Question for those new to Kheldians.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Just finished reading this whole thread. To answer this I'll give you my reasons why my Warshade and Peacebringer are both shelved indefinitely. The short version is that 80% of the design is based on taking things away, not giving them to me. This is totally unlike any other experience I have in City of Heroes. And it just feels bad. Everything is either harder than it needs to be, or something I had is now gone for no good reason. And either way, it takes my fun away with it. Here are the specifics (I appologize for the wall of text).
I find that line of thought interesting, it makes perfect sense yet I never even thought of it in that way for one minute. The actual losing of human powers in forms etc seems perfectly reasonable to me, in fact I found the forms had exactly enough powers.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Supposeldy a team-based AT with a team-based inherent, but the devs define "team-based" in the inverted way that I do. This is a "Team-leaching AT" not a "team benefitting AT". Killed it for me right there. VEAT's get supercharged leadership toggles to benefit themselves AND BENEFIT THE TEAM. I get to benefit from my companions while offering them nothing in return. Honestly, I think the Kheldian inherent power is the only one as close to *****'d as the defender's "reward you for doing your job poorly, & give you no inherent power at all 99.9% of the time" inherent. Shouldn't our inherent either buff the team, or both ourselves AND the team? Are we leaches or contributors? This is where I think the Devs first went wrong. At the very foundation of the AT. Their definition of team-based means I benefit from the team, not the team benefitting from me.
I think the VEAT's leadership toggles are rubbish, game breaking, overpowered nonsense designed to please people who can't deal with subtelty so my opinion is biased. But I really like the Kheld inherants, they help the Kheld become better and help the team in that way. Just because you don't have a buff doesn't mean you bring nothing to the team.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The Dev's went too far down the "jack of all trades master of none" concept. Khelds are not flexible enough to be anything I want. I can't be "defender-sh with a touch of melee built in". Instead I just suck at two things. Everything I want to do and can do someone else does better. Even Blappers are more survivable AND more damaging in both melee and range. So why have me around? Unless you're farming and just need someone to pad the team. I'm great for that. Not great for anything else. I'm sub-par for anything else and I really don't feel like the flexibility makes up for it. Instead of feeling like I have the tools to adapt to any situation, I feel like I have the tools to fail in any situation. Which gets directly into the next issue:
Actually I don't think they went very far down that road at all, looking at all the tools there is damage, control and survivability, reminds me of controllers and dominators, but more skewed towards damage.
I know it comes across as 'lrn2play' but both types of Khelds have wonderful tools, they just need using correctly.
The most important advice I tend to give to a new Kheldian player is to focus on what you want to do and don't let yourself be spread to thinly, that is where the feeling of not being able to do anything comes from. 30 powers 3 slotted is nowhere near as good as 20 powers 5 slotted and 10 powers 1 slotted.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I can't use forms. I understand their concept, and I know the value. The problem is that there is a difference between character ability and player ability that I am not sure the Dev's took into consideration. Consider the average First-Person Shooter. All the characters have the exact same abilities. But the players have different levels of agility, precision, timing, etc. Khelds appear to have been balanced around what top-end players can do. I, personally, have the reflexes and precision and timing of a jellyfish on a good day, and an eggplant most of the time. I've tried, really hard, but I can't do forms. The character has the power, it is slotted and enhanced as well as the recommended builds and guides say it should be. But I, the player, am not capable of using the character successfully. Part of this is the clunkiness factor mentioned in many other threads. Multi-second form shifting is an extremely bad idea. Making me start out in human form and not learn forms until after I think I know how to use my character, not a good idea. Making all my hotkeys stop working (I only use 1-6, nothing else because I can't get binds to work and I'm not agile enough to use any others on my keyboard without looking away from the screen) not a good idea. As soon as I form shift I can only fight with the mouse to click buttons until I shift back. Or I can click with the mouse in human form and use hotkeys in dwarf or nova. In the end, I just give up. I can't do it.
The first thing I would say here is that the forms do not need to be used mid combat, you can just find your role in the team and stick to that form without being a leech.
The next thing I would say is post up your particular bind problems and there will be someone here who can help you. Binds help a lot, and yes the interface should be much better, but since it isn't I would make every effort to get the binds sorted. This will particularly help with your 1-6 keys, because they can swap to do the right thing at the right time and once the initial binds are set up it needs no thought at all.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Forms are a take-away not a Give-New. When I go to Nova, I lose EVERYTHING else on my character. Everything. It is all just gone. In exchange for 10 to 20 powers, I have 4 that are almost identical to eachother. The WoW druid was brought up. The key difference between a kheld and a druid is that in forms (except for travel forms) Druids have the exact same number of powers as in their natural state. And those powers are nearly as potent as their counterparts from other characters. Unlike the kheld powers which are massively weaker. And taking away all the powers? Was it just because of animation issues? Hell, give me the power with just a sound effect and no animation if that's the issue. But the experience that I have as a player is that when I switch forms, I lose out. In WoW as a druid, I felt that I was gaining. As a Cat I could stealth. As a bear I could charge. In seal form I could breath underwater and travel really fast. In cheetah form I can run as fast as the horses. All of these are things I can't do at all in normal form. With a Kheld, in nova form I have the same ranged blasts as human, but only 4 of them, and they do more damage but I lost over a dozen other powers. Nothing new was given, but a lot was taken away for only a stat bonus. This FEELs like a loss. I know that strategically it isn't, but it feels like one. Between this and the difficulty to control them, it really feels like forms are a punishment not a power.
