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  1. I think for the first time since starting my new job and reviving the podcast I have a Saturday afternoon free!

    Sign me up, Megumi Yamato, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster! ^.^v
  2. Have a great birthday Karo-Karo! ^.^v

    *goes back to secret plans of the 'belated' variety!*
  3. Happy birthday Smokey-Smoke! v^.^v

    So... to celebrate, will Ele be jumping out of a cake that's ON FIRE!?
  4. For those who have been asking:

    YES, the new episode is done!

    As always, you can head over to the Off the Cape main website, or just click on the show cover and it'll take you right there! And of course there's always the iTunes feed!

    Our guest for this episode is none other than Mr. David "I am the Art Lead" Nakayama! We talk to him about his work in Going Rogue, how his department is more or less the nerve center for the entire game, how he got to where he is, and his promise to never use his powers for evil!

    Other than that Adam and Shin talk about the new stuff announced at PAX East and what we may see coming out of some of the info there, as well as their thoughts on the cancellation of this year's HeroCon in favor of more Meet & Greets at existing conventions!

    As one might guess, this episode was quite an ordeal to finish! That's mostly because Shin was lucky enough to start a new job this week! And while that's great for him, working 45+ hours a week does put quite a dent in his available time to edit the show, so thus this one was delayed slightly. But fear not! Solutions are already in place and we're all set to go for our next broadcast!

    As always, feel free to reply to this thread or PM us directly, or if you'd rather, email us at:

    See you next episode! ^.^v
  5. So if you win.... does that mean we get to come over for new-kitchen dinner? =D
  6. I tend to collect a particular kind of temp powers:

    Any of them that put something in my hands.

    My main character is just a walking arsenal, I have almost 2 full trays of temp powers that have some kind of 'draw' animation and an in-hand weapon.

    It's a great trick at parties! =D
  7. Hi Everybody!

    Well, after the busy hustle & bustle of making the Anniversary episode we decided to take things easy and make a nice, normal, relaxing episode for our next installment! Issue 17 had just come out giving us plenty to talk about, our guest was going to talk about the "Mentor Project" which is decidedly a good thing, and we even had another special surprise appearance for you! Little did we know that when we booked Stalemate for this "nice, normal, relaxing" episode he was going to bring Mr. Enrious with him! Enrious, while a complete southern gentleman, just has an air of bad-axe-itude about him that's tough to put into words. Take a listen and see what we mean!

    Next up it's finally time to announce the winner of the movement speed contest!

    Sadly, nobody was able to quite hit the mark and reach the cap, though some people came pretty darn close!

    Stalemate gets some major kudos for submitting the fastest build at 92.0 MPH.... but as it's really not in the spirit of the contest to give him, a guest and friend of the show, the Grand Prize, we had to press on and find the person we thought best captured the spirit of this exercise. (And Stale, you already GOT a nice new shiny!)

    So, it was decided amongst us that our winner for this contest is a player who showed great enthusiasm, poise, and a relentless drive by submitting no less than SIX different builds, across FIVE different archetypes, every one of them showing creativity and unconventional thought!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, a big round of applause for DARK SHADE!

    For his entries, Dark Shade has won his choice of a Costume Code for ANY of the currently available ones! Congratulations Shader, you earned it! =D

    For those wondering, here's how I managed it:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    I actually managed to get a 150.5% bonus to run speed for a full-out 93.4 MPH if the cap wasn't there, though honestly I spent far more time than any one person should on such a project. A big thanks to everybody who participated and one more congratulations to Dark Shade for his amazing efforts and victory!

    As always, if you have any suggestions for the show, if you want to suggest a new contest idea, or if you just like sending emails feel free to drop a line to Adam or myself: or

    And as always, a HUGE Thanks to Rizerax for her lending her talents on another amazing job for this episode's artwork!

    Thanks guys, see you next episode! ^.^v
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    rocking the aura should keep everyone alive
    I'm raising the alarm to Doom-Con 4
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    Are you saying get the run cap with ninja run?

    Toggles and Autos only, as well as Set Bonus'.

    Nothing else. No Elude, Siphon Speed, Accelerate Metabolism, Commuter/Pilot Day Job Bonus', Fortunes, Power Boost, etc. You have to be able to (theoretically) run it indefinitely without any to-hit checks or down time.
  10. Just a quick reminder of Off the Cape's Run Speed Challenge!

