I would love to see you try!
On the contrary, I think your position is more popular than you imagine. It's the entire point of powergaming and minmaxing, after all: to trivialize difficulty, then dare the game to kill you.
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And I didn't really min/max much out of Torchlight. The game is absurdly forgiving for that sort of thing, as every item can be enchanted seemingly infinitely (barring a minor chance to break it) about as long as you have money, which produces some... Overpowered results. That, and I found a bug similar to what Sierra's Diablo Hellfire had. Curious...
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Well, certainly. Though powergaming is more the desire for ever greater challenges, whereas mine is more the desire for ever greater LACK of challenge
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Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
On a semi-serious reply - "I would love to see you try!" feels like you've just summed up my experience with Scrappers over the years.
Damn do I loves me some Scrappers.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

On a semi-serious reply - "I would love to see you try!" feels like you've just summed up my experience with Scrappers over the years.
Damn do I loves me some Scrappers. |
It's such a... Basic feeling, to be honest, but that alone has made so many games and movies for me, and I could just fall in love with any story which has that as a climax.
P.S. And, of course, I got negative rep for this:
You opinion spam a lot. |
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Well, certainly. Though powergaming is more the desire for ever greater challenges, whereas mine is more the desire for ever greater LACK of challenge
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I powergame so that I can enjoy a complete lack of difficulty. As far as I'm concerned, the only situation where challenge is acceptable is if people find the game difficult and I find it hilariously easy.

That feeling of staring down the hordes of evil, all chanting and roaring, screaming how they will eat your guts, then cracking your knuckles, putting on a mile and proclaiming "Oh, I would love to see you try!" |
I expect every mission to be completed without failure and every bad guy to be defeated in the end, but as long as there's that pretense of challenge that lets me feel I've won a great and stunning victory, maybe with the occasional token setback or two, the game stays fun.
I don't want to approach new and dangerous enemies worrying about what they can do and fearful of the danger. I want to approach them excited that I have found a worthy opponent and itching for a fight. |
If i had my way with creating enemy stats, i'ld make AVs vary totally with some of the following to make them a challenge.
- Only some will have a high regeneration rate
- Some will have very high attack stats but a lower def/acc/resis.
- Some will have very high defence/resistance stats but low/medium attack.
- Some will use tactics like be entirely flight based [give the user a temp flying power in the mission].
- Some will be entirely of speed/range.
- Some will transform into even stronger AVs once almost defeated.
- Some will have their "type" change during the battle [start off resis to nothing, at 3/4 health become resis to say psi + fire, 1/2 health become resis to neg / nrg etc etc]
- Have multiple copies spawn in the room [just like decoys but all looking the same] with you having to try and defeat the correct one [the decoys do little to no damage however].

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Totally agree with you Sam. I'm trying AION atm, and it's relly getting on my wick tbh. Getting killed by a single pig makes me want to smash my monitor to bits. Getting killed by a single mushroom that comes up to my knee made my instantly ragelog. I don't understand why on earth anyhone actually wants to fight something like Reichsmann in the Khan TF. What an awful, painful, slow, repetitive trudge. As far as I'm concerned. Other folk like it, and more power to them, as long as i don't have to do it.
Difficulty sliders are just basically awesome; they cater for every approach. My only mild gripe is that the difficulty doesn't go down enough (with an equivalent frop in rewards, to nil).
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
I don't find the game too easy at all. Well, sometimes, when teaming, probably down to the ATs and Powersets my teammates are using.
When I solo (either through choice or lack of available teams) I always keep it on base difficulty and yeah, there are some thing that are not that difficult, maybe even easy, but that's because I try my best to think about how best to play.
changing between ATs can make a huge difference in how you have to go about punching those enemies in the face.yeah I've run through complete missions with barely a pause after a mob, but then I've also had to try and draw a couple of enemies at a time away from even a small mob or hit and run sometimes. Of course then there have been the missions where I've suffered 2 deaths for every one enemy I've taken down, or worse! (COT don't like Arachnos soldiers)
I certainly think it's a good thing there's all the difficulty options, folks who like an even greater challenge, or who've chosen a build specifically to have a high-powered character might like, or even need the tougher mobs to make the game fun. That's cool. I go by character concept most of the time, and feel that a lot of the time it probably ends up with me having a less than optimal character for winning fights, but I enjoy it the way it is, and if some of my toons can only take on one or two baddies at once, oh well, just means that they feel a little bit more heroic when they take out a GM or something...or that they'd better focus on banter in order to add something to a team.