Again I think this is just an unfortunate way of viewing the forms, though probably generated from the interface needing upgrading for Khelds. Personally when I swap to Nova I don't need any other attacks. Nova is for damage and you have a great attack chain right away, why have a 5th power if 4 are enough?
I can see why you feel you are missing the human powers though, but a flying Nova with Dwarf level resists, 3 AoE's, 2 PBAoE's and a perma-able mag 3 stun would be overpowered. That is without counting the instant access to heals.
The biggest failing of Khelds is that they need to be played with thought and experience, and the interface does not help that in any way.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I can't solo. Other people can and great for you. I have been driven to the debt cap on level 18 scanner missions set at heroic. After 15 to 20 hospital trips and only getting through about half the mission, I put the character on the shelf. 8 to 12 attacks to kill a minion coupled with stamina problems on par with a tanker = no fun. I've managed to stubbornly stick it out and get my warshade to 36 and peacebringer to 29 but right now they are logging in every three days, dropping a mission, and logging out again and will eventually via this method reach level 50. This is as close to playing them as I get right now because it is more fun than actually trying to use them.
I would say the problem you have is threefold:
A - You haven't got Nova, which especially at low levels does godly damage. My Warshade can make a Positron run go faster than getting a kin with speed boost can.
B - You have probably tried to slot too many powers and spread the enhancements too thinly.
C - You are low level, the human attacks are very weak and you haven't yet got stamina. Nova normally takes the reliance away from the human attacks and stamina will help the endurance problem, but I didn't find it worse on any of my Khelds than any other toon.
The solution to this issue is to persevere with trying to get binds to work, they can be tricky and do go wrong from time to time but since they work the same for everyone there must be a way we can help you. Then pick up Nova form, slot the attacks in it well and your experience WILL change. Even if you never drop out of Nova till you hit 50 you will just be a blaster without his secondary, and I have played blasters like that before.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Targetting corpses on my warshade is next to impossible. I know binds supposedly exist that help with this. I have exactly one bind that almost works. My warshade can teleport if I hold down shift and mouse click. I get three purple error messages about "unknown power name". No other bind or macro I've tried has ever worked. So I'm left trying to manually click something that is physically under or behind a living enemy. I have to move the character around, then angle the camera and try to get in a fast click. Meanwhile the enemy is kicking my but. This is not fun. It also often means teh body I need goes away before I can use it. So I use powers right when an enemy dies and I still have their corpse selected before I move to the next enemy. Which means I either use the power when it isn't particularly needed, or I don't use it at all. Again, this is not fun.
This is probably a bug that needs fixing, any corpse targetting powers should auto-target. Dark Extraction does, and if you kill a living target it should remain targetted when you hit Unchain Essence.
Other than that I know it is repeated advice, but there is a bind and with effort you should be able to get it working. There is just no way that a bind that works for one cannot work for another unless you accidentally did something wrong, even then we can wipe all your binds and start you from scratch with copy + paste stuff.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Being locked out of the travel powers doesn't make any sense. I really don't know what the thought process was, but as an ignorant player just wanting to make my character the way I envision them, it is really weird. Why can't my warshade fly? Why can't my peacebringer teleport? He can teleport in dwarf form so it's not a genetic limitation. The devs being unable to do the animation can't be the issue because other human-shaped beings can teleport. So why can't I? In reality, I the player don't care what the real reason is, the only thing I care about is that it feels like something was taken away from me.
I actually like the way they did that, though I think I am the only one. The reasoning is probably because PB's have never been able to TP, but when the Nictus underwent the transformations they lost the ability to fly and gained the ability to TP. The forms are racial memories so as long as dwarfs could TP inherantly then they will remember how to do it in that form, same with Nova.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I never went into my Kheldians with the thought that epic meant more powerful. I actually hadn't even heard the term "epic" applied to them when I got access to them and had seen a few in Wentworths but had never teamed with one. And for the record it took me 9 months to get my first level 50 character. I honestly read these boards for two weeks before coming up with my two kheldians stories. I really never expected forms to be as difficult to control and play with as they are. I have put in over 100 hours of played time into my two khelds (combined, not each) at this point and they are both still at the low end of mid-level. This is how hard they are. My warshade is honestly incapable of completing missions solo at -1/x0 with me controlling her. I'm sure that any of you could use her and wonder how I can have trouble. But that's where I am. Combined with the fact that I know exactly two people in-game, and I see them online one day a week for about 3 hours means that my two khelds don't get used much.
I think you are an unfortuante victim of the way the game UI works, it really does not help a newbie Kheldian.
Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Hey, if you're on Freedom, send me a message @AlienOne any day, and I'll get together with you and team. I'll be happy to tell you everything I know about Kheldians or offer build advice. I also have a Ventrilo server, so if that'd make it easier for you to talk live, that's cool too. Just let me know.

