Liberty Server Global Chat Channels




Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
It's called, "power trip"
Have you talked to the mod in person, or did you just rush to the forums?



They didn't want to talk about it, stating that LFA wasn't a forum for discussion.



Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
They didn't want to talk about it, stating that LFA wasn't a forum for discussion.
It most certainly is not.

[Team] Imperious Rex: Yep. once again, the Robo's Lounge folks showed me how easy this game is.
Whirligig SG



But isn't the point of a global channel to have discussions?



It varies.



The problem with any channel, among other things, is the mods. Too little and the mods aren't there to cover all problems. Too many and you have the problem of Mod A following Rule Set X and Mod B following Rule Set Y and then Mod (ny)C following Rule Set U. Mods with personal issues against anyone is never good, either.

Someone that has shown a good history of being a mod should make a new channel and everyone should join up. As an example, @PW is a mod of LB and SHF, done a relatively good job of it, and is well received.



Originally Posted by Dance Practice View Post
Someone that has shown a good history of being a mod should make a new channel and everyone should join up. As an example, @PW is a mod of LB and SHF, done a relatively good job of it, and is well received.

But then this would split the community <.< ...



Originally Posted by Dance Practice View Post
Someone that has shown a good history of being a mod should make a new channel and everyone should join up.
We did this already! The channel's called Robo's Lounge.



Originally Posted by SerenityFlame View Post
But then this would split the community <.< ...
You even quoted the part where it says, "everyone should join up" so I'm not certain how that would be splitting it.



I figured even tho we are not all adults, that the adults could be adults. Even the teens could be adults if they felt so inclined.

As far as stupidity in the channels I usually will just global ignore those causing problems.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



I guess it should make me happy you havent global ignored me yet then Dead West



If I global ignored anyone that acted stupid, a lot of channels from liberty would seem empty.



Originally Posted by SerenityFlame View Post
But then this would split the community <.< ...
Apparently, the community is already split. While I do enjoy the banter and teaming with a few of the folks on Liberty, there are some who challenge my enjoyment.

That's not to say I'm not a challenge to others, (in fact, I'm pretty sure I've cramped some play styles) but there just won't be "unity" on Liberty. Ever. I hate to say such things.

Let's say Liberty has 400 active players. If those same 400 players joined 1 global channel. Would the community be united? No. People using the same channel does not unite them.

Unity, in my opinion, is more about respect for the entire server's player base. For example, if I know there's an MSR happening this Friday night, being one who is in a union with the community, I don't try to start a CoP, Hami Raid, or even an ITF during the MSR. I head to RWZ and help. How many times have I seen an announcement on one of the global channels for a server event like Hami or MSR and the next line seen a comment that someone is looking for 4 more players for a task force. All on the same channel!

It is my opinion, that if everyone looked at Liberty like one giant SG/VG, then there would be more of a sense of unity. Treat the player that you don't know, or maybe the one you don't care for just like an SG friend, and that would go farther to create unity than a single global channel for badges, teaming and tfs. Take everyone off of /gignore. Friend everyone you come across. (until you run out of space. Max is 100 last time I checked.)

The purpose behind having one large channel instead of two or three or four smaller ones is that information about raids and such would be on a more widespread basis. Events that might only get 30 players to attend might get a few more.

So, please, chime in - what's your definition of "server unity"?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I think you nailed it. Its all about respect. Now I don't agree with some of the methods ppl use to level. Doesn't mean I won't team with the demographic, just won't team on a pl team. I used t preach about it but now I just recognize that the way a player chooses to spend their time is up to them not me.

And the kind of stupidity I am talking about is spamming, bickering to the point of dominating the channel, mass rip fits on a single entity and threating of other players. At least that's my list now. Once again not trying to change the way these people choose to spend their time. Just making it easier to enjoy mine.

Note tho I only have 3 on my ignore list. You have to go above and beyond dbag status to achieve an iggy from me.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
So, please, chime in - what's your definition of "server unity"?
My definition is very similar to yours, though I do think XXXX people all in the same channel does help server unity.

