Does anyone know of the build that used a God Mode then hid in Phase shift when God Mode was down?




I was thinking of rolling one of these up during 2XP weekend and wanted to know if any new ideas or thinking had come of it.

What was the best powersets to do it?



Never heard of such a thing, but here are my initial thoughts:

EDIT: I was wrong abut the numbers and the +recharge. Aparrently those are only for the ones I was familiar with. Post preserved for posterity.

1) Most godmodes are only up 1/3 of the time (120s duration, 360s recharge). Do you really want to only play 2 out of every 6 minutes?

2) I hope to god you never team with this build, or if you do, don't do the phase shift thing.

3) Godmodes are generally not affected by +recharge at all.

4) Most godmodes do not increase damage output, just defense/resist and maybe recovery/regen.

5) I don't see that you'd gain much else by doing this. Yeah, you could drop a few defensive powers, but then you'll have to fill that with lots of attacks and pool powers, and I don't think there's actually enough of those worth taking anyway.

tl;dr - Frankly, I don't see the point.



I think you could do it on a blaster who took the elec mastery godmode, phase, and hibernate. Slot for a bit of recharge and you're golden. Though as Fenix pointed out, it wouldn't really be all that great.



Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
Never heard of such a thing, but here are my initial thoughts:

1) Most godmodes are only up 1/3 of the time (120s duration, 360s recharge). Do you really want to only play 2 out of every 6 minutes?

2) I hope to god you never team with this build, or if you do, don't do the phase shift thing.

3) Godmodes are generally not affected by +recharge at all.

4) Most godmodes do not increase damage output, just defense/resist and maybe recovery/regen.

5) I don't see that you'd gain much else by doing this. Yeah, you could drop a few defensive powers, but then you'll have to fill that with lots of attacks and pool powers, and I don't think there's actually enough of those worth taking anyway.

tl;dr - Frankly, I don't see the point.
Maybe its my senility kicking in but One with the Shield and Strength of Will are the only "godmodes" that ignore + recharge I thought. They are also the only two Godmodes on the 360 second timers for that very reason.

This link may be the guide you were looking for.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
Maybe its my senility kicking in but One with the Shield and Strength of Will are the only "godmodes" that ignore + recharge I thought. They are also the only two Godmodes on the 360 second timers for that very reason.

This link may be the guide you were looking for.
You're probably right, Joe. I was just extrapolating from the ones I was familiar with or had looked at most recently.

The point is, though, that the amount of down-time is going to be large for just about any godmode power. Even 60s, as in the guide you linked to, would be intolerable to me.



You can kind of do something like that with a Fire/FF/Ice controller.

You get the defense and mez protection of Forcefields, PFF, Hibernate, you can pick up Phase if you want (really it's over kill) and you can always get the Eye of the Magus Accolade.

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-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
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Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
I think you could do it on a blaster who took the elec mastery godmode, phase, and hibernate.
How exactly are you going to take hibernate AND the elec mastery godmode?



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
How exactly are you going to take hibernate AND the elec mastery godmode?

Considering the title is requesting something that i'm pretty sure cannot exist in the current game environment. Being that there is no godmode that will recharge before phase suppression kicks in. (Time limits on phasing and all.) So, drugs.

Of course i'm basing this on the silly assumption that any power keeps you from doing anything useful/offensive while it's active is not a godmode in the videogame/MMO sense.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post

Considering the title is requesting something that i'm pretty sure cannot exist in the current game environment. Being that there is no godmode that will recharge before phase suppression kicks in. (Time limits on phasing and all.) So, drugs.

Of course i'm basing this on the silly assumption that any power keeps you from doing anything useful/offensive while it's active is not a godmode in the videogame/MMO sense.
I'm more worried by the growing trend that personal defense is considered all or nothing. Either you're at the soft cap, or the resistance cap, or you're worthless.

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Problem is that many of the true Godmode will also tend to crash your end which means you cannot instantly toggle PhaseShft anyway. Some will also crsh your health bar as well.
Also you dont get any offensive firepower boost you just can live longer.

Play smart and you will live longer.

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If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Try this




With a perma-hasten build, you can have a 80-ish secondes downtime on your godmode. (that's with an invuln) With the crazy recharge build that some people can get out here, you could probably have only 1 minutes down time, compared to 3 minutes of near invincibility. So it's pretty do-able i'd said.

Of course, if you invest that much, you could just have made your character almost unkillable anyway. =P You'd be better off except for the clear holes in your build.

Seems to me that's more a PvP idea then a PvE.

P.S. Why did a few people mention godmodes not boosting your offensive power? That's like answering to someone : "You know that brawl doesn't summon a minion?" The godmodes power are in defensive sets and the OP never mentionned that he though they boosted offense.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I'm more worried by the growing trend that personal defense is considered all or nothing. Either you're at the soft cap, or the resistance cap, or you're worthless.
That's how it is with defense at least, sadly

Even at the defense softcap, you're still squishy if you don't have other means of damage mitigation/recovery (such as additional resistances, control or healing)



Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
P.S. Why did a few people mention godmodes not boosting your offensive power? That's like answering to someone : "You know that brawl doesn't summon a minion?" The godmodes power are in defensive sets and the OP never mentionned that he though they boosted offense.
To make sure the OP wasn't thinking that he'd be farming faster by being in godmode all the time, or something like that. To point out the lack of significant benefits to this build.



Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
Try this

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It's really, really not.
Then we can agree to disagree, I guess.

To me (and many others), if defense is the only means of mitigation you have, if you're not at the softcap you're worthless. And even if you're at the softcap, you're not worth your weight in gold either.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Then we can agree to disagree, I guess.

To me (and many others), if defense is the only means of mitigation you have, if you're not at the softcap you're worthless. And even if you're at the softcap, you're not worth your weight in gold either.
I think that soloing all those AVs may have skewed your perspective a little.

Don't get me wrong, I think that getting to the softcap is good, but to say that you're "worthless" without it is pure hyperbole.



Well yeah, worthless might be a bit of an exageration. Think of a word that means "just a tad below worthy" then



A long long time ago in an issue far far away, there was once a bit of an phase shift exploit that was being used. I belive that it was blasters that were using it. Aim-Build up-Blastem -Phase out or something. If memory serves (and it may not), phase shift could be perma-toggled and had no crash or significant cost other then the fact that you couldn't attack. Even the activation time was shorter so it could be used on short notice.

Fuzzy memory though on that...maybe it was scrappers that was using it.



That depends on how you play the game.

The game has several levels of difficulty. If you're soloing on +1/x1 it will be easy. If you're teaming with your SG mates or people who you know are competent, even the most "difficult" challenges (such as STF, RSF and Hami) are not hard at all.

(Teams are for wimps, though)



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
That's how it is with defense at least, sadly

Even at the defense softcap, you're still squishy if you don't have other means of damage mitigation/recovery (such as additional resistances, control or healing)
Outside of tohit buffs, anything that can take out a softcapped player, especially one with scrapper health or better, is going to make a mess out of a resistance-capped player as well if they have the same limitation of having no other means of damage mitigation or health recovery. Even if the softcapped defense player is very unlucky, the resistance-capped player is quite inevitably following right behind in a few short seconds.

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That is true, but at least the inevitable doom that comes down on the resister is predictable, your health goes down at a somewhat fixed rate and you have time to react (run away, OD on greens, pop Ethereal Shift, etc), while on the evader it basicly goes: "I'm winning, I am the king of the world, I can take out the whole Freedom Phalanx, I'm almost dead, I died (and my last attack is still animating so I didn't have time to react)"

That's why I prefer to roll resistance based toons and build them for defense (32.5% is the magic number) and/or to include Tough + Epic/Patron shield on my effectively softcapped "squishies"



There was an ELA Brute build that used global recharge bonuses to play as a Gremlin about 70% of the time. Demonic Aura and Phase Shift were alternated for crash recovery. I'm not sure if that post has been wiped.