I think you'll find that, even though the Kheldian community may have quite a few disagreements and viewpoints on how a Kheld should be played, we're also a pretty helpful part of the CoH community as well, and are more than willing to help you through the difficult mess that is learning Kheldian gameplay.

I am @Princess Darkstar on Union (EU) if you need help, and AlienOne is right, there may be a lot of arguement on the Kheld boards but it is from passion, and there is nobody on here who would ever refuse to help a fellow Kheld.

Last thought: If you haven't been totally put off Khelds and want to give them another try I would seriously suggest making a post about your bind troubles. We can help you sort that, and then we can help you with the rest. Especially on your Warshade in the 30's it is worth it. You are not far from Eclipse, the best power in the game imho

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
There's actually been much discussion lately about the inherents for Kheldians... The devs (I'm sure) are hovering around every once in a while and listening, but that won't ever guarantee that anything will be done.

I can say, however, that quite a bit of the Kheld playerbase agrees with you. Personally, I love the fact that I get extra resists or that it means I have to hit fewer enemies with my Eclipse because I'm on a team, but I totally see where you're coming from.

Personally (and I get slammed for even suggesting things like this), I wish the inherents that benefitted Khelds were for more "useful" things, like (for example) if you teamed with a scrapper, instead of getting more resists, you got a bit of mez protection. That would make both human-formers and tri-formers happier, because they would be able to stay in human or nova form longer during an attack chain (if teamed) without having to bring a tray full of break frees or get stuck in Dwarf form for the entirety of the chain-mezzing enemies you find at lvl 50 content.
Here's the thing. As a hero, shouldn't "team-based" be almost synonymous with "generous"? If Khelds were villains, I'd think the inherent was great, but like you could wish for more useful categories of bonus.

Agreed. But, one problem I have with what you're saying is that you are comparing HEATs with VEATs.

That's a no-no. VEATs, by design, are pretty much near-perfect. They have their own mez protection. They have control. They have "auto" team buffs. They have built-in stealth. They can deal "critical" hits, like scrappers.

So, why compare? All you'll do, if you compare the two, is get miserable. I've got both, and I love them both for different reasons.
Because HEATS are not intended to be "team-based AT's" but they have more team-based features than anyone but Defenders. But by request, here is the exact same argument without using any other class as a comparison:

Why, when I switch to Nova or Dwarf, do I lose access to all of my team-based powers such as grant invisibility, teleport friend, leadership, taunt, etc. from the pools? If this is a team-based AT, shouldn't the team-based powers work at all times? At the absolute minimum, in Dwarf form, because tanking is pretty much a team-based activity.

Here, I have to interject that you're speaking from a low-level Kheld's perspective. They really do (both PB and WS) get MUCH more surviveable (and powerful on the WS end) in the upper-tier level of the game.
Then why do they exist at all below level 30? If you can't make it fun at the start, no one will stick it out to learn. Also, this just screams bad game design. "we'll steal all of your fun for 38 levels, after that you are exactly the same as everyone else". That's not good game design.

Exemped down, yeah... I can see how they would feel like a very, very weak blaster--especially when you factor in the "special" enemies you have in missions.
Actually the damage is so bad outside of nova form that I can't tell the quantums and voids are any harder than anyone else. A quantum minion is about the same as a lieut to me. I burn two full trays of insps and he's dead at the end of it. Sometimes I get lucky and he goes down on one full tray.

This is something I mentioned a while back in a discussion about having several different builds for a Kheldian. I, of course, got slammed for that as well, but in the end, I can honestly say that Kheldians (in my humble opinion) are MEANT from the begiinning to be flexible.
And this is exactly one of my complaints about forms. If I'm supposed to be flexible from teh beginning then give me nova and dwarf at level 1. DO NOT train me as a human then take all the powers away that I just figured out how to use. Train me from day 1 as a shapeshifter. This is what I need, and what I think would really help almost all newbie Khelds. Start us out on the right foot, not on the wrong foot. First impressions are everything.

Understandable. Some people like them, some people don't. It's the way the world works. Should the Devs completely change them around and revamp them, because you or I don't like the "clunkiness?"

No. They've allowed human-form play to be good enough to where if people don't want the forms, they don't *HAVE* to take them. It's a choice. Choose what you want.

You're getting very close to the "awesome" level. Stick it out, and keep researching these forums for a good build that might match up with the playstyle you want.
I disagree here for the prime reason that your point goes against CoH's design philosophy. In any other game I'd back you 100%. But City is about the journey and alts and doing it different ways. Why then are Khelds about "level to max then you'll enjoy it"? Isn't that sort of odd to you? I know it feels odd to me. It is like the Khelds were developed by someone from Everquest or WoW or another game who didn't understand the mindset of "fun all the time" that exists for all other parts of CoH.