    In one of the early shows we talked about the new prominence of Ninja Run and the notion that some people skip out on a travel power entirely now, and I wanted to test that as a viable alternative.

    What started out as a simple exercise then turned into a question of, "Just how high can I get my run speed?"

    After several hours of slotting, re-slotting, and trying different archetypes, builds, and power combinations, I managed to get a character to the run speed cap using just Ninja Run, set bonus, toggles, & auto-powers. And that is my challenge to you:

    Make a character in Mids' Hero Designer that has the highest run speed you can muster using just set bonus', auto-powers, toggles, and inherents. No Click Powers, Day Jobs, Fortunes, Temp. Powers, or Safeguard/Mayhem powers, etc. the idea is that you could run this indefinitely without having to make to-hit checks, craft, or receive outside bonus'. Thus far I've seen some awesome ideas, but nobody has managed to hit 92.5 MPH cap!

    When you have what you think is a winning build, send it to me here on the forums via PM! ALL entries will be considered for the grand prize, because I'm looking for not just a match to what I managed on my build, but some real creativity from you guys as well!

    Grand prize will be ANY COSTUME CODE YOU NAME!

    So get Kraken! ~.^
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    BTW, Megumi, you may recognize a familiar face in my 6th anniversary video...

    (Actually, I sneaked quite a few Justicites in there.)



    I see it!

    At the 3:27 mark, that's Samuraiko!

    She was totally on our show! XD
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LaserJesus View Post
    Of course, without me your podcast STILL lacks lasers.
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Your podcast needs more Smoke Signal.
    Firstly: Smoke, Episode #2, about 1:17 in. Bazinga!

    Secondly: I am unsure if our show can support both Smoke and Lasers. Truth be told, the very notion frightens me. I think it best to settle this debate in traditional Justice Server fashion: A fight to the death!

    Two characters enter, then one character leaves! The second character then leaves after being declared the winner!

    You two get back to me after you get that sorted out! ^.^
  13. Megumi_Yamato


    Megumi Yamato
    @Megumi Yamato
    I Survived "Hack"

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
    Can anyone give me a quick summary? I began to listen to it, but I got bored when I began to hear the hosts talking about badges and other things.
    Quick Summary:

    Adam and Shin talk about what they feel the biggest changes in the game have been to date. Each lists five things they feel have had the greatest impact on game play.

    Eliot Lefebvre of talks of what has kept the game vital over the years, followed by TheOcho, Avatea, Manticore, Castle, War Witch, and Positron talking about their favorite memories of the game and sharing some stories from the old days, and what they want to do to keep us loving the game.

    And Positron has a brief outro segment with his "Snappy closeout voice"!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
    Is it possible to get a transcript, or something? I realise that this may be an arduous request because it's 1 hour but I have impaired hearing, and I can't quite make out what some people are saying. I'm not bothered if not! Brilliant feature!

    I'll see what we can do.... it would be a bit of a project, but we're usually up for such challenges! Not sure if we can do it for *every* episode, but I'll get crackin' on this one and see if I can get it done in a reasonable amount of time! ~.^
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    GDN was alongside the AoE Hold nerf, not ED, in Issue 5. ED was with Issue 6/CoV release
    Adam has been SERVED! It is now up to him to name the arena in which his counter-serving shall take place. Well played!

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Link doesn't work, misspelled as Here is the correct link:
    GAH! I have also been served! That's just embarrassing....

    Thanks for the heads up, should be fixed now!

    (Note from the producer: The www. is not needed, but that address will still redirect to the main site. Thank you for proving my faith in *both* of them is horribly, horribly misplaced )

  17. Happy Sixth Anniversary City of Heroes!

    Off the Cape wants to invite everybody to listen to a special SUPER-POWERED Episode we put together in celebration of our favorite game making it past the six year mark! We worked extra special hard to make it for you guys, and it even has some familiar faces (voices?) thrown in!

    We decided that today would be the most appropriate day to launch a forum thread for anybody who wants to chime in on what we had to say in any given episode! Why this day? Well, if it coincides with the anniversary of launch day, that'll make it VERY easy to remember, and will take up less space on our stationary!