People participating in events regardless of who is in charge of the event is unity, too. People not going to a event because someone they don't like is there is foolish. Showing up to someones event with the sole intent of griefing is just mean.

For example, "someone I like is running a raid" vs "someone I don't like is running a raid". I'll still show up to both. Showing up to just the one raid is childish (time constraints, R/L not applied). You still get the rewards no matter who is running the raid. All you're doing by not showing up is hindering growth; growth of the community, growth of leadership. Community growth lends itself to unity.

If no one shows up to the other person's event, what is going to make them want to run more? If no one shows up, what is going to make others want to attempt to run similar? If you only show up to grief, what's keeping the other person going? Growth of leadership helps unify.

Respect. It plays a huge part in unity. If more people showed respect we'd have less problems. Dead West had it right, more people need to act like the adults that they are.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Unity, in my opinion, is more about respect for the entire server's player base. For example, if I know there's an MSR happening this Friday night, being one who is in a union with the community, I don't try to start a CoP, Hami Raid, or even an ITF during the MSR. I head to RWZ and help. How many times have I seen an announcement on one of the global channels for a server event like Hami or MSR and the next line seen a comment that someone is looking for 4 more players for a task force. All on the same channel!
This may be going a little far, in my opinion. Just because there's an event doesn't mean everyone on the server should be going there; there's nothing wrong with having multiple things going on at a time, especially when an MSR has 50 players and a TF only has 8. Plus, there are plenty of people who don't enjoy MSR's. Although I do agree that having 2 large events, like a CoP and a Hami, at the same time may cause a problem.



Go **** yourself Liberty! Get out there and **** yourself!

Edit: That is so weird, the word "enjoy" is censored twice above!




Must be some sort of bug. Or maybe the forums just expect less of you

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
Must be some sort of bug. Or maybe the forums just expect less of you
Funny! I *****ed it!



May the good Lord bless you, Fitz. I'm almost always smiling after I read your posts.

As far as acting our age goes... I'm sad to say, if I did that, I'd be out doing something constructive instead of playing the game.

Camo raises a good point about zone caps and such. I guess for me, I just wish the folks looking to fill their tf would wait a few moments before trying to do so - again, that's just me. I'm an oddball about things sometimes.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
[Broadcast] Shifukato: lolroboslounge

Didn't say it wasn't me.

Do /getglobalname shifukato - Oh look its me.

I like how you take a piece of chat and run to the boards to run your mouth. No one cares besides you and your friends..

I would have included all of the broadcast, but it was a LB mod talking to a LFA mod. I was just wondering what is with the attack on robo's lounge in AP broadcast after agreeing people need to act their age?



We don't take ourselves very seriously in Robo's Lounge.



Hey everyone,

This thread is for a comprehensive list, and the discussion of, Liberty's global channels. Over the past two months there has been a lot of negative posting regarding several of these channels, and some of the users involved with said channels. I have spoken to some of you in private about these issues, however these argumentative posts continue to appear in this thread--as well as spilling out into other threads on the board.

This thread has a valid purpose, and I would like to see it remain open for discussion. However, if posts like this continue, I will need to close the thread. So from this point, starting from my post, any further arguments, flames, trolls, veiled insults, or call-outs about other players will cause this thread to be locked.



Originally Posted by Moderator 05 View Post
Hey everyone,

This thread is for a comprehensive list, and the discussion of, Liberty's global channels. Over the past two months there has been a lot of negative posting regarding several of these channels, and some of the users involved with said channels. I have spoken to some of you in private about these issues, however these argumentative posts continue to appear in this thread--as well as spilling out into other threads on the board.

This thread has a valid purpose, and I would like to see it remain open for discussion. However, if posts like this continue, I will need to close the thread. So from this point, starting from my post, any further arguments, flames, trolls, veiled insults, or call-outs about other players will cause this thread to be locked.