1 Billion - Really Doesn't Mean Much Any More Does it?
I haven't hit 10 billion myself yet.
Be well, people of CoH.

What about the days before AE, PvP IO's, Purple IO's, in fact all IO's.
Where you farmed for 'Leader'?
It's really not hard to make money these days in the market, I'm losing the significance of seeing every tom dick and harry posting forum photos of their, as you put it, ebil marketing skills. I congratulate them, but the significance is dwindling.
I still think 1B is an awful, awful lot.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I drop 6-10bill on each build I make, so 1bill has lost a lot of significance for me. (I pretty much only play villainside, for reference)
I saw a recent thread where an erstwhile marketeer states he can be in the ebil club "nao". So sorry but you got to the party a bit late.
Think about it for a moment. Back when the ebil club started a billion really meant a lot. How many toons could you have fully outfitted with IO Sets including purples back in the day when ebils were rare? Now fast forward to today... I am an ebil but it really doesn't matter when I would need to spend probably over 50 percent of my cash on hand for just ONE 2 Billion PvP IO. And what about our new ebil member? Yeah he can't buy one... So, time for a new club? 10 ebil anyone? 20? 100? |
Once I learned how to marketteer I learned how easy it was to make a bil in less than a couple of days, especially with the glut of cash coming in and out of the market because the ease of AE exploits tallow people to generate lots of tickets and cash and then there is the lack of supply to stave off inflation.
I never posted my first bil because it really is just chump change.
p.s. I'm redside. But I also ebil bluside.
Even 10B isn't all that exclusive any more. Not like the old days of early 2009. Damn kids these days...
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
My vote is, the new Ebil should be measured by how many Glad Armor 3% Res/Def's you have stashed. (Until the drop rate is fixed)
I could use a billion inf if it doesn't mean much any more .
I dunno, it's a bit like comparing Bill Gates to all of those Microsoft millionaires who made their money working for him. Being a millionaire these days doesn't mean much... but I wish I were one anyway.
To probably a majority of players, a billion is still a lot of money. To those who are serious about their builds, a billion is a drop in the bucket. You can spend it all and not even outfit one power with a full purple set.
At least I can tell myself that I made my post last Summer, and it displayed more than 6 billion spread over five characters. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
So who wants to start the Iron Man Screenshot club? Show a screenshot where you're burning a billion in market fees. Selling,buying, whatever.
... I probably just want to do that because I have one of those screenies already.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Reposted from another thread:
"I hear you Fulmens. In your honor, I think there should be a vendor in Pocket D whose only purpose is to dispose of inf for badges
10,000,000 -- Spendthrift -- Keep that inf coming
100,000,000 -- Profligate -- You put the "disposable" into "disposable income"
1,000,000,000 -- Big Spender -- Spend a little time with me
10,000,000,000 -- Fat Cat -- You're rolling in it and you don't care who knows it
100,000,000,000 -- Ebil -- Your ability to amass and dispose of inf is unparalleled. You are truly Ebil(tm) "
I'd say that 10bn is pretty impressive and I'd like to see someone burn 100bn. If Smurphy is willing to buy story arcs for 20bn, I'm betting he/she has a couple more tens of bns tucked away.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Well to me 1 billion is still a lot of Inf. I've been playing off and on for 3 years. Never before had I acquired more than 600 mil or so. I don't play the market. I don't hoard my inf. I spend it. It is play money after all.
I came back to the game after a forced 6 month absence (PC issues). The beginning of Double XP was my first day back and within 2 weeks of selling my drops I picked up 1 billion. An astronomical amount to me. The character I was using is pretty much IO'd out so I wasn't worried about spending it so I shot for 2 Bil. Today I hit that mark.
I know that to those who play the market 2 Billion seems like pocket change. To some of us it's still a special little milestone.
My Troller Before Reading This Thread
My Troller After Seeing That 10 Bil May Be The New Ebil
... i have yet to hit even 1 bill on a single character, and ive been playing the game for 34 months. But I gues im not very good at playing with the market and getting drops lmao

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
Well to me 1 billion is still a lot of Inf. I've been playing off and on for 3 years. Never before had I acquired more than 600 mil or so. I don't play the market. I don't hoard my inf. I spend it. It is play money after all.