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
You opinion spam a lot. |
As long as the opinions are thought out, well-written and have enough detail to create a discussion, I don't mind.
And are in the right section of the forums. What else are "General Discussions" really for?
To each their own.
If a game has a deep story, so much that I want to see the story without interruptions, I will consider over-levelling or power gaming. But I MUCH prefer the versimilitude of muddling by 'in character' and limiting myself to only what my character would do or perceive in a situation and seeing how things come out.
I'd rather play a good game through several times and get various endings than just Tankmage my way through and count it as a win.
I don't want every fight to be a struggle to survive; you have to plow through mooks ever so often. But I want fights against the Bosses of a game to feel like real acheivements.
If he didn't face plant me at least once, he probably wan't tough enough to count as a Boss. I want certain enemies to make me rethink my tactics, scrape together some extra resources, look for that sudden burst of inspiration, etc.
In an MMO, however, the rules are a little different. I imagine it is tough, expecially in a game like this one, to come up with a Boss (or more properly, an AV or EB) that isn't a walkover for a certain build, while making it only 'properly tough' for the 'wrong' build.
But then, that's how I like my super hero stories, too: I prefer stories where the hero finds a way to triumph over overwhelming or seemingly hopeless odds, even at the cost of his own life, rather than those where the hero plows through armies of mooks that don't pose a threat.
When it comes to superhero battles, I'd rather see Ben Grimm struggle against, lose to, then come back and outwit the Hulk, rather than a Hulk story where he just whomps the crud out of a bunch of tanks again.
Although I do enjoy both.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Me, I'm for a bit of a balance. I don't want a game where I can just walk into any battle and know I'm (almost) certainly going to come out on top, but I also don't want a game where one slip will cost me the fight and I need to try over and over again before I finally win. I want a game where I will lose if I'm careless, but not one where I'll lose if I'm not perfect/lucky.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I both agree and disagree here. I like facing the confussion of what is going to happen. That [imo] is a true test of skill, that even when something suprising happens that you can overcome your worthy opponent and still come out as the victor.
I like the thought of facing an incredibly tough opponent and being able to stand toe-to-toe with him and fight him on his home ground. I doesn't have to be easy and I don't have to win every time, but I need to feel like I can take care of myself and like I have a chance.
Playing Blasters used to be nothing but terror and dread. Before the Defiance changes, and even farther back before they got their hit points boost, every boss was panic and disaster. It was a fight where I was a victim and he was a monster and the only way I could survive was by hard, hard struggle and lots of crossed fingers. I don't enjoy that. I can handle losing, as long a I know I fought well. Held by a boss right off the bat then two-shotted within 5 seconds does not make me feel that way. Been there, done that.
But, you see, that was the whole point of the thread - I can keep up this endless elaboration all day, and I'm sure it's boring to just about anyone but myself. That's why my revelation made me so happy. I can now express this quite simply. I want to face a boss who threatens to kill me, and I want my response to be "I would love to see you try!" If I'm in a state of mind where this is the first thing that comes naturally to me, the game is doing well.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Playing Blasters used to be nothing but terror and dread. Before the Defiance changes, and even farther back before they got their hit points boost, every boss was panic and disaster. It was a fight where I was a victim and he was a monster and the only way I could survive was by hard, hard struggle and lots of crossed fingers. I don't enjoy that. I can handle losing, as long a I know I fought well. Held by a boss right off the bat then two-shotted within 5 seconds does not make me feel that way. Been there, done that. |
But, you see, that was the whole point of the thread - I can keep up this endless elaboration all day, and I'm sure it's boring to just about anyone but myself. That's why my revelation made me so happy. I can now express this quite simply. I want to face a boss who threatens to kill me, and I want my response to be "I would love to see you try!" If I'm in a state of mind where this is the first thing that comes naturally to me, the game is doing well. |

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
We're actually talking about the same thing here. Even if the Thing loses to the Hulk, his reaction will never be one of panic or despair, as used to be my reaction when my Blasters met a two-boss spawn. Even if he realises that the situation is pretty dang bad all around, his reaction is always the same: "It's clobbering time!" Win or lose, in fear or in anger, he knows that he is strong and he knows that he can rely on his strength when it really comes down to it. He doesn't have to win, but that sort of confidence is something I value very highly.
