Poison - Technology or Natural?




Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
I too had the same problem when I made my nin/poison.

The way I thought of it was literally back in the day with real ninjas and samurai. They trained naturally, and used nature for their poisons.

So I just went with natural.
Any origin could fit Ninja/Poison really, it depends on your concept more than what sets you choose.

You could go Natural, stating the poisons are natural plant extracts (because you're worth it)

Or maybe Magic if my main wasn't a ninja themselves but some sort of evil sorcerer leading henchies.

Tech? A "Toxin Gun" would work, and maybe the ninjas are actually robots or cyborgs.

Science? Spiderman type origin (movie form) works, or given a Special Serum which modified your body fluids.

Mutant is pretty easy to imagine too, half-man, half cobra.

So whatever you fancy playing and what sort of cossie you feel like having really.