Question for those new to Kheldians.

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Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I . . . took the low road to say it.
So, I'm due a sincere apology then?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just goes to show that hard control and solid debuffs equate to a lot more survivability than half measures of resistance and heals.
Sadly, it isn't just the survivability issue. Before I deleted her, the PB was using both builds. One human only and the other tri-form. I had just hit 20 but respeced so that I could use the khel respec cheat to overslot the forms.

The character's survivability was higher on the tri-form build. It's damage output was also higher. Unsurprisingly, being stuck in the forms and dealing with the known flakiness of form shifting ripped the fun I had been having as human-only right out of it.

For me, those are the two choices with a PB: Be weak but have some fun doing it, or be less weak but have no fun doing it.

Not acceptable choices.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
So, I'm due a sincere apology then?
Not even remotely.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Sadly, it isn't just the survivability issue. Before I deleted her, the PB was using both builds. One human only and the other tri-form. I had just hit 20 but respeced so that I could use the khel respec cheat to overslot the forms.

The character's survivability was higher on the tri-form build. It's damage output was also higher. Unsurprisingly, being stuck in the forms and dealing with the known flakiness of form shifting ripped the fun I had been having as human-only right out of it.
I can completely understand this sentiment. On my WS, I find shapeshifting fun. On the PB... not so much. Without mire and eclipse I don't want to waste buildup time in a shapeshift. I also want the classic godmode that light form offers, without being stuck in an unslotted human form. As such, my PB is going to be a human only.

I do question this "known flakiness" of form shifting. I don't think I've experienced anything crippling on my WS. There one annoying thing I have noticed is getting the shift to dwarf canceled by a mez. Other than that... I'm just not sure what you could be referring to.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
For me, those are the two choices with a PB: Be weak but have some fun doing it, or be less weak but have no fun doing it.
I plan on going with option three: Be powerful on a team having fun with SG mates. If I want to solo and farm, I'll pull out my MM.

Where to now?
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Shift to dwarf canceled by mez
Tray swapping failing to occur with shift or tray becomes greyed out
Time to shift

Crippling? Of course not. Annoying to the point of deletion? Yup.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just goes to show that hard control and solid debuffs equate to a lot more survivability than half measures of resistance and heals.
And that any apparent fear on the part of the devs towards Ranged/Defense, at least as it stands in this game, is overexaggerated. As I have said since the beginning. I've always felt the devs underestimated the prevalence of ranged attacks on critters in this game, compared to other MMOs.

This is not to say that the Ranged/Defense combo should not be weaker damage or defense wise than a specialist with range or defense, but there is room for tweaking.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Shift to dwarf canceled by mez
Tray swapping failing to occur with shift or tray becomes greyed out
Time to shift

Crippling? Of course not. Annoying to the point of deletion? Yup.
The advantage of "known flakiness" is that as it is known, it can be anticipated. Tray swapping has stopped being an issue since I changed my behavior to only drop out of human form after all attacks have fired. Mez cancellation is still an issue, but typically I find once I realize it's happening I can shift to try and match the rhythm of it, or just use a Break Free. It's not like you could shift to Dwarf form when mezzed BEFORE.

Time to shift has never been an issue with me. I would actually like to see Dwarf/Nova shift time halved, and then the shift to Human form become a true queueable shift with an equal animation time (and appropriate graphic effect) but I don't expect it to be reduced overall.

I do admit to being less annoyed with it rather than not annoyed, though. I am still waiting for a fix to the Human form shift, and will continue to bug the mods about it until it gets done. I don't care if they have to use a kludge like an Inherent power that shifts you back to Human. Just do what needs to be done.



Shift to dwarf canceled by mez
Tray swapping failing to occur with shift or tray becomes greyed out
Time to shift

Crippling? Of course not. Annoying to the point of deletion? Yup.

I've always been in the PB camp (my highest WS is L22), so I find this unusual,
but interesting, although there's always been a lot of "polarisation" within the
Kheld community over AT and forms preferences imho.

It's been a long, long time, since I ran one so maybe I need to dredge up
my fav PB (& respec him for ED & I9+) to see what all the hubbub is about.

