Hi new here, I have a general question.




Originally Posted by Katze View Post
Here's one I can add: there's a "City" Tab on your map that will show the locations of the zones in the city, and their connections and train routes to them (well, except for the new trains to Founders Falls and Skyway).
This CAN BE very useful info for someone who is aware of the limitations.

to repeat: The map has NOT been updated to reflect new stops in FF and Skyway (much to my personal annoyance).

This goes for the large wall-maps at the entrance to the Train stations, as well.

Seems like a relatively minor fix to update the art on the map - and a relatively major pain-in-the-butt to have an inaccurate in-game map!

Also: as a Newb you may be reluctant to lead your own Pick-up Group (PuG). But once you get into the swing of things, don't be afraid to start forming and leading your own teams.

Things may start out a bit rocky, but practice makes perfect, and once you get the hang of it, it's the only surefire way to avoid joining lousy teams. I almost never join teams, always forming my own, simply because I already know that I run a good team.

So as you play, pay attention to what's making this a fun team or a stinky team. Emulate the fun Leaders, avoid doing things the way the stinky ones do.

Familiarize yourself with the Team Search window (can type /search to bring it up if you're not the team Leader). If standing around waiting for a teammate to arrive, just type /search and look around in there - play with the different drop-down menus - get familiar with what the different colors (of player names) and Flags mean - etc.

Once you start playing around with /binds - a /bind like: /bind L "tell $target, Level $level-ish team LFM - join us?" will allow you to form full 8-man teams in under 5-minutes (I do this every night) without ticking anyone off by using Blind Invites.

tl;dr version: Start forming and running your own teams as soon as you feel comfortable giving it a shot, it will make your game experience much, much more enjoyable in the long run, despite an initial learning curve.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Don't rush to Level 50. Nothing special there.

Again, no rush to 50. Enjoy the city or the isles, read the mission text and have fun.
Just wanted to re-highlight this. You'll hear people complain about the lack of post-50 content all the freakin' time - ignore them. This game, unlike say WoW, was designed to be fun from 1-50, not to start at 50. Altitis in this game is a way of life for most players and that's the way it's meant to be and was intended to be. WAI. The "lack of 50 level content" is not an oversight.

Best advice is to have fun and do what you feel like doing - no matter what, changes are even the worst builds will still be functional and playable.



Don't use AE (architect entertainment) to level up your toon with the same mission over and over.

Go through various zones and fight a variety of bad guys to learn how the game mechanics work.



Start with playing only Heroes. Villains have a steeper learning curve. Since it was essentially an add-on to the game, it seems to assume you already have a good understanding of the game. I felt so lost when I first tried a Villain when I was new.

Oh, and don't fall into the, "I don't play Villains because I don't like being the bad guy." mindset trap. You don't go out and randomly kill people or kick every puppy you see. It's essentially the same game, but with slighty different flavor text.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
This CAN BE very useful info for someone who is aware of the limitations.

to repeat: The map has NOT been updated to reflect new stops in FF and Skyway (much to my personal annoyance).

This goes for the large wall-maps at the entrance to the Train stations, as well.

Seems like a relatively minor fix to update the art on the map - and a relatively major pain-in-the-butt to have an inaccurate in-game map!
Actually, the Paragon City map has been updated in the latest VidiotMaps map pack. I got feeling the exact same way you did, and decided to do something about it. It's not displayed on the Web site, but it is visible in-game.

Hmm, I just noticed that it still shows a link between Crey's Folly and the RWZ. Guess I'll have to fix that in the next update.

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts



Originally Posted by PhilBilly View Post
What's the one thing that you wish someone would have told you when you first started out? I have played other MMORPG's before so I have a little experience. What specifically about this game should I know?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I've been a member since Jan 09'. About five months ago, I was reading one of these forums here and someone mentioned to utilize the markets early and often to gain much needed influence. The biggest bugaboo that I ran into early with my toons was never having enough influence to buy the right "more powerful" enhancements to max out my toons potential. It was always tough until around level 25 but the big mistake I was doing was always selling my recipes and enhancements at the regular vendor other than using Wentworths or the Black Market to sell my stuff.

So, about five months ago, I started diligently using the market religiously early and often and let me tell you,..IT WORKS! You will never go hungry again scrounging for influence. I had my one toon up to 100 million in influence by level 30. I was kicking myself in the pants not being smart enough to use the markets before. So, once again my advice to you young Skywalker,....USE THE MARKETS, WENTWORTHS & THE BLACK MARKET. YOU WILL NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN!



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Add some reds/yellows, and I'm pretty sure even that other 10 percent of builds can solo that 90% of EBs
And oranges sometimes, yeah. Silver Mantis can cut through high defense like tissue paper once she lands a hit or two, so I've found oranges to be more useful for fighting her (or even better, both). Pretty sure there's at least one other EB where I favored that strategy.

As a general rule of thumb, though, it's hard to beat 'throw purple inspirations at it until it dies' as a strategy over most of the game.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



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Set this to ENABLED.

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
Actually, the Paragon City map has been updated in the latest VidiotMaps map pack. I got feeling the exact same way you did, and decided to do something about it. It's not displayed on the Web site, but it is visible in-game.

Hmm, I just noticed that it still shows a link between Crey's Folly and the RWZ. Guess I'll have to fix that in the next update.
Yes...OP - as mentioned in a previous Reply, the VidiotMaps pack is a remarkably powerful "must-have" 3rd-party addition to the game (the only CoX-sanctioned 3rd-party addition of which I'm aware).

Great for simple zone-to-zone travel, badging, finding specific Enemy groups, and on and on.

Get it, love it, use it only for Good.

But the Devs letting the "official" in-game map go uncorrected for SO LONG is my one, grating peeve about the game.



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
A lot of good newbie advice there.

A few things I didn't see in the list, or which bear repeating, are:

You change your costume at either Icon in Steel Canyon (hero) or the Facemaker in Cap au Diable (villain).

Be sure to do the police scanner missions in KR between levels 5-9, and again from 10-14, to get some temporary travel powers. They're worth it. (If you're playing a villain, they'll come naturally from doing paper missions followed by a successful bank robbery.)
Costumes can be changed at tha tailor in not only Steel and Cap, but also Independence Port and Founders Falls for Heroes, St. Martial for villains, or Pocket D or the Vanguard Base for either.

And as for the temp travel powers, you can get the Raptor Pack from the vendor in Grandville or Firebase Zulu for 10,000 inf without having to get to level 5 first. 10,000 inf is easy to make, as long as you saved your tutorial enhancements and inspirations. And both Grandville and FBZ are pretty easy to get to thanks to the ability to swim without being pounded on by high level foes along the way.

I would still recommend doing the King's Row Safeguard though at level 10, since the Zero G pack is pretty cool to have anyway. At least if you outlevel the bank missions, you can still do them if you are teamed up with someone else who has them, and still get the temp powers.