Reduce the nerf on energy transfer.




Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
The thing is, EM is still one of the best ST damage sets out there, particularly with SOs and low end-IO builds (ie what the game is balanced for). Based on Bill's work here, only Fire exceeds it for Brutes (and were it ported to scrappers, it would be top). It probably feels weak because it was brokenly good before.

Whirling Hands needs looking at though IMO, really poor compared to other sets' AoEs.
You shouldn't use bills top end single target chart to determine if the set is ok or not, imo.

Try playing it from 1-50 and I think you'll come back here with the same opinion as the OP.

Sure, tricked out and maxed out with IO's, its on par with a few other sets for best single target damage. That's wonderful, but at the same time, it's dead last in aoe ability, both in damage and mitigation. So sure, it's great at single target damage, but the same sets that are on par with it there, blow it away in aoe ability.

Then there are the intangibles. The best two attacks are ridiculously slow. The set really should be renamed tar melee. On teams is where you'll really feel the pain of tar melee (but you can color it now...). Fire off one of your 2 top attacks and watch the wonderful animations as your teamates kill your target and you attack air! So fun! As a bonus, if you're using ET, you damage yourself! Bonus fun! So while your teamates are wiping out enemies with their superior aoe capabilities (and everyone will have superior aoe capabilities, lol), you kill air and hurt yourself.

The set was passable when EM was the unquestioned best single target dmg set, and was balanced by the fact it was the unquestioned worst aoe set. Even then it was underpowered because aoe is more valuable than single target in most situations, especially on teams, and since this is an mmo, well, you get the idea. And sure it had only one great attack, and it didn't come till very late, but the attack was AWESOME. Now the attack is a joke, and as a result, so is the set. Is it unplayable? Of course not. But its a cellar dwellar and needs help, but I guess the devs are just too proud to admit they made a mistake and over-nerfed it. The oddest part is they pretty much admitted they did it based on posts of people laughing at those who didn't take EM, somehow missing the fact the posts in question were dealing with pvp issues, where EM did in fact dominate. The oddity is multiplied by the fact they changed pvp to negate the advantages EM did have at about the same time.

Oh well, luckily there are other sets. I certainly hope the devs don't look for the next popular one, and deball that one too. Wouldn't it be nice if they instead focused on the under-performers and buffed them, giving players new sets to play with? They did that with dark melee and look how well that turned out. Does anyone play ice melee, lol?



Originally Posted by Fear_of_Hell View Post
Because i personally think it was a pvp motivated change.
And the developer who instigated the change saying it wasn't is meaningless, right?



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
And the developer who instigated the change saying it wasn't is meaningless, right?
I'm pretty sure he said that a contributing factor to getting it pushed through was comments on the forums about problems by not taking EM, which pretty much only happened in PvP-related issues.

It wasn't the only concern - and that was also in the post. But PvP definately factored in, if only by spawning those comments.

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it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



From what I'm seeing here, the major issues people are having with ET are:
1. It's a second long-animating heavy ST hit in a set that already has a long-animating heavy ST hit.
2. Because the damage lands at the end of the animation, it takes too long to deliver on fast-moving teams.

I have a wacky idea for a way to resolve the above problems and make ET a truly unique attack power: make it a toggle.

Activation animation: as the old palm-thrust ET, forming a continuous beam of energy between you and the target for as long as the toggle remains active.
Activation time: 1 second.
Activation period: 0.25 seconds.
Endurance cost: 1 end per activation period (4 end per second, about 10 end over the current ET's animation time).
Recharge time: 20 seconds
Range: 10 feet
Scale 0.456 energy damage to target (per tick: damage over 2.5 seconds equal to current ET)
Scale 0.375 special damage to self (per tick: damage over 2.5 seconds equal to current ET)
9% chance for mag 3 stun for 9.5 seconds (per tick: cumulative chance to stun over 2.5 seconds is approximately 60%)

The obvious benefit here would be the ability to immediately begin damaging an enemy, and effectively continuously hit him with Energy Transfer for as long as you sustain the toggle, while still being able to use other attacks on the same or other targets. The obvious drawback would be to continuously pay ET's health and endurance costs! If activated in 2.5 second bursts, it would have approximately the same effect as current ET; if the target is killed within 2.5 seconds then naturally the cost is less. To avoid abuse, the toggle should probably suppress itself after a certain time limit, as an indefinite-duration auto-hit damage and control power, even with a steep HP and end cost, seems open to exploitation to put it mildly. But even with that limitation, something like this would put EM back on top of the heap in its specialty: horrendous levels of ST damage at a steep cost to the user.

I have severe doubts that this would ever fly, but as long as we're talking...

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On my em/elec brute, I have ET up a lot, and it actually ends up taking a huge toll on my survivability, i've found myself to be saving ET and TF for lieutenants and bosses.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
I'm pretty sure he said that a contributing factor to getting it pushed through was comments on the forums about problems by not taking EM, which pretty much only happened in PvP-related issues.

