Champion, I Love You
Far be it from me to interrupt the server lovefest for my fav vacation retreat, however. Carry on, carry on.
*lights incense and mood candles for Champion*

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Champion rocks.
Case closed.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Champ is my Mastermind Server!!! You're awesome, Champion!
Peace, Love n Mungbean.. Champion is the quilt we'd all love to snuggle with.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Hells yea Champion went thruough a transition this time last year when a certain someone left and went to a different server. It's been fun since!!!!
I can't imagine playing on any other server. Though my brother has long since quit playing City of Heroes, I owe him a debt of gratitude for picking Champion all those years ago.
Also on Steam
Never going anywhere.
Damn near everyone here kicks massive butt.
You know, I read Demobot's post and I've thought about this over the years o' playin'; why did each o' us pick Champion specifically when we started playin'?
I remember startin' up the game, after startin' up an account and all that jazz, and lookin' at the server selection screen after I first logged in. I honestly had no idea which one to pick, what they meant, where they were located, etc. My eyes panned over their names, and Champion's resonated with me. I guess, in my mind, if I wanted to be a superhero, I wanted to be a Champion. It was as simple as that.
Now why did you pick Champion?
P.S. I've said this over the years also: I don't play anywhere else and I never will. Champion FTW.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
When I first started, I played on Infinity. Out of all the server names, that one "fit" me the best, I thought.
I had a friend that played on Champion, so I had a few alts here, but it was not my "main" server until just before the first name purge.
Why then?
Because I remember seeing the post for the name purge, and came up with the best idea I have EVER had in this game so far. (Even though sharing it will brand me as the nerd I am for doing this):
I set my alarm for East Coast start time so I could log on RIGHT AFTER the name purge was done.
Best idea ever --> I got GREAT names on every server.
Also...I finally managed to snag usable versions of my global name on most servers, too.
So, why Champion?
I ended up getting the best (overall) collection of usable names on this server.......and by this time I had met a LOT more people here through my friend's SG and teaming.
Then I ended up joining PoM and F.O.R.C.E. (blast from the past) and haven't left since.
I actually have better names on other servers now..........mostly because I keep giving all my great names away (I gave @Grey the name Grey, @Bronx the name Odin, @Star the name Star --> even though it matched my global, etc., etc. etc.)
NOW? I WOULDN'T LEAVE IF YOU PAID ME. (And some have tried...) ; )
My husband and I started actively playing on Victory. We met a TON of friends there. He and I stayed there for about 3 years. But then, the server started to flag. I found myself teaming with the same ppl over and over again. I wanted to branch out and meet new ppl. So I told my super group I was going scouting for a new home for us. I tried Freedom for about a month. Met a rather awesome couple of guys there (grrl and mike2999) but it wasnt enough to keep me. So I tried Virtue. Yeah.. that was a little bit scary. I left after a week. Then I picked Champion. I poked around AP for a time. It seemed a nice place. So I started asking for a mature, parent-oriented SG. Someone sent me a tell asking to join. I said I was actually looking for one. Then it dawned on me. We should just bring Victory Alliance here. I talked to this new girl (her name was Holly) and she was a mom as well and her husband gamed on CoH too. So I started VA here and never looked back. I even managed to talk mike2999 and a few Vic friends into relocating. I love this server. Friends have come and gone but the server camaraderie has never wavered.
Friend of mine who showed me the game in beta and got me hooked. When it hit live he chose Champion, no idea why, first in the list alphabetically I guess
My eagerness to play the game as soon as it came out is the reason I'm on US servers to begin with
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Well I had been wanting to get into a new MMO for a while. I had been ducking around some free MMOs and played a few pay ones but those eventually died out. I was in a gaming rut when a friend of mine advised CoH. BEST. ADVICE. EVER. Well I install the game wait for the billion plus updates to finish then I finally log in. I glance over the list of servers. I dunno why but I just clicked champion on a whim and rolled my character. Never looked back.
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

