Do you display your art at home ?
That is a very good question, Deebs! I display some of my own drawings around my place, but I haven't displayed any of the VexXxa artz except as wallpapers on my computers. She is too sexy to hang on my walls and would clash with my decor!
However, I plan on turning my other bedroom into my computer room in which I will have the really good pieces professionally framed and hung on the walls. wOOt!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
I keep the best art in 9x12 and 11x17 archival quality albums which are on the coffee table. They're sealed to prevent spill damage. Several pieces were custom framed, matched to the room decor and displayed on various walls and my work office.
I keep the best art in 9x12 and 11x17 archival quality albums which are on the coffee table. They're sealed to prevent spill damage. Several pieces were custom framed, matched to the room decor and displayed on various walls and my work office.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
I keep the best art in 9x12 and 11x17 archival quality albums which are on the coffee table. They're sealed to prevent spill damage. Several pieces were custom framed, matched to the room decor and displayed on various walls and my work office.

How do you ever make up your mind which to display... or do you have plans to (eventually down the road) display them all gallery style?
I have two pieces on display, both original pencils by the amazing Jtran/DaosX. I have some of the originals for his inks for pieces he's done for me, but the rest of my art is digital and so it stays digital, mostly because I think I would find art of my alter ego and/or alts hanging in my living room a little too creepy and 'welcome to the shrine of me!' for my tastes :7
Wait isn't all of your art... "the best" art?
![]() How do you ever make up your mind which to display... or do you have plans to (eventually down the road) display them all gallery style? |
The pieces I chose were based on preservation needs and whether or not they fit the decor of the intended room. My living room is rather bright and decorated with warm colors for instance, so I framed this piece...

in a gold-colored metal frame with a "Bayani red" matte. I'm a big fan of the artist and given that he's getting up there in age, I wanted to preserve his pencil work, as his shadows are just really moody and dark. So framing it with preservation glass that protects against UV rays was important as well.
My home office has white walls with modern/black furniture, so decided to frame the picture below along with the original page, which Naka had traded to me. I put it in a black metal frame with double mattes along with a plaque that detailed the comic and the artists who worked on it.

The other notable piece I framed was Sayterra's watercolor painting. I framed that because I needed something to brighten up the work office and because the piece did not physically in my coffee table portfolios, which are sized for convention sketches and full comic pages. I put it in a green wooden based frame since texture and color wise, it matched well with the picture, and made Bayani as well as the flag pop out better.

So far, all the art I have gotten has been digital, and is stored in two or more places on my computer and the Internet, in case of a virus attack.
Hoping eventually to print out three of them, "Sailor Lune", "Kami Megami" and "Oryo Ryouko" and put them on the wall as posters or framed art. The "Sailor Lune" is no big deal, just a recolored Sailor Moon picture, but it's still the absolute first one I ever got...back around 2002, I think. Yes, I am a sentimental idiot. And a poster freak.
(looks up and sees Bayani has posted above her...well then, may as well put my three up here so the post doesn't look so...plain..)
Sailor Lune, coloring by Lorilei, who also edited the picture from a Sailor Moon Coloring book.
Kami Megami, art by the player of Summer Evening on Virtue Server.
Oryo Ryouko, which was done by Luke Denby as a piece of gift art..(thank you, Bayani)!
I'd probably go into shock..then into a squealing fit, if I ever got an actual piece of art from someone. (I'd love to get a Fred Gallagher..been following "Megatokyo" since the beginning..)
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
I honestly don't have much in the way of art, but displaying it would depend on the piece.
I have a few traditional pieces in my room downstairs. They're currently just sitting on a bookshelf and i keep telling myself I need to get them properly framed. All of the digital work is just sitting on my computer atm until I get around to getting some of it printed off. I have "my room" in my house and ideallly would like to put all of it on the walls at some point.
I have some of it framed and on the wall, and others framed and not up - I'll swap out occasionally. Some stuff I don't have framed yet, but I like to so it'll have some extra protection.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

