Question for those new to Kheldians.

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Normaly i would go off the rails explaining why this is at best poor form and at worst ignorant, but in the end it's your loss not the Kheldians, so...

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



It's a game.

I play it the way I like it.

Not unlike how folks with Khelds respond when folks groan after a Kheld joins a team.

The game is just fine without players scattering mobs, bringing in additional team wipes, and not compensating enough to make it worth the team's while to keep the WS or PB around.

I don't disband a team. I just leave it to have all those wonderful benefits of having Khelds on it. I also leave teams with blasters who can’t control KB and scrappers who go Leroy Jenkins. It’s nothing personal about the player behind the PB or WS, but they bring in factors that are normally associated with incompetent play – not by human tactics but by design.



It is a game, sadly incompetance, ignorance, and intolerance are not as easy to spot as a Kheldian when it joins a team.

Then they could just avoid you and save the trouble for all.

If you are so incompetant you cannot handle cysts and voids your not bringing much to the team to begin with.

If your so intolerant you cannot tolerate KB without it ruining your "game" enjoyment then again, the team isn't losing much with your absence.

But thank you for dropping by the Kheldian forums to personaly give us all the fringer.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
It is a game, sadly incompetance, ignorance, and intolerance are not as easy to spot as a Kheldian when it joins a team.
Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post

Then they could just avoid you and save the trouble for all.

If you are so incompetant you cannot handle cysts and voids your not bringing much to the team to begin with.

If your so intolerant you cannot tolerate KB without it ruining your "game" enjoyment then again, the team isn't losing much with your absence.

But thank you for dropping by the Kheldian forums to personaly give us all the fringer.

Why do you choose to make it personal?

I've said nothing about you.

I've also stated that I don't feel players using Khelds are incompetent or use poor tactics.

Your anger is misplaced.

I don’t kick Khelds from teams.

I don’t ask or demand Khelds change their style of play.

I don’t encourage others to leave teams with Khelds that I am leaving or announce why I am leaving.

I don’t think the drags on the Kheld build/play offset the advantages, so I no longer play them. It’s not as if the primary issues I had disappear as the AT levels. I’m not rejecting the AT without having tested for a considerable time. I also don’t play blasters (too squishy and too much KB, plus almost constant energy management issues).

So, I think I’ve given the build a fair shake and decided it’s not for me.

I think you should reconsider what I've actually said, instead of what you think was written. I'm willing to accept an apology, as well.



I'm sure you would love an appology, but I think your dreaming.

Things you could have said:

I don't like the KB, and I personaly am not able to handle the voids and cysts.

Things that made it personal:

I leave teams when a kheld joins because them being on the team detracts from my enjoyment.

You could have listed your problems with the AT factually but chose to make sure everyone knew that you found them such a pox you had to leave the team to maintain your level of fun.

You apparantly do not have the ability to play well enough to handle cysts and voids when nearly everyone I have ever spoken to who does more than occassionaly dabble in Khelds is able to.

Thats incompetance.

You do not Know how to effectively handle voids and cysts, thus you have problems with them.

Thats ignorance.

You find the presence of a Kheldian on the team such a detriment on your fun that you have to leave.

Thats intolerance.

I could have said it nicely but like you I chose to say it with a little attitude, to REALLY get MY point across.

I would be happy to accept an appology as well.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I'm sure you would love an appology, but I think your dreaming.
A moment of growth for you...missed.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I don't like the KB, and I personaly am not able to handle the voids and cysts.
But that would be false.

I can handle the cysts, et. al. I choose not to deal with them because they slow the pace of missions and the powers the PB or WS bring to the table are not enough to off-set it.

So, they cysts are not too difficult to conquer. If you read what I wrote, instead of imagining what I wrote (as I suggested earlier), you would understand the difference.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Things that made it personal:

I leave teams when a kheld joins because them being on the team detracts from my enjoyment.
Hate to break it to you, but . . . you're not a Kheld. You play a Kheld in a video game.

So, while I comment on blips on a screen, you chose to attack the actual person and not the argument.

