Rage against the Rednames! Star Strider Forces Registry.




Name - Sinister Dawn
Global Contact - @Faust
Level of Classification- Level 50, Scrapper.
Origin - Magic Fridge.
Super Group* & Rank - The Angry Angels, Celestial (Fwi and Pie Quartermaster)

Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.



Figured I'd sign up as a villain before I forget.. Stoopid Heroes! It's a Rikti Trap! We'll have to go in and take care of this before you all get your tights bunched up in yer booties.

Name - Exotica
Global Contact - @Ara
Level of Classification- Level 50, Radiation Corruptor.
Origin - Heaven knows..
Super Group* & Rank - Jaded Angels, Jezebel rank!

Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



Name - Sovereign Fist
Global Contact - @Haetron
Level of Classification- 50, Energy Melee/Cotton Candy Brute (lol dark armor)
Origin - Mutant
Super Group* & Rank - None of note. (I got a one person SG )

I aint leading nothing.



Name - Barbie Ink
Global Contact - @Green.Star
Level of Classification- Level 50, Spines/Dark Armor Scrapper.
Origin - A Barbie World
Super Group & Rank - Angry Angels (If I haven't timed out from altitis again!)

Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.



Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - Arkyaeon
Global Contact - @Arkyaeon
Level of Classification- 50 Controller GRAV/KIN
Origin - Mutant
Super Group* & Rank - The Fire Within, Leader

Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - Crimson Deathbringer
Global Contact - @Arkyaeon or @Roger the Shurbber
Level of Classification- 50 Corrupter ENG/KIN
Origin - Unknown
Super Group* & Rank - Crimson Fury, Leader

Optional - [X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

also willing and will be filming

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Name - Belle Barium
Global Contact - @Kyuu
Level of Classification- 50 Trick Arrow/Sonic Defender
Origin - Technology
Super Group & Rank - The Association of Associated Scientific Associates of Science*

[X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

*Serving as acting leader in the absence of Dr. Forkenshpoon and Jenny Device.




Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - Androgyne / Androgyny
Global Contact - @AlwaysAPrice
Level of Classification- 50 Defender / 50 Corruptor
Origin - Mutation
Super Group & Rank - The Reciprocators - Defiant Fist / Parts Unknown - Worker

[X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - Infamy
Global Contact - @Infamy
Level of Classification - Threat Level 50, Brute
Origin - Aeon Labs, Cap Au Diable, Rogue Isles (Science)
Villain Group & Rank - Decimators, Control (Leader)

Infamy: SS/DA Brt, Brushfire Bill: Fire/Thorn Dom, Kill and Tell: Ninja/Trap MM, Dark Duelist: MA/DA Stk, Howling Rad: Rad/Sonic Cor, Silent Rebuke: Claw/EA Stk, Shadow Technician: Dark/Trap Cor, Forbidden Brute: DM/Fire Brt, Doctor Exile: Grav/Thorn Dom, Eternal Warrior: Mace/SD Brt, Electrogravitic: Grav/Elec Dom, Huntsman Gold: Bane, Captain Chill: AR/Cold Cor



Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - <insert any alt/toon name here> (Hek ill bring something)
Global Contact - @xeaon / @xeaon2
Level of Classification- N00b of the month for the last 38months
Origin - Cheese Cake
Super Group & Rank - Global Co - Rank : Leader (some folks are crazy enough to follow me)

[X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.

Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide



Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - Stilton Wensleydale or Bumpy Gums
Global Contact - @Flux Faraday
Level of Classification- Stilton: L50 fire/kin. Bumpy: L50 SS/WP/grouch tank
Origin - Stilton: Tech (well, to demons it's tech. you humans might think it's black magic) Bumpy: Mutation (that last barium enema activated a latent gene about 90 yrs ago)

Super Group & Rank - Global Co - Rank : Stilton: cheesemaker. Bumpy: Get off my lawn!



Name - Lun
Global Contact - @Valsione
Level of Classification- 37 Corruptor (Archery/Trick Arrow)
Origin - Magic

Name- Latooni
Level of Classification- 44 Scrapper (Katana/Super Reflexes)
Origin- Natural



Name - Madame Psynapse
Global Contact - Photonstorm
Level of Classification - Level 50 Defender
Origin - Magic
Super Group* & Rank - Leader of the Volunteers

Name - Doktor Smashemgud
Global Contact - Photonstorm
Level of Classification - Level 50 Brute
Origin - Technology
Super Group* & Rank - Leader of the Supremacy Squad

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Name - Weave
Global Contact - Rumble Bunny
Level of Classification - Level 50 Defender
Origin - Mutation
Super Group - Bridgetown Guard

I was there when they first arrived, and have seen many fall throughout the years. I have smoked two of their dropships and I am willing yet again to do more until the message is clear.



Star Strider Forces Registry:

Name - [The] Jackal
Global Contact - @Aku
Level of Classification- 50 Corruptor
Origin - Science
Super Group & Rank - The Starkweather Association - Probationary Member



Name - Lunar Hawk
Global Contact - @Schatten der Herzen
Level of Classification- 50
Origin -Magic
Super Group* & Rank - N/A

[X] Yes! I am willing to lead a squadron if asked.



NAME - Caligdoiel
Global - @Caligdoiel
Rank/class - 50 D4 (dark/dark/dark Defender)
Origin - Magic
SG - S.C.O.R.C.H.: Co-founder
Am willing/able to lead a squadron. Virtue server.

Name - Gen. Agamemmon
Global - @Caligdoiel
Rank/Class - 50 Bots/Poison/Mace MM
Origin - Tech
VG - Titans of Omnius: Co-founder
Willing/able to lead a squadron. Triumph server.

Name - Hel's Angel
Global - @Caligdoiel
Rank/Class - 26 Necro/Dark MM
Origin - Magic
VG - Masters of Mayhem (Pentacle Coalition) - Member
Willing/Able to lead squadron. Infinity Server

Name - Sir Verdigris
Global - @Caligdoiel
Rank/Class - 12 Shield/Mace Tank
Origin - Natural
SG - Order of Hermes, charter member and now SuperLeader
Willing/able to lead squadron, Victory server.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



2010/January/14 -
  • This afternoon, Riki invaders launched a strike against Paragon City and surrounding areas. Our gratitude goes out to everyone who was able to respond quickly. [New! Eyewitness accounts from Star Strider Codename: Redbone and Star Strider Codename: Photonstorm posted below.]
  • Reports received indicate this is most likely not a random or final attack.
  • Initial intel received from Star Strider codename: ShadowWings
Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
- Shorter Bombing Runs

- Patrols DURING the bombs(With Rikti Priests)

- Long invasions

- GMs.
  • Additional witnesses are still being interviewed, though we can release the following verbal account from Star Strider codename: Sandy
Originally Posted by Sandolphan briefing - S. Kype communications satellite
Pretty sure it was GM* triggered. The time between the first Event message and follow up seemed much shorter than standard attacks so there was less time to respond. We should wait for more information to be successful.
* A "GM" is street jargon for wiley, traitorous Redname Rikti


Your current mission - Intelligence gathering.

This attack struck early on catching us offguard. We would benefit from additional reports as to how different the enemy strategy is from previous invasions. Have the mechanics changed substantially? Our best defense is to Observe while Act(ing) - and File detailed reports:
  • How much time was given between the initial public calls and the second siren?
  • How many and what kind of ground troops appeared. Have their numbers increased substantially? Are we seeing new types of combatants? Photographs using cameras, cellphones, and HUD devices would be greatly appreciated.
  • How many and in which direction were Dropships flying? In years past, approximately 9 ships each would pass in 2 seperate routes in 2 waves. Has their squadron changed since?
  • Were their flight patterns consistent with previously documented routes? Our cityscapes have changed with many new buildings (AE) altering the skyline. Please bookmark this link > http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rikti_World_Invasion (scroll to the bottom for all maps). Time permitting, compare previous routes and supply Star Striders with any substantial flight changes.
  • If possible without endangering yourself, make note of how long the ships pass through each district. We'd like to compare this to last year's reports and see if there is a change in -speed- of their Dropships.
Once more intel is gathered and analyzed, a debriefing will be scheduled, announced, and held at the Vanguard's ready room. This location is secure, available to all security levels and citizens of Paragon City -and- the Rogue Isles. Tomorrow, engineers will be contracted to create simulators housed in the nearby AE building.

Image from media archives.




From: Redbone
Position: Star Strider Irregular representing Big Daddy Redbone and the Redlights
Regarding: First Hand Account of Kings Row Rikti Invasion - 01/14/2010

I was one of the early responders to the initial Kings Row attack.

During the early stages of the attack, I was able to track two different drop ship routes. Both were following their typical attack pattern. They made an initial strafing run, followed by a bombing run and the strategy employed was typical of the recent Rikti activities. However during their bombing run, the first alteration in their previous patters became apparent, a foot patrol appeared several hundred yards from the tram station slowly making their way towards it. This particular patrol consisted of three invasion trained drones (Minion Threat Designation), a Headman Gunner (Lieutenant Designation) and a Rikti Priest (Boss Designation). I engaged and eliminated that patrol before moving to the invasion rally point. That was when the second public report of a roaming Rikti foot patrol came in via the zone broadcast system. From the given account, that patrol contained at least two Rikti Priests classified as a "Boss" threat designation.

That is when the second apparent difference between their apparent new MO and the old became apparent. The bombing run appeared shorter in duration that previous runs. Unfortunately, this is a qualitative statement not a quantitative one as I was unable to time the events with any accuracy.

When I arrived at the Rally point, Rikti forces were already beaming in against a large defense force. Due to the size of the defending force, it is impossible to say if the Rikti forcers were there in larger numbers than is typical. Taking advantage of earlier intel indicating the Rikti tend to modulate their invasion numbers by scanning the area and beaming in what they consider to be an appropriate number of combatants, our recent counterstrategies have focused on smaller defense forces working against smaller Rikti forces. Today's response for Heroes in Kings Row was considerably larger than our typical response. As such, Rikti forces were far larger than typical, but possibly no larger than they would have been a month ago given the same number of defenders.

Expecting a possible increase in Rikti hostility, I broke off from the main defensive forces and made a quick aerial patrol of Kings Row. No different ship classes were in evidence, and I spotted and assisted in dispatching a second foot patrol near the Tram Station on my return towards the rally point.

The remainder of the invasion appears to continue as normal. Eventually, the Rikti forces retreated and Kings Row returned to normal. After a quick round of congratulations we began moving to Atlas Park, which had just come under attack. That's when the game really changed.

Clear skys, war walls active, no sign of Rikti. And then it changed. No alteration to the skies or war wall status and no sign of Rikti drop shops, but suddenly the Rikti began beaming in again in force. Most of the defensive teams had broken up so there was a scramble to reassemble the forces and rally up a second time. The invasion forces were heavier this time around, Priests (again, "Boss" Threat Designations) were more common. The fighting continued as normal with our forces in some disarray initially but quickly recovering.

During sneak attack, the Rikti pulled a second new trick out of their bag. They beamed in one of their Master At Arms (GM Threat Designation) with a number of priests. Rather than following their standard pattern of a generically trained invasion force, the Master At Arms registered as having a numeric Threat Level. While he was far more trouble than their standard forces, he was quickly dispatched despite the efforts of their priests to keep him on his feet.

It is theorized that the Rikti were able to target their portals during this stage and possibly have a longer range for the portals (as evidence by their not having ships in the area to beam forces from) via "Redname Turncoats," one of the common designations for high profile Rikti spies, assisting them. It is likely they were directing the portal placement and Rikti force strengths "on the fly" while among or near the defending forces.

Upon beating back this second Surprise Attack, many of the Kings Row defenders moved to Atlas Park. In Atlas Park, the invasion forces used the exact same strategies as they have previously. This was likely due to the lack of suspected Redname Turncoats in Atlas Park at the time.

The evidence points to this being a regular cycle of Rikti Attacks at this point. However, the presence of suspected Redname Turncoats means Defense forces should be aware than the Rikti may alter their tactics and force deployment on the fly based on intelligence supplied by their spies.

Note that this assessment does not preclude a larger move by the enemy at a later time, but for the moment, all reports from "in the trenches" indicate that the only major alteration to their tactical situation is the presence of their Spies. Should their Spies be present, then their tactics and deployment will likely alter dramatically.



Here what happened on my end:

- I was playing a Tanker, when people on channels reported on channels that Nerva was attacked. So I switched to a Brute and headed for Nerva right away.

