23 -
that's good. Thank you for the fast response.
I recently bought the flying Board and ninja Run from the market to spare One slot for a regular travelpower. My question is, can i use These bought powers in itrials or not?
A while ago I red that there should be 3 additional slots which should be granted around the end of the 20s level range or if you are a 50 at a trainer. Any news about this?
i think too that at least Dominators and MMs will get their own APPs and I like the list.
But i would like to see more heal like healing flames in Fire Masters and more buff/debuff like accelerate metabolism in force mastery or freezing rain in ice mastery. -
I really like the idea of getting an accolade for collecting all exploration bagdes in one Zone, but why are there no accolades (and new exploration badges) for Eden, Perez Park, Cimerora, the Rwz, the Shadow shard, the Hive, Boomtown, Dark Astoria and the pvp-zones?
A few runs on the statesman taskforce got me the badge. And a lot merits, too.
I am Not that familiar with Ask a Dev, but aren't some
of the questions supposed to be answered ? -
Quote:I think this is a farwell to Mother Mayhem`s Asylum, too.Hate to say it GG but It has been confirmed that the Praetorian's from CoH/V will be getting a makeover to match thier new GR counterparts...
(Obviously Old Tyrant -> New Tyrant etc.)
I really liked the dirty touch of this maniac mansion. -
Yes, it was an example. I tried to make it obvious by writing "something like leadership", sorry, if it was kind of confusing.
What I really would like to see is individual upgrades for pets. like you have three bots, you can upgrade Bot 1 with a machine gun, so he will make rapid damage, not to much, but okay damage from a distance. Bot 2 will be upgraded with cyber claws and rushes of the fight in melee. Bot 3 gets a rocket launcher, he can only shot every 20seconds, but will make much more damage than Bot 1`s machine gun. -
I really hope DS will have something special. Not just another set with replaceable pets, but something only DS has. Something like the leadership skills in Thugs.
will we get more character slots with GR like we did with CoV ?
I am not that sure what to think about Epic AT at lvl 20.
I mean epic should be...epic. and you can reach Lvl 40 in one day, not really that epic.
But maybe it`s a hint, that Praetoria Content only lasts from lvl 1-20 ? -
still open?
I take my chances and ask about power customization for APP. I know PPP have new powers nowhere else to be found, but APP? All the powers of any APP are already in the game and since I16 we are able to color them as we like. So what about color our APP? -
didn`t one of the rednames say that we will get new information in the next weeks. As i remember correctly, that was 2 weeks ago. I know haste makes waste, but a picture like the one we got 2 weeks ago isn`t too much whistle-blowing, but we have something to get excited about.
one more thing: will we get Issue 17 before Going Rogue is released?
I know GR is a lot of work and will be worth the wait, but I16 went live on 15.Sep., so just asking -
I think when GR will be realesed all there worlds, which means CoH, CoV and Pratoria will somehow be united. So if you are done with all the stuff redside, just switch and enter a whole world of new content blueside. sure we all have run a synapse-TF, but I`m curious to see how my Mastermind and his bots will take on the Clockwork King and his bots.
In the meantime I`m making origin stories for my GR-characters in the AE -
I like to hunt Paragon Protectors and also Fake Nemesis in FBZ, Point X-Ray and around. Almost every group of Crey has at least 1 PP. And you can also hunt the Rularuu-Watchers for a third hunting badge.
I think EMP is one of the best holds in the game, I think you should keep it. It is also a great panic-button when you bit off more than you can chew. I like the power, keep it.
Congratulations on your promotion WarWitch.
I have a few questions for you,
first the most important one:
1. How will Ancilarry and Patron PowerPools work with GR?
When I start a red AT in Pratoria and I decide to switch to blue-side, what can I chose?
And when I decide to switch my mid-30s hero to the red-side, what then?
2. Speaking of APP & PPP, I really like the idea of choosing a patron who gives you new powers. But imho four are not really much options. I really hope there will be new Patrons in CoV, like the crey-Guy in Grandville giving you access to something like Munitions Mastery. Or the Carnival-Girl Vivacious Verandi in St. Matial could give you Access to Psychic Mastey. Any chance for something like this?
3. one question about Accolades. The Accolades Force and Justice and Stouthhearted blueside are pretty much the same as Force of Nature and Invader redside. Villains get powers with these 2 accolade, heroes get nothing. Is it possible to fix this in the near future ?
4. last question is about zone revamp. I agree with the other guys that zones like Dark Astoria or Boomtown need a little more love, but i think the Shadow Shard is the poor cousin in CoX. It is really a magnificent zone, but sadly no one is there. Why should they? Nothing really happens there. My ideas:
-make the Shard Shard a co-op-zone and make the TFs coop.
-revamp the TFs, they seem sometimes a little bit boring. and to long.
-make the zone a little bit more diversified, if you have seen one floating rock, you have seen all. Take the RWZ as an example. Crey, Council, Malta have Bases there. Why not build individual bases of operation for Crey, Nemesis and the Circle in FBZ.
-people like badges. Give the Shard a history badge, a few tourism badges and an accolade (please with a power connected to it) for completing all four Tfs.
-people also like zone events. Make something spectacular which fits this zone. Not just a new GM, I`m thinking about something like the Rikti Ship-Raid or the Ski Chalet.
Are there any thoughts about this?
That`s all for now