Dual Pistols for Scrappers (Idea)




I love dual pistols, no it's not the super heavy hitters that fire and Sonic are for blasters, but i love it. I notice it has no aim and no snipe which for one i am perfectly cool with, but i would honestly love to see the devs bring this power set out for scrappers. I think it would fit pretty perfectly (kind of like spines) it wouldnt have the 90 yard range least i dont think, but even at 40 yrds i could love it. i would say it should have spines range for its moves such as piercing rounds. I'm a scrapper at heart so playing a blaster is a bit tough for me but if at all possible, i'm requesting that DP head over to scrappers for sure, and maybe brutes.



I am pretty sure I read somewhere that the Devs have already stated that DP will not be a Scrapper / Brute powers. I would love to see it as well, just don't see it happening.




We are not getting Dual Pistol if you want range Claws has 2 attacks with range, Spines or wait for Kinetic melee

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Hejtmane View Post
We are not getting Dual Pistol if you want range Claws has 2 attacks with range, Spines or wait for Kinetic melee
The devs have stated kinetic isn't ranged either, most of the attacks are melee. Scrappers are melee specialists, and since dp is all ranged, scrappers shouldn't get the set, imo.

Having said that, that doesn't mean scrappers can't have any ranged attacks at all. Like you mentioned, some base sets even have ranged attacks in them, like claws and spines. The devs could satisfy a lot of their customers if they created a ranged attack pool powerset scrappers could dip into. The squishy/ranged at's get a lot of nice melee attack choices in their pool sets, so I see no reason why scrappers couldn't get some more options for ranged attacks. And the devs have already kind of headed in that direction with the fire epic pool recently. For a couple of pistol attacks, I'd just add them to the devices pool.



Originally Posted by Solistion View Post
I love dual pistols, no it's not the super heavy hitters that fire and Sonic are for blasters, but i love it. I notice it has no aim and no snipe which for one i am perfectly cool with, but i would honestly love to see the devs bring this power set out for scrappers. I think it would fit pretty perfectly (kind of like spines) it wouldnt have the 90 yard range least i dont think, but even at 40 yrds i could love it. i would say it should have spines range for its moves such as piercing rounds. I'm a scrapper at heart so playing a blaster is a bit tough for me but if at all possible, i'm requesting that DP head over to scrappers for sure, and maybe brutes.
As the devs have said, Scrappers are about as likely to get Pistol Melee as Blasters are to get Katana Blast and Controllers are to get Broadsword Control.



Originally Posted by Solistion View Post
i'm requesting that DP head over to scrappers for sure, and maybe brutes.
Request denied.


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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
The devs have stated kinetic isn't ranged either, most of the attacks are melee. Scrappers are melee specialists, and since dp is all ranged, scrappers shouldn't get the set, imo.

Having said that, that doesn't mean scrappers can't have any ranged attacks at all. Like you mentioned, some base sets even have ranged attacks in them, like claws and spines. The devs could satisfy a lot of their customers if they created a ranged attack pool powerset scrappers could dip into. The squishy/ranged at's get a lot of nice melee attack choices in their pool sets, so I see no reason why scrappers couldn't get some more options for ranged attacks. And the devs have already kind of headed in that direction with the fire epic pool recently. For a couple of pistol attacks, I'd just add them to the devices pool.
I realize kinetic will be mostly melee but by the video it looks like they may get two attacks like spines and claws that have some range to it

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Solistion View Post
I love dual pistols, no it's not the super heavy hitters that fire and Sonic are for blasters, but i love it. I notice it has no aim and no snipe which for one i am perfectly cool with, but i would honestly love to see the devs bring this power set out for scrappers. I think it would fit pretty perfectly (kind of like spines) it wouldnt have the 90 yard range least i dont think, but even at 40 yrds i could love it. i would say it should have spines range for its moves such as piercing rounds. I'm a scrapper at heart so playing a blaster is a bit tough for me but if at all possible, i'm requesting that DP head over to scrappers for sure, and maybe brutes.
You know...I understand why they don't give it to Scrappers/Brutes/Tankers.

But I've done some thinking on it, and I think it could do well for Stalkers.


We already have 2 ranged fighters ATs, with Self Defense style sets. Widows/Soldiers. I wouldn't consider them OPed at all, having played both to 50.

