moderator (assuming all facts are present) refused to do and simply kicked the person. THAT is the part that is wrong, and far out-weighs what the OP did.



I love that whenever somebody acts like a jerk, and somebody calls them a jerk, the response is "Grow thicker skin! you suck!" which seems interesting, because, if you're gonna act like it's completely unreasonable for people to respond negatively to you doing negative ish, then you should just accept that people will say mean things to you, like call you a jerk for acting like a jerk

People who want to insult everyone around them, but not be insulted in turn: GROW THICKER SKIN!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



What is "self-righteousness" about being concerned about others? There were many people offended by the comments made, the issue was dealt with by an operator of the channel, and this wildfire spread because a disgruntled person decided to "vent" about how he was mistreated.

Yeah. I'm at fault 100%.

Let me ask you this: has a loved one ever fallen victim to anything? Do you not care for them or their well being? What if someone caused them to live the pain they suffered over and over, for the sake of amusement? Well, to many people, that's what this whole issue created.

I mean, this is a game that people play to get away from reality. Just because you also pay the subscription doesn't mean that it gives you any rights to do as you wish. The comments never should have been made, and I should not have made a reply to a "rant" thread about the subject. But here we are at an impass; the damage already done.

But you can say what you want. The thread will be locked and removed soon enough and in another month we'll have something new to disagree over.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in my first post as two different things ran into the same paragraph. I didn't mean it to sound as I as accusing the first person of the link. I was trying to get the point out that he "started the fire" that made the whole thing snowball out of control into what we have now.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
What is "self-righteousness" about being concerned about others? There were many people offended by the comments made, the issue was dealt with by an operator of the channel, and this wildfire spread because a disgruntled person decided to "vent" about how he was mistreated.

Yeah. I'm at fault 100%.

Let me ask you this: has a loved one ever fallen victim to anything? Do you not care for them or their well being? What if someone caused them to live the pain they suffered over and over, for the sake of amusement? Well, to many people, that's what this whole issue created.

I mean, this is a game that people play to get away from reality. Just because you also pay the subscription doesn't mean that it gives you any rights to do as you wish. The comments never should have been made, and I should not have made a reply to a "rant" thread about the subject. But here we are at an impass; the damage already done.

But you can say what you want. The thread will be locked and removed soon enough and in another month we'll have something new to disagree over.
I'm offended that you bring up a topic like my loved one being fallen victim to such a thing on such a petty, worth-less topic. You are causing me pain and suffering and ruining my escape from reality. Grow a soul!

See what I did there?



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
Now I'm not a member of VU, but I doubt there is a "DA RULZ" book for the channel, and for that, kicking someone would be purely based on moderator discretion.
Actually, there is a "rule book" of topics that shouldn't be discussed. And I believe they were carried over from the first VU channel.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

I'm offended that you bring up a topic like my loved one being fallen victim to such a thing on such a petty, worth-less topic. You are causing me pain and suffering and ruining my escape from reality. Grow a soul!

See what I did there?
No, not really.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Actually, there is a "rule book" of topics that shouldn't be discussed. And I believe they were carried over from the first VU channel.
Okay, then I take my statement regarding Garielle's comment back. I was mistaken.

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
No, not really.
Didn't think so!



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in my first post as two different things ran into the same paragraph. I didn't mean it to sound as I as accusing the first person of the link. I was trying to get the point out that he "started the fire" that made the whole thing snowball out of control into what we have now.
Sorry Commander, gonna have to call a BS penalty on that excuse. Let's look at the post again, and remember, this in response to the ORIGINAL POSTER...

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
What about the link to the porn site?

Stop trying to play the innocent card. There are players in VU that are under the age of consent. Publishing a link in a public forum, it is giving minors an ability to access something not intended for them as well as putting yourself in a situation that crosses legal boundaries.

Had I been there for the entire conversation, I would have reported it directly to customer support.

CoH/V = Teen rated game. 13+

As Kegan said: Smarten up.
You ask the original poster... "What about the link to the porn site?"

You tell the original poster... "Stop trying to play the innocent card."

There is nothing to be misinterpreted there Commander. You were wrong to accuse him of it because he not do it. Yes, it is true that you did not have all of the facts yet, but that is all the more reason you should never have publicly accused him. Being a channel mod has a bit of responsibility that comes along with it. You clearly refuse to accept responsibility for your own actions and instead want to make BS excuses which do not hold water, and clearly are not based in anything even vaguely resembling the actual truth.

Now clearly there is ONE possible way I am misinterpreting that post. It is possible that you were not addressing the OP, but were addressing another post in this thread. If this is the case, please point me to the proper post, and I will gladly admit that I was wrong. You see, I am mature. I am responsible. I do not skirt my responsibility. I do not make excuses for my actions. I accept responsibility for every word I speak, be it in person, on the radio, on a forum, or anywhere else. When I am wrong, I say I am wrong. When someone is due an apology from me, they get one.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Like I said, I'm sorry that I wasn't more clear as two thoughts kind of meshed into one. Usually I try to structure a thought better and sometimes I type and move comments to an area to form a more cohesive thought. This time it slipped past me. As you can see, after the second comment about the link, nothing was referred to the original poster. It was a failure on my part to spot a poorly structured comment. As they say, "You are your own worst editor."

