3rd Annual Mr. and Ms. Paragon City/Rogue Isles Costume Contest




I'm too excited to sleep...



This was a lot of fun just scoping out everyones toons, even if i don't get near winning. Events like this and the character auction previously have been a great way of getting many people on the server together and reminding me how cool a crowd we have. I was so busy playing up to the crowd i almost missed actually entering, and lost most of my costume to the crowd too .



It was great to see lots of representation from our server, even that one dude running around in his underwear and screaming about his personal medical conditions. Good luck to all who entered!



Originally Posted by kybarsfang View Post
It was great to see lots of representation from our server, even that one dude running around in his underwear and screaming about his personal medical conditions. Good luck to all who entered!
Wow, I'm glad I left after my entry and walking around a bit! I get disturbed enough playing with Voo and Ham, hehe.

This event always makes me feel self-conscious. I feel my Minnesotan/Scandinavian origins whenever I have to talk about myself or if I'm "under the microscope" like I was with this.

As usual, thanks to PERC for running this with such aplomb... all of you felt very fun and professional with all this (though I did get in at the start of the event! ).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Thank you too the Players of this server it was a really great event.

I am going to speak for the judges and say it truly was a pleasure doing this event.

oh and results will be posted later this week.



We would like to thank everyone that participated in the Mr. and Ms. Paragon City/Rogue Isles Costume Contest. We would like to congratulate the Victory Server winners.

Mr. Paragon City Victory Serenity Cow
Runner Up Psyckotic

Ms. Paragon City Victory Abby Cadabby
Runner Up Ms Deadly Emo Rage

Mr. Rogue Isles Victory Zexitous
Runner Up Negative Botany

Ms. Rogue Isles Victory Vanity De Vain
Runner Up Circe Nightshade

Each winner will receive a Gold Title for 6 months and 1 costume code on their choosing. The finals will be held on the Test Server, Friday the 8th of January at 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific.

The Finals portion of Mr and Ms Paragon City/Rogue Isles has a series of Question and Answers to be completed. Either Madame Pistacio or Ice Knight will be in contact with each winner with their information for the Finalist website.

Specific Rules for the finals.

1. Finalists must be present to win. If a finalist is not then they will be disqualified.

2. Finalists must have their questions answered and all finalist information completed by the 3rd of January before 11:59 PM Pacific. If a Finalist does not have this completed, P.E.R.C. will award the Runner Up from that category the spot in the finals.

3. If a finalist notifies P.E.R.C. that they can not attend the Finals, P.E.R.C. will allow the Runner Up to enter the finals.

4. In the event we have to award the Runner Up a spot in the finals, they will be given 72 hours after the deadline to complete the finalist information. If they do not, then that server will not be represented in that category.

If anyone has any questions please post them here or send a PM to Ice Knight or Madame Pistacio



Gratz to the winners.




Come on Victory bring home the overall titles.





Originally Posted by Ice Knight View Post
We would like to thank everyone that participated in the Mr. and Ms. Paragon City/Rogue Isles Costume Contest. We would like to congratulate the *Server name* winners.

Mr. Paragon City Victory Serenity Cow
Runner Up Psyckotic

Ms. Paragon City Victory Cadabby
Runner Up Ms Deadly Emo Rage

Mr. Rogue Isles Victory Zexitous
Runner Up Negative Botany

Ms. Rogue Isles Victory Vanity De Vain
Runner Up Circe Nightshade


Mr. Paragon
Guardian of Shadows
Sunset Samurai

Ms. Paragon
american gal
Ashley No.2
Freja Fire
Mist Weaver
Ms Deadly Emo Rage
Sailor Toril

Mr. Rogue Isles
Negative Botany
Tal'anor Ja

Ms. Rogue Isles
Vanity De Vain

With this being the people that signed up, why are only 3 of the possible candidates even listed? Only one as a winner. Gratz Chumley, and 2 others against unknown people that didn't sign up for the event.