I find these kind of threads interesting so more please
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I generally don't mind time limits in City of Heroes, because they're not at all tight, more of a "You need to finish this before you go to bed tonight." sort of deal. Getting two and a half hours to de a mission that can be done in 20 minutes is plenty of leeway, so much so that the only way to fail it via real life emergencies. I've only really lost them when maintenance kicks me out of the game or when I lose power or network connection. I've not failed a timed mission for lack of time in years. About the only place where this comes to play is the Hydra Trial, as that damn timer is the worst enemy of all.
Why ask me that, though? I'm just curious, because I completely fail to read any intent behind it, which is somewhat unusual for me. Do you mean to present that as an alternative to difficulty, where I can feel strong and be strong, but be pressured by time instead of difficulty? Because if that's the case, I'm actually not sure I'd rather have limited time than limited power. Heated battles tend to develop their own internal timers, such as how long it takes before the boss lands that crippling blow and wins, or how long it takes me to whittle him down and if I can survive. I tend to prefer those "counters" over a timer counting down, because a timer usually just compounds a problem. And losing via timing out is actually WORSE than getting killed

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
We're actually talking about the same thing here. Even if the Thing loses to the Hulk, his reaction will never be one of panic or despair, as used to be my reaction when my Blasters met a two-boss spawn. Even if he realises that the situation is pretty dang bad all around, his reaction is always the same: "It's clobbering time!" Win or lose, in fear or in anger, he knows that he is strong and he knows that he can rely on his strength when it really comes down to it. He doesn't have to win, but that sort of confidence is something I value very highly.
Good thread Samuel!
I find myself in almost total agreement with you.
I pretty much like how easy CoX is.
Through the years some things have gotten easier, some harder.
Some things I think got too easy.
I miss the days when debt meant something.
I wouldn't want to go back to the days when my blasters were usually debt-capped, and almost never debt-free. But it somehow feels wrong to always clear your debt in the next spawn or two. I used to be pretty proud of a battlecry I often used:
"If I ain't in debt . . . I ain't tryin hard enough ! !"
Some things got harder.
I wouldn't want to go back to being able to herd the whole map into a rail car. But sometimes the current agro caps depress me.
I miss being able to run through the streets of Perez, trailing 50 or more lowbie enemies after me and then defeating almost all in a single blast. No XP. But they are after all many levels lower, and it should be possible. Once an enemy goes grey, it shouldn't take as many or more hits than a green con did.
I DO like it as easy as it is now, and your "I'd like to see you try" is a really good description.
I know that as many of the nerfs happened through the years, People answered the nerfs with
"I used to feel Super. . . but now . . . "
Fully agree. I would +rep to make up for it, but you seem to have too much +rep from me recently to allow that
Some parts of the game ARE still hard. I had the feeling of 'Awe and anticipation' during the Baracuda Reichs SF. The cutscene had me raring to go. Hell, even the mission after that was fine, as it was explained why it happened.
The actual end fight? Well, it didn't help that the first try was when the MM God-mode crasher power was bugged...and I was the MM. I got so freaking angry on that run...sheesh.
Thats the thing. We dont play games to get angry with them. We play games to enjoy them. Sure, it should be challenging at times, and have puzzles and optional bits. I mean, case in point, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Yes, bits were hard. But, dear lord, I woulda loved to have met the guy who designed the levels. They were awe inspiring. Sure, the lack of a compass (or a decent map...) made it a bit harder for the wrong sort of reason, but that was outweighed by the awesome factor.
Games are meant to be fun. However you play them. Thats the be-all and end-all, however you look at it.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Techbot Alpha
Some parts of the game ARE still hard. I had the feeling of 'Awe and anticipation' during the Baracuda Reichs SF. The cutscene had me raring to go. Hell, even the mission after that was fine, as it was explained why it happened. The actual end fight? Well, it didn't help that the first try was when the MM God-mode crasher power was bugged...and I was the MM. I got so freaking angry on that run...sheesh. |
To me, a big mistake that City of Heroes often makes is mixing up the notions of difficult and tedious. While in a purely technical sense, a tedious fight is difficult, it's difficult for the wrong reasons. It's difficult to sit through it and not question the point, much more so than it is to actually win it. Passive difficulty, or the "mountain of hit points" or "hits like a train" phenomena, are the bane of MMOs everywhere.