    What we hope this thread will be:

    Hopefully, this thread will be medium for those of you who listen to the show to let us know what you think, for better or worse, on the product that we're making and to get answers and satisfaction in a more timely manner!

    We also want to be able to share with you who our upcoming guests are! For you to be able to participate in the interview process by giving us ideas on questions to ask them or topics to discuss with them! And also for you to let us know if they have made as-to-yet unfulfilled promises in the past that they should be reminded of!

    And of course, the show itself is always happy to be talked about, regardless of who's doing it!

    What this thread will likely become instead:

    An angry tirade of people asking why we chose the name “Off the Cape” when we have a program called “The Cape Radio” (You're not super 'till you put on The Cape!™)

    To head off that question I'll just say this: When we were tossing around possible names for the show, back in August of 2009, this was the one that stuck. We almost went with “To the Rescue,” but that lacked a certain level of -Umph-, you know?

    Just to be clear: We love The Cape Radio™!

    What you can do now:

    Head on over to and give a listen to our HYPER-CHARGED Episode! I don't want to give too much away, but we have some awesome guest stars, pointed moments, and a VERY special ending, so make sure you listen to it all the way through!

    Fair warning, Internet Explorer users may not be able to access all of our features, and we encourage them to give Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome a try if such is the case for them! Alternatively, you can subscribe to our show at the iTunes Store, our RSS Feed, or even use the Direct Download! (Direct Download currently works for the Special Anniversary Episode ONLY)

    What you shouldn't do now:

    Remind us there isn't an Episode #3 yet. We know there is no Episode #3 yet. The idea for an Anniversary Episode came up really late and we had to scramble to get it finished on time. Then something happened with the mixer, some files got corrupted, something about a fire, and Enrious is going to hurt me. We will have Episode #3 out ASAP, so for now please enjoy this TURBO-TASTIC Episode and don't forget to come back here and let us know what you thought!


    -The Off the Cape Team
    (Shin, Adam, & Brian)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    And don't hold it against them for making me their guest on the second podcast!
    No, please! Hold it against us! I was almost completely bowled over by how out-geeked I was with Samuraiko as our guest! It's almost frightening how
    just when I thought I was about to reach the top of Nerd Mountain, she comes along and points up to where her villa is about three more precipices up! XD

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Awesome! I have to go to bed right now, and I've got a looooong day tomorrow, but dammit, I'll definitely listen to it Tuesday. So don't go anywhere!
    The -podcast- won't be going anywhere, but I might unless it gets fed tonight <.<

    Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
    I'll definitly be checking it out.
    Happy to have you! ^.^v

    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    Enjoyed the podcast very much.


    With regards doorsitting it's something I'll do on characters where I kinda know how the set plays due to playing the AT to high level before (I've played Stone to 41 and I've played fire to 50, everything else is kind of inbetween those on the tankerability scale) and haven't done it in some time actually (since the SSK came in and the AE got nerfed).


    Anyway...enough of my rambling but I really enjoyed it!
    Thank you for those words as well!

    Both Adam and I have been rather amazed by the reactions we've gotten from the power-leveling discussion we've had, most good and (of course) some bad. We did our best to include just about every point of view we could think of, though near the end we felt pressed for time and we really thought we could go on for another segment. It's a great topic that lots of people feel very passionate about, which is one of the reasons we wanted to talk about it.

    If something akin to SSK's happens again, we plan on revisiting the topic and what impact any new mechanics will have on it, but for now we're.... content with that segment. Not perfectly happy, but content

    Thanks for all the replies, PM's, and emails guys! Keep it up! ^.^v
  19. Ah Protector.... my home away from home....

    I love Protector, what with it's random invasions of other servers....

    It's Rampaging Robots Resulting in Random Rubble and Reduction of Residential Recreation....

    It's Drunken Debauchery Diligently Delivered Dusk to Dawn to Delighted & Dauntless Denizens....

    It's Sooner-Flavored Baked Pies....

    And it's love of all things Podcast & Podcast related!

    Wait, that last one hasn't happened yet, has it?


    Yes, we're running a podcast for CoH & CoV, and I want everybody to know during our next show what makes Protector's awesome level frickin' BOMBASTIC!