One thing, traywise, I always did, was leave one tray (#4 I think), with
"oh crap" powers for all three forms, so it has things like Quant Fly, Dwarf Step,
Energy Flight etc. in it... That way, if binds screw up (which they used to
back in I4 days) there's always one tray that has useful/usable powers no
matter what form you end up in...

My binds would then just swap out the form specific stuff in the tray for
each form while leaving the "Blend Tray" alone and always available.

As far as original topic goes, back in the I3/I4 days, the -30% penalty, and
Voids by the truckload (even in places where they made NO story sense)
nearly drove me to deep-6 Kheldians more than once... Thankfully, that
got better (eventually) so I hung in there with my PB's.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
It's been a long, long time, since I ran one so maybe I need to dredge up
my fav PB (& respec him for ED & I9+) to see what all the hubbub is about.
The problem is that there is a recent "fix" to costume powers to prevent them from being detoggled if you have a power queued up. So if you are firing off an attack and hit your Form power to return to Human, you will not return to Human. Your tray will switch, but you will still be in the Form, and all your Human powers will be greyed out.

This was to stop an exploit which apparently involved the Halloween costumes, but it got Kheldians as well. Positron said they were looking into it, but there has been no more mention of it. The big issue is that as turning a toggle OFF is not a power ACTIVATION, it is not queued. It is not even possible to put it on the queue, at least the way things currently stand.

Personally, what I would like to see is for it to be possible to have certain toggles put on the queue to be detoggled, and to give them a deactivation animation as well. That would solve the issue of return to Human form not having a special effect. Which would, as I said, allow animation time of Form activation to be reduced since total shift time from Form to Form would remain unchanged.



I leveled a tri-form PB to 50 and enjoyed being a jack-of-all-trades/master-of-none. This was back in I3 or I4. The hardest part for me was tray management until I learned how to make binds.

The next hardest part was quantums and voids. They have been nerfed a bit and we have been buffed a bit (quite a bit if you include IOs), so it isn't as bad as it used to be.

The third problem I had was the long animation to change forms. Many were the time that I died in mid-transformation. At the same time, I loved dive bombing a group as a Nova with my AOEs, switching to dwarf on the way down, and stomping my foot as my stupid heat-seeking missles slowly caught up to me and picked a target. If I got the timing right, it was a thing of beauty and wonder.

The final thing that bothered me (and still does) was the inability to customize forms, even a little bit. I would be so happy if we could have a cape or a sash to place on a form and choose the color or pattern for it.

I had a warshade that my son started and we got to the teens and then I deleted. My PB was already 50 or close to 50 and it did not seem as fun to me. Now that I have more experience under my belt, I should try making a new one.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I know better, I truely do....and yet.

Here I am again.

I read through the entire post several times but decided this was the point I would respond to best.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
I'm willing to acknowledge that folks who run Khelds are good players.

I've not indicated differently.
True, your just assuming that based on your ultra narrow view of acceptability that the AT of the forum your posting in is horribly broken to the point you feel the need to inform everyone you refuse to play with them. Whats unreasonable about that?

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Sure, there are bad Kheld players. But, as I've said, there are bad scrapper, tank, blaster players.
True but the Kheldians are so broken that it's totaly distracting. Thankfully your here to warn everyone about the dangers of teaming with kheldians

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Again, you and others here wish to make it personal to me by accusing me of being childish and not knowing how to play the game.
Your ultra narrow view of acceptable "distractions" is what is getting you pegged as childish. And not just childish but only-childish.

Lets have a look at your complaints of distractions.

One mob in some of the groups (which actually replaces a normal mob), which does no more or less damage to you than any other mob must be killed.

Once in a long while an object appears which any competant group can decimate in under 10 seconds (and gives extra xp) must be destroyed.

Do you feel the same way about Rikti portals? Sky Raider FF Generators? Demon portals?

By your narrow view tons of regular missions are rife with nothing but distractions. Do you avoid them too? or are they acceptable distractions?

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Maybe, just maybe, I know the game very well and know how well it can be played without distractions. Maybe I've decided to maximize the game, rather than deal with limitations that you and others are willing to accept.
I find this unlikely at best. Good players know how to deal with "distractions", bad players will normaly avoid them as they find them too difficult to overcome.

