Pvp server
Its called Freedom. You can transfer there for free this month.
Used 2 Be Good - PvP Geriatric Style
Disgrace and Glory
The Virtuous Vanguard
Free server transfers this month???
Used 2 Be Good - PvP Geriatric Style
Disgrace and Glory
The Virtuous Vanguard
Actually kind of pvp server existed ..it was called Test Server with relative free stuff, was nice..untill devs shut it down...
Please subscribe/sign to this thread If you would like to see this happen. I'm new to the forums and dont know if a thread like this has already started (please attach link if so).
If the Devs cant make this happen why not just rename a current server with low population "Player Vs Player" and we can utilize the free server transfer. It really is a good idea and would keep us complaining pvpers subdue for a least a $14.99 or whatever I pay a month for this game. |
Which is admittedly close to the current situation, but not how it was intended, or should be, imo. Your idea would set it in stone instead of helping to support casual-PvP-ers or encouraging PvE-ers to try PvP.
(Also, I think that making petitions is not something the forum rules approve.)
Actually they could accommodate a pvp server.
What they end up doing is allow free transfers to and fro from that one server. After you are done you are only allowed to transfer back to server that character came from.
Hey it an idea.
Actually they could accommodate a pvp server.
What they end up doing is allow free transfers to and fro from that one server. After you are done you are only allowed to transfer back to server that character came from. Hey it an idea. |
Freedom RV is more of a joke than Virtue servers RV; it's Kinda sad (especially villainside).
First Arena event the scrapper, defender, blaster team left after their first wipe.
Second Arena event they left cause We had an elec/therm, lol.
Seriously, I had expected more from freedom server. I transfered back to Virtue.
Let me know when test comes back. Till then, i'll be in Virtue where we've chased all the lolfiteklubers out.
P.s. We don't need a PvP server. Cross-server instancing for PvP would make much more sense (Which essentially would be a PvP server.)
Eh, I was on board for the freedom thing, untill I actually participated in 2 Arena events and RV.
Freedom RV is more of a joke than Virtue servers RV; it's Kinda sad (especially villainside). First Arena event the scrapper, defender, blaster team left after their first wipe. Second Arena event they left cause We had an elec/therm, lol. Seriously, I had expected more from freedom server. I transfered back to Virtue. Let me know when test comes back. Till then, i'll be in Virtue where we've chased all the lolfiteklubers out. P.s. We don't need a PvP server. Cross-server instancing for PvP would make much more sense (Which essentially would be a PvP server.) |
As far as fiteclub, I never see it happen on Freedom because the zone is just too busy, Virtue I have seen and interrupted fightclubs several times.
I find it to be the exact opposite. I moved one toon to Virtue and one to Freedom on the same day. While I will admit Virtue doesn't seem to be quite as "clickish" for arena matches, they have still been very lol compared to Freedom. RV has even been more lol. While broadcast isn't as bad on Virtue as it is on Freedom, I haven't found people working together as a team on Virtue, at all. Pretty sad and not very competitive IMHO.
As far as fiteclub, I never see it happen on Freedom because the zone is just too busy, Virtue I have seen and interrupted fightclubs several times. |
or "You're a f*ing ***" crosses the line into personal attacks.
Really isn't what I was looking for in a PvP community.
You must not be on the same time we are on. Fiteclubs rarely, if ever happen and teaming happens a great deal because we are a smaller group.
Who do you play on Virtue?
How's that? Also, basing your opinion of a server on two total matches against bad players isn't a very good idea.
This rarely happens in freedom. You team and it's as if they're still soloing (surprisingly even in during arena matches). It's the fiteclub mentality. Probably not so much freedomers as much as the people who have transfered from other servers like Justice.
I'm easily irritated. Don't get me started on the SFs and TFs I suffered through on Freedom.
Anyway, if test server is ever resurrected I'll be more than willing to come and learn. I just don't want to put up with freedom server.
I'm used to joining a pug in Virtue's RV, calling targets and the members of my team actually cooperating as a team.
This rarely happens in freedom. You team and it's as if they're still soloing (surprisingly even in during arena matches). It's the fiteclub mentality. Probably not so much freedomers as much as the people who have transfered from other servers like Justice. I'm easily irritated. Don't get me started on the SFs and TFs I suffered through on Freedom. Anyway, if test server is ever resurrected I'll be more than willing to come and learn. I just don't want to put up with freedom server. |
I'm used to joining a pug in Virtue's RV, calling targets and the members of my team actually cooperating as a team.