It wasn't the only concern - and that was also in the post. But PvP definately factored in, if only by spawning those comments.
Exactly, and if I recall correctly, it was the dev responsible for the change who specifically mentioned all the posts laughing at those who didn't take em, which again, were posts pertaining to pvp. Nobody would laugh for not taking em in pve. So for anybody to claim EM"s pvp superiority played no part in the change simply doesn't follow logic. That's not to say it was the only reason, but it was a sizeable one, especially when the dev specifically mentions it.



I had a EM/Elec brute who didn't get ET until after the change. Perhaps its not knowing what I am missing, but I have no desire to see the power changed. It works fine for me, which granted isn't a team heavy playstyle, but there it is.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



By only working ''fine'', it isn't energy transfer.




Funny to see WH get brought up. I said about it perhaps needing a buff but I do believe it was said that all the aoes were fine or something near to that extent. I could try digging things up but I'm lazy.

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My first prolonged experience with the EM set was after the nerf so I wasn't spoiled by the previous version. I now have a level 50 EM/WP brute. I've solo'd him almost exclusively (enjoying the red side content instead of speeding past it). I found I grew to like the EM set. Not so much from a "uber powerful" perspective but more from a "I smash you now!" perspective. The TF and ET animations are very brutish.. even "incredible hulk-like" in the way they feel. And while there are ST chains that do more damage then what I've got... they don't exist at the level of recharge I'm running. I specifically selected EM because I could build a 200 DPS toon with only 37.5 global recharge. I could have done the same thing with claws and fire, but I went with energy because it was a new set to me. After playing the set for 50 levels one thing I'm quite pleased with that I hadn't anticipated was the benifit of having the chance to stun in every attack. Stacking stuns not only allow me to shutdown the incoming damage from a single hard target when needed, but I can also strategically shutdown toggles and debuffs. Furthermore, ET and TF have increased accuracy which help considerably when fighting +3s or better and against NPC's with +defense and/or tohitdebuffs. In all, there's really very few holes in this toon. I'm quite satisfied with the way it plays, and the tools EM brings is a big reason why.

Sure, I'd be happy to see something buffed, but I don't think the set is broken by any stretch.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



There is your problem. Most of the time you were solo. While solo you tend to miss the things that end up being frustrating on teams. You can look at the mobs health and decide what attack that you have ready that you should use to kill it. You can jump up in the air, grab a drink, take a bio break and smash that minion with TF for a one shot kill. You can see that LT has just enough health to kill him in one shot with ET.

Now you do the same thing on a team that is heavy on the AoE and you just ended up loosing endurance or damaging yourslef and doing very little or even 0 damage to anything else. I have one shotted minions with KO Blow before TF finished. Was not trying to be mean, its just that teams move so fast that you cannot pay attention to everything that everyone is doing. Solo EM is still a monster for brutes even with the reduction in cast time for ET. On teams however you end up hardly contributing alot of the time.

If the devs insist on the 2.67 cast time, I still believe EM would make a comeback if the damage was done right away with the old animation of 1 second followed by 1.67 seconds of your toon catching their breath a couple times while they are hit with the HP loss. This would keep the longer cast time and prevent double stacking ET in one BU useage and allow the attack a greater chance of causing damage to a mob while on a team.



Bored and started reading this thread...

Funny people start proposing improvements to Energy Melee and point to Whirling Hands. I can agree, WH is woeful, but altering the set's capabilities through an attack not every EM set gets?

What I mean is, Stalkers don't even *get* Whirling Hands...Is the Stalker version of EM fine, then? Both it and Martial Arts suffer from 'meh' on the ATs they reside on and altering WH and DT probably isn't the only point of the set that should be changed to fix that.

IMO, you're better off dropping the notion of improved damage changes. But that doesn't mean there is no hope. There's always secondary effects or increasing the sets' mitigation levels: improving the stun chance, increasing duration, add in knock-, foe -regen to pound down the big targets...

As far as I know, they don't balance melee powers by secondary effect so adding or altering them wouldn't require a change to endurance costs or recharge values.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I don't mind the mechanics changes of Energy Transfer, but I miss the DETHPOKE animation
Maybe you could bug BaB to add it as an alternative animation?



Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
My first prolonged experience with the EM set was after the nerf so I wasn't spoiled by the previous version. I now have a level 50 EM/WP brute. I've solo'd him almost exclusively (enjoying the red side content instead of speeding past it). I found I grew to like the EM set. Not so much from a "uber powerful" perspective but more from a "I smash you now!" perspective. The TF and ET animations are very brutish.. even "incredible hulk-like" in the way they feel. And while there are ST chains that do more damage then what I've got... they don't exist at the level of recharge I'm running. I specifically selected EM because I could build a 200 DPS toon with only 37.5 global recharge. I could have done the same thing with claws and fire, but I went with energy because it was a new set to me. After playing the set for 50 levels one thing I'm quite pleased with that I hadn't anticipated was the benifit of having the chance to stun in every attack. Stacking stuns not only allow me to shutdown the incoming damage from a single hard target when needed, but I can also strategically shutdown toggles and debuffs. Furthermore, ET and TF have increased accuracy which help considerably when fighting +3s or better and against NPC's with +defense and/or tohitdebuffs. In all, there's really very few holes in this toon. I'm quite satisfied with the way it plays, and the tools EM brings is a big reason why.

Sure, I'd be happy to see something buffed, but I don't think the set is broken by any stretch.
That's because you're a soloist. Nobody is arguing that it's single target ability is broken, the argument is that it's single target ability got nerfed down into the range of other competing sets, but it's cellar performing aoe abilities were not buffed to compensate.

Before, it's cellar dwelling aoe ability was balanced by the fact it was far and away the best single target set. Now, you can choose sets that do similar, or better, single target-wise, that also have much better aoe ability. That leaves EM as an underperforming set overall.

This is an mmo, so a lot of people like to team. If you team a lot, or even do a mix of solo and teaming, EM is an underperforming set, big time. Take your claws or dual blades toons out on a large team and play them for an hour or so, then take your em toon out and team for an hour or so, and I think you'll see what I'm describing very quickly.

I don't think any set in the game is competely broken or unplayable, that certainly isn't my argument. But overall, the set needs a buff. Either increase it's single target ability so it stands alone at the top by the same margin it sits at the bottom in aoe ability, or improve it's aoe ability to compete with other sets that also compete with EM's single target abilities.



Do the sets that compare with EM on single target damage also compare with EM on mitigation? If DPS were the only balance point, FM would be way out of line. EM is a set where every ST attack has at least a chance of the same mag 3 stackable hard mez. I'm aware the value of this is debatable, but it's not nothing, and ignoring it when discussing balance is at least slightly disingenuous.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Do the sets that compare with EM on single target damage also compare with EM on mitigation? If DPS were the only balance point, FM would be way out of line. EM is a set where every ST attack has at least a chance of the same mag 3 stackable hard mez. I'm aware the value of this is debatable, but it's not nothing, and ignoring it when discussing balance is at least slightly disingenuous.
The devs ignore it though. I don't think 2ndary effects count on the balance scales at all.

Also unreliable mitigation against a single target isn't any mitigation at all. There is only 1 AoE, so you can't reliably stop an alpha strike (Or a beta strike) and anything you pound on long enough to get stunned is going to die anyway.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The devs ignore it though. I don't think 2ndary effects count on the balance scales at all.
The original developers did not count secondary effects as a balancing factor. They didn't count DPA either, and look where that got them. Given more recent developer choices, not least the very changes to EM itself, I'd say this is no longer the case. Otherwise, why would they care if TF is mag 3 or mag 4?

Also unreliable mitigation against a single target isn't any mitigation at all.
First, it's not unreliable mitigation: two attacks have a 100% chance of stun. Second, it's just not true. The unreliable knockdown in SS, SM, and Axe's ST attacks most definitely have a mitigative effect. The unreliable knockback in Energy Blast has a mitigative effect. The unreliable stun in Mace has a mitigative effect. In fact, every kind of mitigation available in the game besides +res armors and -dam toggle debuffs are "unreliable mitigation" - mezzes and debuffs need to hit, defense and -tohit are subject to the 5% hit chance. And yet, they are quantitatively and qualitatively different from "no mitigation at all". I'm actually kind of amazed you could say this with a straight face.

The value of ST stackable mez is disputable. I said that. It might be a little, or it might be a lot. It's certainly situational. But it is absolutely not zero.

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Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The devs ignore it though. I don't think 2ndary effects count on the balance scales at all.
I wonder where this comes from...especially with sets like sonic attacks that really do seem to be balanced by their secondary effect. Do we have a source on the 'not balanced by effects' thing?

As to the set: I played a EM/dark brute to 50 pretty much solo pre-nerf, and have to say I saw some of the changes coming. Smacking down AV's as quick as he did, I knew the way the set functioned was off. Would I like a faster animation? You bet. But I can still work with it as is..I just have to pick targets more carefully, especially on teams. I only use ET on lieutenants or bosses most of the time, and if buildup is almost up I make sure I use it after the boost. On teams it is only an opener, never a finisher. Same as I did for total focus before. Also, I make sure I use them on things other damage dealers aren't focusing on.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
The original developers did not count secondary effects as a balancing factor. They didn't count DPA either, and look where that got them. Given more recent developer choices, not least the very changes to EM itself, I'd say this is no longer the case. Otherwise, why would they care if TF is mag 3 or mag 4?
You are probably right that the devs are caring more about it than ever before, but I still don't see it being a huge concern to them.

Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
The value of ST stackable mez is disputable. I said that. It might be a little, or it might be a lot. It's certainly situational. But it is absolutely not zero.
It wouldn't be zero on a blaster, but on a melee toon that has a defensive secondary 1 target being stunned isn't going to make any difference. It might on an AV, but AV's don't stun so easily.

But I guess you did specify it was debatable, and I really shouldn't have started the debate when I didn't mean to.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



It's been mentioned several times already, but it's worth repeating: the "speed" issues with TF and ET have a lot to do with when the attack effects are delivered. It'd probably take some animation tweaks to justify (and we all know how popular those are), but if TF and ET delivered their effect within a second or so of activation and then wound down, both the perceived speed and the actual utility of the powers would be notably improved.

I'm not sure what a character could do for 1.67 to 2.33 seconds after delivering a powerful blow that wouldn't look silly, though. Rub their knuckles?

Hm, what if ET started with the double-punch lunge and huge blast of energy, the energy halos around the fists then disappeared, and the charge-up portion of the current ET animation played as the halos restore? And for TF, a leaping two-handed uppercut, with the remainder of the animation being the landing and return to fighting stance.

Well, I'm not BaB.

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Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I wonder where this comes from...especially with sets like sonic attacks that really do seem to be balanced by their secondary effect. Do we have a source on the 'not balanced by effects' thing?
Aside from the majority of powersets in game not being balanced by secondary effects, bar the outliers like sonic which I think was nerfed rather than originally balanced (I could well be wrong on that mind) I don't have any real evidence.

But then not everything needs to be spoken by a dev, some things are clear enough looking at the game. Most sets are not balanced by secondary effects, those that were too powerful were knocked back into line. I think Dual Pistols was the only set where they tried to balance DPA and secondary effects and they got that very wrong.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I think we're getting into the distinction between "the secondary effects of all sets are balanced, separately from other considerations" and "set balance takes secondary effects into consideration." The first is plainly not the case and probably never will be (or indeed can be, given situational utility). The second was false when the sets were made, but then at that point the devs had a very poor understanding of what aspects of power design would turn out to be important in determining the value of a power (to put it charitably). If that's still the case now I'd be extremely surprised.

Edited to add:

I think Dual Pistols was the only set where they tried to balance DPA and secondary effects and they got that very wrong.
I think that it's unrealistic to expect the current set of developers to ever again create a set that has DPA comparable to the current top performers. They may not consider it wise to tamper excessively with legacy design decisions, but it's a whole other thing to make the same mistakes again this late in the game.

Incidentally, if you haven't tried Dual Pistols on a Defender, you may want to reconsider the value of those secondary effects.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
It's been mentioned several times already, but it's worth repeating: the "speed" issues with TF and ET have a lot to do with when the attack effects are delivered. It'd probably take some animation tweaks to justify (and we all know how popular those are), but if TF and ET delivered their effect within a second or so of activation and then wound down, both the perceived speed and the actual utility of the powers would be notably improved.

I'm not sure what a character could do for 1.67 to 2.33 seconds after delivering a powerful blow that wouldn't look silly, though. Rub their knuckles?

Hm, what if ET started with the double-punch lunge and huge blast of energy, the energy halos around the fists then disappeared, and the charge-up portion of the current ET animation played as the halos restore? And for TF, a leaping two-handed uppercut, with the remainder of the animation being the landing and return to fighting stance.

Well, I'm not BaB.
Ever been hit by that toxic attack on a hero heavy that makes you puke? After you toss your cookies there is a couple seconds where you appear to hunch over and catch your breath. 1.67 seconds of that. IMHO not nearly as bad as looking at your fists for a couple seconds and saying "Im going to hit you with this once it gets done charging!"

And I am all for putting the damage on TF up front or perhaps even half the damage up front as they jump up and the other half as they hit on the way down.

With those changes they could keep their long animation times and still allow EM players to contribute to teams more than the current setup allows.



I doubt Total Focus will change. The power is used or cloned by several different ATs and powersets. Actually, I was never concerned about TF back in the old days, I used it and was happy with it, even though the big ker-smash, anime, bullet-time, temporary suspension of the laws of physics animation was a little annoying.

Why was it annoying? Because for all of that build-up, the effects of the attack were anti-climactic.

My problem with the new Energy Transfer is the locked-in animation. If the attack were Interruptable somehow, like by the loss of a valid target, that might make it more useful. Except, the interruptable 'Melee Snipe' is the province of Stalkers, not Tankers... Why have the Devs decided to inflict a Stalker power on us poor Tankers?

Be Well!



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
...Why have the Devs decided to inflict a Stalker power on us poor Tankers?...
And brutes....