You have decided to avoid anything that could slow down your easy xp flow at the expense of never becoming good at dealing with everything the game has to offer good and bad because you have a low tolerance for things that do not come easily.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Try approaching my statements reasonably and not so defensively.
Your statements themselves are not reasonable, their completely and totaly narrow in their scope and ability to relate much less cope with others (and this coming from ME!).

You care about YOU and only YOU, because YOU pay for YOUR game subscription and to blazes with anyone else.

Crazy people never think their crazy.

Stupid people never think their stupid.

Completly narrow minded self absorbed tools always feel their well reasoned logical patriots of the individual.

Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
You are not a Kheld.
Nobody is arguing with you because they believe they are a space alien, their arguing with you because your completely narrow minded, rude, obtuse, inexperienced, arrogant, and self absorbed with no care outside of your obviously narrow view of acceptability of AT, playstyle, power effects, mob types, and speed of mission complete.

In short....were arguing not just because we don't like you very much but because your narrow view of acceptability is completely unreasonable.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



15 English errors. Maybe more. I counted quickly.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
15 English errors. Maybe more. I counted quickly.
Thats fortunate, I error quickly.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Maybe coming into a thread asking why people no longer play Khelds isn't the best place to whine about why people don't play Khelds.

Regarding my CoH preferences, I think I'll stick to teaming with folks who aren't so sensitive about criticism. People who reflexively reject criticism tend not to learn from mistakes or admit certain realities exist.

Happy hunting, Khelds.



Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
People who reflexively reject criticism tend not to learn from mistakes or admit certain realities exist.
The point of criticism is to correct behavior or to provide advice for future improvement. By your own admission, there is no behavior to correct, or improvement that can be made. Your argument is with the DESIGN of the Kheldian. You do not offer advice in how to better play a Kheldian or how to minimize the issues that you find important (and there is nothing we can do to improve it, that is all in the hands of the devs) you merely refuse to team with them. Period.

In short, your advice is, "Don't ever play a Kheldian". That is your idea of "learning from mistakes", the mistake being that we are all foolish enough to play Kheldians in the first place. As such, I don't find it to be constructive criticism at all.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
The point of criticism is to correct behavior or to provide advice for future improvement. By your own admission, there is no behavior to correct, or improvement that can be made. Your argument is with the DESIGN of the Kheldian. You do not offer advice in how to better play a Kheldian or how to minimize the issues that you find important (and there is nothing we can do to improve it, that is all in the hands of the devs) you merely refuse to team with them. Period.
The person inquired why some don't play Khelds anymore.

So, I answered the question that started the thread.

Had that question asked for ways to improve the Kheld, I would have included several ways. It didn't, so I didn't.

"Gigging" me for not providing an answer to a question not asked is peculiar.
Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
In short, your advice is, "Don't ever play a Kheldian". That is your idea of "learning from mistakes", the mistake being that we are all foolish enough to play Kheldians in the first place. As such, I don't find it to be constructive criticism at all.
Please show where I encouraged others to not play on a team with Khelds. I said I prefer not to play with Khelds. I also said I discretely leave teams, so as to not be rude toward other players or, yes, influence the impression of others toward Khelds. It's considerate and mature.

For that matter, please show where I stated that others should not play PBs or WSs.

I'm serious.

If you cannot show it, have the decency to retract your statement and/or apologize.

Finally, I think many here need what is actually posted and not what they think has been posted.

I've lost count of the number of times others in this thread assumed something was written and made a persoanl swipe at me...over something I didn't post.

Rather than fire back with insults, I've chosen to stay focused on the argument at hand, only to be met with more insults and more fabrications about what I've written.

Who wouldn't want a team full of people who act in that way?



Um, question - Why are we arguing with a person who has less than a month of experience?

I mean, they're wrong, but it's not really our job to make them into a good citizen... is it?

As for the Topic, I'm relatively new to Kheldians, but I'm enjoying the experience. No deletions yet.

Be Well!



Why is my PB sitting at 13ish after over a year? (to paraphrase Novella's original question).

Well, I've never gotten the hang of binds - one reason why I solo my MM's as well, BTW. I get the theory of them, and I freely acknowledge that they work and *might* be useful. But setting them up has always seemed to be a big hassle when I could just roll up something that I don't need to bind at all.

Trays fill up too quickly, although I really should go back to her now that I can keep more than 3 trays open on my screen - though that might run into an issue of a cluttered screen.