If you you don't like using a hundred and one different binds for your Kheldian (I'm the same way), what I do to target a corpse is click my "Dark Extraction" power, which auto-targets the nearest corpse. Presto! You have a corpse targeted without having to click a bind, find a bind, enter a bind, or find a specific button on your keyboard. It's done. If you double-click the power, you'll automatically use that corpse to get an essence, but if you single-clicked it, you'll just target it, and you can then use that corpse for any other power that uses corpses to work, such as Unchain Essence. It's what I do, and it works very well, without the need for a single bind.
You seem to have misunderstood. I have some bug (I assume it is a bug) that prevents them from working. The only bind or macro that works on any of my characters is the "hold shift and left click to teleport" one. But each time I use it I get three purple error messages in my chat window saying I have "unknown power selected". It works anyway. No other binds or macros work. I've sent in petitions but all I get is an email saying "thank you". Been 18 months, I have learned to do without. Makes it rough on my Khelds and Masterminds though. That is a handy trick with Dark Extraction though.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Why, when I switch to Nova or Dwarf, do I lose access to all of my team-based powers such as grant invisibility, teleport friend, leadership, taunt, etc. from the pools? If this is a team-based AT, shouldn't the team-based powers work at all times? At the absolute minimum, in Dwarf form, because tanking is pretty much a team-based activity.
I would say, just from the start, that it's because those are from the Pools. If you are going to the Pools to make your Kheldian a team support character, then maybe Kheldians were not intended to be team support characters.

It took me a while to figure it out, too. Kheldians are not team support, they are damage dealers. They are tank mages, they have range, and defense, but because the devs have been traditionally afraid of that, they only get the full benefit of "tank magery" when on a team. Even as a Dwarf, I am not SUPPORTING the team, I am PROTECTING the team.

Maybe to you that is a problem, but I think it's a strength, not a weakness. Once I figured that out, I didn't really care about some of the concerns that I had, like should I take Glowing Touch when I don't really want to be a healer? No, because I'm NOT a healer.

Now, maybe VEATs are designed better, they are tank mages, AND they have support powers that they can share with the team. But they can't really go to the extremes that a Kheldian can with Dwarf or Nova form. The devs didn't seem to fear tank mages so much when they designed the SoA, but Kheldians are doing more damage now both in and out of forms, and I really think my Nictus will find a place on the red side come Going Rogue.

As for the powers being "locked out", you'll notice you mentioned that Druid forms have "the exact same number of powers" but they're not THE SAME powers, are they? You attack with a bear claw in bear form, and with a bite in cat form, and your staff in human form. The problem is not that you lose some powers and gain others, it is that the INTERFACE is better designed, and it makes it look like some powers just changed into others. But you said yourself, they don't even do the same damage.

The way I have my macros set up, when I switch forms, the same four keys are the exact same four powers in each of my forms. When I am Human or Dwarf, keys 1 and 2 are melee attacks, and key 3 is my PBAoE. Key 4 is Heal. When I am Nova, keys 1 and 2 are my single target blasts, and keys 3 and 4 are my AoEs. I don't use ranged attacks in human form, so that helps. Any other powers I want to use in Human form I have a macro to drop me back to Human and fire them off, if I'm in a form. So no clicking on powers while in forms and pressing keys when Human, the same keys do essentially the same thing when I press them.

Is it inconvenient and an annoyance that the devs expect me to do this with macros instead of giving me a proper UI? Yeah, sure. And I'm really sorry you have problems with macros, but I really don't know what I can do that the game support couldn't do. But I don't look at it as losing powers to gain others, for the most part it is replacing powers with others. I replace melee attacks with blasts, I replace buffs and stealth with defenses or flying, and I replace one method of travelling around the map with another method of travelling around the map.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I find that line of thought interesting, it makes perfect sense yet I never even thought of it in that way for one minute. The actual losing of human powers in forms etc seems perfectly reasonable to me, in fact I found the forms had exactly enough powers.
You never wanted access to a hold or stun or sleep in dwarf or nova form? After earning an accolade power you don't care if you are forbidden from using it? You're ok with paying for a market teleport that you're not allowed to use after you buy it? I'm not ok with these things. It has nothing to do with having access to all the benefits of every form at all times. But I earned my accolades, even the rubbish dayjob ones. Let me use them! I want my Nova to have access to the elusive mind if I just turned the corner and said hello to a fortunata. I have that power in human form, why do I lose it everywhere else?

I think the VEAT's leadership toggles are rubbish, game breaking, overpowered nonsense designed to please people who can't deal with subtlety so my opinion is biased. But I really like the Kheld inherants, they help the Kheld become better and help the team in that way. Just because you don't have a buff doesn't mean you bring nothing to the team.
But it does mean that I don't bring anything someone else doesn't already also bring. To me, as I said in response to Alien, as a hero "team based" should be generous. If Khelds were villains, I'd think the inherent was perfect. As heroes, it seems basackwards.

I know it comes across as 'lrn2play' but both types of Khelds have wonderful tools, they just need using correctly.
And therein lies my problem. On my defenders, the real problem is my builds. On my Khelds, MMs, and Tanks those are all ATs where player skill is as or more important than character build. And that's where I hit a brick wall, because I'm not a good player.