Now while I'm not sure if Stalkers have a higher damage mod than Widows/Soldiers, I do know they have a lower HP cap.

Put in the fact that Stalkers can't have shields, why not give them Dual Pistols instead?

1) Pistols

2) Dual Wield

3) Empty Clips

4) Executioners Shot (Lower the Range to 7-10ft this animation just became Assassin Strike of the Stalker version)

5) Swap Ammo (Yup, just like the Blaster/Corruptor/Defender version, this set lacks a Build Up)

6) Placate (This replaces Bullet Rain)

7) Suppressive Fire

8) Piercing Rounds (I'd say turn this into a Single Target attack in regards to damage/rech/end cost, but with an even narrower cone)

9) Bullet Rain (I'd even suggest lowering the damage of this attack, with a corresponding lowering of it's recharge to 1 minute timer. Possibly just a little better than Lightning Rod? Maybe on par with Lightning Rod? Testing would have to be done, but I'm thinking you wouldn't want it as high as it is now...not sure on this however).

Now...seeing as how Widows/Soldiers can still do all they can do from range, I don't see why this set couldn't work. However, if it's still a range issue...

1) Cut to 40ft

2) Cut to 40ft

3) Cut to 20ft

4) Same range as all the other Assassin Strikes

5) N/A

6) Already has a range of 50ft for everyone else.

7) Cut to 40ft

8) Cut to 20ft, possibly even lower, as you could say they need to get closer for the shot to penetrate.

9) PBAOE could easily lower how big the AOE is...though I'd probably go with 15ft at the smallest.

...seems more than fair at Stalkers lack of a shield.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'd rather see it as an ancillary pool. Scrappers have the fewest ancillary pool options out of all normal ATs at the moment.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
As the devs have said, Scrappers are about as likely to get Pistol Melee as Blasters are to get Katana Blast and Controllers are to get Broadsword Control.
Katana Blaster? Maybe I could finally like AT's other than Scrappers/brutes?

In all seriousness though, SS for scrappers!

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



The argument about Dual Pistols for Scrappers just baffles me.

It would be like people complaining that scrappers didn't get Archery Melee, or Assault Riffle Melee. It doesn't make sense?

And as Umbral said, "Katana Blast and Broadsword Control". It doesn't make sense! WHY do people think that DP should/was going to be for scrappers, brutes, tanks and stalks?

So you watched a movie that they fight with guns, in melee range. Lets have Grey Surfer Melee, or Rubber Melee while we are at it.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
The argument about Dual Pistols for Scrappers just baffles me.

It would be like people complaining that scrappers didn't get Archery Melee, or Assault Riffle Melee. It doesn't make sense?

And as Umbral said, "Katana Blast and Broadsword Control". It doesn't make sense! WHY do people think that DP should/was going to be for scrappers, brutes, tanks and stalks?

So you watched a movie that they fight with guns, in melee range. Lets have Grey Surfer Melee, or Rubber Melee while we are at it.
Because people have been asking it forever? Geez. What's so hard to grasp about that, even if you don't want it.

What's more suprising, is that the same people who say no to Dual Pistols for Scrappers, are the same ones who say "Give Scrappers this set" as it doesn't matter if it doesn't fit some people's idea of a scrapper, because it fits mine.

That said, I think I gave a good way to give it to Stalkers and have it make sense. After all, you stalk them, you kill them.

[Edit: And makes up for not getting Shields! It works out for everyone!]

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I'd rather have carp melee
Dual carp melee. That's the ticket.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because people have been asking it forever? Geez. What's so hard to grasp about that, even if you don't want it.
Just because people are asking for it doesn't mean that it is a good idea especially when you're asking for a melee set designed around using a projectile weapon.

What's more suprising, is that the same people who say no to Dual Pistols for Scrappers, are the same ones who say "Give Scrappers this set" as it doesn't matter if it doesn't fit some people's idea of a scrapper, because it fits mine.
There is a big difference between "give Scrappers this pre-existing melee set" and "give Scrappers this new ranged set". Huge difference. You might as well ask that Scrappers start getting Defender primaries proliferated over to their secondaries. Melee sets are not the same as ranged sets. I really hope I don't need to get into the whole "tankmages bad" thing with you here.



