What do you know... about RULARUU?




I know te following about him:

he's a godlike being who eats universes. Galactus is a pansy compared to him

he's over 14 stories tall

he attacked our universe in the 1960's, but was trapped in the shadow shard by the Midnight society

he is split into 7 aspecs, which all make up his whole.

But... other than that SOMETHING went down in the 60's, I Can't find SQUAT about the possible end of our universe altogether. did he take all record of it with him or what? how did the heroes BEGIN to fight a GOD? that could bichslap ATLAS (mythological atlas, not the hero atlas)? how many heroes died, how heavily did this influence history? and why did his forces onl invade in 2004, roughly 40 years after his imprisonment? where is he now?



Lots of good questions, I wish I knew the answer to. I think The Midnight Society tricked his aspects into conflict with one another, making it easier for them to close off access to the part of our dimension that was already consumed. I could be wrong though.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Hopefully he'll come back soon. Maybe his forces are the foes that can match us blow for blow since he has access to "mirrored versions" of anything our side [think of all the nemesis and council there].

Really like fighting the enemies since each different mob of his is different. From psy to brute strength to controls, and each one packs a wallop!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I don't follow the Shadow Shard story much, including task forces. but isn't Faathim the Kind one of the Aspects? From the sum of the little that I've read it sound like Rularuu turning upon himself. Wouldn't be surprise to learn that Faathim assisted the Midnight Squad.



I know Quarterfield should be fed to him in small, quivering, bloody pieces.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Hopefully he'll come back soon. Maybe his forces are the foes that can match us blow for blow since he has access to "mirrored versions" of anything our side [think of all the nemesis and council there].

Really like fighting the enemies since each different mob of his is different. From psy to brute strength to controls, and each one packs a wallop!

you suck so bad. how dare you get my hopes up that I17 has new shard stuff.

if it doesn't you will pay!!!!!



SPTrashcan put together the following brief:

Sometime in the 1960's, Rularuu, who eats dimensions, enters the CoX prime dimension with intent to eat it. Before he can get a proper start, he is banished by the Midnight Squad. The place they banish him to is the Shadow Shard, a "prison dimension". At this time, the Shadow Shard is not yet blown to pieces. Along with Rularuu, the Midnighters also send a number of hapless civilians to the Shadow Shard. These become the first Shard Natives. Everyone is surprisingly cool with this, possibly because the Midnighters kept it on the down-low.

(Incidentally, Sara Moore claims to be the granddaughter of two such people. She appeared to be in her late teens or early 20s in 2004, when the zone opened. The chronology for this is a little weird when you think about it.)

Rularuu divided into several aspects to administer his prison, because this is always a great plan. Most notable of these were Ruladak, the Natives' taskmaster; Faathim, who tended to their needs; and Lanaru, who was Rularuu's executioner. Both Faathim and Lanaru strayed away from Rularuu's control: Faathim created the impervious Chantry within which he was able to hide from Rularuu's will, while Lanaru created the Storm Palace and was driven insane by his servitude to Rularuu.

What happened next is somewhat ambiguous - either Faathim tried to convince Lanaru to be reasonable, or tricked him into shattering the Shadow Shard. Either way, Lanaru broke the Shadow Shard into the cloud of floating rocks it is now, and then retreated into the Storm Palace. After this, Faathim informed the Shard natives they were now free from Rularuu's control. Ruladak accused Faathim of engineering the catastrophe and attacked him. Faathim trapped Ruladak behind four magic seals, and was then in turn imprisoned within his own Chantry by a horde of Rularuu soldiers. This kind of sucked for the natives.

(Incidentally, Old Fred, encountered in the Sara Moore TF, says that these events happened "when he was just old enough to remember", but also perhaps 15 or 20 years ago. Since Old Fred appears to be in his late 60s or early 70s, something weird is going on here, too.)

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Shard, Nemesis had discovered a way to gain entrance to the prison dimension. He used the Shard as a location for a secret base, where he prepared the deception that led to the Rikti War - which means that he has been in the Shard since well before the first Rikti invasion. Let me reemphasize: Nemesis discovered a way to enter the prison dimension of a godlike marauder who eats entire realities, and his first thought was "This will be the perfect place for me to hide a base from which I can start an interdimensional war." Let it never be forgotten: the man has giant brass balls. Possibly literally.

