3rd Annual Mr. and Ms. Paragon City/Rogue Isles Costume Contest




So we will know by tomorrow at least then? Kewl, hopefully they're being posted here?



They'll be posted in their appropriate forum.



thx for clearing that up, next year I'll pre-register anyway, thx for the fun.



When will the winners of the frist round be contacted. Its been over a week since the winners were announced. the finals are comeing up soon and i have not recived anything for winning the frist round. no word on my title or costume code. isnt the finals on the 8th of Jan?



Originally Posted by chumly View Post
When will the winners of the frist round be contacted. Its been over a week since the winners were announced. the finals are comeing up soon and i have not recived anything for winning the frist round. no word on my title or costume code. isnt the finals on the 8th of Jan?
The information for the finals is being sent today. As for titles and costume codes, that will be arranged and announced once I have a confirmed schedule of availability to hand out titles and confirmed contact info of all finalists to send codes.




*Added Note

We needed to wait for all servers to be completed and winners announced, otherwise servers from the first weekend would have a big advantage over those on the second weekend. Best of Luck! Go Victory!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Thanks MP and Ice. got it all filled out and sent. Good luck to all the finalist in the finals



soo umm where do i find screen shots of other severs' winners? It is something i am intrested in seeing, and not replicating.



You can go to the other servers forums and they will probably have a thread titled similarly to this one.



Just makeing sure i got the times right for the finals. 1-08-2010. Starting at 9pm EST.?
On the test server, in Pocket D?



Originally Posted by chumly View Post
Just makeing sure i got the times right for the finals. 1-08-2010. Starting at 9pm EST.?
On the test server, in Pocket D?

You got it!!! See you there.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



The Server winners from Victory for Mr and Ms Paragon City/Rogue will be awarded their titles
Monday the 11th at 4:15 PM PST that is 7:15 PM EST

For those that can not make it to get their titles, They can arrange a time with Niviene directly.

Just a reminder the Winners from Victory are;

Male Hero
1st: @Uranium235: Serenity Cow

Female Hero
1st: @Witters2: Abby Cadabby

Male Villain
1st: @Zexitous: Zexitous

Female Villain
1st: @Mr. Chumly: Vanity De Vain

The costume codes that the winners can choose from are as follows;

  • PPD Hardsuit
  • Freakshow Tank Boss
  • Carnie Harlequin
  • Knives of Artemis
  • Carnie Ring Mistress
  • Praetorian Clockwork
The winners will need to email perc.coh@gmail.com

They need to state their character, server and code they want.

I will be sending in game tells to all the winners reminding them of the time.