![]() I came back to the game after a forced 6 month absence (PC issues). The beginning of Double XP was my first day back and within 2 weeks of selling my drops I picked up 1 billion. An astronomical amount to me. The character I was using is pretty much IO'd out so I wasn't worried about spending it so I shot for 2 Bil. Today I hit that mark. I know that to those who play the market 2 Billion seems like pocket change. To some of us it's still a special little milestone. My Troller Before Reading This Thread My Troller After Seeing That 10 Bil May Be The New Ebil LOL ![]() |
1bn IS a lot of influence. I'm not sure if I've ever had over 1bn liquid inf on a toon, since I tend to reinvest it in a lot of stuff. I suspect I'd come out over Fat Cat and well under Ebil(TM) once I liquidate.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
I dunno, I think 1b is still a lot. It's not as much as it was, but you can still buy most of a build for 1b.
My last build cost me about 2b, 500ish for normal IOs and the rest on purples. *shrug*
It's just when you're starting your morning with casual player tears and want to purple/LotG/pvp IO out your characters that 1b doesn't seem like a lot.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
A billion is a lot, unless you're looking for a very specific tricked-out build. You can put together good cheap builds for a few hundred million. Of course, I'm one of the people who are looking for the tricked-out builds, so a billion is right in the neighborhood of what my builds usually run. I don't have any toons with 10 billion inf on them (my Fire/Psi is closest with 7 or 7.5) but I'm sure that I've got a bit more than that if I pool things together.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
This makes me wonder - what is the practical limit of wealth in this game, given the 2 billion inf limit per toon?
Can anyone hold on to a trillion influence?
If you can save 2 billion inf in every WW slot and you have 30 toons with 17 slots, thats somewhat over a trillion, but very impractical.
How would you store your trillion and has anyone made one yet?
This makes me wonder - what is the practical limit of wealth in this game, given the 2 billion inf limit per toon?
Can anyone hold on to a trillion influence? If you can save 2 billion inf in every WW slot and you have 30 toons with 17 slots, thats somewhat over a trillion, but very impractical. How would you store your trillion and has anyone made one yet? |
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Most of my level 50's have builds that start at roughly 3bil each. Don't really consider a billion very much either. I don't really think about it, I just get a 50 and then grind out the cash for the build till its done. Then move on to the next 50 on the list.
I find myself in awe - I use that loosely it's a game after all - to those that have astronomical builds that are worth several billion, and in that perspective I can see not only a great financial achievement but a sound use of the money, rather than the mere acquisition of finance.
After all I've always been of the stance: what's money not spent?
It's all a matter of scale.
Don't consider what the number represents compared to other people's numbers, think about what you can do with it. I permadom'd a character on the malnourished redside market. I soft-capped a defender. I perma-hastened a blaster. All of this without marketeering en masse, without major diddling - just, very simply, playing the game, selling the drops, and knowing how to buy.
That's what a billion inf is to me. A billion inf is... well, it's all the money I'll ever need. I don't need to spend it, I can spend the money that the billion makes me, whenever I need it to. It's an arbitary number rolling over an arbitary limit.
Quite frankly, the collection of wealth has never impressed me. The collection of goods has, though - seeing people running around with lotgs and purples which were purchased at a bargain price? That impresses me. Difficult build tricks, like major defence buffs, or the like? Same thing.
So, yeah, my billion is pretty meaningless. But then, so was my million when I first made it. I still used it to get a -kb IO.
I still think a Billion is a lot of money... it may not buy what it could buy last year, but can still make an awefully damned good build with it.
I have one character that has a build that costs more than 1 billion.
The rest, well a billion would outfit 2 or 3 of em. It still is a lot of inf.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I saw a recent thread where an erstwhile marketeer states he can be in the ebil club "nao". So sorry but you got to the party a bit late.
Think about it for a moment. Back when the ebil club started a billion really meant a lot. How many toons could you have fully outfitted with IO Sets including purples back in the day when ebils were rare?
Now fast forward to today... I am an ebil but it really doesn't matter when I would need to spend probably over 50 percent of my cash on hand for just ONE 2 Billion PvP IO. And what about our new ebil member? Yeah he can't buy one...
So, time for a new club? 10 ebil anyone? 20? 100?