Thats the thing. We dont play games to get angry with them. We play games to enjoy them. Sure, it should be challenging at times, and have puzzles and optional bits. I mean, case in point, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Yes, bits were hard. But, dear lord, I woulda loved to have met the guy who designed the levels. They were awe inspiring. Sure, the lack of a compass (or a decent map...) made it a bit harder for the wrong sort of reason, but that was outweighed by the awesome factor. |
And, yeah, the Prince of Persia games aren't terribly difficult but for a few specific encounters (All games have those. We have Nosferatu.), but they more than make up for it with oodles and oodles of style points. And, really, neither Warrior Within nor the Two Thrones gave me that sense of "Come and get me!" like Sands of Time. In Sands of Time, I knew that no matter the enemy, no matter how big and no matter how hard it hit, I could always outwit them, knock them down and absorb them. In fact, it became somewhat of a goal of mine to fight entire large-scale battles without taking a hit, scoring imaginary Cool Points for doing so. Not all battles went that way, of course, but it was fun to try.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Why ask me that, though? I'm just curious, because I completely fail to read any intent behind it, which is somewhat unusual for me. Do you mean to present that as an alternative to difficulty, where I can feel strong and be strong, but be pressured by time instead of difficulty? Because if that's the case, I'm actually not sure I'd rather have limited time than limited power. Heated battles tend to develop their own internal timers, such as how long it takes before the boss lands that crippling blow and wins, or how long it takes me to whittle him down and if I can survive. I tend to prefer those "counters" over a timer counting down, because a timer usually just compounds a problem. And losing via timing out is actually WORSE than getting killed |
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Yeah just trying to think of alternative methods to make boss battles more challenging. Can see what you mean, with a timer you would feel more rushed than anything and would lose the possible superhero feel to it [though a timer appearing once you've rescued a hostage to lead them out in X amount of time would be good imo].
Running bosses are a lot like that, actually. Doesn't matter if I'd be able to beat the boss in a stand-up fight. Once he takes off running, if I don't have any status effects that can affect a boss (like most Scrappers), I'm essentially reduced to running after him, landing a punch, running some more, landing another punch and hoping to chip-damage him into submission before he runs out the door. I feel like a little kid hanging on the guy's leg as he's shuffling towards the exit. And Crimson is the WORST. A running AV who can slow and immobilize and has Elude. Bleh!
On the other hand, a timed boss done right is the Hydra head. There it's not a question of just rushing in and hoping for the best, because you have just about enough time to do everything the RIGHT way if you know what you're doing. It becomes a question of efficiency and coordination, not "ZOMG! THERE'S NO TIME! HURRY!" It's a case of "less haste, more speed" and that is a rare thing indeed in video games. Usually it's just a question of cutting corners or just doing things faster.
In my opinion, the key to an exciting boss fight isn't difficulty at all. It's complexity. Having a walking Mt. Rushmore of hit points that comes down on you like a ton of bricks is difficult, but ultimately boring. On the other hand, a boss that goes through several stages, shifts his abilities, summons minions, requires terrain interaction and so forth is interesting to fight and at the end it feels like an accomplishment. Frankly, our bosses are boring, for the most part. They have a couple of attacks and lots of hit points and they just swing, swing, swing. I would take even the lamer MegaMan bosses over the ones we have here, because each of those was always scripted with special conditions and states. Ours rarely are.
Here are a few things I like - if you see an Embalmed Cadaver/Abomination preparing to take a dump and you can't interrupt it, RUN AWAY! It'll blow up, but if you're far enough away, it won't hurt you. No such luck with elite boss/AV nukes. In fact they come out so fast it usually takes me a few seconds to register that something happened at all, then several more to register that the team just wiped, and then several more to work it out backwards that the boss must have nuked by sheer induction. That's not how these things should be happening. The triangles, horrible as they are, are at least a step in the right direction - make the boss give cues as to its states and planned actions and give players a chance to respond to them. I'm not talking about dodging out of the way of projectiles, but at least give me a two-second warning before you shove Nuclear Blast down my throat, please!