- When I arrived, I could not see any Dropships in the sky. Some people reported that Dropships had different routes in other zones, but in Nerva I saw none.

- There was Bombs on the ground, and Rikti were teleporting. It was the 2 waves at the same time with still no Dropships but there was the shaking screen from the bombings.

- People reported patrol of Rikti moving around although I saw none. Everyone rapidly gathered together near the Trainers.

- Then it was as usual as Rikti were teleporting. Heavy Assault Suits started to spawn when enough villains were present.

- Then at some point after 5-10 minutes of fighting, ambushes started to arrive from all sides. Big Ambushes of Rikti Priests and Heavy Assault Suits. There was no "wipe" in Nerva, and everyone was safe unless you started to wander alone.

- At some point, a Master-at-Arms attacked us with troops. He got dispatched quickly. More Ambushes, then another Master-at-Arms.

- Everyone attacking a Master-at-Arms got a golden title (Rogue Isles' Defender).

- And toward the end, everyone spotted an orange name in our midst; Qugin. Selecting him showed he was a Stalker. Everyone screaming Rikti Spy and started to chase him. He was eventually defeated but it turned out it was a bug of some sort (that was confirmed by Niviene).

- Eventually, we got the event message that Rikti left Nerva.

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Name - Das Dunkelheit
Global - @Chin'Tai
Rank/Class - 50 Dark/Dark Corrupter
Origin - Magic
SG - Solo

[X] Willing/able to lead squadron, Virtue server.

Name - Chin'Tais
Global - @Chin'Tail
Rank/Class - 45 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Origin - Tech
SG - Solo

[X] Willing/able to lead squadron, Virtue server.



Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post

- And toward the end, everyone spotted an orange name in our midst; Qugin. Selecting him showed he was a Stalker. Everyone screaming Rikti Spy and started to chase him. He was eventually defeated but it turned out it was a bug of some sort (that was confirmed by Niviene).

- Eventually, we got the event message that Rikti left Nerva.
A bug that turns PC villains into attackable enemies?

Why is it that all the things labeled as "bugs" seem to be the greatest ideas?



Name - Kag'e (Formerly: xVoid-Stalker)
Global Contact - @Zyph
Level of Classification- 50
Origin - Natural
Super Group* & Rank - Forgotten Legion

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post

From: Redbone
Position: Star Strider Irregular representing Big Daddy Redbone and the Redlights



Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
Here what happened on my end:

- I was playing a Tanker, when people on channels reported on channels that Nerva was attacked. So I switched to a Brute and headed for Nerva right away.

- When I arrived, I could not see any Dropships in the sky. Some people reported that Dropships had different routes in other zones, but in Nerva I saw none.

- There was Bombs on the ground, and Rikti were teleporting. It was the 2 waves at the same time with still no Dropships but there was the shaking screen from the bombings.

- People reported patrol of Rikti moving around although I saw none. Everyone rapidly gathered together near the Trainers.

- Then it was as usual as Rikti were teleporting. Heavy Assault Suits started to spawn when enough villains were present.

- Then at some point after 5-10 minutes of fighting, ambushes started to arrive from all sides. Big Ambushes of Rikti Priests and Heavy Assault Suits. There was no "wipe" in Nerva, and everyone was safe unless you started to wander alone.

- At some point, a Master-at-Arms attacked us with troops. He got dispatched quickly. More Ambushes, then another Master-at-Arms.

- Everyone attacking a Master-at-Arms got a golden title (Rogue Isles' Defender).

- And toward the end, everyone spotted an orange name in our midst; Qugin. Selecting him showed he was a Stalker. Everyone screaming Rikti Spy and started to chase him. He was eventually defeated but it turned out it was a bug of some sort (that was confirmed by Niviene).

- Eventually, we got the event message that Rikti left Nerva.
I can confirm all of the above. I managed to make it to Nerva while dropships were still in the sky, and here is what I observed about them-

- More dropships than usual. I followed the first one I could see, it roughly followed established bombing routes, but the 'damaged' bombs that they usually drop were more rare.

- While trying to take down a bomb, I noticed that the bombing waves kept coming. Previously you could spend quite a while on a bomb before more explosions occurred, but this time it was maybe 30 seconds between them. Lots more bombs and lots more dropships.