Adding a Fat slider




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
A Ranged (or Assault)/Defense AT would fall much more in line with alot of comic book super hero feel, and look at posters saying "No" to that.
Oh, come now. These are the suggestion forums. Someone will say "no" to just about any suggestion, including "let's give the devs a giant cake to show our appreciation for all their efforts."



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Oh, come now. These are the suggestion forums. Someone will say "no" to just about any suggestion, including "let's give the devs a giant cake to show our appreciation for all their efforts."
Only cos' some idjit suggested something other than chocolate

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
"Look I made my bear gut, battle axe wielding drawf barbarian from our LOTR games" options?
Brand, to be perfectly honest, I'd love to see what a bear gut looked like, hehe. XD

I hope they give us fat sliders for the mutant pack. Of course i'm not sure how the devs would explain that one...



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Oh, come now. These are the suggestion forums. Someone will say "no" to just about any suggestion, including "let's give the devs a giant cake to show our appreciation for all their efforts."
I'd be for that. As long as the cake reads "Fix PvP." Though the Devs probably wouldn't touch that cake. d;D



So are we talking about location/slot specific fat slides?

If that is true, count me!



Hey folks

I read over this topic again and made note of everyone that has signed and all the issues that people brought up as well as the responces for them. The one that hasn't got a lot of attention is the clipping issue.

But first I think a lot of the problems come from calling it a "Fat Slider". So if we call it something more generic like a "Bulk Slider" a lot of the problems go away.

King Pin isn't fat, but he is bulky and would need a bulk slider to correctly make him.
A Robot isn't "Fat" but can be bulky to give it more of a army tank like appearance.

So... let's call this "Adding a Bulk Slider"

I still don't think its that big of a deal if there is clipping. And this isn't my opinion, its the dev's. Let's look at the clipping issues already in and live in CoX

Huge body + bows - The string for the bow goes right through the arm
Hair + Glasses - With some combinations there is hair going in and out of different things
Capes + Back Flip - I can get my hero's leg punched through the cape sometimes
MM Robots + emotes - Ever get your Assault Bot to <em invent> or Drum? Its way off center and looks silly.

I'm sure there's a whole list of clipping issues with combinations of costume pieces.

So clipping hasn't stopped them before from releaseing new content, so why would it stop them now from a 'bulk' slider?

I'm also trying to get a list of all the characters that are bulk/fat from comic books and probably from other media as well that would fit into the CoX universe. Here's what I have so far, please let me know if I've missed any

Super Heroes

Big Bertah -
The Blob -
Mojo - http://burnallzombies.files.wordpres...men_ep-241.jpg
Frog - http://badgerthegnome.files.wordpres.../12/frog01.jpg
Harry Leiland -
Control Freak -
King Pin -
Nite Owl - http://goodcomics.comicbookresources...01/NiteOwl.PNG
Mr Incredible -
The Penguin -
Doctor Octopus -
Mega Boy - from the movie Zoom
Speed - from the movie Sky High

Other Media

Coop -

Video Game Characters

Mario - http://electexiles.files.wordpress.c...09/mario-2.jpg
Luigi -
Midbus -
Hungry Luma -

Fatman -
Dr. Robotnik -
Roach -
Rufus -
Yangus -
Look I made my bear gut, battle axe wielding drawf barbarian -

Fat Admirers aka Chubby Chasers
Deadpool -



I think we can safely say:

1) There's plenty of comic book justification for having a "bulk" slider in this game.
2) There's enough people who've suggested this over the years to make it a legitimate player desire.

But the real problem for the Devs boils down to the hardwired limitations of the player character models. The Devs have told us that they are just about at the limit of what they can do to allow for player customization of the body shapes. This is why it's been so hard for them to give us backpack/quiver/scabbard options for our backs because they lack the "connection points" to make it work.

They're likely at the point where to do a bulk slider properly it'd almost be easier for them to scrap the entire character model and animation system and start over from scratch. The chances of -that- happening anytime soon are quite probably nil. At this point we'd more likely see this happen in CoH2 than in this game.