Perhaps some time away from the game would give you perspective.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You could have listed your problems with the AT factually but chose to make sure everyone knew that you found them such a pox you had to leave the team to maintain your level of fun.
I did list the problems with the AT. Again, read what I wrote and not just what you think I wrote. This seems to be a pattern.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You apparantly do not have the ability to play well enough to handle cysts and voids when nearly everyone I have ever spoken to who does more than occassionaly dabble in Khelds is able to.
See above.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Thats incompetance.
If I could not beat a cyst on a team? I suppose. However, that's not the case. You need to take more time and provide reasonable and not hysterical responses.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You do not Know how to effectively handle voids and cysts, thus you have problems with them.

Thats ignorance.
There is a degree of ignorance on display, I agree.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You find the presence of a Kheldian on the team such a detriment on your fun that you have to leave.

Thats intolerance.
It is. I also don't stay on teams with blasters who won't (not can't) control KB and scrappers who think they can aggro entire rooms.

I cannot tolerate bad play from players and/or powers of ATs that effectively mimic incompetence (lack of KB control, aggroing unneccessarily, etc).

Hey, you're used to scattered mobs, longer missions, the occassional team wipe because of unneccessary aggro. This is normal to you, not unlike folks who live in desparate poverty have grown accustomed to it. I'm simply used to a different standard of play.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I could have said it nicely but like you I chose to say it with a little attitude, to REALLY get MY point across.

I would be happy to accept an appology as well.
I apologize for insulting all Khelds, those imaginary beings that populate a video game.

Laughing here.




Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
Not only do they leech from teammates,
See, I think this is a perfect example of what Positron was talking about when he said, "A bonus under some condition can always be viewed by a player as a penalty under other conditions."

Personally, I don't feel that Kheldians are stronger when on a team, I feel that they are penalized, solo, for being "tank mages". The bonus on a team is to encourage them to team, instead of just doing it all themselves since they can. So if you look at it that way it's not "leeching". (And besides, leeching is when you earn XP from a group without contributing to it. If you are contributing with your greater powers then that's not leeching, not in that sense anyway)

but the type of bonus they get is AT-specific, which seems to go counter to the current "no AT required" philosophy of CoX.
Again, that's not the way I look at it. The concept of the Kheldian is that he adapts himself to the team, fitting into whichever role is most needed. If the team needs a meatshield, he uses Dwarf form, if it needs damage dealers, he uses Nova form. The Inherent does the same thing, if the team is strong on offense, then a Peacebringer will balance that by bringing more defense. A Warshade, conversely, adapts himself to match the team's specialization instead of balancing it.

No AT is "required", because a PB or WS does not have to be balanced to contribute to a team. The PB can rely on his teammates to fill in where he is weak, while the WS can just help the team specialize with damage if that is what they want. (And the WS does more damage on a larger team anyway, so even on a defense heavy team he's bringing more damage, which is usually what everyone wants. )



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Quick question GavinRuneblade; have you tried using a bind file rather than just pasting binds into the game?

If you use a bind file then worst comes to worst we can email you a file that someone knows works and see what happens when you load that up. I think a lot of us here work in IT and are so jaded by 'user error' that we refuse to believe anyone has real problems sometimes

Personally I also hate any IT faults and am determined to make them work for you!
Bind files definitely gets into user error territory. =) I tried once back when I was on a PC and I failed, but I'm pretty confident I did something wrong because on the PC binds worked in general. Currently I'm on a Mac and the only instructions for using bind files I've found refer to the PC directories. Not sure if they still apply in my case.

The main reason I am convinced that at least some of my problem is not user error is the macro issue. Just recently on another character I was helping some friends get teh Banished Pantheon Spirit badge. They were passing around a macro that created a button labeled "target" and if you click it it targets the next spirit. Worked for everyone but me. I got the button, it never targetted anything. click, click, nothing happens. Even when I can see two, it doesn't select either. For everyone else it worked. And I have a few characters with macros that worked on my PC that don't work now on my Mac which I haven't touched in terms of the code.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
It's a game.

I play it the way I like it.

Not unlike how folks with Khelds respond when folks groan after a Kheld joins a team.

