Liberty Server Global Chat Channels




Well, if LFA lets just anybody in, they would have the same problems as LB. Would they not?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Then it's not really for all, is it? If LB is so bad, why has Matt quit then rejoined the channel several times?



Heh, I was never under the illusion that it would be for all. But, then again, I'm just an observer of all the foolishness. Matt may open it up to some of the ...controversial? mods of LB. As for the last part of the question, I wouldn't have the slightest idea.

As of right now, LB, LFA and SisterhoodFriends seem to me to be the exact same channel. Everyone pretty much belongs to at least two of the three, and they have pretty much identical TF forming requests.

Enjoy your day. : )

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




To state a fact, LFA never been a private channel.
1700members on LB that has been here for years, LFA just couple days. 400people, no inactive accounts.
I don't want to be mod of LB, even PW told me she has a hard time with it.

You are correct Cold, but some people are quick to judge a server by its global channels.

Similarities of LB, LFA, and SHF is that they are the Community Channels of Liberty. They are good for finding teams, badges, events, raids, tf/sfs. All 3 channels are active, probably the same people as Ukase pointed out.

Differences of LB, LFA, SHF is that they are moderated differently, some has more and some less. It's not about the quantity of channels or how many people are in it, it's about the quality of channel and people.

It may fail, but not going to give up yet. 4 or 5days now and 400people. Some times LFA is more active than LB, sometimes it isn't.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Channels purge an account after 90 days. Less if the default was changed. Can't be that many inactive in any channel regardless of how long it has been around.



Ah, that I didn't know.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



It wasn't an i18 change, but it was a fairly recent one in terms of issues and updates.



Just an FYI, Camo's Teen Lounge is now a public channel. Mainly for off-topic conversation that gets pushed out of LB.



Originally Posted by Camo_Fire View Post
Just an FYI, Camo's Teen Lounge is now a public channel. Mainly for off-topic conversation that gets pushed out of LB.
Lol rename it "LBs Recycling Bin"



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post

Similarities of LB, LFA, and SHF is that they are the Community Channels of Liberty. They are good for finding teams, badges, events, raids, tf/sfs. All 3 channels are active, probably the same people as Ukase pointed out.
A little late to the discussion, but calling LFA THE community channel in your broadcasts in Atlas is a little misleading. Last I looked, LB had over 1800 members. LFA? Not even a third of that. THE community channel would be the one that has more of the community in it.



I could be wrong, I've certain been wrong before - but I've never seen more than 100 or so in either channel. When did you look last? Am I missing something or sleepier than I thought?

Oh, I do know one thing - a vast majority of the members of one channel are members in the other - so what difference does it make? There are players who are members of one supergroup who also have toons that are part of another one. Who really cares? Not me - just so long as there is a channel

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Right-click your chat tab, then click channel search and type in a channel name. As long as the channel isn't private you will get results.



Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
A little late to the discussion, but calling LFA THE community channel in your broadcasts in Atlas is a little misleading. Last I looked, LB had over 1800 members. LFA? Not even a third of that. THE community channel would be the one that has more of the community in it.
One third of 1800 = 600people. LFA 620, couple off another channel. LFA is usually behind LB by 20-30people. Used to be 50+(Going on week 7)

This is like, what brand of laundry detergent you like? You go with what suits you.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Do you still use LB, Matt?



Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
Do you still use LB, Matt?
Yes, he does.



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
This is like, what brand of laundry detergent you like? You go with what suits you.
If the name brand and the cheap knock off are the same price with the name brand giving you everything you need why bother even looking at the knock off



Welcome to the party pal!

The reason silence on entry is necessary is in case a troublemaker joins the channel just to spam. If you kick the person they can just re-join. There's no "ban" button.

LB is silence on entry as well.

How do you get unsilenced? I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!

Just look in the list of channel members, find an Op who's not hidden (good luck with that!) and ask them to unsilence you.



(I'm sure most would agree I'm using that term in it's broadest meaning) :P
I've teamed with both of you. You have both helped me be a better player.

Hazy, you may see LFA as a possible disruption in Liberty's To me, it's not, just a different acronym.

Matt, you're asserting that there are folks who have a problem with the mods of LB.

Myself, I don't have a problem with any of the mods - except when they're not online to do the modding.

Unpossible?, (formerly NYC) , PW, Cap'n Punch and many others have all stepped in from time to time to help prevent foolishness on LB from escalating. I've seen Hazy do his part as well, unsilencing new folks into the channel.
There have also been times when the Mods were not online or in hiding and I got to read all sorts of unsavory things dealing with bowel movements and gratuitous sex with animals.

Matt, I know you care about Liberty. I also know that you've said and done some things that were misconstrued. You've also said and done things that were ....unwise.
So have I. Everyone has.

The two of you are both very bright, and both very resourceful, capable of helping Liberty.

A global channel is really a wonderful thing. It allows me, as a player to continue to have my own SG and still team up when I feel like it, instead of it being sort of compulsory.

The channels we use to make plans are tools, nothing else. So far, having LFA around has provided some with a way to make teams without having to navigate through a lot of chatter.

Mind you, sometimes, there is a lot of chatter on LFA as well.
Admittedly, it is sometimes ridiculous to see someone recruit for a tf in LB, then see them recruit in Sisterhood, then in LFA.

But hey, nobody is forcing me to belong to three channels.

My opinion, and that's all it is, is that LFA is only a divisive factor if we make it one.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I feel like we had this discussion in this thread:
There actually a lot of good points made on the redundancy of two main chat channels for Liberty.

Currently Active on Liberty
Global: @Rockmar Yay Whirligig.



/chanjoin Robo's Lounge for all things libertine



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
/chanjoin Robo's Lounge for all things libertine
Sisterhood Friends and Robo's Lounge are two of the better channels listed here that I've found. You don't have any of the mod issues that LFA and LB have. You don't have someone in either of them talking about the downfall of another global chat channel like it's some kind of competition. When someone broadcasts for SHF or the lounge you don't have someone from another channel telling you why x channel is better than y. You do, however, have good people who are always doing something fun.



Originally Posted by Dance Practice View Post
Sisterhood Friends and Robo's Lounge are two of the better channels listed here that I've found. You don't have any of the mod issues that LFA and LB have. You don't have someone in either of them talking about the downfall of another global chat channel like it's some kind of competition. When someone broadcasts for SHF or the lounge you don't have someone from another channel telling you why x channel is better than y. You do, however, have good people who are always doing something fun.

Good post!



I use all of the channels that Liberty pretty much has to offer. The difference between LB and LFA is that LB has a fair amount of foolishness, which is fun to join on some occasions. But there are times where I only have a couple of hours when my daughter is laying down and need to get something together fast. And to be honest lately that has been on LFA. I can get a team together and start rolling so i don't waste time.

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