The most important advice I tend to give to a new Kheldian player is to focus on what you want to do and don't let yourself be spread to thinly, that is where the feeling of not being able to do anything comes from. 30 powers 3 slotted is nowhere near as good as 20 powers 5 slotted and 10 powers 1 slotted.
I'm pretty sure that I've done that. I may have selected poor powers, but I have tried to focus my slots. I think taking the "ranged brawl" level 1 power was a bad idea, because nomatter how it slots, it really is just brawl. And on my warshade, orbiting death is probably the most grossly misnamed power in the whole of the game. =) Looks gorgeous, but takes vastly more stamina for half the damage of any other damage aura I can find. Gravitic snare, also not a good idea. Trying to build for ranged damage in general doesn't seem functional. In Nova form, I am ok, need better accuracy and stamina. but I don't handle flying in combat well, I keep getting stuck looking at the ceiling or trapped headed into a wall. If the nova moved as slow as the dwarf I think I'd be ok. It all gets back to the "used correctly" part of your argument. I don't use the tools correctly. After 18 months with fly on all but 3 of my characters, I still can't fly in combat. This really hurts my ability to use nova. Nova needs a hover mode.

The next thing I would say is post up your particular bind problems and there will be someone here who can help you. Binds help a lot, and yes the interface should be much better, but since it isn't I would make every effort to get the binds sorted.
I've sent in petitions. It seems to be a more severe problem than just not liking them. I create a bind or macro, I use it, nothing happens except I get a purple error saying the power was not found. I've copy/pasted straight out of the forums to my chat bar. Someone told me that quote marks get messed up so I retyped it exactly as shown in the guide. I get "power not found" or "unidentified power" (I forget the exact message it's been a while since I tried). And yes I have repaired all my files, reinstalled from scratch, and tried again after a couple of patches. I just live without them.

Again I think this is just an unfortunate way of viewing the forms, though probably generated from the interface needing upgrading for Khelds. Personally when I swap to Nova I don't need any other attacks. Nova is for damage and you have a great attack chain right away, why have a 5th power if 4 are enough?
Because I want to hold someone. Or I want to use a third AoE to finish off the spawn instead of plinking at one of 4 guys while waiting for the other two to recharge. Or I want to be able to use buildup and get more than 1 attack with it before it wears off. Or I want to haste without needing to drop to human, haste, turn back to nova, get back into the air. EVERY DAMN TIME. It gets really annoying. There's a lot more than just the attacks. This is a huge quality of life issue. Especially taking away all my accolade powers and temps. That's just mean spirited.

I can see why you feel you are missing the human powers though, but a flying Nova with Dwarf level resists, 3 AoE's, 2 PBAoE's and a perma-able mag 3 stun would be overpowered. That is without counting the instant access to heals.
Don't want all that at once. But I would like a smooth transition between them and I would like my pool powers available and temps and accolades, etc.

Here is the big problem, I try to use buildup on my Peacebringer. I drop out of nova and fall to the floor. Now, if I had been out of melee range, I'm suddenly in it and getting hit becaues I have no toggles up in squishy form. I mouseover and click buildup. I mouse again to nova and spend 2 or 3 seconds squatting over grunting while getting hit. Wasting half of the buildup time. If I screw up a key click, or mouse onto the wrong enemy or whatnot, I lost my target and I only have enough time to get one attack off. If I gotta get him back, I might not get any. Now I just took 3 or 4 melee hits for nothing. This is not fun. As anyone else, I just hit buildup and shoot. So the solution is to only use buildup before the fight starts. Why do I even bother with the power? It doesn't add enough damage to let me 1-shot anyone. And it certainly makes my opening attack a pain in the rear. It's just not fun. Add in doing this again when I need to haste, and again for heals and HP buffs. And this is just for two-form. It really is not fun, and not easy. I can accomplish a lot more on any other AT with the same powers and no form shifting.

A - You haven't got Nova, which especially at low levels does godly damage. My Warshade can make a Positron run go faster than getting a kin with speed boost can.
B - You have probably tried to slot too many powers and spread the enhancements too thinly.
C - You are low level, the human attacks are very weak and you haven't yet got stamina. Nova normally takes the reliance away from the human attacks and stamina will help the endurance problem, but I didn't find it worse on any of my Khelds than any other toon.
The solution to this issue is to persevere with trying to get binds to work, they can be tricky and do go wrong from time to time but since they work the same for everyone there must be a way we can help you. Then pick up Nova form, slot the attacks in it well and your experience WILL change. Even if you never drop out of Nova till you hit 50 you will just be a blaster without his secondary, and I have played blasters like that before.
Both my warshade and peacebringer have both a human-only and human-nova build. I tried a human-dwarf warshade for a while but respecced out of it because I couldn't figure out how to use the dwarf powers intelligently and because my one and only working bind stopped working (yes I did rename the sunlesss step to dwarf step or whatever the correct name is, but it still didn't work).

Other than that I know it is repeated advice, but there is a bind and with effort you should be able to get it working. There is just no way that a bind that works for one cannot work for another unless you accidentally did something wrong, even then we can wipe all your binds and start you from scratch with copy + paste stuff.
Binds don't work for me. I just get purple error messages.