The game is just fine without players scattering mobs, bringing in additional team wipes, and not compensating enough to make it worth the team's while to keep the WS or PB around.

I don't disband a team. I just leave it to have all those wonderful benefits of having Khelds on it. I also leave teams with blasters who can’t control KB and scrappers who go Leroy Jenkins. It’s nothing personal about the player behind the PB or WS, but they bring in factors that are normally associated with incompetent play – not by human tactics but by design.

As far as I know they have never fixed the bug where teaming with a kheldian and then not teaming with them frees you from the formation of quants/voids/cysts. So quitting shouldn't do you much good on that front.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
As far as I know they have never fixed the bug where teaming with a kheldian and then not teaming with them frees you from the formation of quants/voids/cysts. So quitting shouldn't do you much good on that front.
Nope. The Kheldian taint still exists. I don't mind it. More enemies mean more rewards. Only the ignorant and/or weak have a problem with that.

Be well, people of CoH.



To Jade Dragon: Just to clarify, I was griping about the Kheldian inherent powers, not the ATs themselves, and I certainly wouldn't call them leeches. Also, your point about using the inherents to keep Khelds from being too powerful solo is a good one. I still feel that gaining bonuses based on ATs present is wonky, although it fits with Khelds' metamorphic natures. I know, the Suggestions forum is ---> that way, but at least the Kheld inherents are better than Vigilance.

Also, if you want to get rid of the Kheldian taint, a team that had a Kheld on previously must disband completely. It also won't carry over if you log out and back in.



And in a quick comment to the argument: Dudes, Chill.

Seriously, for some people Knockback is a penalty, not a power. For other it is a great power. Never the twain shall meet.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Chilling is a good call.

I simply tire of tools such as this coming to the Kheldian forums without any knowledge whatsoever of Kheldians spouting totaly inaccurate and or biased crap and then retreating to that coveted moral higher ground of "I live in the real world/It's just a game" when it's pointed out the only real flaws lie in their inability to figure out how khelds work or that they simply lack the "It's not just all about me" philosophy to be able to play with others who don't completely and toaly fit their play preferances.

Although to be honest I would be laughing too if I could only play competantly with people whos AT's and power sets EXACTLY conformed to my idealized style of play.

Unreal is right.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Although to be honest I would be laughing too if I could only play competantly with people whos AT's and power sets EXACTLY conformed to my idealized style of play.
The applicable verb that goes with gaming cured me of taking things too seriously long ago. You play games. Play. Not grind. Not obsess over. Not take seriously. Not work at. You play games. If they ever stop being fun, then you should take a break because you're doing it wrong. Play = fun. Play =/= serious.

Life got so much better after I really learned this.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The applicable verb that goes with gaming cured me of taking things too seriously long ago. You play games. Play. Not grind. Not obsess over. Not take seriously. Not work at. You play games. If they ever stop being fun, then you should take a break because you're doing it wrong. Play = fun. Play =/= serious.

Life got so much better after I really learned this.
Tru 'dat!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Erin, did you do all the font stuff to make your post look deliberately untidy? I have tidied the fonts up in my quotes.

I have also tried to put your quotes into topics, so they aren't in chronological order.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Not unlike how folks with Khelds respond when folks groan after a Kheld joins a team.

The game is just fine without players scattering mobs, bringing in additional team wipes, and not compensating enough to make it worth the team's while to keep the WS or PB around.

I don't disband a team. I just leave it to have all those wonderful benefits of having Khelds on it. I also leave teams with blasters who can’t control KB and scrappers who go Leroy Jenkins. It’s nothing personal about the player behind the PB or WS, but they bring in factors that are normally associated with incompetent play – not by human tactics but by design
Leaving a team to me without even giving the Kheldian a chance makes me think you are in your early teens. It is a very childish attitude.

Hating KB is one thing (Heaven knows I hate it myself) but you seem almost allergic to it, especially when you consider that of the KB users Khelds and energy blasters are the most preferable, since the things they hit are also going to die soon.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
It's also true that I've left and formed new teams when a Kheld gets on the team. I'd rather restart a team than deal with the distractions brought on by WS and PB.
Again this is your childish attitude surfacing, the distractions are very minor and nothing compared to what a Kheldian can bring to a team. You have either teamed with some bloody awful Kheldians, or haven't given them a chance.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
It is. I also don't stay on teams with blasters who won't (not can't) control KB and scrappers who think they can aggro entire rooms.