And you know what astounds me? The Khaan TF, something that should have been the very pinnacle of modern-day City of Heroes design, has a final fight that is essentially a group hug punctuated by four AV ambushes. That's it. Nictus Romuls had more depth than that! Hell, the Hydra Head fight, something which dates back to I1 in 2004, has more depth than that. Maybe the Barakuda SF is more interesting than the Khaan TF, I don't know, but it just bugs me that this was the perfect opportunity to have something more elaborate than chipping down a mountain of hitpoints, and yet that's what it comes down to.
Big stats do not make for a cool boss, guys. It just makes the fight tedious and boring. A cool boss fight is something which involves something OTHER than punching the boss until its health drops. Have him retreat, have him become very vulnerable, have him start charging up a big attack that we can interrupt, have him run away and hide behind a door we have to tear down. Just something more than tank-n-spank.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
You should really try the Baracuda Strike Force. I like much better than the Khan.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
I take it that something along the lines of the final room in the hero side respec trial is something you like? Well if they changed it to a kind of boss battle [i suppose it kind of is].
Does seem to have a few key fun factors in it though. The interaction with the safety bubbles, keeping the reactor healed/cooled, defeating the ambushes before they can damage it and make sure at least somebody is keeping an eye on it. Come to think of it, i wish we had more things like that room!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
This thread may be a bit pointless... Well, more than is usual for me. Please forgive me for that, because this is something of a revelation for me, a brainwave that finally put into words something that I've been trying to say for years on these forums.
Now, we've all seen the debate about difficulty countless times - is City of Heroes too easy, or is it actually kind of difficult? Now, I know what you'll say: "Of course it's too easy!" A lot of us who come here to the forums. To a point, I will agree - many of us who come here to the forums simply know how to game the system, and if there's one truth about City of Heroes, it's that the system willingly offers us PLENTY of ways to game it if we so choose. So on the one hand, the game really IS too easy, because it's designed with a base level difficulty that is rather below even borderline top-of-the-range performance.
On the other hand... Well, I've talked about how I don't want every fight to be a boss battle, either figuratively or literally, how I want to feel strong, and I want to feel like I don't have to scrape by and gang up to defeat my enemies, but rather they have to gang up to defeat me. And while I love my long-winded explanations so very much, something happened to me today that just put it all down to a single sentence.
I started playing a game called Torchlight today. It feels like a new-age remake of the original Diablo in WoW-style semi-cartoony graphics. More to the point, on Normal difficulty the game feels like I'm playing a tank-mage. I picked a ranger class to play, because the ranger was the only girl (and the warrior was ugly as sin), but I managed to stack so much armour on her that most enemies can't even register any damage and I overdid my offense so much that what doesn't die in a single shot dies in two. So, yeah, a tank-mage. I had my share of fun dominating the various hellspawn in my way, only really pausing to consider my safety against genuine bosses, always taking the lead antagonist's taunts on the chin and smiting his minions swiftly.
One boss, when I got to him, taunted me with something to the effect of "How dare you interrupt me! I will kill you for your insolence!" My immediate, instinctive response was "I would love to see you try!" And you know what? That single sentence is an embodiment of my holy grail of gaming experience, and practically everything I've ever truly enjoyed in a video game. Ideally, it would always come to this. Ideally, that's the sentiment I want to have.
I don't want to be afraid of my enemies. I don't want to walk into a room and think "Notgoodnotgoodnotgood!" or "Oh my god! It's a boss!" I want to know that I can take care of myself, that I can rely on my own skills and powers, and that I can stand my ground. I want to know that I'm safer than always just one slip-up away from catastrophic failure. I want to look at danger with excitement, not apprehension. I want to hear a boss say he will grind my bones and have my immediate, instinctive, subconscious reaction be "I would love to see you try!"
I realise mine is a biassed, unpopular position, but I don't want to approach new and dangerous enemies worrying about what they can do and fearful of the danger. I want to approach them excited that I have found a worthy opponent and itching for a fight. I want to approach the level boss and not want to do my best to avoid as much of the fight as I can. I want to approach that fight looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing him try. And fail.
I beat the boss in question, by the way. He turned out to be FAR tougher than I had expected, and he really did end up pushing my limits quite a bit. But in the end, he tried and he failed. I just hope the game doesn't toss me a cheating boss later on.