Last thought: If you haven't been totally put off Khelds and want to give them another try I would seriously suggest making a post about your bind troubles. We can help you sort that, and then we can help you with the rest. Especially on your Warshade in the 30's it is worth it. You are not far from Eclipse, the best power in the game imho
If you know anyone on Virtue late nights (very rarely as I work 90-hours a week so I don't have a lot of time to play), I am the most stubborn person alive. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I was going to post a long winding and annoying post, but I got this hairy eyeball look from my SG.


I just checked on my main and all accolades function in the forms including atlas medalion, Portal jockey , Freedom Phalanx reservist,geas of the kind ones, vanguard medal, eye of the magus and elusive mind.

Squid form needs no hover mode anymore than Siphon Speed and Accelerate metabolism should have a walk mode on it.

The binds are most likely misstyped as even people who have done the binds a hundred or more times in my experience never get them right on the first try.

You have been given alot of good advice by a couple of very experienced posters and i'll just quickly thrown in my opinion.

Kheldians require a very active, very aggressive playstyle to perform well doing what they do. They (if the forms are taken) require split second decisions much like speed chess, of what your willing to sacrifice to get what you need right now.

This is not a design flaw it simply appeals to a different sort of player and not everyone will (or even should) enjoy that sort of experience.

I never cared for the lrn2play philosophy but to an extent it is required to perform well on a Kheldian, and if this isn't your bag that in no way means the AT is flawed broken or in need of adjustments.

Kheldians are not now and should never be, for everyone.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I am not going to bother with reading all 4 pages, I am simply posting my opinion on why I like kheldians.

Kheldians allow me as a player, to be the most versitile member of any team I join. If I'm teamed with tanks and defenders, I glide to nova form and suddenly there's damage on the table. If there are only tanks and blasters, I bust out the Dwarf form. I'll admit they aren't as powerful as the real deals, but they aren't meant to be. They are to be (sorry for the wow reference) Druids in that they can be psudo-tanks and psudo-dps and still have a few other tricks up their sleeve for a rainy day.

That's all I'm going to say for now other then I've seen just about every build at some point be both outstanding or retarded. It depends on the player, their play style and what they know about their abilities.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Squid form needs no hover mode anymore than Siphon Speed and Accelerate metabolism should have a walk mode on it.
Excellent clarification! I need a hover mode for Squid form. the form itself is fine. Maybe a pocket Kin who can hit me with Inertial Dampening, or whichever of those powers slows you down.

You have been given alot of good advice by a couple of very experienced posters and i'll just quickly thrown in my opinion.
Yes and again, you have pointed out something very important:

THANK YOU to everyone for all the responses and advice!

Can't believe I forgot to say that sooner. As demonstrated, I have chosen the quotes in my signature for a very good reason =)

Kheldians require a very active, very aggressive playstyle to perform well doing what they do. They (if the forms are taken) require split second decisions much like speed chess, of what your willing to sacrifice to get what you need right now.

This is not a design flaw it simply appeals to a different sort of player and not everyone will (or even should) enjoy that sort of experience.

I never cared for the lrn2play philosophy but to an extent it is required to perform well on a Kheldian, and if this isn't your bag that in no way means the AT is flawed broken or in need of adjustments.

Kheldians are not now and should never be, for everyone.
I agree 100% with everything you say here. The thread is about why new players gave up on Kheldians or found them hard. Not about what is wrong with them and I tried to answer as directly as possible. I may or may not be one who they are for. I never (I hope) said or implied that I thought anything was borked on Khelds except the mindset that "team-based" = leeching and that the design feel is of things taken away, not of things given or added on. And these are both very subjective issues.

Everything else I tried to be as clear as possible was my personal lack of ability to use the tools available. As I said originally, Khelds're just too hard for me. Makes the play frustrating and not fun. so I have given up on mine. But I'm willing to keep trying, I'm stubborn that way (or is that masochistic? I always get those two confused).

Thank you for the two excellent catches!

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I am glad your interested in continuing trying to get your Kheldian to work.

I know it doesn't sound like it by my post, and I appologize for that. I often forget what the subject of the thread is about in my fervour to get my thoughs out on paper or refute things I have found in the posts I respond to.

On the matter of the binds, I have a friend who I on occassion need to physicaly come to his house to create binds for him. He says alot of the same things you do (the binds are broken, it's bugged, he copies the binds and pastes them in, he retypes them exactly as they appear in text) but binds are tough even for somebody who does them often.

One misskey or missing space and the bind falls apart. It sounds like your one of the people who would be greatly benifited by an improved UI or the use of binds and I sincerely hope we can find a way to get you the binds and information you need to make this exciting AT one you can enjoy.

If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to send a PM or to post in these forums and I'll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I have exactly one bind that almost works. My warshade can teleport if I hold down shift and mouse click. I get three purple error messages about "unknown power name". No other bind or macro I've tried has ever worked.
I want to focus on this statement. Because something is messed up with my binds too. I don't think that GavinRuneblade is having trouble with binds because he is doing something wrong. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong either.

Look at this bind:

/bind tab "target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_enemy_next"

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this bind? I didn't write it. I copied it from Smiling_Joe's stickied thread on Kheldian Binds and Strategies. I pasted it into the this message unaltered.