<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



I'll field this one.

The short answer is walk-ins.

The long answer is:
Just because a person preregistered does not necesarily mean they had the best costume for their catagory according to the judges.



Walk-ins ******* suck.



I think that though we may be disappointed that we may not win, it's still best to congratulate those who beat us out. I hope they represent Victory well in the finals.

Perhaps for next year the judges could be clear on how eligibility works concerning registry? I'll be honest, my entry was actually based upon perceived competition.

Is there any way we could photos of the servers winners posted?




We have allowed walkins the past 2 years. We do this specifically due to the fact that such a small percentage of players actually read the forums. The first year we ran this contest we did not allow walkins. The amount of venom that caused made us reconsider. Mind you that year we had a link on the updater so every player saw the information.

As for walkins winning. It would not be fair for us to allow walkins to compete but eliminate them in favor of pre registered individuals even if we felt that their costume was better. If you pre registered you were judged first. This year we had more walkins then pre registered competitors. 48 walkins to 16 pre registered. A 3 to 1 ratio. Last year 59 Registered and 31 walked in.

While I prefer pre registered competitors, walkins allow for everyone that wants to compete, to compete. As for screenshots, we should have them posted soon.




Sorry all who registered, I was a walk in(I'm Psyckotic btw >.>) I didn't really hear about the contest until my friend, who was a PERC rep, was spamming the messages in the Request channel. I'm kinda hoping that Serenity Cow isn't able to make it... I mean, I lost to a cow? That must be one helluva cow. :P



I don't mind about the walk-ins, I was just glad I didn't have to wait forever to be judged. I wouldn't have done it if I was a walk-in... I'm not good on waiting a long time when I have limited game time, heh.

Of course, I do wish I had won. Sunset Samurai has a frickin' awesome costume and I've had a lot of compliments on it in the past, hence my entering him. But I know how judging things goes. Congrats to all the winners!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



**complain complain complain**
Grats to the winners, i would like to see a posting of the winning costumes if that is possible.



Originally Posted by Ice Knight View Post

We have allowed walkins the past 2 years. We do this specifically due to the fact that such a small percentage of players actually read the forums. The first year we ran this contest we did not allow walkins. The amount of venom that caused made us reconsider. Mind you that year we had a link on the updater so every player saw the information.

As for walkins winning. It would not be fair for us to allow walkins to compete but eliminate them in favor of pre registered individuals even if we felt that their costume was better. If you pre registered you were judged first. This year we had more walkins then pre registered competitors. 48 walkins to 16 pre registered. A 3 to 1 ratio. Last year 59 Registered and 31 walked in.

While I prefer pre registered competitors, walkins allow for everyone that wants to compete, to compete. As for screenshots, we should have them posted soon.

I am of of the 2 villain males that preregistered for the event, even though i lost i am vary much for allowing walk in's for stuff like this. as i always say ,"the more people that can have fun the better."



I'm not mad at the walkins, I was just mildly confused on that with the rules. To tell the truth had I known that I would have sent tells to a few on other servers to represent theirs. Oh well, I hope Victory brings home the title.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I think that though we may be disappointed that we may not win, it's still best to congratulate those who beat us out. I hope they represent Victory well in the finals.

Perhaps for next year the judges could be clear on how eligibility works concerning registry? I'll be honest, my entry was actually based upon perceived competition.

Is there any way we could photos of the servers winners posted?

Same here Zamuel. Seems like a rules change after the fact. If I had known just any schmo walking up could participate I wouldn't have bothered entering or at the very least just not bothered showing up if a change in the rules had been posted here.

Walkins being aloud should have been on the flyer, not doing so kinda brings future PERC events into question for me. Congrats to Chumley and Emo Rage. F the walkins. :P


<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



Are all servers this whiny?

Anyway, grats to all the winners, I really loved seeing all the costumes out running around, and that giant mess of pushup was really funny.



most severs are more whiny then us, or so i am told :P