I cannot tolerate bad play from players and/or powers of ATs that effectively mimic incompetence (lack of KB control, aggroing unneccessarily, etc).
Uncontrolled KB is awful I agree, and I have kicked people and left teams before, but a sensible adult would judge the player not the AT.

Secondly a scrapper who aggro's the entire room is only in the wrong if they cannot cope with it. Many can and do just as well if not better than some whole teams. Again judge the player not the AT.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Found them no more or less effective than other ATs that don't have the above two. I know, this is where you tell me how little I know or appreciate them. Fine. After 28 (PB) and 22(WS) levels, I had enough of the drawbacks.
This I can understand a little more, I don't think they are more or less effective than other AT's, but you are overstating the drawbacks.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
I don’t think the drags on the Kheld build/play offset the advantages, so I no longer play them. It’s not as if the primary issues I had disappear as the AT levels. I’m not rejecting the AT without having tested for a considerable time. I also don’t play blasters (too squishy and too much KB, plus almost constant energy management issues
So, I think I’ve given the build a fair shake and decided it’s not for me.
I actually don't think you have given them a fair shake. KB takes some getting used to if you are to do it right. In the right hands it is a very powerful tool. If you had taken the time to learn how to use it you might find you actually enjoy the benefits it brings to your toons.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
I can handle the cysts, et. al. I choose not to deal with them because they slow the pace of missions and the powers the PB or WS bring to the table are not enough to off-set it.

So, they cysts are not too difficult to conquer. If you read what I wrote, instead of imagining what I wrote (as I suggested earlier), you would understand the difference.
I think Bill Z Bubba summed this up very well below:
Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Nope. The Kheldian taint still exists. I don't mind it. More enemies mean more rewards. Only the ignorant and/or weak have a problem with that.
So if you think a Cyst is slowing down a team then you either are not handling them properly, or need to realise that they are just the same as any other mob and give xp.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Hey, you're used to scattered mobs, longer missions, the occassional team wipe because of unneccessary aggro. This is normal to you, not unlike folks who live in desparate poverty have grown accustomed to it. I'm simply used to a different standard of play.
This sums it up well for me. You are childishly putting anyone who has KB powers into a group. You hate KB and will avoid it as best you can rather than learn how to use it well.

None of the dedicated Khelds on this board scatter mobs, make missions take longer or cause teamwipes, only those who don't know what they are doing have that effect. It sounds like you don't know what you are doing.

Lastly: I have been a little harsh here, because I really hate posts like yours claiming KB is evil and therefore Khelds are bad. I hate KB myself, but only because I don't trust most people using it, I know I use it well and I know others who do too.

So I would say to you, get over your fear of KB, learn how to use it properly and only avoid those people who dont use it properly rather than whole AT's.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The applicable verb that goes with gaming cured me of taking things too seriously long ago. You play games. Play. Not grind. Not obsess over. Not take seriously. Not work at. You play games. If they ever stop being fun, then you should take a break because you're doing it wrong. Play = fun. Play =/= serious.

Life got so much better after I really learned this.
While I accept this to be true, I also contend there is a personality type who derives fun from taking things seriously.

Anything I can take as irrelivant, quickly becomes uninteresting, and therefor unfun.

I do have to smile when I think what the people I play with would say to the percieved notion that I take things to seriously would be though.

In any case, my intial reaction was to just let it pass but I find the idea of leaving teams with Kheldians on them or kicking Kheldians from teams (which was not stated but I find it a similar attitude) irritating, ignorant, and inflamitory (which I believe was the intent) and took the bait and responded in kind.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Sorry for multiple posts, I didn't want to just make one huge post that nobody would read!

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Bind files definitely gets into user error territory. =) I tried once back when I was on a PC and I failed, but I'm pretty confident I did something wrong because on the PC binds worked in general. Currently I'm on a Mac and the only instructions for using bind files I've found refer to the PC directories. Not sure if they still apply in my case.