I intend to get a bunch printed off and put it up in the computer room but just haven't gotten around to it yet... Part laziness, part not having chosen which to print off yet and part because I haven't yet figured out best way to get them printed and possibly framed.., though I guess that's just laziness again
I know one piece I am definitely framing once I have it printed out is the Swanzified version of Fenian by Wassy... I figure a nice poster sized version of that with the original Wassy lines displayed in the corner would make for a really stellar combo ..
As some of you may recall, I once posted asking about the best way to get some of my digital treasures turned into paper ones. The majority reccommendation was to head to Office Max or the like and have them printed there. I haven't done so yet because I'm a big sack of lazy but I still want to.
The one piece I do have is the pencil sketch of Rose Veldt from Wassy which she mailed to me. It's not matted/framed but rather propped up on my desk waiting for some sort of more permanent treatment. No tape or anything on it though! Just slide behind my desk clock so it stays upright.
One of the first things I did as soon as I got my David Nakayama sketch home from HeroCon was to find a suitable, archival frame for it. The frame hasn't made it to my living room wall yet because I'm not entirely sure where I'd put it.
My only other tangible pieces of art right now that need to be framed are my MMOArt prints. Everything else is digital with plans to print it out at some point.
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
I'm an artist.
There is no art on display in my entire home. Not even a photograph.
It's a little troubling because people usually surround themselves with things that they want others to know about themselves and things that reflect qualities that they see (or want to see) in themselves. if I'm surrounded by nothing, then...?
It's actually more troubling now that I've given it a few minutes of thought
Hope it's OK to show off a little in this thread. Here are a few of the pieces of original art I have hanging in my house:
Rough pencils of a Star Wars comic cover by Mark Schultz:
Water color painting of Death in front of the "family tomb" by Bo Hampton:
Cave Woman pencil sketch by Frank Cho:
Page of original comic art by Paul Smith from a comic book in which I appeared as a character:
Wolverine inked-sketch by the late Michael Turner:
I have a few other pieces framed and hanging, but no pictures of them. I also have an extensive collection of original art not currently on display, including close to 90 pieces featuring the Sandman character Death ranging from a tiny sketch by Katie Cook to a 2' x 3' painting by Jerry Vanderstelt.
I only have one physical piece of art featuring one of my CoX characters - a head sketch of Doctor Time that I got done at the NCSoft booth in San Diego in 2008.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
While I have no CoX art in my house, my wife is a painter and keeps a lot of her paintings and other stuff on the walls. Saves me from painting them.
My uncle actually frames his old comic books on black mats and hangs them up. Looks really cool, not to mention they're the old horror/cowboy comics from back in the day.
Frost puts pieces I've done for him up around our place. I rotate my figure drawing pieces around my husband's computer desk area, for some reason. I don't know why I started doing that... but it just is!
most of the art work about the house is marval paintings i have done just to add colour about the place ....
as of yet i have not done a cox Blindfaith an cappy pic for our home, which i do think would look ace...
When it comes to art hanging in the home I've always preferred classical pieces. My dad has done some master copies, so I have Monet paintings and other famous artists. My favorite is Flaming June by Frederic Leighton. My dad's copy of it...
It seems out of place to hang up comic art when I get this kind of stuff a lot.
Yup - I display my sci/fi and fantasy pieces that I have done or prints of others like Boris Vallejo, Brom and Frank Frazetta. I've done a few Frank Frazetta copies myself and this is one of them (24" x 36" oil - not the best photo):
Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2

Just got some original , Alice in Wonderland , Water color art from shia/drunk fu in the mail the other day and im going to get them matted and framed this weekend which got me to thinking .
Do you display the art around your home that you've been gifted or purchased or done yourself ?
I have a water color from Graver framed and these new pieces from Shia and a plush toy suichi got squisheriffic to make displayed about my home but otherwise I generally print out high rez copies and keep them in a art binder on my bookshelf .
so just curious about what others have done with their collections .