Liberty Server Global Chat Channels




Originally Posted by Dance Practice View Post it's some kind of competition. When someone broadcasts for SHF or the lounge you don't have someone from another channel telling you why x channel is better than y.
Snipped and bolded for those that seemed to have missed it.



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
I use all of the channels that Liberty pretty much has to offer. The difference between LB and LFA is that LB has a fair amount of foolishness, which is fun to join on some occasions. But there are times where I only have a couple of hours when my daughter is laying down and need to get something together fast. And to be honest lately that has been on LFA. I can get a team together and start rolling so i don't waste time.
I was in LFA for a fair amount of time before I made judgement. Like Ukaserex said, you will see the same TFs or teams forming across 3-6 chat channels. That being said, while I was in LFA there was a mod who kept talking down on LB, even saying they got kicked from LB for no reason.

Today, I saw that mod in LB being told "Please don't stir the pot any more" by an LB mod while drama was brewing. " Look at all this drama. Don't like it? Head over to LFA. ;-)" was the response given.

There's a saying, that 'any publicity is good publicity', but I feel like it's not always true.



Currently, the only thing I have against LFA is the proponents harassing me to join. Go ahead and do the broadcast/request spam (the public needs to know about you somehow), but please stop sending PM's.

My advice*: Join as many server channels as you can. If you find yourself in extreme disagreement with a mod, or a channel's policy, forcus on another for awhile. If you get some static in every channel you're are probably the issue.

*Naturally, this is the internet, and I am a hypocrite. I'm currently only lurking in one channel. /shrug



Let me put it this way.

If I see drama I ignore it outright. Especially internet drama. I have heard both sides to the tale. So I understand the animosity on both sides. BUT, if it is brought into public channels and forums of important topics, then the community will probably do the same thing that I do, ignore it. But here is what that means. It means that people will ignore LB and LFA and this thread and other threads. Which means we won't really get anywhere.

Now if this needs to be hashed out publicly then let's give you a corner. Get it settled for good. Start a thread and keep it clean or not. See how many times you can get mod'd if you want I don't care. But I think this private matter between a few individuals has taken enough of Liberty's time and attention.

All parties involved know how I feel. I like all of you because all of you have added something significant to the server. So I hate to see anymore taken away from it.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



"Why are there so many ostriches? The brochure said there would be a few..."

That is, you're saying you know a mod is causing trouble but the solution is ignore them.




A stirred fire will take longer to burn out. Dead West speaks wisely.
Matt, and those against Matt - Please go to your seperate corners.

I'm going to think about whether this will even be worth my time for a moment. I'm thinking of setting up a venue so both sides of this twisted coin can be heard. We'll speak in a private channel that I'll set up for this. There will be three "judges" picked from my global friends list. Much like a debate, side one will suggest why it is they keep stirring this "fire".
Side two will explain why they have their views.

LB, LFA, ABC, PDQ, I don't care what channel you're on, what channel you prefer, I really don't care who said what to whom.

What I do care about is how the people on this server feel. Are they happy? Sad? Are they having any fun? I would ask that all of you, with this new year approaching consider how your actions or lack of them will add to the fun factor for the other players.
If you have nothing positive to type, DON'T TYPE!
Throw a beer can at your puppy if you must (figuratively, not literally!) but do not engage in this nonsensical verbal warfare.
Recruit your team, beat that ugly nictus down and get your shards!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




It's a game. It's supposed to be FUN. If you find yourself not having fun, or feeling some stress from this, then you need to get up, shut off your computer and go play outside in the [snow/sun/sand/smog - whichever applies to your current locale]. Come back when you are destressed. Oh and as for channels, I like SisFriends, Legion, and Robo's Channel. I am in LB on all my globals and I joined LFA on one. However I can't comment on it, since I haven't been on since then. I see no need to fight over channels - we get 10.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



I really like the liberty superteam channel. it is great for superteams! that said, it is clear that Robo's Lounge and Camo's teen whatever thingy are the two best channels with Sisterhoodfriends and LB coming in close behind and then all the private global channels somewhere in the back.



No offense to Camo but I will not join anything with "Teen" in the title. Feds put you in a special folder for that one.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
No offense to Camo but I will not join anything with "Teen" in the title. Feds put you in a special folder for that one.
I feel sorry for you, living in a country where being a teenager is illegal.



no where in my age will you find the word teen


United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
no where in my age will you find the word teen

For the teen and teen-at-heart....and we all know what category you fall under



Originally Posted by Camo_Fire View Post
For the teen and teen-at-heart....and we all know what category you fall under
I have a theory!

[Team] Imperious Rex: Yep. once again, the Robo's Lounge folks showed me how easy this game is.
Whirligig SG



That scares me.
A lot.

No, I'm not serious right now.

Wow, look at the time!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
No offense to Camo but I will not join anything with "Teen" in the title. Feds put you in a special folder for that one.
Yes, you are picked up in the government's internet keyword filters.



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post

Differences of LB, LFA, SHF is that they are moderated differently
I'll say. This transpired when I logged in.

"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"

The mod was asked why playername* had beend kicked:

"[LFA]mod*: I silenced him once, then when he was unsilenced he went off on a rant and rage quit the channel. As I am personally tired of his continued harassment, yes, he was kicked."

followed by

"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]mod*: Sorry for the spam all.
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"

*name removed



I know who you're talking about, PE. Talking with that mod whats going on.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



It's called, "power trip"



Isn't LFA silence on join? How hard is it to leave someone silenced, and if they have a personal issue with the mod, for the mod to put them on global ignore?



Yes LFA is set to the public, and also silenced on entry. Mod having that person or anyone else on global ignore isn't a smart idea. Due to you can't see whats going on unless someone PMs a mod to do something.

Also, he is rejoining after being kicked and having another mod unsilence him. This mod I haven't touched base yet with.

For future silences/kicks, we're keeping track and the ban list.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
Yes LFA is set to the public, and also silenced on entry. Mod having that person or anyone else on global ignore isn't a smart idea. Due to you can't see whats going on unless someone PMs a mod to do something.

Also, he is rejoining after being kicked and having another mod unsilence him. This mod I haven't touched base yet with.

For future silences/kicks, we're keeping track and the ban list.
1) If the mod has that big of an issue with that person to the point where it affects your channel they either shouldn't be a mod, or put them on global ignore.

2) Leaving an offline tell, or even putting it in the MotD is difficult.

3) Why even bother kicking someone unless you intend to set the channel to private after? Just leave them silenced.



Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
I'll say. This transpired when I logged in.

"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"

The mod was asked why playername* had beend kicked:

"[LFA]mod*: I silenced him once, then when he was unsilenced he went off on a rant and rage quit the channel. As I am personally tired of his continued harassment, yes, he was kicked."

followed by

"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]mod*: Sorry for the spam all.
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"

*name removed

Hmm.. that seems familiar.. didnt something like that happen in LB.. and didn't some @playername decide it was time to make a new channel to prevent that from happening? Odd how history repeats itself.



Yea, I wonder who.
That player was the one that was kicked several times then was given modship back in LB.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Eh, theres some background information you should know about that situation, and its pretty much out of the LB mod's hands.

Basically when you have a ton of dummy accounts with mod access, it doesnt matter how many times your kicked by other people, you can just remod yourself if all your accounts aren't kicked.

Thats the main issue with the person in question.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
and didn't some @playername decide it was time to make a new channel to prevent that from happening? Odd how history repeats itself.
Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
Yea, I wonder who.
That player was the one that was kicked several times then was given modship back in LB.
You're NYC?