Would buff/buff AT be overpowered?




I've always thought that Stalkers should've been Melee/Debuff or Melee/Control.

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#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
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Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
this guy is right! you can only have one character and you have to play only it!
So you'd be okay with having a completely situational character who can only come out to play during X situation? Whatever, you live on a completely different planet than I do. I value the ability to solo *or* team a lot more than being a super healer/buffer and being *required* to team. And yes, that makes me better than you.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Buff/buff? I think its an interesting question.
People already make teaming-only support heavy characters, just like they make self-sufficient ones who contribute zero force multiplication to a team, so how far could you push it?

I'm pretty sure it would be overpowered, and I immediately thought of a Kinetics/FF super-fender. I dual-boxed a pair of Defenders for a while, one Kinetics, one Force Fields, and they filled each others weak points incredibly well. They were both Offenders, ie well slotted blasts, and could take down Praetorian AV's together. They turned any team into a group of indestructible cannonballs.

But is that overpowered? Two characters can do it now. If one completely team dependent character could do this, at the cost of having to solo on power pools and brawl, is that a bad thing? It wouldn't stop people from making more balanced or solo-orientated characters.

Oh yeah, and Buff/Melee would rock!



What would happen if you got too many of these buff/buff toons on a team?

Eventually I'd think that too many of these types of characters on a team would end up weakening the team overall. We see that teams of all-controllers or all-defenders can absolutely wreck things, but without any of that all important damage you effectively can't bring anything down.

Sure, you could debuff the enemies to hell and buff each other into veritable gods, but then what? You still need to be able to hurt the enemy. I suppose you could recruit a lone blaster or scrapper, turn he/she/it into a god, then follow the damage-dealer debuffing all the enemies. But would that really be any better than having an all-defender, all-corrupter, or all-controller team?



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
Buff/buff? I think its an interesting question.
People already make teaming-only support heavy characters, just like they make self-sufficient ones who contribute zero force multiplication to a team, so how far could you push it?

I'm pretty sure it would be overpowered, and I immediately thought of a Kinetics/FF super-fender. I dual-boxed a pair of Defenders for a while, one Kinetics, one Force Fields, and they filled each others weak points incredibly well. They were both Offenders, ie well slotted blasts, and could take down Praetorian AV's together. They turned any team into a group of indestructible cannonballs.

But is that overpowered? Two characters can do it now. If one completely team dependent character could do this, at the cost of having to solo on power pools and brawl, is that a bad thing? It wouldn't stop people from making more balanced or solo-orientated characters.

Oh yeah, and Buff/Melee would rock!

Oh, I hadn't considered that. Provided that the buff/buff character has sets that allow for self-buffing, that would be friggin' hilarious - buff yourself twice over, and then be forced to Air Superiority/Jump Kick/Punch/Kick/Flurry/Brawl everything to death. That's so tragic, I'd almost want to experience that. Just the once, anyway. For the five minutes I could probably stand it.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
All I want is a Melee/Debuff AT, now that would be a lot of fun.
there are melee/debuff ATs in the game. u havent noticed them yet



Do not let your soupy boiling anger blind you to the Sands of Mu, Duck San!

No really, I soloed an Ice Controller once, probably the closest thing to this in the game currnetly, and Sands Of Mu vet power was crucial. >shudder!< The word "once" is the keystone of that sentence.

Not that I'm advocating soloing these Buff/Buff types, or forming whole teams of them. Yes, both those situations would kind of stink. Personally, I'd prefer to see a Buff/Melee AT, or a Movement/Melee AT or something cool like that.

I just don't think the Buff/Buff idea is completely worthy of derision - there is a minority of players who like to play support roles.



I'd assume a Buff/Buff AT would get Epic powers similar to what Controllers get now, and if that happened they'd be good farmers. I'm specifically looking at Kinetics/Cold/Fire.

Anyway, pure support characters do kind of exist now. Unless people are inviting Ice Controllers to the team for their L33T damage. And no these types of characters are not "leeches" just because they don't get orange numbers. That's just silly.

EDIT: Would a Cold/Storm be able to double-Sleet/Freezing Rain? Now that would be a great character assuming the epics had ranged attacks. The attack powers in Storm with the endurance recovery and debuff of Cold. You'd also make your allies completely invisible with stacked stealth auras (or maybe not if they're hardcoded to be mutually exclusive).



I've been in the process of writing up a fancy Melee/Buff Archetype suggestion etc Look for it soon



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
No really, I soloed an Ice Controller once, probably the closest thing to this in the game currnetly, and Sands Of Mu vet power was crucial. >shudder!< The word "once" is the keystone of that sentence.
Earth Control is pretty close to that too, at least before the pet. Earth/Cold is fantastic on teams and a miserable grind solo.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Earth Control is pretty close to that too, at least before the pet. Earth/Cold is fantastic on teams and a miserable grind solo.
Yeah, I agree.

Earth Control does provide -Def to let fly the mighty Sands of Mu with ninja accuracy, which is a huge help.

Ice in comparison, allows Impeded Swiftness procs to be placed in the AoE immobilise.

I think I'd rather solo an Earth Controller, on the whole.



I would like some combinations of buff/buff, but I can't imagine anything more boring that an FF/Sonic on a team of 8. Cycle through four shields 24/7. *Shudder*

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Not so much overpowered as just lame and pointless. Instead of wasting resources to develop such an AT- I would rather see more effective and challenging ATs made. Besides, you can still make yourself a gEmpath with medicine pool that is a "pacifist" and have the same result.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I don't like the idea.

Kin/Force Fields would rock some faces though.



This AT would be unsoloable and overpowered on teams to the point where it'd become the new h34lzor FOTM. It goes against every bit of good sense and spirit in power design in the game.