The main reason I am convinced that at least some of my problem is not user error is the macro issue. Just recently on another character I was helping some friends get teh Banished Pantheon Spirit badge. They were passing around a macro that created a button labeled "target" and if you click it it targets the next spirit. Worked for everyone but me. I got the button, it never targetted anything. click, click, nothing happens. Even when I can see two, it doesn't select either. For everyone else it worked. And I have a few characters with macros that worked on my PC that don't work now on my Mac which I haven't touched in terms of the code.
I am not sure how pathing works on a Mac to be honest. When I get time (Next week likely) I will have a look into it and make a file for you that should work. Then I will give you that to test and we can see from there. I really want to get this working for you!

Macs are evil though, so if it doesn't work I will advise you to burn it and buy a PC

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
While I accept this to be true, I also contend there is a personality type who derives fun from taking things seriously.

Anything I can take as irrelivant, quickly becomes uninteresting, and therefor unfun.
This is exactly my line of thinking too. I have lain awake at night pondering builds and IO's and influence and failed Mo runs etc. If I didn't take it seriously I wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

You have to understand it isn't life of death, but that doesn't mean you can't take it seriously.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post

Leaving a team to me without even giving the Kheldian a chance makes me think you are in your early teens. It is a very childish attitude.
Sadly this attitude is not just something attached to young people, It's a personality type that remains all to common in all walks of life including online gaming.

Beyond that, the post is exactly what I was thinking myself and just took the low road to say it.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Somewhat on topic... I deleted my new peacebringer. The AT has nothing about it to make it worthwhile for me at this time.

If Castle ever gets around to tweaking it so that it's more on par with its WS counterpart, I'll take another look.

Until then, I've got plenty of other characters that are actually enjoyable. No point wasting a character slot on something that isn't.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Somewhat on topic... I deleted my new peacebringer. The AT has nothing about it to make it worthwhile for me at this time.

If Castle ever gets around to tweaking it so that it's more on par with its WS counterpart, I'll take another look.

Until then, I've got plenty of other characters that are actually enjoyable. No point wasting a character slot on something that isn't.
And Bill Z pops in to be that wonderful light of hope we all know him to be.

I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't find it fun, there's nothing to argue against.

Not only that, I doubt anyone can deny the performance gap between WS and PB.

I, however, happen to like my new PB. Not as much as my WS, but I do like it. At this point, I feel like a blapper that doesn't do as much damage, but doesn't die as often. I play on teams pretty regularly, though, so I'm getting more out of the inherent.

Bill Z, if I remember correctly, you tend to judge based on solo performance. I agree that as a general rule, my PB is sub par to my other characters when taken solo. If I'm on a team, the line is a might fuzzier.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



It is true that I judge all my characters on their ability to solo.

The fact that I've got corruptors and a dom that solo better than an AT with 3 self-heals and damage resistance toggles says a lot to me.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The fact that I've got corruptors and a dom that solo better than an AT with 3 self-heals and damage resistance toggles says a lot to me.
Just goes to show that hard control and solid debuffs equate to a lot more survivability than half measures of resistance and heals.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Erin, did you do all the font stuff to make your post look deliberately untidy? I have tidied the fonts up in my quotes.

I have also tried to put your quotes into topics, so they aren't in chronological order.
Nah, it was doing it in Word than copy/pasting.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Leaving a team to me without even giving the Kheldian a chance makes me think you are in your early teens. It is a very childish attitude.

Again, read what I wrote.

I've played the WS and PB. I've given them a chance.

I've teamed with them. I've given them a chance.

Folks, just try to read what is written.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Hating KB is one thing (Heaven knows I hate it myself) but you seem almost allergic to it, especially when you consider that of the KB users Khelds and energy blasters are the most preferable, since the things they hit are also going to die soon.
That suits your style of play.

I like running teams of efficient killing machines, not sloppy scatter-mobs.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Again this is your childish attitude surfacing, the distractions are very minor and nothing compared to what a Kheldian can bring to a team. You have either teamed with some bloody awful Kheldians, or haven't given them a chance.
Nothing childish about experiencing something many times and judging it's not suited for you.