When I decided to give City of Heroes another try a year and a half or so after self-destructing my original account, I wanted to play red side. I was told by several people that the Champion server is the place to be for red side action.
Damn dirty liars.
But y'all are stuck with me now!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I was orginally playing (and still do from time to time) Guild Wars and Lineage 2. A my Brother was playing this game along with a couple friend of his and told me about, I kinda shrugged and blew it off till he bought a copy and sent it to me. They were already playing on Champion when I first joined the game so for me it was kinda of already set then they quit and I followed because at the time, didn't really team up with anyone.
Year later I hear a friend of mine is watching Stan Lee's "Who wants to be a Super Hero" and that sparked up wanting to play so poof, dig out the disk, reactivate the account and I picked Guardian first go since they weren't around, made some friend there but one quit and the other Moved to FweeeeeeeeeeDUM with his SG.
So here we are again, what to well, well screw it let's try Champion again. So I start with a Tank known as Darzer and hit Champion like a sledge hammer and here we are.
Jonnie Neutron and I are "real life" friends and we'd play cards with a few friends and I noticed he spent less and less time with the card friends and when id asked what he was up to hed give me really vague answers.. 1 day im like ok, whats up...
he says he didnt want to tell me because id tease him endlessly and call him a geek/nerd/dork ..(which i did anyway, and still do)
he sends me the link, says download this and you'll see.. serious eye roll time..(prior to this game, the only video kinda game i played was the rainbow six series/tom clancey games, but only on lan.. not over the internets) well it so happed that when i downloaded the trial it was during rikti raid week and thought it was cool.. that and the costume creator.. i was hooked.. His best friend is vet since COH was in beta and they played on champion.. so.. that was the obvious choice.
Ive not spent any length of time on any other server.. just from perc judging and today ( oddly enough) on Virtue ( to see how they do hami raids there) I told this to angie not too long ago.. not only do we have the best looking people on our server but also the most intelligent (minus a few people)
You've all be so nice and welcoming and there is no place like home!
<3 ya's
Hells yea Champion went thruough a transition this time last year when a certain someone left and went to a different server. It's been fun since!!!!
This is exactly how I ended up on Champ as well.

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
Current project - Orgo to Plowshares 42 Kat/Inv Scrap
Main -Orgo 50 Rad/Rad def
I had been toying with the idea of buying CoH since it launched. I saw the box in EB Games, I thought it looked interesting, but hadn't warmed up to the idea of an MMO. The "nerd" stigma (such as Cherry mentioned for Jonnie) was part of it, the concept of paying monthly was another. I also thought it would be weird playing with people I didn't know... I'd never played an online game before. Also, I was soon-to-be-married, so I forgot all about it.
Years passed of me considering it, and one day, my wife decided to try WoW. She said, "You should play that Superhero game you've been talking about". Eventually, I said something like, "Well.. it can't be any nerdier than WoW, why not?" So, we both downloaded the trial.
She got to the server select screen while mine was patching. She asked which server we should try, and she listed them. It was between Champion and Protector, as I thought they seemed the most heroic. Champion won.
I wound up buying a couple of days later. She has characters on this account on Freedom, and I have all my characters but two here on Champion. When my new PC arrives, she'll get this one, and we'll reactivate her account. She will play on Champion, I'll make sure of it.

Thank you, Champion.
What is it about spouses? I made a new account due to wifely pressure and now, after exploring what the new (to me) issues have to offer I can't believe I ever left. She too said 'Champion server or GTFO'.
What is it about spouses? I made a new account due to wifely pressure and now, after exploring what the new (to me) issues have to offer I can't believe I ever left. She too said 'Champion server or GTFO'. |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
You're the best server ever. Champion... I love you.
I'm so glad I came here from Victory years ago. Happy as a clam with my Champion buddies. For all the negatives and silliness, there are such ridiculously huge positives on this server, and I love y'all.
That's all I wanted to say. Carry on, or if you have similar Champion love, feel free to say it right here.
P.S. Also, Freedom is awfully spiffy, Turg.