Fast forward to 2004:

- Portal Corporation discovers the Shadow Shard. Oddly, the Midnight Squad does not immediately send them a polite letter suggesting that they not touch that. Instead, Portal Corp consults with the UN, which puts together a scientific and military expedition into the Shadow Shard.
- Said expedition is quickly beset by weird and horrible creatures and withdraws to a shielded zone by the entrance portal and a few embattled forward bases, then asks heroes for help. Heroes respond with appropriate enthusiasm.
- Many Shard natives are evacuated to their long-lost homeland Paragon City, which they last saw lo these 40 or so years ago. Sara Moore stays behind to make sure the remaining natives get out safely and certainly not because Lt. Col. Flynn sets her heart aflutter.
- Nemesis sells Shadow Shard portal tech to Crey Corporation, because Crey wants to go to the Shard for... some... reason.
- Uuralur says "oo, new toys" and creates shadow duplicates of all of them.
- Lanaru sulks in the Storm Palace and is occasionally kicked around by heroes.
- Faathim hides in the Chantry and is occasionally harassed by CoT.
- Ruladak sulks behind his magic seals and is occasionally almost released by Nemesis generals in an astounding error of judgment, unless of course it's all a Nemesis you-know-what.
- Chularn, Kuularth, and Aloore are conspicuous in their absence.
- Darrin Wade plots to release Rularuu from his prison using knickknacks that villains steal from the Midnight Club by disguising themselves as hordes of Alistair McKnights.
- A mysterious man with a silly hairstyle warns heroes of a "Coming Storm". Many people expect Rularuu to be involved. Many more expect a Nemesis you-know-what. Very few expect the Roman Space Nazis.

Character index



They look cool.



I always thought that the heavy hint "Almost like you're inside the mind of a sleeping god." together with Rularuu being imprisoned by the Dream Doctor heavily suggest that the Shadow Shard is actually a dimension inside Rularuu's own mind. It would explain why Lanaru the Mad would be able to shatter the entire world, just as madness itself shatters a mind.

I really don't want to guesstimate about the other finer details, as most of what I like about the Shard rests on the above thesis.

Just as an idle point of fact, has anyone noticed that Darryn Wayde's elongated head kind of resembles the head of one of Rularuu's aspects?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Just as an idle point of fact, has anyone noticed that Darryn Wayde's elongated head kind of resembles the head of one of Rularuu's aspects?
It's Darrin Wade... do you just throw Y's into words and hope they stick?



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
It's Darrin Wade... do you just throw Y's into words and hope they stick?
I don't know how to spell his name, and it seems it just never sticks with me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by SPTrashcan
- A mysterious man with a silly hairstyle warns heroes of a "Coming Storm". Many people expect Rularuu to be involved.
After reading the description of the Shivans and where they come from... that makes an enormous amount of sense, even if Shivans don't look at all like anything from the Shadow Shard. Neat.



What's the task force that leads you to fighting him anyway? Or is there one? I've seen pics of this dude, and he's on my list of things I want to destroy.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
What's the task force that leads you to fighting him anyway? Or is there one? I've seen pics of this dude, and he's on my list of things I want to destroy.
the closest thing to actually fighting rularuu was the cathedral of pain trial where you fought "aspect of rularuu" which was basically using the same model as lanaruu (from the videos of the CoP they have on youtube)

as for the OP, rularuu and lanaruu are extremely underused enemy groups on redside (lanaruu appear in only 2 mishs i think, and rularuu maybe 4 mishs) and it would be really nice if the villains got access to the shadow shard at some point, maybe once this happens they can start expanding on the "coming storm" or rularuu's story and maybe we *might* get to actually see rularuu at some point (would be interesting cause from size charts poeple made, this guys like 3 times taller than hamidons nucleus, even the jade spider is only about 1/4 as tall as him)



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
SPTrashcan put together the following brief:
- A mysterious man with a silly hairstyle warns heroes of a "Coming Storm". Many people expect Rularuu to be involved. Many more expect a Nemesis you-know-what. Very few expect the Roman Space Nazis.
Considering the timeline of events when we've been told about things, the Coming Storm seems more likely to either be Shiva (the origin of the Shivans/Hindu god of creation and destruction) or "The Battalion", which as far as we know would be the name of a group that basically requires an IOed build in order to fight them. (Note: the promise when IOs were released was that enemies would not be rebalanced to account for IOs, not that future enemies would not take IOs into account)

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the closest thing to actually fighting rularuu was the cathedral of pain trial where you fought "aspect of rularuu" which was basically using the same model as lanaruu (from the videos of the CoP they have on youtube)
The Aspect of Rularuu in the CoP used Ruladak's model.

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
from size charts poeple made, this guys like 3 times taller than hamidons nucleus, even the jade spider is only about 1/4 as tall as him
Rularuu the Ravager vs. Hamidon (courtesy of Mantid):

Rularuu the Ravager vs. Atlas Park