That, in fact, is the opposite of being childish.

I've given Khelds many chances and played them to see if they are worth playing.

It suits you.

I don't kick Khelds from teams (childish).

I don't announce why I'm leaving (rude).

I simply decide to play with folks who don't bring distractions to the game. In the case of Khelds, it's built in. In the case of poor blasters/scrappers/whatever, it's human error.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Uncontrolled KB is awful I agree, and I have kicked people and left teams before, but a sensible adult would judge the player not the AT.
What is unreasonable?

I let Khelds play however they wat and don't dictate to them.

I don't kick Khelds from teams because their AT has problems.

I chose not to team with bad players or flawed ATs after having teamed with both many times.

Again, that is reasonable.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Secondly a scrapper who aggro's the entire room is only in the wrong if they cannot cope with it. Many can and do just as well if not better than some whole teams. Again judge the player not the AT.
No, that's not the case. A scrapper who aggros a room jeapardizes the team and also fails to play the role they need to play on the team. A team needs to work as one unit. When parts of the team refuse to work as part of the unit, why not find someone who is willing to work as part of the team?

Isn't that reasonable?
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
This I can understand a little more, I don't think they are more or less effective than other AT's, but you are overstating the drawbacks.

I actually don't think you have given them a fair shake. KB takes some getting used to if you are to do it right. In the right hands it is a very powerful tool. If you had taken the time to learn how to use it you might find you actually enjoy the benefits it brings to your toons.
Early on, I stated that this would be a likely response and I am willing to accept it as a reasonable response. Unless I hear that there are changes in the design of the Kheld, though, I don't see a reason to revisit since my issue is not with the people playing the Kheld, but with the AT design.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I think Bill Z Bubba summed this up very well below:
That's his opinion. If I want to ratchet up the difficulty, I can on my terms. If I don't want to, I can bring it down. Again, it's personal preference and whether you're willing to accept unneccesary distrations vs. preferred situations.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
So if you think a Cyst is slowing down a team then you either are not handling them properly, or need to realise that they are just the same as any other mob and give xp.
Why is it unreasonable to want to play without such distractions?
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
This sums it up well for me. You are childishly putting anyone who has KB powers into a group. You hate KB and will avoid it as best you can rather than learn how to use it well.
I do dislike KB, but as I said I play with blasters who have KB. I do not play with blasters who refuse to control their KB.

If the Khelds only issue was KB, then your point would be valid.

However, that is not the only reason I no longer play Khelds and why I prefer not to team with Khelds.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
None of the dedicated Khelds on this board scatter mobs, make missions take longer or cause teamwipes, only those who don't know what they are doing have that effect. It sounds like you don't know what you are doing.
I'm willing to acknowledge that folks who run Khelds are good players.

I've not indicated differently.

Sure, there are bad Kheld players. But, as I've said, there are bad scrapper, tank, blaster players.

Again, you and others here wish to make it personal to me by accusing me of being childish and not knowing how to play the game.

Maybe, just maybe, I know the game very well and know how well it can be played without distractions. Maybe I've decided to maximize the game, rather than deal with limitations that you and others are willing to accept.

Try approaching my statements reasonably and not so defensively.

You are not a Kheld.
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Lastly: I have been a little harsh here, because I really hate posts like yours claiming KB is evil and therefore Khelds are bad.
Please read what I write.

KB is not evil. Folks who cannot control it are not worth teaming with.

KB+host of other issues=slower missions and other issues.

There is a difference.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
So I would say to you, get over your fear of KB, learn how to use it properly and only avoid those people who dont use it properly rather than whole AT's.
For someone who likes to quote what I've written, please quote where I say exaclty this. It's earlier in the thread.

I don't team with blasters who refuse to control KB.

The KB issue is not an anti-Kheld thing, though many here want to make it into one.

Some here are really, really defensive when I'm not making an issue over how well any individual plays the game.

My issue is with the Kheld limitations and their abilities do not offset it, in my eyes.

Stop getting personal about it. Stop internalizing design criticism.