I pretty much agree with what BillZ has said about not enough damage, etc.

I know that there will be some who want to "solve" my issues with them, but please don't, at least not in response to this post. I'm fine with leaving her sit for a while longer and will come back when I'm ready. I only came int this forum because the thread title caught my eye while scrolling thru the AT forums.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Um, question - Why are we arguing with a person who has less than a month of experience?

I mean, they're wrong, but it's not really our job to make them into a good citizen... is it?
One month on the board does not mean one month of experience. As noted, I've played Khelds. This would logically mean that I've taken at least one character to 50 and the Kheld to certain levels, at a minimum. Doubtful that happens in the first month of play.

I recently decided to register, thinking that I may be able to engage others in thoughtful debate over nuances of the game.

I've remained on the high road here, despite the low road taken by many here (without apologizing, as adults do when they realize they've over-stepped civil boundries), and kept focus on the argument.

To date, no one has said anything that refutes the actual points I've made.

The design has too many drawbacks to make it worth playing. An AT with more drawbacks than advantages is not worth teaming with, in my opinion. Others believe that an AT with more drawbacks than advantages adds . . . something.

I get insulted without apologies for the incivility.

Words are put in my mouth and when I've asked for folks to show where I've said things, they suddenly get distracted by the butterfly out the window, rather than admit I never made statements and that they have misinterpretted what I've said.

I would hope that some of the people who have engaged in the behavior above would take a moment to reflect on their conduct and, even if they don't have the intestinal fortitude to post an apology here, commit themselves to being respectful of others with different opinions in the future.



Your opinions and manner of speech lead those reading your posts to have no reason to reply respectfully.

As you have shown nothing that would give anyone cause to think you capable of "thoughtful debate over nuances of the game," why would you expect it?

Found them no more or less effective than other ATs that don't have the above two. I know, this is where you tell me how little I know or appreciate them. Fine. After 28 (PB) and 22(WS) levels, I had enough of the drawbacks.
Opinion. One not shared by many in this forum.

It's also true that I've left and formed new teams when a Kheld gets on the team. I'd rather restart a team than deal with the distractions brought on by WS and PB.
Action based on opinion. Can not be refuted. Judged rude and\or petty or pathetic, yes, but not refuted.

The game is just fine without players scattering mobs, bringing in additional team wipes, and not compensating enough to make it worth the team's while to keep the WS or PB around.
Opinions. Knockback is great mitigation and on range heavy teams is nothing but mitigation. Your distaste for it has no relevance to anyone but you.

Every single post you've had in this forum has been more of the same. Opinions of little to no worth.

No one owes you an apology for anything.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Erin Go Braugh View Post
Please show where I encouraged others to not play on a team with Khelds. I said I prefer not to play with Khelds. I also said I discretely leave teams, so as to not be rude toward other players or, yes, influence the impression of others toward Khelds. It's considerate and mature.
Considerate, yes, but it does not change your point, which is that in your opinion no one should play Kheldians, because they "bring distractions to the game". That you choose to leave the team and someone else does not is irrelevant, to you they are merely ignoring the distraction. Perhaps to their own detriment. And you have stated as much openly on this forum, so don't protest that you never make your position known.

As I said, you have yet to make a CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. While the OP may not have asked for opinions on how to correct the issues with Kheldians, he did ask about them in order to understand what those issues are. If you have already stated what those issues are, then there is nothing really but to go into greater depth about what can or should be done. Unless you just wish to repeat yourself endlessly.



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
I have been seeing a lot of question threads lately related to how people are finding Kheldians, especially Peacebringers frustrating and confusing.

What exactly is causing you to be confused or frustrated to the point where you delete the character?

The reason I ask is because I have never found them frustrating or confusing and it would be nice to know why people feel that way about them. I come across people in game that I assume are new to the game and don't really know about Kheldians but they always say they haev heard how they are this or that way and I end up having to explain things that counteract what they've been told.

So I ask, what causes those of you who have deleted Kheldians to do so? Is it because they are not straight forward like a Blaster, Controller, Scrapper, Tanker, etc? Is it because you are overthinking the character too much rather than just playing with them and finding your niche? Is it because you are not finding them fun and the power boring?