It doesn't work for me. I recently made a third warshade and tried to make a standard void/quantum/cyst targetting bind. It didn't work. On the assumption I made a mistake, I checked the bind threads on this forum, and copied-and-pasted into my text line in game. Still doesn't work.

I checked an older warshade, with working targeting binds. They still work. Or they did until I tried pasting that line. Now that warshade can't target a void either.

I'm not trying to derail this thread with my bind issues. I'm just pointing out that if you want to help out GavinRuneblade, that you don't assume he made a mistake typing in the binds.

Of course, there might be a problem with Smiling_Joe's bind, and my error is in copying a bad bind. Which is why I posted it.

GavinRuneblade: I have a question for you. Are you using the Mac or PC client? I'm playing on an iMac, and since you are the only other person I've seen post a similar problem to mine, I'm wondering what we have in common. I created my older Kheldians and set their binds using the PC client before I started using a Mac for CoH.



Just for an experiment i redid all my binds on my main (I don't use a targeting bind so cannot speak of that one) and they are ALL working.

In resetting the binds (which I have done dozens of times on several Kheldians) I myself made no less than 3 errors typing it out.

The odds are much better than in hundreds of characters being typed out there is a mistake rather than the binds just stopped working one day for a select few people.

It IS possible there is a technical problem of course, but they worked fine for me.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I wasn't suggesting that binds weren't working for everyone. And I didn't say that binds stopped working for me. I said that new binds weren't working normally, for me. GavinRuneblade said something similar.

I didn't make a typing error, I copied and pasted. I pasted into my previous message, the same text that I pasted into the chat line of the CoH client.

I've no idea why these binds aren't working normally for me. And some binds are working normally for me. My teleport binds are working normally even on new characters.

I offer the speculation that there is something different about my computer/operating system/copy of the CoH client, that is causing my binds to work differently from yours. I further speculate, that GavinRuneblade's PC/OS/client may also work slightly differently causing his binds to not function normally.

I don't care personally. If I can't automate targetting voids/quantums/cysts, I'll simply take responsibilty for paying attention to my enemies, and check before I charge into a group. If I did care, I would dig out my old windows system and do some testing with a different version of the client.

What I want to stress is this: It is a mistake to assume that any problem with binds is always user error. Even if, in your experience, it has always been user error. Certainly user error is a possibility, but there are other possibilities.

Enough of this. How about something constructive?

GavinRuneblade, have you tried creating a macro to do something that doesn't work as a bind? Perhaps you can create form-shifting/tray-swapping macros that work. One nice thing about macros is that you can check them for typos and edit them if there is a typo.



Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
I wasn't suggesting that binds weren't working for everyone. And I didn't say that binds stopped working for me. I said that new binds weren't working normally, for me. GavinRuneblade said something similar.

I didn't make a typing error, I copied and pasted. I pasted into my previous message, the same text that I pasted into the chat line of the CoH client.

I've no idea why these binds aren't working normally for me. And some binds are working normally for me. My teleport binds are working normally even on new characters.

I offer the speculation that there is something different about my computer/operating system/copy of the CoH client, that is causing my binds to work differently from yours. I further speculate, that GavinRuneblade's PC/OS/client may also work slightly differently causing his binds to not function normally.

I don't care personally. If I can't automate targetting voids/quantums/cysts, I'll simply take responsibilty for paying attention to my enemies, and check before I charge into a group. If I did care, I would dig out my old windows system and do some testing with a different version of the client.

What I want to stress is this: It is a mistake to assume that any problem with binds is always user error. Even if, in your experience, it has always been user error. Certainly user error is a possibility, but there are other possibilities.

Enough of this. How about something constructive?

GavinRuneblade, have you tried creating a macro to do something that doesn't work as a bind? Perhaps you can create form-shifting/tray-swapping macros that work. One nice thing about macros is that you can check them for typos and edit them if there is a typo.
Your bind isn't working is because the bozo that originally typed it up in the forums here is an idiot.

Now if you'd like the correct bind, it is:

/bind tab "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst"

It didn't work because the game reads binds right to left, so when it found an enemy, it quit looking for the other things.

Sorry about that. Sometimes I get turned around when typing - thanks for catching it! I'll fix the binds thread accordingly.

Edit - it's me. I'm the idiot. By the way.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Your bind isn't working is because the bozo that originally typed it up in the forums here is an idiot.

Edit - it's me. I'm the idiot. By the way.
99 times out of 100 it "IS" operator error. I'll take them odds to the boards everytime.

And thanks for providing the heads up and taking it on the chin joe.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



So, if I go to the kheldian bind thread and I copy/paste this:

/bind lshift+lclick powexec_name shadow step

Then edit it (because I don't want to lose my one functioning bind) to:

/bind lshift+rclick powexec_name shadow step

When I use it, I get the following pinkish-purple error message:

unknown command: "powexec_name
unknown command: "powexec_name

It always appears twice.

And I don't go anywhere, but the teleport reticle appears and I can then left click to teleport.

Which is about the same thing that happens when I use my current left-click to teleport bind (only difference is on left click I teleport instantly not just call up the reticle). It's many months old and my memory is bad, but I think I did get it from your post originally.