Who knows: the Devs might be able to pull another miracle out of the hat of this aging game engine and manage to give us a bulk slider. But let's just say I'm certainly not going to be holding my breath for it.

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The most essential factor in the Superhero and Comic book connection is that Comic-books are NOT all about Superheroes. I learned about this in university to find that back when comics first started out there were LOADS of different premises going on, from comedy to drama, from very real life situations to horror and fantasy. Comicbooks are a medium.

When superhero comics first came out, they happen to sell marginally better than other genres, people jumped on this and start making loads of superhero comicbooks to the point that making any other genre wasn't worth producing because of a lack of sales.

All because it sold a little better then other genres.

And although City of Heroes is marketed to be about superheroes, it also claims to be bringing comicbooks to life, so why isn't there nothing but tights and capes in the character creator? Because City of Heroes, being the comicbook universe that is in, is able to tap into the MEDIUM of comicbooks. Why else do you think groups like the Circle of Thorns can exist in a game that also has the Freedom Phalanx and Rikti invaders?

City of Heroes is probably one of the few MMOs out there that you can do ANYTHING and it won't completely ruin the universe it's set in. They could dip in the fantasy genre, the sci-fi genre or even horror, drama, comedy and so on.

And that's probably what I like most about City of Heroes, it CAN be anything I want it to be, at least in terms of my characters and AE arcs. No other MMO gives that much thematic freedom.

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I have a hard time believing that they "CAN'T" and the Ultra mode alreadly makes it look like CoH2! :P

My background is programming, so looking at it from a programmer's point of view but without seeing the code itself, this is what I see;

They already have all the tools that they would need to do it built into the engine already. In order to calculate the waist of a toon from the sliders, they have a base+waist+Physique. I see no reason why they can't have base+waist+Physique+bulk.

Of course the calculations are much more elabrate then that

They have the ability to modify a point on the model with 2 sliders simotaniously that also gives different points a scaling factor depending on their location.

So why can't they add a 3rd slider into that math?

I could probably do it in a day or two and about a 4-5 days to polish it.

So the only problem that I could see is the fact that there are more calculations going on when the engine loads a model. An additional math problem, per point on a model could really add up when someone wants to load say... Atlas Park with a 100mil costume contest going on!

Unless the code is built like a house of cards and any attempt to add or change it would break it entirely. So if they have the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality with it, then that could stop it as well. But again, that can be fixed if it needed to be. Some other update might need to edit it and then hopefully they can add in the bulk slider when they do everything else.

Then the only thing that is really holding this back would be computing power of the lower end PCs. This I can understand why they wouldn't add it in, because adding a bulk slider wouldn't be worth cutting out how ever many paying customers.

But again... This is all just speculation unless I could see the code....

So I remain hopeful for this addition. As technology advances, and lower end PCs are slowly worked out, hopefully then. They can have it on!




Originally Posted by TheMullet View Post
I could probably do it in a day or two and about a 4-5 days to polish it.
Then consider this: If you, a person who hasn't even worked with the code involved with this, can do this in less than a week why do you think people who've been working on this code for years -can't- do it?

Unless the code is built like a house of cards and any attempt to add or change it would break it entirely. So if they have the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality with it, then that could stop it as well. But again, that can be fixed if it needed to be. Some other update might need to edit it and then hopefully they can add in the bulk slider when they do everything else.
The core of this game, if you go all the way back to its initial development, is at least 8+ years old. That might as well be an eternity as far as software technology goes. It's surprising how relatively inflexible huge applications become, especially when you've been adding bits to it piecemeal for years.

While I admire your blind enthusiasm I think you've greatly underestimated the situation in this case. You've included far too many "then a miracle occurs" steps in your wishful thinking. I realize you want this feature to happen (and I do too) but sadly it's just not as simple as you assume it is.


Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
/Signed for a build and muscle slider. I hate trying to make slim characters, male and female, that nonetheless have really harshly defined muscles.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But adding more options, imo, to create less typical Super Hero, is just going to mean we see less Super Heroes, in a Super Hero game that already has A LOT of non-super hero ideas running around.
No, it means we'll see more super heroes -- some of whom are a bit atypical.

