Poison - Technology or Natural?




Suppose I'm making a poisoning MM (Ninjas/Poison) who is considered to be using poisons that she has either made or purchased. Would that make her natural or tech? I can't decide!!!!!!

I mean, poison making is a technology, right?

I just can't seem to draw a clear line between technology and natural. Arachnos Soldiers are considered natural, even though some of them use those crab backpacks. Maybe I should be asking this on another thread?



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Suppose I'm making a poisoning MM (Ninjas/Poison) who is considered to be using poisons that she has either made or purchased. Would that make her natural or tech? I can't decide!!!!!!

I mean, poison making is a technology, right?

I just can't seem to draw a clear line between technology and natural. Arachnos Soldiers are considered natural, even though some of them use those crab backpacks. Maybe I should be asking this on another thread?
The way I understand Technology, it represents robots, cyborgs, and Tony Stark. Natural, on the other hand involves personal training and fitness. So what is he? Some sort of robo-ninja-master that shoots poison from his super suit, or is he a trained assassin who pokes enemies with poisonous needles and darts?



I too had the same problem when I made my nin/poison.

The way I thought of it was literally back in the day with real ninjas and samurai. They trained naturally, and used nature for their poisons.

So I just went with natural.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
The way I understand Technology, it represents robots, cyborgs, and Tony Stark. Natural, on the other hand involves personal training and fitness. So what is he? Some sort of robo-ninja-master that shoots poison from his super suit, or is he a trained assassin who pokes enemies with poisonous needles and darts?
She's not too heavy on the sci fi, though I'm probably going to give her the medicine set, so she has two heals, and that's a little too modern for a midevil type character. My plans right now are to use fitness, jumping, stealth, and medicine as my pools. Her name is "Shoguness" (which I have reserved), so I'll be going for some kind of Japanese nobility theme I guess. (I get the Samuraii armor at the end of this month :-D ) I have the costume and everything. I just can't decide on the origin.

Basically, I'm trying to decide if the fact she uses technology for some things makes her more like the Arachnos Soldiers, or more like Iron Man. It's clear that a lot of her powers just come from her own training. I'm curious: what origin would you assign to Batman? Or James Bond?

I think I'm starting to want to do like Edgewater suggests, and view her poison making as an ancient art of some kind, so it's at least not modern technology (though technically poison brewing is still a technology by definition).



Keep in mine that SOA are listed as Natural despite them geting there powers from there armor and guns the only "Natural" part of there powers is there leadership and fitness. All the rest is Guns, Traps, and Armor/Power Armor. (Widows are different matter many of there skills are based on there psychic ability's and all tho they seam to be treated as normal in Paragon/RI I would consider them a mutation.)

That is if you want to go by a Semi-cannon reference point

In my honest opinion however You would be a Technology origin if with out your Tec your powerless. If this toon your making, was put in a jail cell with nothing could they get out without help? Or if they were stranded on an island with Canables could she mix local plants into a poison with out help from things like a lab or advanced equipment? (I would assume you would have simple things like a mortar and pestlel)

The best way to decide is to put your toon into various settings and then RP in your head. How would she get out of it?

Then objectively look back and see how she dealt with the problems at hand and what she used to make it so.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post

That's going to be a big cannon...



My Ninja/Poison MM is a normal human with some faithful followers and chemistry skills, and I use the Natural origin.



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
Poison would sit under the Science origin, if you're considering the chemistry side of it
I don't think so. Science origin means that you've had something "scientific" done to you ( like the Hulk, for example; zapped by gamma rays ).

Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Basically, I'm trying to decide if the fact she uses technology for some things makes her more like the Arachnos Soldiers, or more like Iron Man. It's clear that a lot of her powers just come from her own training. I'm curious: what origin would you assign to Batman? Or James Bond?
Natural. What makes them really dangerous is their own abilities, not just the toys they happen to have at the moment. Although they really should both be Natural/Technology, if we could have dual origins.

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Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post

In my honest opinion however You would be a Technology origin if with out your Tec your powerless. If this toon your making, was put in a jail cell with nothing could they get out without help? Or if they were stranded on an island with Canables could she mix local plants into a poison with out help from things like a lab or advanced equipment? (I would assume you would have simple things like a mortar and pestlel)

The best way to decide is to put your toon into various settings and then RP in your head. How would she get out of it?

Then objectively look back and see how she dealt with the problems at hand and what she used to make it so.
I guess Batman and James Bond are both known for being able to break out of prisons without needing to carry any crazy gadgets in with them. Tony Stark, on the other hand, can only escape if the captors are stupid enough to give him a whole bunch of electronic and metal parts to build a suit out of.

Not a bad criteria.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
That's going to be a big cannon...
You KNOW what I mean.... Well more or less anyway.

Glad to help you Berzerker_NA as far as Stark is concerned hes not smart every one around him is just really stupid.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



My general rule on the line between "Natural" and "Technology" is whether you can buy it in a store. If it's available for general purchase, or otherwise somehow widely available (black market, for villains, would qualify), you're still "Natural". If it's high-tech stuff you have to make/repair yourself or some gadget you stole/were given by someone else who likewise made it themselves, it's "Technology".

So it's mostly a matter of degree. Mundane Technology is "Natural". Sci-Fi Technology is "Technology".



Poison is a "natural" for Mutation or Science. Look at the animations: you spit, barf and toss the poison from within your own body. It's a very Mutant/Science feeling set.

Personally I made my Thugs/Poison a Science Origin hyper-intelligent gorilla. All the spitting and flinging goes perfectly with the ape theme.

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You're buying chemical compounds and toxins and liberally applying them to your targets?

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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Poison is a "natural" for Mutation or Science. Look at the animations: you spit, barf and toss the poison from within your own body. It's a very Mutant/Science feeling set.

