AT Comparisons and the GR Effect

Adeon Hawkwood



I know it's probably a pointless exercise speculating exactly what GR will actually be, and I don't really want to get into that - but it does occur to me that some ATs may become a bit redundant, or at least take a massive hit in popularity.

I can't help feeling that the Hero ATs will lose out at the expense of the Villain ATs. It's always struck me that a Crupper does a Fender's job most ably and in many cases a lot better, and although I've never played a scrapper to any meaningful level I can't imagine them offering anything better than a brute.

I could be wrong. I am not a "numbers" kind of person generally. I play because I enjoy the character, not because such-and-such a build is (allegedly) "uber". In fact I've had some real pleasure playing combos that may not obviously be good at fitting together and yet I've had fun - a lot of fun - doing so.

Villain ATs tend to be a little more "self-sufficient" in their nature I think and I can see a lot of Dominators in Atlas Park, but not so many Blasters in Grandville.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Now I can be a real fire kin on villains.



I'd say we should probably wait and see how they are going to handle the switch first, before speculating on how "AT A" is going to affect "Side B".



It has been discussed many times and the basic answer is that although a lot of people won't care and will continue to play the characters that they know and love there will probably be a drop in the popularity of some ATs.

The one this is most likely to happen with is the Defender. While Corruptor buffs are worse they aren't much worse and the extra damage (mostly from scourge) makes soloing a lot easier. People aren't going to start turning Defenders away from teams or anything stupid like that but it is likely that people starting a new character will choose a Corruptor over a Defender.

Tankers are already a dying breed since IOs and buffs make it easy for a team to manage without one.

Scrapper and Brutes are virtually interchangeable in a team setting although admittedly once you get beyond two brutes they can run into problems building fury.

Blasters and Controllers will probably still retain their current popularity. Neither has a direct Red side equivalent since Dominators can't buff and nobody deals out the AoE damage like a blaster.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
It has been discussed many times and the basic answer is that although a lot of people won't care and will continue to play the characters that they know and love there will probably be a drop in the popularity of some ATs.
Almost everyone agrees that some ATs will overshadow others, but nobody can agree on which ATs exactly will be "better".

Soloists will generally say "why would I want to roll a Defender/Tank when I can just roll a Corruptor/Brute and have much better soloability and still be useful in a team?"

Frequent SF runners will say "why would I invite a Corruptor/Brute to my SF when a Defender/Tank can do their job so much better?"

People who like the gameplay of Stalkers but prefer hero content and people who like the gameplay Scrappers but prefer villain content both think nobody will play anything but Stalkers/Scrappers if given the choice.

The one class that's pretty much always left out of these discussions are Masterminds.

Character index



Screw numbers. I play what I think is fun.



I'm on board with the 'play for fun, dammit!' boat.

I could easily re-roll my main as a Brute and do significantly more damage than I would as a Scrapper... But I'm not that big a fan of Furylock. Scrapperlock is where it's at for me.



no one will play stalkers or defenders because they are overshadowed by everything else

so basically nothing will change



Redside Peacebringers, anyone?



It will make Redside Hami raids a lot less reliant on Nuke temp powers. That's about all I'm hoping for.



my experience playing many many itfs and lady greys is that people will look for general capacities, like support, crowd control and damage, and then take what they get. The game doesn't have that many playing that you can be that picky really. If i find 7 other people who want to run an itf, I am not involving an hr department, we run and win or crash, but we run.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
my experience playing many many itfs and lady greys is that people will look for general capacities, like support, crowd control and damage, and then take what they get. The game doesn't have that many playing that you can be that picky really. If i find 7 other people who want to run an itf, I am not involving an hr department, we run and win or crash, but we run.
Now that is a good way of looking at things :-)

Min/Maxing really only happens on paper in this game for the most part.



None of you know a thing about min/maxing, do you? I can solo the entire TF, I don't need a team or support. There's no reason for me to be picky about team composition.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
It has been discussed many times and the basic answer is that although a lot of people won't care and will continue to play the characters that they know and love there will probably be a drop in the popularity of some ATs.

The one this is most likely to happen with is the Defender. While Corruptor buffs are worse they aren't much worse and the extra damage (mostly from scourge) makes soloing a lot easier. People aren't going to start turning Defenders away from teams or anything stupid like that but it is likely that people starting a new character will choose a Corruptor over a Defender.

Tankers are already a dying breed since IOs and buffs make it easy for a team to manage without one.

Scrapper and Brutes are virtually interchangeable in a team setting although admittedly once you get beyond two brutes they can run into problems building fury.

Blasters and Controllers will probably still retain their current popularity. Neither has a direct Red side equivalent since Dominators can't buff and nobody deals out the AoE damage like a blaster.
well said, also I would add we already the co-op zones to look at, if you want to see what will happen



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
my experience playing many many itfs and lady greys is that people will look for general capacities, like support, crowd control and damage, and then take what they get. The game doesn't have that many playing that you can be that picky really. If i find 7 other people who want to run an itf, I am not involving an hr department, we run and win or crash, but we run.
I only have one rule. Everyone fights. No one quits. (translated: I will turn you away if you're a pure healer but that's about it).



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post

The one class that's pretty much always left out of these discussions are Masterminds.
Thats because you do not poke questions at the Masters

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.