So, why not make more SUPER HERO (and Villain) options, before more of the "Look I made my bear gut, battle axe wielding drawf barbarian from our LOTR games" options?
Why shouldn't that be a super hero?

Super heroes are defined by their actions, not by how "typical" they are.



I'd love to see a wider range of body slider options. Fat superheroes are cool in my book.

Clipping be damned. There are already plenty of options that clip. If you have Glam hair and wear a cloak, better put it up in a ponytail. Neck chains clip through some jacket collars on male and female models. Some belts clip on wide-hipped characters.

Its partly up to the player to choose a set of options that wont clip badly.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Then consider this: If you, a person who hasn't even worked with the code involved with this, can do this in less than a week why do you think people who've been working on this code for years -can't- do it?

The core of this game, if you go all the way back to its initial development, is at least 8+ years old. That might as well be an eternity as far as software technology goes. It's surprising how relatively inflexible huge applications become, especially when you've been adding bits to it piecemeal for years.

While I admire your blind enthusiasm I think you've greatly underestimated the situation in this case. You've included far too many "then a miracle occurs" steps in your wishful thinking. I realize you want this feature to happen (and I do too) but sadly it's just not as simple as you assume it is.

I realized that after I posted it... that's when I came back and editted it and humbled myself back down.

But it REALLY has to be a REALLY BIG MESS for a team of developers to look at it and say we CAN'T add that.

I feel sorry for them if its that bad. I just hope that it isn't a crack in the dam that isn't an issue yet but could possibly destory itself given time and wear.

If I was them, and I wish I was, I would probably take the sales from Going Rouge and this boost of funding and fix this problem now, when it isn't a problem.

But again... its probably down at the bottom of the to-do list, way under such things like PvP.


Maybe some more Young Face and long hair options for Huge characters would tide me over. Right now only 2-3 faces and 2 hair styles really work.

I actually want to make a SG for bulky heroes. But I can't figure out what to call it.

Bigger is Better doesn't work because being a member of BiB isn't awesome
Big Beautiful Heroes is nice, but doesn't work for the guys.

Any suggestions?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Basically, do what Champions Online did and separate muscle definition from build or model. I know it's bad karma to bring that game up, but if there's ONE thing it does right, it's this.

To be honest, men already kind of get this. You can have a muscular torso and a smooth torso, but for women, that is simply not an option. And even for men, it's a Tights texture. Anything BUT will still assume a muscular physique, like tank tops, tattoos and fingerless gloves.

For my money, I want to see, if not a bump map muscle slider, then at least several textures for basic skin to use Tops with Skin over. We can already pick skin colour. Why not skin texture?
For all it's worth, Star Trek Online allows you to do a lot of customization such a fatness, length of arms and legs and all sorts of stuff and it's the same engine that CoX uses. So it's possible for the devs to add the ability, but whether or not they will is a totally different story.

but /signed. This is something that has been being asked for for years.

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If adding another slider isn't the option, Zamuel has given me an idea.

Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
You may be dangerously stepping upon a few "standards of beauty" issues. While outright fat characters generally aren't considered attractive, there's far more options in real life than the borderline anorexic ideals that often get portrayed. In a way that's the whole premise of the song "Baby Got Back". Plus, if you want to use the Greek god argument, women were portrayed as generally thicker in art back then than most modern artistic portrayals.

To the OP's suggestion, especially in light of a recent dev comment, I'd say we should argue for the ability to adjust the sliders up and down slightly more than our current minimums and maximums.
Baby Got Back talks about a woman who's measurements are 36-24-36. This is actually fairly doable with CoX as is. However if you listen to the lyrics of Whole Lotta Rosie by AC/DC, they talk about a woman who's measurements are 42-39-56 and is 19 stone.

That is a woman that you cannot make in CoX which probably has made AC/DC cry.

However, an increase in the range of the current sliders would make a lot of options availible to us, without destorying any exsisting code in the CoX engine.

I eagerly await feedback!



Hiro Nakamura and Detective Parkman ARE TOO superheroes. Fat slider FTW.