    Here's what I'd like from you guys:

    Let me know what it is about this server that makes you love it so much that you would forsake all the other servers for it! Whether it's events, the people, the community, just tell me what about Protector is unique and special so that I might tell the world!

    What's that? Why should you do this for me, you ask? Well, let me tell you!

    EVERY reply that I get in this thread, so long as it is even slightly useful, will be entered into a drawing for a fantastic prize! What is this prize you ask? Well, we picked up some spare swag at HeroCon just so we could give it away to you, our listeners!

    What else do you need to know!?

    Get Kraken, Protector! Unleash your potential, and show us just why you should be loved!

    -Meg ^.^v

  20. OMGOSH, did I miss Badge's birfday??

    I is sorry Badgey....

    Hope it was awesome nonetheless! ^.^v
  21. Episode TWO is now up and fit for consumption!

    Big thanks to Samuraiko for coming down to talk with us, it was an absolute joy! Check it out if you want to hear about her early days, what inspires her, and what kinds of felonies she would commit given the chance!

    Also listen up since this episode has a chance for you to win a costume code!

    Our guest on the next show will be Stalemate who will be talking about the Mentor Project! As always, feel free to send us emails with questions for the guest or about possible topics for the show that you want to hear!


    More Artz = DELICIOUS!


    Did I say delicious?

    I meant painful.... @.@
  23. I have no idea how this happened...

    Honestly, we just started talking about it one day, discussing how much fun it could be, that we could do something good for others, or that maybe we'd have our own little internet groupies.... we never once actually thought something like this would happen!

    And then.... then at HeroCon.... somebody said something about it when EMpulse was in earshot, and she then said, "Well, that sounds like a GREAT idea!"

    And then? Then things started happening....

    Emails started being sent!

    Ideas were talked about!

    Wild, frantic gestures were made!

    Guests were booked!

    Equipment was bought!

    Deadlines were set!

    Scripts, Intros, Outros, Bumpers, and Special Effects were devised and made manifest!


    I promise all of you, this whole thing started out as some kind of overcompensating vanity project.... Just a giant, megalomaniacal power-trip for my already over-inflated ego that just escalated out of control and has now taken on a life of it's own and threatens to devour all of us involved!

    I'm so sorry....

    We made a PODCAST!!!!!

    And it grows stronger each passing day! It's already into it's second episode, third if you count the promo! (which most people don't)

    And it's only getting hungrier! Look!

    We ask, please, that you listen to our podcast and tell us what you think. But please be honest, for the podcast is alive, and every day it looks upon us and decides if we're doing a good enough job or if it wants to eat us instead! Plasma Warrior is actually my third co-host, all the others were devoured in a gruesome spectacle of carnage and pixilated gore when the show found the others to be unacceptable!

    If you want to help us, please email us your suggestions and comments via email:

    And for those of you who like to look and laugh at the pain of others, you may make suggestions for which one of us should be noisily consumed in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the Sarlacc next by directly appealing to the show:

    Guest accommodations are provided by whichever Coalition we can guilt into taking them up for a night or two. Our guest for our next podcast (Episode Three) will be Stalemate, who will join us to talk about the Mentor Project! More info about the Mentor Project can be found Here. If there's anything you want to ask Stalemate, or if you'd like to remind him of an embarrassing event and have it recorded eternally for posterity and the amusement of your fellow players, please contact us!

    We also have a Twitter account for those of you who like Sweet Tweets!

    Art is courtesy of our resident small, tiny, cute, and adorable Ice Demon (Rizer... something), whose work can be found Here!

    Original Post in the Multimedia Forum is Here!

    And an adorable Kitteh can be found Here!

    That is all for now, the podcast says I have to go back into the tub full of zesty marinade so that I stay sweet and tender @.@

    Please give a listen and tell us what you think! You may be all that stands between us and a dramatic (albeit succulent) death!


  24. *heh-heh-a-hem*

    Hippo birdie two ewe
    Hippo birdie two ewe
    Hippo birdie deer 'Ko-'Ko
    Hippo birdie two ewe!

    Und Manny Moor! ^.^v
  25. Happy Birthday Cai!

    How old are you now, in CatGurl years? =^.^=