Where is the best area to find Crey Paragon Protectors?




Currently working on my Conspiracy Theorist Badge and just need about 100 more Crey Paragon Protectors to get the Infiltrator Badge. Based on what paragonwiki says, they give a few zones on places to find them. Brickstown, FF, Crey's Folly, Eden, RWZ and Firebase Zulu. They also listed the neighborhoods within these zones. I've visited all those zones and it seems so far the best place I've found was in Crey's Folly. With that being said, the Paragon Protectors where far and few between to find even in Crey's Folly. Can anyone else give me a good zone or area that they might frequent or spawn more? Maybe Crey's is the best place, not sure? Thanks.



I used the "Revenent Hero Project" story arc. It has a mission that only spawns PP's, though the arc is kinda long (and contains several talk to missions and a Defeat 50 Crey mish). Once you get the Find Paragon Protectors Evidence mish, change your settings to -1/x whatever you can handle. Since the objectives are glowies, you can clear out the base, and if you don't get enough, reset the mish and go again.



Well, as I post this, I have only 30 more to go to get the badge. It seems they do spawn pretty good in some areas of Crey's Folly so I can knock this one out probably in less than 20 min or so. Thanks for help.



Got it! There is a nice area for these guys in Crey's Folly called Tangle Town. Most of them were spawning along the South wall.



So you already got your badge but I'll post this for others anyway. Before I learned that there are arcs that have missions with lots of PPs a friend of mine a keybind and a "power" to click. It looked for Paragon Protectors and had very good perception. We used this to tab thru the baddies in FF. It didn't take long to get the badge after that.



Glad you got it, the answer normally is

As pointed out, "Revenent Hero Project".

But if hunting
Eden or, I find the Shard has a steady diet of them too

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by KaraK_NA View Post
So you already got your badge but I'll post this for others anyway. Before I learned that there are arcs that have missions with lots of PPs a friend of mine a keybind and a "power" to click. It looked for Paragon Protectors and had very good perception. We used this to tab thru the baddies in FF. It didn't take long to get the badge after that.
An example of the keybind is:
/bind KEY targetcustomnext Paragon

It does have a long distance to it and can even target the foe before you even see it on your screen. Jumping or flying through town while repeatedly pressing KEY should help you find them.

On a side note, I use this type of thing all the time, and even have another key set up to easily change my target foe..

/bind DIVIDE "beginchat /bind TILDE targetcustomnext "

TILDE is the key I will repeatedly press to find my target, and / (on the numpad) is what I use to quickly retype the bind for that key so all I have to do is type the name of a foe or object I want to search for.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A very good place is in the woods around the Utopia Complex in Eden - the spawns have up to 3 PPs in each one.
This is my favorite spot to bang them out heroside as well. You're practically tripping over PPs who're sub-40 in that section.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
TILDE is the key I will repeatedly press to find my target, and / (on the numpad) is what I use to quickly retype the bind for that key so all I have to do is type the name of a foe or object I want to search for.
A nearly complete list of badge targets can be found in this post and the post immediately following it.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I like to hunt Paragon Protectors and also Fake Nemesis in FBZ, Point X-Ray and around. Almost every group of Crey has at least 1 PP. And you can also hunt the Rularuu-Watchers for a third hunting badge.