Please enlighten me.
Hard to join in on a thread so huge, but I thought I would share my opinion.
Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to how my issues are not real.

The reason I tried and dumped my Kheldians is very simple ; Quantum Weapons.

Seriously, giving me an unlockable AT (Which says Reward to me) and then punishing me in such a harsh manner is just plain mean. Issues with Forms; Dont care, I only play human-form. Sound effects or graphics, meh, I can deal with these. Keybinds, dont need em.
But being 2-shot from some bozo in the back that I didnt notice till it was too late, no thanks, I can play a blaster or empath and have better odds.




I know the Quantum damage is now ressistable but do kheldians actually take more damage from the Quantum weapons than any other AT?

I was under the impression they didn't, am I wrong and just didn't notice it in all this time since the changes in i13?

I'm being serious here.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I know the Quantum damage is now ressistable but do kheldians actually take more damage from the Quantum weapons than any other AT?

I was under the impression they didn't, am I wrong and just didn't notice it in all this time since the changes in i13?

I'm being serious here.
Well if the villains called "Galaxy" (Council) are any indication, then no, regular ATs are not vulnerable to the damage. However, my understanding is that Kheldians are "vulnerable" to Quantum damage, so they take more damage than a standard AT.

Also, if I am not mistaken, "Quantum weaponry" is generally only present if you have a Kheldian on your team. Not every spawn has a "Quant" in it, but its prevelant enough that you MUST react to it when present.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Well if the villains called "Galaxy" (Council) are any indication, then no, regular ATs are not vulnerable to the damage. However, my understanding is that Kheldians are "vulnerable" to Quantum damage, so they take more damage than a standard AT.

Also, if I am not mistaken, "Quantum weaponry" is generally only present if you have a Kheldian on your team. Not every spawn has a "Quant" in it, but its prevelant enough that you MUST react to it when present.
"If" thats true you have a case, but I was under the impression it was just energy damage, which is ressisted by all AT's the same.

The vulnerability Kheldians had to the quantum weapons was about -30% (as well as ignoring ressists) if memory serves, but I was under the impression this was removed long ago.

Can anyone confirm with facts wether the -30% ressist to Quantum damage was removed or if kheldians take more Quantum damage than any other AT in game?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Can anyone confirm with facts wether the -30% ressist to Quantum damage was removed or if kheldians take more Quantum damage than any other AT in game?
Quantum weapons do additional damage to Kheldians that are hit by them. This is somewhat like Containment, which is additional damage which is done to a foe by a Controller attack if the foe is held. This is coded into the attack, so when it hits a foe it first does the basic damage, then checks if it satisfies the requirements of Containment, and if it does, applies an additional damage equal to the first.

In short, all Quantum weapons have a code in them something like "do X damage; if player=Kheldian, do Y damage". Y is a MUCH larger number than X.

Honestly, it's true that Quantum weapons are a challenge, although it's become much easier since the damage was made resistable. Dwarf form can now pretty much survive Quantum blasts long enough to pound the Quant into the dirt. I still find the best way to handle Quants is to spot the target before entering combat, single it out with either a Starless Step for a WS or just charge in and use Iridescent Strike as a PB, and retreat if necessary after it is down to recover so you can take on whatever else is in the spawn.

It is a hassle, yes, but there are foes that threaten every type of AT you play. Psi critters cut through Invulnerability's defense, so you'd want to take them out first if you play Inv. Sorcerers and Yellow Ink Men can be dangerous to many ATs, so you want to single them out. Some squishies have a lot to fear from Ancestor Spirits, while tanks often don't. Maybe if Kheldians were a little more balanced, and had Human form status protection as well as resistance to Psi damage, I might say that Quants are their "weakness", but I can still watch out for it pretty well anyway.

The Quantum is certainly no increased threat to my team, only to me. It's possible that I may not be able to fully support the team unless they make the effort to eliminate the threat, but if my team doesn't seem to care about that, I usually just shift to damage dealing and try not to draw the aggro of the Quantum, or stay in Dwarf form if I think I can handle it on my own.

Oh, and Galaxies do the same damage as Nictus/Warshades. (which is just Negative Energy) They are not Quantums. Voids are, though. (Which is why that keybind searches for "quantum", "void" and "cyst")