Wait wait, we have a new what? When did this happen??
And don't hold it against them for making me their guest on the second podcast!
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Awesome! I have to go to bed right now, and I've got a looooong day tomorrow, but dammit, I'll definitely listen to it Tuesday. So don't go anywhere!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I'll definitly be checking it out.
Enjoyed the podcast very much.
Your chat with Dark_Respite was amusing and interesting (yes on /e alakhazamreact turning you into a dougnut or sandvich).
The Powerleveling section was very interesting and pretty much describes exactly how I feel (the 1-20 game just feels so blech at times, especially heroside, villainside has some really great arcs as you mentioned in the early levels).
With regards doorsitting it's something I'll do on characters where I kinda know how the set plays due to playing the AT to high level before (I've played Stone to 41 and I've played fire to 50, everything else is kind of inbetween those on the tankerability scale) and haven't done it in some time actually (since the SSK came in and the AE got nerfed).
Two of my characters (my stone/stone tanker and my dark/dark corruptor) were levelled during the meow farms AE crisis and because of that they're the two character who, while I have invested IOs heavily in (+runspeed bonus so she can run at 14mph while in granite and rooted), I just don't feel any connection to.
Sure I levelled my Traps/Dual Pistols defender to 48 in 4 days of Double XP BUT I felt so much more connected.
Anyway...enough of my rambling but I really enjoyed it!
And don't hold it against them for making me their guest on the second podcast!
![]() |
just when I thought I was about to reach the top of Nerd Mountain, she comes along and points up to where her villa is about three more precipices up! XD
Awesome! I have to go to bed right now, and I've got a looooong day tomorrow, but dammit, I'll definitely listen to it Tuesday. So don't go anywhere!
Happy to have you! ^.^v
Enjoyed the podcast very much.
{....} With regards doorsitting it's something I'll do on characters where I kinda know how the set plays due to playing the AT to high level before (I've played Stone to 41 and I've played fire to 50, everything else is kind of inbetween those on the tankerability scale) and haven't done it in some time actually (since the SSK came in and the AE got nerfed). {....} Anyway...enough of my rambling but I really enjoyed it! |
Both Adam and I have been rather amazed by the reactions we've gotten from the power-leveling discussion we've had, most good and (of course) some bad. We did our best to include just about every point of view we could think of, though near the end we felt pressed for time and we really thought we could go on for another segment. It's a great topic that lots of people feel very passionate about, which is one of the reasons we wanted to talk about it.
If something akin to SSK's happens again, we plan on revisiting the topic and what impact any new mechanics will have on it, but for now we're.... content with that segment. Not perfectly happy, but content

Thanks for all the replies, PM's, and emails guys! Keep it up! ^.^v
-Castle Approved Since March 2009!
-Off the Cape is CURRENTLY RECORDING NEW CONTENT! Once edits, templates, and the new site are up we'll be back to bi-weekly podcasts complete with rampant, wild, unfounded CoH speculation!
This was really interesting to hear - I'll check out your next one for sure.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Ok. You guys are GREAT! Listened to the Samuraiko episode. Great fun! Considder Off the Cape Faved!
Awesome show!
I listened to all 3 in one night... Is that bad?
Keep up the good work!
I certainly hope that's not bad. I did the same thing ^.^V
The void left by CoH Podcast has been filled by very capable hands. Keep up the great work, and looking forward to the next episode!
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

You might want to consider making it shorter and releasing a show more often. 90+ minutes at a time is a pretty long haul.
Other than that, I really liked it. Heh, "hammer space." It's been a while since I've heard that term used, but it's perfect. "What the-- Where's my assault rifle? Where the hell did this gumball machine come from!?" I loved the story about the coffin.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Listening atm - so far, so good!
I like the format but think, too, that it might be easier for more people to listen in if they were shorter but more of them than fewer, longer ones. Just for those that may not have the time to listen all in one setting.
But, again, very nice work so far!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

And don't hold it against them for making me their guest on the second podcast!
![]() Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Hold it against them? Thats the only reason I decided to listen! Glad I did now though. It'll give me something to listen to on those long boring night shifts.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Listened to all 3 Podcasts(0-2)while base editing and will say i will tune in when i can(if im awake).
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
Podcast? Check.
City Of Heroes? Double check.
Fun and informative? Check.
Okay, I am sold.
Keep up the good work.
The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame
Who Is Sister Flame?
Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09
Listened to them all last night...very good stuff! Nice work to all involved, and keep up the good work! I'll be listening to the future episodes for sure, along with the 'casts that others do.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

I have no idea how this happened...
Honestly, we just started talking about it one day, discussing how much fun it could be, that we could do something good for others, or that maybe we'd have our own little internet groupies.... we never once actually thought something like this would happen!
And then.... then at HeroCon.... somebody said something about it when EMpulse was in earshot, and she then said, "Well, that sounds like a GREAT idea!"
And then? Then things started happening....
Emails started being sent!
Ideas were talked about!
Wild, frantic gestures were made!
Guests were booked!
Equipment was bought!
Deadlines were set!
Scripts, Intros, Outros, Bumpers, and Special Effects were devised and made manifest!
I promise all of you, this whole thing started out as some kind of overcompensating vanity project.... Just a giant, megalomaniacal power-trip for my already over-inflated ego that just escalated out of control and has now taken on a life of it's own and threatens to devour all of us involved!
I'm so sorry....
And it grows stronger each passing day! It's already into it's second episode, third if you count the promo! (which most people don't)
And it's only getting hungrier! Look!
We ask, please, that you listen to our podcast and tell us what you think. But please be honest, for the podcast is alive, and every day it looks upon us and decides if we're doing a good enough job or if it wants to eat us instead! Plasma Warrior is actually my third co-host, all the others were devoured in a gruesome spectacle of carnage and pixilated gore when the show found the others to be unacceptable!
If you want to help us, please email us your suggestions and comments via email:
And for those of you who like to look and laugh at the pain of others, you may make suggestions for which one of us should be noisily consumed in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the Sarlacc next by directly appealing to the show:
Guest accommodations are provided by whichever Coalition we can guilt into taking them up for a night or two. Our guest for our next podcast (Episode Three) will be Stalemate, who will join us to talk about the Mentor Project! More info about the Mentor Project can be found Here. If there's anything you want to ask Stalemate, or if you'd like to remind him of an embarrassing event and have it recorded eternally for posterity and the amusement of your fellow players, please contact us!
We also have a Twitter account for those of you who like Sweet Tweets!
Art is courtesy of our resident small, tiny, cute, and adorable Ice Demon (Rizer... something), whose work can be found Here!
Original Post in the Multimedia Forum is Here!
And an adorable Kitteh can be found Here!
That is all for now, the podcast says I have to go back into the tub full of zesty marinade so that I stay sweet and tender @.@
Please give a listen and tell us what you think! You may be all that stands between us and a dramatic (albeit succulent) death!
-Castle Approved Since March 2009!
-Off the Cape is CURRENTLY RECORDING NEW CONTENT! Once edits, templates, and the new site are up we'll be back to bi-weekly podcasts complete with rampant, wild, unfounded CoH speculation!