Personally I made my Thugs/Poison a Science Origin hyper-intelligent gorilla. All the spitting and flinging goes perfectly with the ape theme.
Lol. That's wonderful!!! I wish I could see him.

As for my own toon, I'm going to avoid the spitting powers. Just taking the ones that look like they could be devices. She'll have at least one bow attack too.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
She's not too heavy on the sci fi, though I'm probably going to give her the medicine set, so she has two heals, and that's a little too modern for a midevil type character. My plans right now are to use fitness, jumping, stealth, and medicine as my pools. Her name is "Shoguness" (which I have reserved), so I'll be going for some kind of Japanese nobility theme I guess. (I get the Samuraii armor at the end of this month :-D ) I have the costume and everything. I just can't decide on the origin.

Basically, I'm trying to decide if the fact she uses technology for some things makes her more like the Arachnos Soldiers, or more like Iron Man. It's clear that a lot of her powers just come from her own training. I'm curious: what origin would you assign to Batman? Or James Bond?
Natural. Sure they have useful gadgets to make their escapades easier, but at the end of the day, if you strip them of all their gadgets, they're still going to kick your ***. Tony Stark on the other hand, has relied heavily on his Iron Man suit.



So, what if I take Mace Mastery as her ancillary/patron? I'm starting to consider it strongly, since the power boost has good synergy with lots of poison powers. Otherwise I'd go electric, because of the semi-melee thunder strike attack. (Want it for thematic correctness, being a ninja and all.)

I'm not sure that Mace automatically makes you tech either, but it seems like it would move you in the tech direction.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
I'm not sure that Mace automatically makes you tech either, but it seems like it would move you in the tech direction.
I doubt anyone loses sleep over the PPPs because an Arachnos Mace is too Techy for their Natural. It's a hand held weapon and those Natural origin Wolf Spiders are always carrying them to start with.



I went technology ultimately for my Mercs/Poison. But the animations for poison are generally awful. You shoot some stuff out your sleeve like a gun (paralytic poison) then barf out poison in another animations. Its just awful. I'm hoping the alternate animations now present eventually reach poison so its possible to theme without being totally garbage.

EDIT: of course, this will probably never happen since Poison is purely the realm of MM's.



Originally Posted by Lewisite View Post
I went technology ultimately for my Mercs/Poison. But the animations for poison are generally awful. You shoot some stuff out your sleeve like a gun (paralytic poison) then barf out poison in another animations. Its just awful. I'm hoping the alternate animations now present eventually reach poison so its possible to theme without being totally garbage.

EDIT: of course, this will probably never happen since Poison is purely the realm of MM's.
Shooting stuff out of her sleeve, or throwing globules at people seems to work pretty well for a ninja. I'm just avoiding the spitting powers.



Rule of thumb to consider: Could any average (but physically fit) human off the street do what you're doing with nothing other than physical training? Natural.

Do you need a degree in handling complex machinery and gadgets, or do you use powered armor? Tech. Oh, wait, are the gizmos you're using generic enough to not need an engineer's degree? Natural. This includes guns, as they're considered generic enough (unless of course you -want- to think of the Frankengun as a technological miracle).

Do your powers originate from your body in a manner unnatural to humans, that you can't just do through training? Were they there when you were born, latent or otherwise? Mutant. Got them from an outside source? Science. Psionics is up for debate, as in the CoX universe all humans have latent psionic powers that can be unlocked through rigorous training, thus you can get away with a natural psionic human.

And of course, casting spells or using magic items is magic origin. Yes, even if it's just an item, the powers your using originate from a magical source.

Of course, this is all considering -humans-. Aliens get to be Natural even if they can shoot fireballs out of their ears.

And, of course, the disclaimer: All of the above is subjective.

tl;dr does your character have a degree in chemistry/toxicology?



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Shooting stuff out of her sleeve, or throwing globules at people seems to work pretty well for a ninja. I'm just avoiding the spitting powers.
Don't see why. Spewing a mouthful of poison at your opponent's an ages-old tactic. (for an example right off the top of my head, assuming the 'Deadliest Warrior' has any historical truth in it at all, the Zulus would use that tactic)



Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
And of course, casting spells or using magic items is magic origin. Yes, even if it's just an item, the powers your using originate from a magical source.
Gods, and god-granted powers, are also defined by the game as "Magic".



Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
Rule of thumb to consider: Could any average (but physically fit) human off the street do what you're doing with nothing other than physical training? Natural.

Do you need a degree in handling complex machinery and gadgets, or do you use powered armor? Tech. Oh, wait, are the gizmos you're using generic enough to not need an engineer's degree? Natural. This includes guns, as they're considered generic enough (unless of course you -want- to think of the Frankengun as a technological miracle).

Do your powers originate from your body in a manner unnatural to humans, that you can't just do through training? Were they there when you were born, latent or otherwise? Mutant. Got them from an outside source? Science. Psionics is up for debate, as in the CoX universe all humans have latent psionic powers that can be unlocked through rigorous training, thus you can get away with a natural psionic human.
There is actually real world precedent for that whether you believe in that sort of thing. Nevertheless, once upon a time, the U.S. military actually took it seriously.



Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
Rule of thumb to consider: Could any average (but physically fit) human off the street do what you're doing with nothing other than physical training? Natural.

Do you need a degree in handling complex machinery and gadgets, or do you use powered armor? Tech. Oh, wait, are the gizmos you're using generic enough to not need an engineer's degree? Natural. This includes guns, as they're considered generic enough (unless of course you -want- to think of the Frankengun as a technological miracle).
*movie spoilers warning*!!!!

So... now I'm curious how would we classify Roady in the new Iron Man. He clearly relies on his soldier skills quite a lot, but he fights by using one of Tony Starks power suits. I'm leaning towards....tech?