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post

Like I said, I'm sorry that I wasn't more clear as two thoughts kind of meshed into one. Usually I try to structure a thought better and sometimes I type and move comments to an area to form a more cohesive thought. This time it slipped past me.
Are you REALLY trying to tell me that you were asking KEGAN about the link or telling KEGAN to stop playing the innocent card?? This would be the same Kegan that you, later in the same post, agree with saying (and this is not a direct quote, but is close enough) "Like Kegan said, smarten up"?

You are just digging yourself deeper.

As for him being responsible for the fact that someone ELSE posted a link in response to his comment, that's BEYOND ludicrous. You really want to hold him responsible for something SOMEONE ELSE did? Wow... yeah, I think you're pretty much helping me make up my mind on the whole "Should I stay or should I go?" thing if that's how you think things should be run. Especially with no warning to him whatsoever.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Are you REALLY trying to tell me that you were asking KEGAN about the link or telling KEGAN to stop playing the innocent card?? This would be the same Kegan that you, later in the same post, agree with saying (and this is not a direct quote, but is close enough) "Like Kegan said, smarten up"?

You are just digging yourself deeper.
When I made the comment, I was referring to Kegans comments. I was not accusing her, as she is an amazing RL friend of mine. Like I said, I take thoughts, shuffle them around, and try to make a more cohesive thought. I make comments, as I type, and leave little notes that I want to go into further.

I can see your mind is set and I'm not looking to change it. I'm trying to give my point so that not everything I say is met with a judgement of character based on the structure of a thought.

As for him being responsible for the fact that someone ELSE posted a link in response to his comment, that's BEYOND ludicrous. You really want to hold him responsible for something SOMEONE ELSE did? Wow... yeah, I think you're pretty much helping me make up my mind on the whole "Should I stay or should I go?" thing if that's how you think things should be run. Especially with no warning to him whatsoever.
So if someone throws a match and a forest catches fire, it's the trees fault that the fire continues to spread?

Wow. Beyond tired. Too many mis-spells in the last sentance :P Time for beds.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
When I made the comment, I was referring to Kegans comments. I was not accusing her, as she is an amazing RL friend of mine. Like I said, I take thoughts, shuffle them around, and try to make a more cohesive thought. I make comments, as I type, and leave little notes that I want to go into further.

I can see your mind is set and I'm not looking to change it. I'm trying to give my point so that not everything I say is met with a judgement of character based on the structure of a thought.

So if someone throws a match and a forrest catches fire, it's the tress fault that the fire continues to spread?
Are you really that dense? The trees didn't DO ANYTHING. The person who posted the link is their OWN PERSON...with their OWN BRAIN... who makes their OWN DECISIONS.... and needs to bear the RESPONSIBILITY of those actions, not someone else who makes a, to be quite honest, mild comment.

And to be honest, IIRC the OP made his comment to someone else who was discussing ERPvP. Wouldn't it be THAT person who "started the fire" to use your phrase? Shouldn't it be THAT person gets the boot?

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Actually, there is a "rule book" of topics that shouldn't be discussed. And I believe they were carried over from the first VU channel.
And is this "rulebook" posted ANYWHERE? Is there a link to it in the global MotD?

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Are you really that damned dense? The trees didn't DO ANYTHING. The person who posted the link is their OWN PERSON...with their OWN BRAIN... who makes their OWN DECISIONS.... and needs to bear the RESPONSIBILITY of those actions, not someone else who makes a, to be quite honest, mild comment.

And to be honest, IIRC the OP made his comment to someone else who was discussing ERPvP. Wouldn't it be THAT person who "started the fire" to use your phrase? Shouldn't it be THAT person gets the boot?
Wait... you're calling me dense because the trees didn't do anything? That's my point. The person that threw the match caused the fire. The trees did nothing but pass the fire on. If the person didn't throw the match, there would be no fire.

As far as I know, saying ERPvP is not the same as sexual assault. He just took the match, lit it, and watched the fire spread. Sure, when you get down to it, there's no law in VU that says you can't spread a fire. There is a rule, however, that says you shouldn't have the match in the first place.

And if my comments were too "dense" to understand, I'm referring to the rules and the constant remindings of the rules over the past few weeks about the same exact subject. People have been warned, over and over, that the topic is not one for VU. Then people have to test the MODs by trying to slip a comment in here and there, just so they can be seen as a martyr when the punishment is handed out.

Now, this may or may not have been the case with the original poster. The issue is that the MODs have stated numerous times that certain subjects are not allowed. Then a MOD is criticized when they make good on their rules and put their foot down.

Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
And is this "rulebook" posted ANYWHERE? Is there a link to it in the global MotD?
The rulebook is for the Mods when it comes to knowing what is/isn't allowed in VU. I believe they have a website on Guild Portal that lists them more in detail.

And that's all from me. I need sleep. If this thread is still here tomorrow, and I'm awake enough to care about it, maybe I'll swing back to see why I'm an idiot or why it's not a big deal to some while it's a big deal to others.

Night all.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



The rulebook is for the Mods when it comes to knowing what is/isn't allowed in VU. I believe they have a website on Guild Portal that lists them more in detail.
So seeing as I have no access to this rulebook, how am I supposed to know what is and isn't allowed? I guess a mod could tell me when I break a rule, but they didn't, they just kicked me for a first offense.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Wait... you're calling me dense because the trees didn't do anything? That's my point. The person that threw the match caused the fire. The trees did nothing but pass the fire on. If the person didn't throw the match, there would be no fire.
Yeah, ok, you really must be tired to have missed this one. In your analogy you likened the person who posted the link to a bunch of trees. That's a logical fallacy there because the person who posted the link isn't a tree, he's a human being who decided "Oh hey, I'm going to use that joke as an excuse to post this link!"

A better analogy would be that the OP opened up a door and someone decided to step through it. Although if the conversation was already on ERPvP, then that door was probably long open.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Wait... you're calling me dense because the trees didn't do anything? That's my point. The person that threw the match caused the fire. The trees did nothing but pass the fire on. If the person didn't throw the match, there would be no fire.

As far as I know, saying ERPvP is not the same as sexual assault. He just took the match, lit it, and watched the fire spread. Sure, when you get down to it, there's no law in VU that says you can't spread a fire. There is a rule, however, that says you shouldn't have the match in the first place.

And if my comments were too "dense" to understand, I'm referring to the rules and the constant remindings of the rules over the past few weeks about the same exact subject. People have been warned, over and over, that the topic is not one for VU. Then people have to test the MODs by trying to slip a comment in here and there, just so they can be seen as a martyr when the punishment is handed out.
Grats on your strawman argument there.

He's calling you dense because you're comparing trees, which have no free will, to people, which do. A burning tree has no choice in whether or not it passes on fire. A person has a choice as to whether or not they join into a stupid activity.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Also, just as a side note, can we please have a link to this rule book of VU? Surely it's easily accessible to the general public, it being such an important document and all. I'm just curious.



Originally Posted by Khellendrosiic View Post
Yeah, ok, you really must be tired to have missed this one. In your analogy you likened the person who posted the link to a bunch of trees. That's a logical fallacy there because the person who posted the link isn't a tree, he's a human being who decided "Oh hey, I'm going to use that joke as an excuse to post this link!"

A better analogy would be that the OP opened up a door and someone decided to step through it. Although if the conversation was already on ERPvP, then that door was probably long open.
lol, you have NO idea how tired I am as well as medicated. Throw in two screaming babies (not mine) and you get less than 3 hours of sleep a night since December. I am bookmarking this thread so I have a reminder of what NOT to do when tired/medicated.

But, since the babies are screaming now and I wont get to sleep for at least an hour, from the VU "rulebook" on Guild Portal (and I think it needs an update):

1.) Please try to keep conversations civil. We don't want flame wars to deal with so please try to keep touchy subjects such as Politics, Religion and Sexual innuendo's to a minimum. They aren't against the rules per se, but they will be scrutinized and modded heavily.

2.) Do not call out the mods. If you seek to incur the wrath of the mods, be prepared for the consequences ie. kicks, silences, and if worse comes to worse we will ban.

3.) Most silences/kicks are temporary in nature. Most of the time, Mods will kick and silence to get the attention of the channel when they for reasons unknown couldn't settle the channel down. So please take no offense if you just happened to be in the crossfire at the time of silencing.

4.) The Motd is used for Useful information such as Hamidon raids and RWZ ship raids. However whenever a mod needs to get the attention of the channel it will be used for such purposes.

5.) If you have any problems with other members or mods of VU2008 please send a tell to another Mod and we shall have a "sit down chat" about what needs to happen to get the problem(s) rectified.
I'll sum this up (for myself, feel free to continue without me) by saying:

Many people have ignored Rule 1 and 2. Conversations were started and people were told over and over that the subject matter was not welcomed in VU. Rule 1 says that topics would be scrutinized and modded heavily. They were but people continued anyway. In doing so, they broke Rule 2 by calling out MODs on the forum and in VU.

In turn Rule 2 was broken because of the consequences of Rule 3.

Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
Grats on your strawman argument there.

He's calling you dense because you're comparing trees, which have no free will, to people, which do. A burning tree has no choice in whether or not it passes on fire. A person has a choice as to whether or not they join into a stupid activity.
Pardon my imperfections. If you do, I'll pretend that your angst is warranted.

And now the babies are quiet and it's really time for bed.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander: