could free transfers kill Justice?




just wondering if the free transfers have caused alot of people to move their chars? i have noticed a few global friends not only playing on Freedom but some of there Justice toons there also. Just wondering if that means the slow demise of Justice and some of the other servers. I still think that "Crisis the merge of infinate servers" (always liked that dc story line )will happen at some point

Psykinetic lvl 50 Psy/kin Def
St. Pauli Girl lvl 30 Ice/emp Corr
Pthirus Pubis lvl 50 Crab
Killer Snail lvl 50 Ice/Dark Def
Lumberjax lvl 50 Stone/Axe Tank
@Killer Wail

Co-leader of All-Winners Society, Golden age sg
mem of Withered Hand, Avenging Flame, LoJ



My short answer: No.

My long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

My Darth Vader answer:




actually alot of ppl from freedom came 2 justice 2 pvp then got rek'd and went back




American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Probably not. As much as people think that going to Freedom is going to be better, once you are there and see the AP broadcast chat or Virtue RP you'll realize that it's not all that great.

I think that Justice is the best of the sane servers, and probably people from other servers will come here rather than stay on a smaller server.

If only crazy people went to Freedom I'd have no problem with that either. >.>



Actually I have been loving freedom and have recently meet some really great people there and having a blast. Do I think the free transfers will kill Justice, no. If nothing else it will free up slots for people to make new toons.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
If only crazy people went to Freedom I'd have no problem with that either. >.>
Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Actually I have been loving freedom and have recently meet some really great people there and having a blast.
From Pum's mouth to ...

Lol sorry Philly, no way I could let that one slide. :P



Well that was a no brainer Cai We all know it's a good ridence thing with me Though PSL might be upset when he finds out he won't be getting mouth to mouth at hami raids anymore since Philly is moved now.

Actually was going to post this before, I think that your stipulation that prizes be awarded after the free transfers where done was a clever incentive to keep people on Justice.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Actually was going to post this before, I think that your stipulation that prizes be awarded after the free transfers where done was a cleaver incentive to keep people on Justice.
I love Justice, what can I say?



I'd say no because I actually may be moving here from another server. I am debating a few character moves here and have already made a few toons on Justice to play. This thread would be more appropriate in Champion forums. Also, some players may not want to move to freedumb or virtue. Freedom is too PL/PVP heavy and virtue is annoyingly RP heavy. Justice works well for me and why not others?




Odd, I transferred all of my villains to Justice... that was like 10 or so characters.



I used to have most of my high-level villains on Virtue because that is the what our SG on Justice was doing, they had a VG on Virtue. I transferred almost all of those characters here now, and so did a few others. I have seen a lot of new faces around lately, and I think overall, Justice is a beneficiary of the free transfers. I keep hearing about players coming here from Pinnacle/Triumph/Champion, and, anecdotally, the population seems to be rising.



Perhaps this is my personal bias showing, but I think Justice is a desirable destination, and our numbers will only swell.

We have a bit of everything and we have a relative lack of insanity.

I don't think we overtake Freedom or Virtue, but I'd bet we solidify third place.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



I moved all my 20+ toons to Justice ... I have one lvl 7 and one free slot left ... (that is what 21 slots on justice does for yah) ... So, if Justice is dying ... I'm not killing it.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
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I moved 12 characters to Freedom. All were PVP toons. I've been playing over there since May and the differences I've noticed are:

- Freedom is more active with PVP
- There are always people in the various PVP zones and arena matches occur throughout the day
- PVE is much better on Justice
- Freedom has a gigantic population which also = more idiots
- It's faster to form TF's on Freedom but the quality of the team is a bit lower than Justice

Overall, I still consider Justice my home server but do enjoy the large pvp population on Freedom.

@Ra Ra



I've got to agree with Ra on this one. Freedom is the PVP server and while there may be alot of transfers, it will be for PVP purposes.

Justice can't be beat for the PVE side of the game. It has long had a rep for great Hami raids and regular TF/special event get togethers. It'll stay that way, if not increase in the number of people particpating.

What was left of the Justice PVP crowd has gone "bye bye" in a big way to Freedom imo.



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
I don't think we overtake Freedom or Virtue, but I'd bet we solidify third place.
And if 3rd place dies, the death of an individual server won't matter at that point.



This whole free server transfer thing may just be a way for devs to see how things shuffle out. I'm betting some of the lower pop servers just get abandoned as people move to places where there is more traffic.

There should probably only be six servers... or one big one.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
This whole free server transfer thing may just be a way for devs to see how things shuffle out. I'm betting some of the lower pop servers just get abandoned as people move to places where there is more traffic.

