Dual Pistols for Scrappers (Idea)





This will go perfectly with clown summoning!



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
As the devs have said, Scrappers are about as likely to get Pistol Melee as Blasters are to get Katana Blast and Controllers are to get Broadsword Control.
A gun that shoots katanas?!

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Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I think I've figure out how to make pistols a viable melee set. Here's how it could work:

1. Pistol whip
You pull out your gun, and whack someone over the head with it
2. Dual Pistol whip
You hit them with both of your guns. Hey, they're metal. Metal is hard! it's bound to hurt them! Low chance of looking ridiculous.
3. Point blank shot
You shoot a foe at close range, dealing great damage. You can only use this at melee range, as your aim is just that bad.
4. Pistol whip frenzy
You swing your pistol around like crazy, with a chance to clonk enemies on the head. Carries a heavy chance of looking ridiculous.
5. Confront
You challenge a single foe. Notice, if you recently looked ridiculous, this will fail.
6. Unload clips
You unload all your rounds, but since your aim is bad, this must be used at melee range. 10% chance of shooting yourself in the foot (Heavy ridiculous debuff)
7. Rage
You get really angry..the more ridiculous you've looked, the more damage you do.
8. Shoot everything
You shoot everything. Warning, this can damage allies. 10% chance to shoot yourself in the face.
9. Dual pistol whip again and again
You choose a target and hit them again and again with both of your guns. 75% chance of looking ridiculous.

I know, it could be overpowered, but I think it's a necessary set for any hand to hand fighter.
Love it. Looks like plenty of Chance for Smashing as well as a kind of Dull Pain penalty -hp with most attacks.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
The devs have stated kinetic isn't ranged either, most of the attacks are melee. Scrappers are melee specialists, and since dp is all ranged, scrappers shouldn't get the set, imo.
Maybe lvl 41+?



I'd rather have Dual Shields.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I think I've figure out how to make pistols a viable melee set. Here's how it could work:

1. Pistol whip
You pull out your gun, and whack someone over the head with it
2. Dual Pistol whip
You hit them with both of your guns. Hey, they're metal. Metal is hard! it's bound to hurt them! Low chance of looking ridiculous.
3. Point blank shot
You shoot a foe at close range, dealing great damage. You can only use this at melee range, as your aim is just that bad.
4. Pistol whip frenzy
You swing your pistol around like crazy, with a chance to clonk enemies on the head. Carries a heavy chance of looking ridiculous.
5. Confront
You challenge a single foe. Notice, if you recently looked ridiculous, this will fail.
6. Unload clips
You unload all your rounds, but since your aim is bad, this must be used at melee range. 10% chance of shooting yourself in the foot (Heavy ridiculous debuff)
7. Rage
You get really angry..the more ridiculous you've looked, the more damage you do.
8. Shoot everything
You shoot everything. Warning, this can damage allies. 10% chance to shoot yourself in the face.
9. Dual pistol whip again and again
You choose a target and hit them again and again with both of your guns. 75% chance of looking ridiculous.

I know, it could be overpowered, but I think it's a necessary set for any hand to hand fighter.
Haha, Power 8 might not be a lowbie's best friend .