This rarely happens in freedom. You team and it's as if they're still soloing (surprisingly even in during arena matches). It's the fiteclub mentality. Probably not so much freedomers as much as the people who have transfered from other servers like Justice. I'm easily irritated. Don't get me started on the SFs and TFs I suffered through on Freedom. Anyway, if test server is ever resurrected I'll be more than willing to come and learn. I just don't want to put up with freedom server. |
I left freedom because the community there seems to take PvP far too seriously. I don't mind trash talk, I do it all the time. However, being PMed with "**** you n- *******"
or "You're a f*ing ***" crosses the line into personal attacks. Really isn't what I was looking for in a PvP community. |
But yeah, if you don't have tough skin (which it sounds like you don't if you let petty crap like that get to you) freedom isn't the place for you.
If someone trash talks you, your doing something right.
As far as teams, half call targets, half don't. Of the half that don't, half od those, target calling is implicit. But the other half is just, well, lets group together and try to kill more stuff.
My stalker got on a team the other night with mostly doms and a corr. Was lovely, nobody called much, but they didn't have to. I just looked for the held or knockdown guys and AS. Sharked/impaled when they started to run. Got mucho kills.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
I left freedom because the community there seems to take PvP far too seriously. I don't mind trash talk, I do it all the time. However, being PMed with "**** you n- *******"
or "You're a f*ing ***" crosses the line into personal attacks. Really isn't what I was looking for in a PvP community. You must not be on the same time we are on. Fiteclubs rarely, if ever happen and teaming happens a great deal because we are a smaller group. Who do you play on Virtue? |
Regarding Virtue: every time I've brought my Stalker into RV there since free transfers started, it was either a group of villains camping one or two heroes (usually Scrappers or Tankers) at the hero base, or fiteklub under the statue or by the hospital in the northern part of the zone. Not one time I've been in there has there been actual organized PvP.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
That's pretty close to accurate there, mac. Whenever I'd go in, the Hero scrapper squad (both of them) would get dropped two or three times, then just wait at the base until the zone emptied out again. It'd wind up as four villains farming two heroes with another scrapper waiting by the drones until everyone left.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
It's funny you say that. Most of the transfers from virtue seem to have the fightklub mentality on lock. I heard one guy complaining about how tanks and brutes have phase on freedom and that he was switching back to virtue because nobody actually stood and fought here.
But yeah, if you don't have tough skin (which it sounds like you don't if you let petty crap like that get to you) freedom isn't the place for you. |
It was definitely fun and I'm still recommending folks to freedom if they are serious about PvP.
That's pretty close to accurate there, mac. Whenever I'd go in, the Hero scrapper squad (both of them) would get dropped two or three times, then just wait at the base until the zone emptied out again. It'd wind up as four villains farming two heroes with another scrapper waiting by the drones until everyone left.
It should also be known that Hot of War (of the SG, Korea) and Hero Base Drone 436-B have announced their engagement. We expect the wedding sometime next year, in the fall.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
hmm I'd go for cross server PvP instances/matches -- whatever it may be... so bascially a server but not
I didn't like test for pvp simply because you could have anything you want ... it should be earned -- test is for testing purposes and sadly thats the only viable but infeasible option available at the moment
I must say sure build the PvP up on freedom -- but everytime I'm over there its just like ehh yeah no thanks. Guess it could grow on me as there is some 'competent' people to play with.
As far as you virtue peeps -- you make it what it is >_< The camping thing is true generally -- but there is moments of fun every now then. However I must say that its a tug-o-war on who is camping who. Heroes out number so the villains stay put, but wait now there is more villains so the heroes are pushed back and now they wait - rinse and repeat - Its nothing new
There is life just got to know when things are goin

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Please subscribe/sign to this thread If you would like to see this happen. I'm new to the forums and dont know if a thread like this has already started (please attach link if so).
If the Devs cant make this happen why not just rename a current server with low population "Player Vs Player" and we can utilize the free server transfer. It really is a good idea and would keep us complaining pvpers subdue for a least a $14.99 or whatever I pay a month for this game.