There should probably only be six servers... or one big one.
Actually, I think a few people may be moving out to the lower pop servers. There are a number of people who prefer it that way, for whatever reason. I doubt CoX is headed for a server merge, considering that merges are pretty much the death knell of a MMO. And one big server really is a TERRIBLE idea. Imagine slogging through the idiot traffic of Freedom (Probably every one of us would be starting new alts in Galaxy), then dealing with someone trying to "text-pvp" you in Pocket D every time you passed through, not to mention every other little irritation popping up along the way. Given that option, I'll transfer every toon I have to Triumph. At least I know of a few more good players there, and they're easy to find... out of the 50 or so online! (I exaggerate, there's always plenty of good folk there at any time.)

I think the free transfer was probably a little gift to let people shuffle themselves around a bit before GR hits, maybe get a little trans-server goodwill going on. Or possibly a test run of a permanent feature in the future, considering the $10/move has probably paid for its own tech by now, or usage dropped off and they're looking to see if people still want the opportunity.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



I think quite the opposite has happened. Even before the transfers began tons of new people were popping up on JFA and JU. Whether they were people on for the holidays or coming over from other servers not sure but it has seemed busier to me.

But then what do I know, I buy Prestige in Atlas at a horrible exchange rate.

Enjoy your day please.



I think that the transfer tokens were given out because WoW had started the serverless play mode. Many things that are being worked on are not just QoL features but also to keep up with other MMOs.

Also I'm not certain how the servers are implemented exactly but with new virtualization technology the lower population servers could be hosted on the same servers.

Consolidating servers would just be bad on all levels. People would cry dooooom and between prestige loss for SGs and name conflicts it just doesn't make a good business case.

If anything, I'd continue to give transfer tokens, but I'd divide the server populations in 3 groups of high, medium and low populations, and charge 2 tokens to move to high pop server, 1 token to move to a medium pop server and zero to move to low population servers.

I'd also grant small bonuses to low population servers, but that's outside of this discussion.



I'm pretty sure that the free tokens were given because the pay service was borked for a while. They have a history of giving free tokens when services break, like in I4 when there were rampant costume issues.

@Arwen Darkblade
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Kill Justice? No.
Kill other servers with low player populations? Very likely IMO.

I started making a few alts on Freedumb last year, and like Phillygirl, have met some wonderful players over there.
I have used the free transfer gift to move a few more toons to Freedom and decided to give Virtue a try, cuz quite honestly, I have had a really tough time this past year finding teams on Justice, and I pride myself in being an excellent PuG Master.

Justice has always yielded some really good & fun players, but for us casual gamers, our play time can be very limited and sometimes we want to max out our time logged on with quickly building & running big teams.
More players on Freedom & Virtue = more chances of quickly assembling a team and knocking out some missions, TFs, etc.
Can't argue the logic.

PS: It really seems like the vast majority of the idiot noobs have left Freedom; they probably left CoH for Champions or the next great shiny game that came along.

Justice still rocks, but nothing like it used to back in the hey days of 2004-2007.

For those who have fought for it
Has a meaning the protected will never know.



Originally Posted by GunnTharr View Post
Kill Justice? No.
Kill other servers with low player populations? Very likely IMO.

I started making a few alts on Freedumb last year, and like Phillygirl, have met some wonderful players over there.
I have used the free transfer gift to move a few more toons to Freedom and decided to give Virtue a try, cuz quite honestly, I have had a really tough time this past year finding teams on Justice, and I pride myself in being an excellent PuG Master.

Justice has always yielded some really good & fun players, but for us casual gamers, our play time can be very limited and sometimes we want to max out our time logged on with quickly building & running big teams.
More players on Freedom & Virtue = more chances of quickly assembling a team and knocking out some missions, TFs, etc.
Can't argue the logic.

PS: It really seems like the vast majority of the idiot noobs have left Freedom; they probably left CoH for Champions or the next great shiny game that came along.

Justice still rocks, but nothing like it used to back in the hey days of 2004-2007.
Meh...the truth hurts. I've been pointing this out for a while now but no one really cared. Justice is too pro for pugs, so all the newbs got left out in the cold and went to Freedom.

Today's AE baby = Tomorrow's Hami Raid leader.

All the braintrust and experts on Justice need to come out to AP/Mercy more and grab some fresh recruits or else it'll just be me staring at Quat watching the tumbleweeds roll by.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

Today's AE baby = Tomorrow's Hami Raid leader.
I heard they even have a global raid channel