I agree with everyone here except the OP, why give scrapper ranged powers? surely it would make more sense to give melee powers like katana and broadsword to blasters who the concept actually fits with?

Scrappers - melee /resist/defence/regen based
Blasters - melee/ranged based

The arguement for scrappers with ranged powers completly doesnt fit the archetype at all. Blasters yes, scrappers no im afraid with this idea.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Just because people are asking for it doesn't mean that it is a good idea especially when you're asking for a melee set designed around using a projectile weapon.

There is a big difference between "give Scrappers this pre-existing melee set" and "give Scrappers this new ranged set". Huge difference. You might as well ask that Scrappers start getting Defender primaries proliferated over to their secondaries. Melee sets are not the same as ranged sets. I really hope I don't need to get into the whole "tankmages bad" thing with you here.
Actually, my idea was to just give it to Stalkers. The lack of build up, would depower it as a primary for them. And seeing as how they have less of a HP cap than Widows/Soldiers who can be Ranged/Defense easily, I don't see how it would be overpowered for them.

I'm perfectly willing to say no to Scrappers/Brutes/Tankers getting it.

Add in Stalkers do less DPS than Scrappers/Brutes I would think would also mean it isn't OPed for them.

Ans since they didn't get Shield Defense, it's a boon for them

[Edit: Though I think the point can still stand...I can see a scrapper using dual pistols just fine. But with GR coming...I'm more than willing for just Stalkers and side switching/starting in praetoria]

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I don't get it. I don't understand why people suggest Dual Pistols for Scrappers.

Scrappers/Brutes/Stalkers/Tankers are all Melee/Defense (Defense/Melee for Tanks) Archetypes. Melee is typically defined as close quarters combat. Hence the attack sets being close-range weapon sets or martial arts, etc. If I stretch my imagination, I can see using pistols in close range.

But at the same range as other melee sets? Isn't the point of having a gun using it for long-range combat? Personally I think using the current Gun-fu animations at a range of three feet would be silly. Thematically I don't see the point of using guns at melee range, or giving them to the melee classes in game. Like others have suggested, there's no reason to add a blast set to the melee ATs.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
As the devs have said, Scrappers are about as likely to get Pistol Melee as Blasters are to get Katana Blast and Controllers are to get Broadsword Control.
You can't tell me you don't dream of the day when you are able to fling swords at people with gusto.

*EDIT* - Fine, I'll reply to the OP too. I wouldn't mind it as an Epic Pool, but that's about it and as far as I see it working.



onlyway i could se something like that is if they wanted to put in gunblades and only gave it 2 or 3 short range attacks like with claws would be interesting but dont see it ever happening



Originally Posted by Nanaki View Post
onlyway i could se something like that is if they wanted to put in gunblades
What's a gunblade?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
What's a gunblade?
Ever played Gears of War? They have a wonderful chainsaw attached to all their guns, that would be cool

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I think I've figure out how to make pistols a viable melee set. Here's how it could work:

1. Pistol whip
You pull out your gun, and whack someone over the head with it
2. Dual Pistol whip
You hit them with both of your guns. Hey, they're metal. Metal is hard! it's bound to hurt them! Low chance of looking ridiculous.
3. Point blank shot
You shoot a foe at close range, dealing great damage. You can only use this at melee range, as your aim is just that bad.
4. Pistol whip frenzy
You swing your pistol around like crazy, with a chance to clonk enemies on the head. Carries a heavy chance of looking ridiculous.
5. Confront
You challenge a single foe. Notice, if you recently looked ridiculous, this will fail.
6. Unload clips
You unload all your rounds, but since your aim is bad, this must be used at melee range. 10% chance of shooting yourself in the foot (Heavy ridiculous debuff)
7. Rage
You get really angry..the more ridiculous you've looked, the more damage you do.
8. Shoot everything
You shoot everything. Warning, this can damage allies. 10% chance to shoot yourself in the face.
9. Dual pistol whip again and again
You choose a target and hit them again and again with both of your guns. 75% chance of looking ridiculous.

I know, it could be overpowered, but I think it's a necessary set for any hand to hand fighter.



That's just a bayonet on a pistol. :P

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog