



Just because you mentioned using ninja run, and seem to be worried about stamina, I'll throw in that with Hurdle+Ninja Run will get you going as fast as a single slot of Super Jump, though you won't jump as high. In other words, it's perfectly viable as a travel power. I also feel like my leg is busted when I don't have swift, but your mileage may very. <--- Super mathematical proof.

Willpower has quick recovery for it's endurance needs. Stamina on top of that is nice, but not necessary. I personally think you are sub-par without *any* sort of endurance recovering method, however. But with quick recovery and some intelligent IO slotting (buy cheap crap with endurance reduction) you'll be fine.



Basically Stamina is an extremely useful crutch. For most builds, especially after they mature to a certain point with enhancements, endurance issues will exist if you go all-out. There are three general ways to address this.

1) Don't go all-out all the time. This option works best if you can afford to allow your enemies to live for a bit (i.e. if you are difficult to kill, like a Brute or Tanker). Not using every attack every time it is up and taking things light until your blue bar buids up is an option, but not one many people embrace.

2) Compensate. If you build sufficient Endurance Reduction into yoru build, you won't run out of endurance as fast. Simple enough, right? However, many people prefer to optimize their damage, accuracy and recharge and don't want to use up slots with Endurance Reduction, so they reject this option as well. IO Sets make this a bit more palatable as often you get EndRedux along with other bonuses.

3) Increase the rate at which you regain endurance so that you can spend it with relative impunity. This is what Stamina does, to an extent. It allows you to not have to watch for or build for your endurance management, and many players find that an attractive prospect. There are also IOs that provide endurance recovery buffs such as Miracle: Recovery and Numina's Convalescence: Recovery/Regenaration.

The Willpower and Regeneration powersets have powers with provide the same sort of buff, which is why these powersets elect not to take Stamina more often than others.

You don't need Stamina, but many players don't enjoy endurance management and therefore don't enjoy playing without Stamina. Which is a valid playstyle choice and a prevalent one. It doesn't mean that every player should have it on every character or that character is gimped, it's just the easiest of the options out there to address endurance.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



I fall into the camp of stamina being "must have".

Even on my SS/WP brute, I took it, but I did take it much later. Getting Health and stamina complements WP quite well. More regen, and more recovery to fuel your toggles. Especially if you run tough/weave.

But then, I think this is a game and want to play it as such. I want to run in and bust faces, not manage my blue bar.



It really boils down to three things, barring obvious exceptions (teaming with kinetic teammates, having drain psyche or quick recovery, etc).

1) Do you want more powers? You don't take stamina, but you sacrifice slots on your powers for endurance reduction.
2) Do you want more slots? By sacrificing 3 power choices, you need significantly less endurance reductions. I'd still recommend putting one in your top two highest end costing attacks, though!
3) Do you want to not help your team? You could simply not fight at full capacity to 'manage endurance'! Those other guys contributing to the team faster and better with stamina are chumps, anyway!

You could also go to contacts between missions and stock up on blue inspirations. This is actually viable, though you have to go more out of your way on TFs and stuff. It's more high maintenance.

Or you could get like me and carry 20 reds all the time.

Dead teammate: "does anyone have a small red?"
Me: "Oh, you have no idea."



Originally Posted by Kailure View Post
3) Do you want to not help your team? You could simply not fight at full capacity to 'manage endurance'! Those other guys contributing to the team faster and better with stamina are chumps, anyway!
Strawman. I contribute just as much to a team as a person with stamina, possibly even moreso because I can do more things than they can.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Strawman. I contribute just as much to a team as a person with stamina, possibly even moreso because I can do more things than they can.
Except when you choose not to, so as to manage your endurance efficiently. In that case, you are contributing a wider variety of things, but contributing anything at all less often.

Unless what you meant by "managing your endurance well" was slotting more end redux, which is another perfectly respectable choice. In that case, you are contributing a wide variety of things equally often, but with each instance contributing a lesser effect.

That's what it comes down to, really. You have a triangle of ways you can improve what you give to the team: variety of effect (more powers), quantity of effect (use powers more often), and quality of effect (powers' effectiveness per use). If you try to keep all of these at maximum output, you will floor your blue bar, so you trade them off with Stamina, reduced activity, or end redux slots respectively. Any of them is an option which can be argued for, but nobody gets the moral high ground for choosing one. The prevailing opinion seems to be that the most effective contribution is to do some things very well, but I don't have any beef with someone who dilutes his powers with end redux or a less effective/more efficient attack chain, as long as it's within reason.

(This leaves aside the option of compensating with a tray full of blue or massive IO bonuses, of course. If you take these then you are a more patient man than I or a much, much richer man than I, respectively.)



Most of my characters are now in the "Eh, might as well get it" camp for Stamina - mostly because of taking Swift & Hurdle for Ninja Run, and there's usually room at 22 or 24 (depending on when I pick up the other two and if I take Health) to get it if I don't take it at 20.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Except when you choose not to, so as to manage your endurance efficiently. In that case, you are contributing a wider variety of things, but contributing anything at all less often.
I have yet to reach a point like that on teams.




Even if you put it off, sooner or later you'll have a few spare power slots, and might as well get Stamina.

The rest of the Fitness pool is nice too. They all make good proc mules for powergaming as well.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I have yet to reach a point like that on teams.

If you aren't using your powers less often, and aren't slotting extra end redux, I'm not sure what you mean by "managing your endurance", then. Could you share that rather than just adding extra caps lock and multiple exclamation points?



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Many people feel they "need" Stamina.

Quick Recovery, available in Regeneration and Willpower (except for Stalkers) is better than Stamina.

Now, I would argue that picking up Stamina is rarely BAD, but never NECESSARY. Except maybe on my Fortunata who constantly runs Indomitable Will, Tactical Training: Maneuvers, Tactical Training: Assault, Tactical Training: Leadership, Maneuvers, Assault, and Tactics, has Hasten on autofire, and spams Mind Link and Psychic Wail whenever they're available...

I feel that it is necessary to take stamina on SOME of my characters, particularly if they are running a lot of toggles. I d not feel that it is necessary to take Stamina on ALL of my characters.

Putting Stamina on my Kin would be like taking the Medicine pool on an Emp.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Putting Stamina on my Kin would be like taking the Medicine pool on an Emp.
I agree once you have Transference, but Stamina is nice in the levels leading up to it. I would tend to take Stamina while leveling up a kin and then respec out of it, although that of course depends on the character's other play circumstances.



I like taking stamina, but sometimes I'll hold off until 24 or 26, just because I really want to get more new powers that aren't passive. I'm a shooter that way.

Now, don't be a jerk about this, but when I solo, I like to keep a book or comic next to me, so I can do something while I regenerate if rest isn't recharged. But of course, that's kind of stupid in a group. If you plan on grouping, get stamina.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
If you aren't using your powers less often, and aren't slotting extra end redux, I'm not sure what you mean by "managing your endurance", then. Could you share that rather than just adding extra caps lock and multiple exclamation points?
I only slot powers once for end (if I have room for it) and slot heavily for other effects. I also turn off sprint and make sure I have a decent supply of blues on hand. So far, on teams, I can hang on with a decent amount of endurance without hitting empty yet still contribute as much as anyone else in the team. I don't know what you're doing wrong when you've tried to manage your endurance without stamina, but you're still doing it wrong if you think your strawmen are even the least bit viable.



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
I'm new to the game, but I've heard that pretty much every character needs stamina. Is this true?
No it's not true. Stamina is nice to have, but it is not needed.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
No it's not true. Stamina is nice to have, but it is not needed.
In some cases I will agree with you but in the average build I think it's required. Such as a Mastermind for example typically doesn't need Stamina. A Tanker on the other hand, if he intends to do much fighiting, it's going to be required for the most part. Every build I've ever played on any Tanker (including Willpower) made it necessary to have Stamina. Even my Regen Scrapper had to take Stamina to be effective and I still have end problems and that is with one endurance reducer in every single attack.

Quite honestly I don't enjoy every single character of mine winding up being "Captain America". That's immersion breaking for one. Not every hero in the comic books is Captain America. I know the end system was put in place because of the Champions table top role playing game and that is what they wanted CoH to emulate in many respects. Even in Champions however, not every character that is made is a triatholon athlete or Captain America junior and even with an endurance system in place in the table top Champions game, I have never had a character run out of endurance ever when playing. However, while the end system in CoH reflects that, I can't say the same is the true here.

I don't enjoy the whole heaving and huffing part of CoH. It's one thing that's always been a negative of the game for me. In EQ they had a mana system and it was equally as strict. No one was ever happy about the mana recovery system. They eventually changed it. I wish they would make things like Fitness something you take for your character concept, not because of something you are required to take on most builds. It's really rather disappointing. Another aspect that bugs me is the comic book aspect. I've only ever read one comic book ever where I saw a super hero or villain get exhauted, and that was when Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) went Nova.

For the most part, you never see heroes and villains running around huffing it all the time. It just doesn't make sense to me why an unfun mechanic is forced upon us. While Champions Online had it's issues, I did enjoy the endurance system much better. I hope DC Universe Online does it better. Although I haven't even heard the word Endurance uttered anywhere. Personally though, I'd much rather see the endurance situation handled here then by competitors to the game.



This gets ridiculous, does it not?

(You don't NEED any pool power)

Using any AT, with any can make a build, without stamina, playable.

Adding Stamina allows you to select different powers and slot differently but it is in no way needed.

When people say it's a must...they say that because they would never make a build without it.

When I first got this game, I played for awhile without even knowing what Fitness was.


By the way...I love the endurance management in this game. If they took it away, I would probably stop playing. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. (Especially with the change to brawl...that really helps the lower levels)



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
This gets ridiculous, does it not?

(You don't NEED any pool power)

Using any AT, with any can make a build, without stamina, playable.

Adding Stamina allows you to select different powers and slot differently but it is in no way needed.

When people say it's a must...they say that because they would never make a build without it.

When I first got this game, I played for awhile without even knowing what Fitness was.


By the way...I love the endurance management in this game. If they took it away, I would probably stop playing. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. (Especially with the change to brawl...that really helps the lower levels)
I disagree. Of course the argument can be said you don't need Stamina. That's if you like running around waiting and watching a blue bar to fill up repeatedly. I always thought the point to playing a game was playing the game. Not staring at a screen watching bars fill up. My SS/Invuln tanker is terrible with endurance, and some of his attacks are even two slotted with end reducers, and that is with Stamina. The endurance management system is just a we bit overbearing and was even worse before Positron nerfed it and gave us an end bonus when CoV released. The system as it stands right now just isn't very comic book like or fitting for a role playing game. Oh and while I agree with you the changes to brawl are nice... they don't fit every concept. Not everyone in the comic book world fights in melee.



Originally Posted by Marshal_Valor View Post
I disagree. Of course the argument can be said you don't need Stamina. That's if you like running around waiting and watching a blue bar to fill up repeatedly. I always thought the point to playing a game was playing the game. Not staring at a screen watching bars fill up. My SS/Invuln tanker is terrible with endurance, and some of his attacks are even two slotted with end reducers, and that is with Stamina. The endurance management system is just a we bit overbearing and was even worse before Positron nerfed it and gave us an end bonus when CoV released. The system as it stands right now just isn't very comic book like or fitting for a role playing game. Oh and while I agree with you the changes to brawl are nice... they don't fit every concept. Not everyone in the comic book world fights in melee.
I play a great many characters that do not have Stamina. Not one of them lags a team, when I team, because he's out of Endurance. I rarely start a fight with full Endurance, especially when teamed. But then, I'm also not concerned with DPS, or ExpS either. I play to have fun. I can have fun without Stamina.

Stamina is not, in any way, necessary, except where play-style demands it. And, frankly, your play-style demands it. Its a good thing that not everyone plays like you though.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I play a great many characters that do not have Stamina. Not one of them lags a team, when I team, because he's out of Endurance. I rarely start a fight with full Endurance, especially when teamed. But then, I'm also not concerned with DPS, or ExpS either. I play to have fun. I can have fun without Stamina.
OMG! But without Stamina, you can't mash your power keys as soon as they've recharged and might have to stop for 30s between groups, or even a full minute after a longer one! That makes you a leecher! And don't you dare say that you use blue inspirations! After all, each blue takes up a space that could go to a green or purple to make less work for your healer, or a red to kill things even faster! Leech! Leech! Leech!

Please note the extreme sarcasm in the previous paragraph used to mock some of the people who think Stamina is mandatory (*some* of them, not all. Many are just misguided, after all) and seem to have the described attitude, even if they couch it less blatantly.



Like I've said before, I haven't used stamina once yet. You don't need it. Using a slot for endurance reduction and keeping a supply of blues has done me well. It's not needed. No one is forcing you to take it. I don't see Paragon Studios sending cops to your house because you're not playing with stamina.



To add to my previous post, I think stamina is a nice power to have and it does make the game more enjoyable for me in general. But it is not needed to play the game effectively, that is a fact.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
This gets ridiculous, does it not?

(You don't NEED any pool power)

Using any AT, with any can make a build, without stamina, playable.

Adding Stamina allows you to select different powers and slot differently but it is in no way needed.

When people say it's a must...they say that because they would never make a build without it.

When I first got this game, I played for awhile without even knowing what Fitness was.


By the way...I love the endurance management in this game. If they took it away, I would probably stop playing. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. (Especially with the change to brawl...that really helps the lower levels)
Ever play a Spines/Dark Scrapper?

If you want your character to be at all effective you have to run a minimum of 6 toggles. Most Spines/Darks run 9 or 10 toggles. And Dark Regeneration takes a third of your end when you use it (slotted it's more like a quarter)

I would LOVE to see a build that can do that, while being effective, without Stamina. That doesn't cost billions from slotting for recovery bonuses.

There are some powerset combinations in the game that are extremely difficult, or impossible, to play without Stamina. Spines/Dark is one of them.

I mean I suppose you could just take all the toggles and stand there while Quills and Death Shroud kill everything for you, never attacking and healing when necessary, but what fun is THAT? That particular powerset combo pretty much requires Stamina if you want to avoid running out of gas in every fight. Sure, you could carry a tray full of blues....but you're going to run out eventually.

There aren't too many builds that require it, but there ARE a few that it would be extremely unwise to skip it on.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



With a WP, my experience suggests that it is helpful to have more end than QR provides with most attack sets. This can be done in several ways, stamina is one, the performance shifter chance for +end in QR is a second and hero side the epic physical perfection is a third.

I played a stone/WP brute, and he struggled to be a non stop energiser bunny until I got QR and stamina slotted up, but other attack sets lighter on end are better off. My WP/SS tank has stamina and PP both with performance shifters in.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Ever play a Spines/Dark Scrapper?

If you want your character to be at all effective you have to run a minimum of 6 toggles. Most Spines/Darks run 9 or 10 toggles. And Dark Regeneration takes a third of your end when you use it (slotted it's more like a quarter)

I would LOVE to see a build that can do that, while being effective, without Stamina. That doesn't cost billions from slotting for recovery bonuses.

There are some powerset combinations in the game that are extremely difficult, or impossible, to play without Stamina. Spines/Dark is one of them.

I mean I suppose you could just take all the toggles and stand there while Quills and Death Shroud kill everything for you, never attacking and healing when necessary, but what fun is THAT? That particular powerset combo pretty much requires Stamina if you want to avoid running out of gas in every fight. Sure, you could carry a tray full of blues....but you're going to run out eventually.

There aren't too many builds that require it, but there ARE a few that it would be extremely unwise to skip it on.
QFT. Also I hate to say it but the argument about using blue's is flawed. The problem there is that you're using a crutch. I hate to say it but I prefer to just look at things as is. When you're looking at things on a purely mechanical level, you shouldn't need to use blues at all. If you can play without Stamina and play fine, then why do you need blues? You shouldn't NEED to use blues. Inspirations were supposed to be in those "change your pants" moments or when you need to "dig deep" like in the comics. It sounds like most people saying you don't need to have Stamina enjoy sitting around and watching their bars fill. I think that's great if that's the way you like to play. Aside from this thread though, I've never met anyone game since CoH beta to present that actually did. But... their are people that like going swimming in the arctic too... but again, to each his or her own hahaha.