Stupid d6 question?




Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
same thing happened when the whole "hey guys, i didn't say 5 minutes before match" line-up submission thing happened. even though i warned you guys the day after the rules were posted and asked for a vote on a few line-up submission ammendments. peril pulled a rewrite out of his *** and pushed it into the rules to make the OP more like the original intent of the behalf of the pvpec (without casting an actual vote amongst captains to make the change).



yes, stupid d6 question



So my motion is withdrawn unilaterlly without a vote?!?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
So my motion is withdrawn unilaterlly without a vote?!?

**** you peril!

**** you Kat!

**** the PvPEC!
Actually I took a vote and it was 3/3. Then I figured out that the OP had never been changed so the vote was moot. So yeah.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Actually I took a vote and it was 3/3. Then I figured out that the OP had never been changed so the vote was moot. So yeah.
Lulz. Srs bsns iz srs. Why have rules if you don't follow them? *snrk*

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by perilX View Post
the original set of rules included enough ambiguities to allow for the reporting to happen 5 seconds before the match started.
these ambiguities were pretty much cleared up without a vote. sounds dumb, but the precedent it sets is kinda really really bad. that post should not be edited at all unless, as per stated in the rules, game breaking exploits becoming known.

while it may be "obviously good" it's not "obviously correct".



I never updated the rules concerning d6 match size because I was never instructed to.

I assumed that it was well known that d6 matches were to be 8v8s, as it was said about 100 times and everyone has been running 8v8s for d6 practices. Strange that this "misunderstanding" should be brought up hours before a match was to take place.


Since the rules currently say 6v6, this fight week's d6 matches will be run in a 6v6 format.

At the meeting to discuss the replacement draft we will also discuss officially making d6 matches 8v8s.

I for one am completely for 8v8s, as 8v8s allow more depth, allow more people to play, and would be a better example of arena PvP for d6 players to learn from.



I guess we should've discussed all of this earlier, but I think most of us assumed D6 would be 8v8 after the draft because of the high number of draft picks.

This is how it's gone with dUmb's team:
We had 19 draft picks. 4 people have yet (to the best of my knowledge) to respond to tells/PM's, so that takes us down to 15, essentially. Out of those 15, we've had 9 that have shown up to at least 1 practice. We know that at least 2 out of the 9 that stay in touch (regularly) will not be present tonight, and there's always the possibility that more have something come up last-second, etc.

So, my best guess is that we have 7 show up tonight, but we may have less...or we may have 16 out of nowhere. It's just impossible to tell until tonight. I had thought about proposing the rule we had in IPvPL1 where teams had to field a minimum team size to avoid a forfeit, but that team sizes could be larger if both teams could manage it. In this case, 6v6 would be required, but up to 8v8 could happen if both teams have the numbers.

The problem with all of this, though, is that teams could potentially discourage the lesser-skilled players to not show up and drop matches to 6v6 size to favor their odds of winning. I suppose you could come up with some sort of points incentive to play D6 players as much as possible, but I can't think of a fair way to do so. From what I'm reading, we're going with 6v6 tonight, evaulating roster attendances, and then seeing where everyone wants to go from there. I'm fine with that.



We must have been dumb (not dUmb) always thought it was 6v6 - since naming the team Rick's lost 7-8 people -

. @-Jesus @-Jesus1\
@Womb 1 @Womb 2 @Wombicus (has not shown up ever)
@Statesguard, @Skydoc
@Psianide @Psianide2
@el Perro Superiorro Superior
@TRTerror (quit the league as of today)
@STARB0RN (no response)
@Blade zero (just got on vent today)
@Cure1 (?? not sure)
@Tritonfree @Philly 2nd

This is all Rick has for d6 team.



Yeah, we've had problems getting people to show as well. It's been like that for almost every team from what I understand.



so lame! for 6 vs 6... wouldnt be funnier with a 8 vs 8 and be more able to add more people to the lineup. So lame Kat or peril idea I guess cause there d6 teamn is not working great. I vote for 8 vs 8! who with me.



No, I don't think it would be any "funnier". It's funny enough.



It looks like everything was ran 6v6 last night. Was it just dUmb that didn't have enough d6ers or were other teams in the same boat?



Please can we make it 8vs8?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Please can we make it 8vs8?
Only if you say "Pretty please can we make it 8vs8?

@Ra Ra



Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
Only if you say "Pretty please can we make it 8vs8?
I will cut you.



6v6 would be probably better because as psoma said even if we have some people showing up sometimes, on d6 day we actually didn't even have enough d6er to make it for 8v8.



Originally Posted by EnD_Reitanna View Post
6v6 would be probably better because as psoma said even if we have some people showing up sometimes, on d6 day we actually didn't even have enough d6er to make it for 8v8.
We we the only team with this problem or are other teams having this problem as well?

I don't want to hold the league back and I won't think the captains would let us anyways.



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
We we the only team with this problem or are other teams having this problem as well?

I don't want to hold the league back and I won't think the captains would let us anyways.
I'd hold the league back, most of them need to repeat the 7th grade.


Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
We we the only team with this problem or are other teams having this problem as well?

I don't want to hold the league back and I won't think the captains would let us anyways.
Ricks team is running maybe 7 d6'sers. Two are in the UK so it's waaaay late for them on league nights.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
Ricks team is running maybe 7 d6'sers. Two are in the UK so it's waaaay late for them on league nights.
Nope they ran the same 2D8/4D6 team for all three matches.

D6 will obviously favor teams with a low D6 turnout if it's kept to 6vs6. The teams that have a lot of active D6ers are going to be penalised because they have to play them all.



If they've been active and improving, it shouldn't hurt them. Yeah, if a lot of inexperienced, practice no-shows just show up at match time, it definitely hurts. D6 is just not very predictable in that aspect, and we all run the risk of having those people come out to play and hurting the team for that night...though, they hopefully learn and do something to benefit the team for the next time around. We had 7 D6 people show up last night, but all 7 of those had been to at least 1 practice and most had been to the majority of practices. We could've ran 8v8 and would not have been hurt by it, actually.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Nope they ran the same 2D8/4D6 team for all three matches.

D6 will obviously favor teams with a low D6 turnout if it's kept to 6vs6. The teams that have a lot of active D6ers are going to be penalised because they have to play them all.
nope they played everyone that showed up. teams were different.



Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
we all run the risk of having those people come out to play and hurting the team for that night...
Wouldn't it have made more sense to have a rule requiring people to show up for at least ONE practice in order to be eligible for match play? Sure, D6 is "just for fun", but that doesn't mean people should be completely incompetent.

Requiring one practice is obviously not a big commitment, but it would at least help clueless people become less clueless.

It doesn't seem fair to the people who are truly trying to have some guy show up one total time, literally lose the match for his team, and then never show up again.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post

It doesn't seem fair to the people who are truly trying to have some guy show up one total time, literally lose the match for his team, and then never show up again.