I wonder how many Empathy/Pain "healers" we'd get.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I soloed an Ice Controller once, probably the closest thing to this in the game currnetly
Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Earth Control is pretty close to that too, at least before the pet. Earth/Cold is fantastic on teams and a miserable grind solo.
Kids these days. Pah! At least Ice Control and Earth Control have real damage powers! Play an Illusion Controller for once!

*waves cane*




What is the saying? "Variety is the spice of life?"

It's funny that the idea of 'more options' was put for to justify a hypothetical archetpe with less options. It can support. That is all it can do. Certainly the powersets are varied enough that you can support in different ways, but in the end? It's all suport.

You helping others do stuff really well, but you're not doing it yourself.

The devs have made sure that the character have something they themselves do well as well as supporting. Controllers are best at controlling. (Blueside)Defenders are best at weakening/debuffing attacks. Corruptors are best at finishing weak targets off. Masterminds are best at creating havoc via their little armies.

'Buff/buff? can't do anything else well. This goes back to the original early 'open archetype' system. You can make a control/armor that can survive most anything, but that doesn't make it a good thing from game design. Pure support characters? Sure, you can invite them to the team. But you know they can't do everything for you. If their set lacks healing? They can use medicine, but it's not great. They lacks shields? Manuevers is weak. They can patch their support holes, but it's done by sacrificing the other things they could do. Buff/buff makes no balance in its team role, especially for min/maxers.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Kids these days. Pah! At least Ice Control and Earth Control have real damage powers! Play an Illusion Controller for once!

*waves cane*
I have. She was massively more soloable than Earth even with a much less solo-friendly secondary (empathy). A ST immob deals hugely less damage than Spectral Wounds; the healback is only a minor issue since you're pretty much guaranteed to finish off the target before it's fully done, so Earth's single-target damage output is a joke next to Illusion's. Illusion also has better single-target control than Earth and does so at very low levels, since it has two ST powers that actually render a target unable to attack (Blind and Deceive) compared to a ST hold and a ST immobilize. Superior Invisibility let her pick her fights or weaken a group with Deceive before starting them, and once Phantom Army comes along the damage skyrockets at half the level Earth has to wait for.

Earth, meanwhile, has to very slowly grind down the target with Stone Prison, Fossilize, and Sands of Mu when it's up (and if you want any real ST control you won't have room to slot Fossilize for damage). Salt Crystals can be helpful when soloing, but that's about the only time it'll be helpful and it's not making the killing any faster, just safer. Your AoE control gets credible once you have Earthquake and Stalagmites slotted for recharge so you can alternate them, but again, you're not killing things faster, you're just (mostly) keeping them from killing you while you slowly grind them down. As an added bonus, because fights go so long and you're maintaining AoE controls to keep from dying, you also guzzle blues to keep from bottoming out before the fight's over.

I don't know, maybe I'm missing something huge and obvious about how to solo Earth before the pet comes along, but out of my five controllers Earth's been the least solo-friendly. I enjoy the heck out of it on teams, but solo is very, very slow.

(For the record: mind/storm, ill/emp, plant/therm, earth/cold, fire/rad in roughly the order I rolled them up.)



Originally Posted by Adelie View Post
Imagine an Empathy/Traps or a Forcefields/Thermal or a Cold/Dark. Would a buff/buff set be viable? Those of us who love support roles would love to see this I think, but would it be overpowered? You could have it so the secondary is half as powerful as if it were a primary.


Reason 1) They couldn't solo. Not only that, lets go the route of Sonic/Force Field. The buff everyone up, and then sit back and do nothing for a whole lotta levels and basically follow the team around. BTW: I realize both sets have a few other powers they could use, but how often do you really see those powers get used, that are offensive use on Force Fields?

Reason 2) It's bad enough we have so many Empaths running around. Why would we want this? It's not very comic book super hero. Read a comic book, how many empaths do you really see in comics? Not many at all. Let's not give people the chance to make EVEN more characters that fall so far out of comic book super heroes, that it's not even funny.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Read a comic book, how many empaths do you really see in comics?
At least a few, although Raven from the Teen Titans (with her healing empathy) is the closest to how CoH Empathy works - the others actually sense emotions rather than healing people.

Now, how many claws scrappers can you think of? Bonus points if you can think of any without a direct relation to Sniktbub.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
I don't know, maybe I'm missing something huge and obvious about how to solo Earth before the pet comes along, but out of my five controllers Earth's been the least solo-friendly.
Illusion has better and sooner damage than Earth, IME.

But you may be missing Flurry, Boxing, Kick, Jump Kick, and Air Sup. Just one of those makes soloing a pre-30 controller a breeze, IME. I try to get one by level 12. I don't normally even use Vet attacks.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Illusion has better and sooner damage than Earth, IME.

But you may be missing Flurry, Boxing, Kick, Jump Kick, and Air Sup. Just one of those makes soloing a pre-30 controller a breeze, IME. I try to get one by level 12. I don't normally even use Vet attacks.
Well, as I said earth control is the only one where I felt it was a problem. All the other controllers I've played had at least decent damage in their primary - obviously not blaster or scrapper levels, but enough that I didn't feel like Sands of Mu was my primary damage source. As a result, I'm not in the habit of taking pool attacks on controllers.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
At least a few, although Raven from the Teen Titans (with her healing empathy) is the closest to how CoH Empathy works - the others actually sense emotions rather than healing people.
Yeah, the TV version of Raven seems more like Dark/Dark, but I would call the comic version Empathy.

I would say Swamp Thing is Empathy as well. Plant/Empathy Controller perhaps.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
It goes against every bit of good sense and spirit in power design in the game.
Which means it's definately going in.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.