And I am on a Mac but I'm willing to bet that's not the problem.

So, let me know what you think the issue is.

I know it doesn't sound like it by my post, and I apologize for that. I often forget what the subject of the thread is about in my fervor to get my thoughts out on paper or refute things I have found in the posts I respond to.
No worries, been using forums long enough to know that after a thread is two pages long it is best to assume no one, even the OP remembers the original topic.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
So, if I go to the kheldian bind thread and I copy/paste this:

/bind lshift+lclick powexec_name shadow step

Then edit it (because I don't want to lose my one functioning bind) to:

/bind lshift+rclick powexec_name shadow step

When I use it, I get the following pinkish-purple error message:

unknown command: "powexec_name
unknown command: "powexec_name

It always appears twice.

And I don't go anywhere, but the teleport reticle appears and I can then left click to teleport.
I have no idea why someone would put "lshift+rclick" just to activate the reticle, when you could just bind "lshift" to do it, and then do the clicking yourself.

Seems like a backwards way of thinking of things...

If you wanted to use the left shift key, enter:

/bind lshift "powexec_name Shadow Step"

I also noticed you didn't include the quotation marks on the bind you posted. You need to include them (at least in my experience) in order for them to work without giving you some sort of error message.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Smiling_Joe: Thanks for the update, I'll give it a try. My older binds were probably copied out of another thread.

Obsidian_Force2: I'm sorry for my attitude. After I posted, I realize was projecting onto you and others, a personal pet peeve that I have with tech support guys who always assume every computer problem is user error. I end up doing a lot of their work, because people become intimidated by that attitude, and would rather have me solve their problems. You were being helpful.



No problem at all afterimage, I'm just glad it got resolved.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



So, if I go to the kheldian bind thread and I copy/paste this:

/bind lshift+lclick powexec_name shadow step

Then edit it (because I don't want to lose my one functioning bind) to:

/bind lshift+rclick powexec_name shadow step

When I use it, I get the following pinkish-purple error message:

unknown command: "powexec_name
unknown command: "powexec_name

It always appears twice.
I had problems with that type of bind as well. What I found to ultimately remove errors was changing it to this:

/bind shift+lbutton "powexecname Shadow Step"

Notice it's lbutton instead of lclick.
For some reason lclick and all other types gave me errors randomly, and anytime you bind something like this to the right click, it will just bring up the reticle like you said. So now I use lbutton, rbutton (still brings up a reticle if used with a teleport or placement type power), and mbutton for mouse wheel.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
I had problems with that type of bind as well. What I found to ultimately remove errors was changing it to this:

/bind shift+lbutton "powexecname Shadow Step"

Notice it's lbutton instead of lclick.
For some reason lclick and all other types gave me errors randomly, and anytime you bind something like this to the right click, it will just bring up the reticle like you said. So now I use lbutton, rbutton (still brings up a reticle if used with a teleport or placement type power), and mbutton for mouse wheel.
Dude. Sweet.

Updating the binds post with this info - thanks, Microcosm!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Notice it's lbutton instead of lclick.
For some reason lclick and all other types gave me errors randomly, and anytime you bind something like this to the right click, it will just bring up the reticle like you said. So now I use lbutton, rbutton (still brings up a reticle if used with a teleport or placement type power), and mbutton for mouse wheel.
I mentioned I used right just because the left was working and I didn't want it to stop working if something went wrong.

But the button vs click is worth testing.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



If you've tried entering a zillion different keybinds over the past few years/months, and several of them aren't working, or you're worried that entering another keybind will make something else not work, you might want to go to your "options" and click on the "keymapping" tab, then click on "reset all keybinds" to put everything back to default before you try entering more binds.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Back to the original topic, what I find frustrating about Khelds, besides the weird keybind issues, is that their inherent powers stink. Not only do they leech from teammates, but the type of bonus they get is AT-specific, which seems to go counter to the current "no AT required" philosophy of CoX.

I'll be interested in what BillZ finds out about altering the inherent, but my suggestion would be to make it ignore AT and instead be ally-based, with buff values adjusted accordingly. That way, the inherents could function like Invincibility or Rise to the Challenge - first ally in range grants the largest benefit, with lesser benefits from other allies.

With regards to PBs, my opinion is that they got hand-me-down powers for the most part. They seem most like a Radiation Blast/Energy Manipulation blaster. Warshades at least got some unique abilities. To those that enjoy Khelds, more power to you.



Quick question GavinRuneblade; have you tried using a bind file rather than just pasting binds into the game?

If you use a bind file then worst comes to worst we can email you a file that someone knows works and see what happens when you load that up. I think a lot of us here work in IT and are so jaded by 'user error' that we refuse to believe anyone has real problems sometimes

Personally I also hate any IT faults and am determined to make them work for you!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
So I ask, what causes those of you who have deleted Kheldians to do so?
Found them no more or less effective than other ATs that don't have the above two. I know, this is where you tell me how little I know or appreciate them. Fine. After 28 (PB) and 22(WS) levels, I had enough of the drawbacks.

It's also true that I've left and formed new teams when a Kheld gets on the team. I'd rather restart a team than deal with the distractions brought on by WS and PB.